Sharrouf Kinda, Schlosser Christine, Mildenberger Sandra, Fluhrer Regina, Hoeppner Sabine.
In vitro cleavage of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) by Signal-Peptide-Peptidase-like 2b (SPPL2b) resembles mechanistic principles observed in the cellular context.
Chemico-Biological Interactions 2024;395:111006.
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Maccioni Riccardo, Travisan Caterina, Badman Jack, Zerial Stefania, Wagener Annika, Andrade-Talavera Yuniesky, Picciau Federico, Grassi Caterina, Chen Gefei, Lemoine Laetitia, Fisahn André, Jiang Richeng, Fluhrer Regina, Mentrup Torben, Schröder Bernd, Nilsson Per, Tambaro Simone.
Signal peptide peptidase-like 2b modulates the amyloidogenic pathway and exhibits an Aβ-dependent expression in Alzheimer's disease.
Progress in Neurobiology 2024;235:102585.
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Mentrup Torben, Leinung Nadja, Patel Mehul, Fluhrer Regina, Schröder Bernd.
The role of SPP/SPPL intramembrane proteases in membrane protein homeostasis.
The FEBS Journal 2024;291(1):25-44.
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Smit P., Buehring-Uhle C., Nather C., Negraschus A., Goldmann U., Papadopoulou Alkmini A., Riviere J., Morath V., Henkel E., Bromberger T., Goetze K., Heinz L., Fluhrer Regina, Moser M., Superti-Furga G., Bassermann F., Eichner R..
Inhibiting MGAT1-mediated N-glycosylation reduces proliferation and adhesion of AML cells and increases affinities of anti-SLC3A2 directed immunotherapies [Abstract].
Oncology Research and Treatment 2023;46(Suppl. 5):191.
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Hoeppner Sabine, Schröder Bernd, Fluhrer Regina.
Structure and function of SPP/SPPL proteases: insights from biochemical evidence and predictive modeling.
The FEBS Journal 2023;290(23):5456-5474.
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Heard Amanda, Landmann Jack H., Hansen Ava R., Papadopolou Alkmini, Hsu Yu-Sung, Selli Mehmet Emrah, Warrington John M., Lattin John, Chang Jufang, Ha Helen, Haug-Kröper Martina, Doray Balraj, Gill Saar, Ruella Marco, Hayer Katharina E., Weitzman Matthew D., Green Abby M., Fluhrer Regina, Singh Nathan.
Antigen glycosylation regulates efficacy of CAR T cells targeting CD19.
Nature Communications 2022;13(1):3367.
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Papadopoulou Alkmini A., Stelzer Walter, Silber Mara, Schlosser Christine, Spitz Charlotte, Haug-Kröper Martina, Straub Tobias, Müller Stephan A., Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Muhle-Goll Claudia, Langosch Dieter, Fluhrer Regina.
Helical stability of the GnTV transmembrane domain impacts on SPPL3 dependent cleavage.
Scientific Reports 2022;12(1):20987.
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Mentrup Torben, Stumpff-Niggemann Anna Yamina, Leinung Nadja, Schlosser Christine, Schubert Katja, Wehner Rebekka, Tunger Antje, Schatz Valentin, Neubert Patrick, Gradtke Ann-Christine, Wolf Janina, Rose-John Stefan, Saftig Paul, Dalpke Alexander, Jantsch Jonathan, Schmitz Marc, Fluhrer Regina, Jacobsen Ilse D., Schröder Bernd.
Phagosomal signalling of the C-type lectin receptor Dectin-1 is terminated by intramembrane proteolysis.
Nature Communications 2022;13(1):1880.
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Bühring-Uhle C., Smit P., Negraschus A., Morath V., Goldmann U., Papadopoulou Alkmini A., Heider M., Riviere J., Götze K., Heinz L., Fluhrer Regina, Moser M., Superti-Furga G., Bassermann F., Eichner R..
SPPL3 and its substrate glycosyltransferases regulate the N-glycosylation of SLC3A2 and alter the affinities of anti-SLC3A2 immunotherapies in AML [Abstract].
Oncology Research and Treatment 2022;45(Supplement 2):95.
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Spitz Charlotte, Schlosser Christine, Guschtschin-Schmidt Nadja, Stelzer Walter, Menig Simon, Götz Alexander, Haug-Kröper Martina, Scharnagl Christina, Langosch Dieter, Muhle-Goll Claudia, Fluhrer Regina.
Non-canonical shedding of TNFα by SPPL2a is determined by the conformational flexibility of its transmembrane helix.
iScience 2020;23(12):101775.
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Mentrup Torben, Cabrera-Cabrera Florencia, Fluhrer Regina, Schröder Bernd.
Physiological functions of SPP/SPPL intramembrane proteases.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2020;77(15):2959-2979.
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Papadopoulou Alkmini A., Fluhrer Regina.
Signalling functions of intramembrane aspartyl-proteases.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2020;7:591787.
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Brugger Manuel S., Baumgartner Kathrin, Mauritz Sophie C. F., Gerlach Stefan C., Röder Florian, Schlosser Christine, Fluhrer Regina, Wixforth Achim, Westerhausen Christoph.
Vibration enhanced cell growth induced by surface acoustic waves as in vitro wound healing model.
PNAS 2020;117(50):31603-31613.
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Mentrup Torben, Theodorou Kosta, Cabrera-Cabrera Florencia, Helbig Andreas O., Happ Kathrin, Gijbels Marion, Gradtke Ann-Christine, Rabe Björn, Fukumori Akio, Steiner Harald, Tholey Andreas, Fluhrer Regina, Donners Marjo, Schröder Bernd.
Atherogenic LOX-1 signaling is controlled by SPPL2-mediated intramembrane proteolysis.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 2019;216(4):807-830.
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Fluhrer Regina, Hampe Wolfgang, editors.
Biochemie hoch 2 und Molekularbiologie.
München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier; 2019.
BibTeX | RIS
Fluhrer Regina.
Intramembrane proteases in neurodegenerative diseases.
Open Access Government 2019;(23 (July 2019)):162-164.
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Fluhrer Regina.
Intramembrane proteases in the immune system.
Open Access Government 2019;(22 (April 2019)):72-73.
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Papadopoulou Alkmini A., Müller Stephan A, Mentrup Torben, Shmueli Merav D, Niemeyer Johannes, Haug‐Kröper Martina, von Blume Julia, Mayerhofer Artur, Feederle Regina, Schröder Bernd, Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Fluhrer Regina.
Signal peptide peptidase‐like 2c (SPPL2c) impairs vesicular transport and cleavage of SNARE proteins.
EMBO reports 2019;20(3):e46451.
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Niemeyer Johannes, Mentrup Torben, Heidasch Ronny, Müller Stephan A, Biswas Uddipta, Meyer Rieke, Papadopoulou Alkmini A., Dederer Verena, Haug‐Kröper Martina, Adamski Vivian, Lüllmann-Rauch Renate, Bergmann Martin, Mayerhofer Artur, Saftig Paul, Wennemuth Gunther, Jessberger Rolf, Fluhrer Regina, Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Lemberg Marius K, Schröder Bernd.
The intramembrane protease SPPL2c promotes male germ cell development by cleaving phospholamban.
EMBO Reports 2019;20(3):e46449.
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Fluhrer Regina, Schröder Bernd.
What is the role of the intramembrane proteases in cancer?.
Open Access Government 2019;(23 (October 2019)):184-185.
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Fluhrer Regina.
A unique family of intramembrane proteases.
Scientia 2018;(July 4, 2018).
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Fluhrer Regina.
Health report: the challenge of cleaving proteins in the membrane.
Open Access Government 2018;(20 (October 2018)):38-39.
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Fluhrer Regina.
Intramembrane proteases - regulators of cellular pathways.
Open Access Government News 2018;(November 21, 2018).
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Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Lemberg Marius K., Fluhrer Regina.
Proteolytic ectodomain shedding of membrane proteins in mammals - hardware, concepts, and recent developments.
EMBO Journal 2018;37(15):e99456.
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Jules Felix, Sauvageau Etienne, Dumaresq-Doiron Karine, Mazzaferri Javier, Haug-Kröper Martina, Fluhrer Regina, Costantino Santiago, Lefrancois Stephane.
CLN5 is cleaved by members of the SPP/SPPL family to produce a mature soluble protein.
Experimental Cell Research 2017;357(1):40-50.
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Mentrup Torben, Fluhrer Regina, Schröder Bernd.
Latest emerging functions of SPP/SPPL intramembrane proteases.
European Journal of Cell Biology 2017;96(5):372-382.
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Mentrup Torben, Loock Ann-Christine, Fluhrer Regina, Schröder Bernd.
Signal peptide peptidase and SPP-like proteases: possible therapeutic targets?.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Molecular Cell Research 2017;1864(11):2169-2182.
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Hüttl Susann, Helfrich F., Mentrup Torben, Held S., Fukumori Akio, Steiner Harald, Saftig Paul, Fluhrer Regina, Schroder B..
Substrate determinants of signal peptide peptidase-like 2a (SPPL2a)-mediated intramembrane proteolysis of the invariant chain CD74.
Biochemical Journal 2016;473(10):1405-1422.
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Mentrup Torben, Häsler Robert, Fluhrer Regina, Saftig Paul, Schröder Bernd.
A cell-based assay reveals nuclear translocation of intracellular domains released by SPPL proteases.
Traffic: the international journal of intracellular transport 2015;16(8):871-892.
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Kamp Frits, Winkler Edith, Trambauer Johannes, Ebke Amelie, Fluhrer Regina, Steiner Harald.
Intramembrane proteolysis of β-amyloid precursor protein by γ-secretase is an unusually slow process.
Biophysical Journal 2015;108(5):1229-1237.
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Fleck Daniel, Voss Matthias, Brankatschk Ben, Giudici Camilla, Hampel Heike, Schwenk Benjamin, Edbauer Dieter, Fukumori Akio, Steiner Harald, Kremmer Elisabeth, Haug-Kröper Martina, Rossner Moritz J., Fluhrer Regina, Willem Michael, Haass Christian.
Proteolytic processing of neuregulin 1 type III by three intramembrane-cleaving proteases.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015;291(1):318-333.
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Kuhn Peer-Hendrik, Voss Matthias, Haug-Kröper Martina, Schröder Bernd, Schepers Ute, Bräse Stefan, Haass Christian, Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Fluhrer Regina.
Secretome analysis identifies novel signal peptide peptidase-like 3 (Sppl3) substrates and reveals a role of Sppl3 in multiple Golgi glycosylation pathways.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2015;14(6):1584-1598.
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Fluhrer Regina.
Intramembrane cleaving proteases (I-CLiPs) as guardians of shuttling proteins.
Cell Cycle 2014;13(5):695-695.
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Voss Matthias, Künzel Ulrike, Higel Fabian, Kuhn Peer‐Hendrik, Colombo Alessio, Fukumori Akio, Haug‐Kröper Martina, Klier Bärbel, Grammer Gudula, Seidl Andreas, Schröder Bernd, Obst Reinhard, Steiner Harald, Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Haass Christian, Fluhrer Regina.
Shedding of glycan‐modifying enzymes by signal peptide peptidase‐like 3 (SPPL3) regulates cellular N‐glycosylation.
EMBO Journal 2014;33(24):2890-2905.
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Schneppenheim Janna, Hüttl Susann, Kruchen Anne, Fluhrer Regina, Müller Ingo, Saftig Paul, Schneppenheim Reinhard, Martin Christa L., Schröder Bernd.
Signal-peptide-peptidase-like 2a is required for CD74 intramembrane proteolysis in human B cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2014;451(1):48-53.
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Schneppenheim Janna, Hüttl Susann, Mentrup Torben, Lüllmann-Rauch Renate, Rothaug M., Engelke Michael, Dittmann Kai, Dressel Ralf, Araki M., Araki K., Wienands Jürgen, Fluhrer Regina, Saftig Paul, Schroder B..
The intramembrane proteases signal peptide peptidase-like 2a and 2b have distinct functions in vivo.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 2014;34(8):1398-1411.
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Voss Matthias, Schröder Bernd, Fluhrer Regina.
Mechanism, specificity, and physiology of signal peptide peptidase (SPP) and SPP-like proteases.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Biomembranes 2013;1828(12):2828-2839.
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Poggi Marjorie, Kara Imène, Brunel Jean-Michel, Landrier Jean-François, Govers Roland, Bonardo Bernadette, Fluhrer Regina, Haass Christian, Alessi Marie-Christine, Peiretti Franck.
Palmitoylation of TNF alpha is involved in the regulation of TNF receptor 1 signalling.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Molecular Cell Research 2013;1833(3):602-612.
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Bronckers Antonius LJJ, Gueneli Nur, Lüllmann-Rauch Renate, Schneppenheim Janna, Moraru Andreea P, Himmerkus Nina, Bervoets Theodore J, Fluhrer Regina, Everts Vincent, Saftig Paul, Schröder Bernd.
The intramembrane protease SPPL2A is critical for tooth enamel formation.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2013;28(7):1622-1630.
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Zahn Claudia, Kaup Matthias, Fluhrer Regina, Fuchs Hendrik.
The transferrin receptor-1 membrane stub undergoes intramembrane proteolysis by signal peptide peptidase-like 2b.
FEBS Journal 2013;280(7):1653-1663.
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Voss Matthias, Fukumori Akio, Kuhn Peer-Hendrik, Künzel Ulrike, Klier Bärbel, Grammer Gudula, Haug-Kröper Martina, Kremmer Elisabeth, Lichtenthaler Stefan F., Steiner Harald, Schröder Bernd, Haass Christian, Fluhrer Regina.
Foamy virus envelope protein is a substrate for signal peptide peptidase-like 3 (SPPL3).
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012;287(52):43401-43409.
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Schneppenheim Janna, Dressel Ralf, Hüttl Susann, Lüllmann-Rauch Renate, Engelke Michael, Dittmann Kai, Wienands Jürgen, Eskelinen Eeva-Liisa, Hermans-Borgmeyer Irm, Fluhrer Regina, Saftig Paul, Schröder Bernd.
The intramembrane protease SPPL2a promotes B cell development and controls endosomal traffic by cleavage of the invariant chain.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 2012;210(1):41-58.
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Fluhrer Regina, Kamp Frits, Grammer Gudula, Nuscher Brigitte, Steiner Harald, Beyer Klaus, Haass Christian.
The nicastrin ectodomain adopts a highly thermostable structure.
Biological Chemistry 2011;392(11):995-1001.
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Fluhrer Regina, Martin Lucas, Klier Bärbel, Haug-Kröper Martina, Grammer Gudula, Nuscher Brigitte, Haass Christian.
The α-helical content of the transmembrane domain of the British dementia protein-2 (Bri2) determines its processing by signal peptide peptidase-like 2b (SPPL2b).
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011;287(7):5156-5163.
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Fukumori Akio, Fluhrer Regina, Steiner Harald, Haass Christian.
Three-amino acid spacing of presenilin endoproteolysis suggests a general stepwise cleavage of gamma-secretase-mediated intramembrane proteolysis.
Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(23):7853-7862.
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Fluhrer Regina, Steiner Harald, Haass Christian.
Intramembrane proteolysis by signal peptide peptidases: a comparative discussion of GXGD-type aspartyl proteases.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009;284(21):13975-13979.
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Fluhrer Regina, Haass Christian.
Intramembrane proteolysis by γ-secretase and signal peptide peptidases.
In: Intracellular traffic and neurodegenerative disorders. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer; 2009. p. 11-26.
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Martin Lucas, Fluhrer Regina, Haass Christian.
Substrate requirements for SPPL2b-dependent regulated intramembrane proteolysis.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009;284(9):5662-5670.
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Steiner Harald, Fluhrer Regina, Haass Christian.
Intramembrane proteolysis by γ-secretase.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008;283(44):29627-29631.
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Fluhrer Regina, Fukumori Akio, Martin Lucas, Grammer Gudula, Haug-Kröper Martina, Klier Bärbel, Winkler Edith, Kremmer Elisabeth, Condron Margaret M., Teplow David B., Steiner Harald, Haass Christian.
Intramembrane proteolysis of GXGD-type aspartyl proteases is slowed by a familial Alzheimer disease-like mutation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008;283(44):30121-30128.
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Prager Kai, Wang-Eckhardt Lihua, Fluhrer Regina, Killick Richard, Barth Esther, Hampel Heike, Haass Christian, Walter Jochen.
A structural switch of presenilin 1 by glycogen synthase kinase 3beta-mediated phosphorylation regulates the interaction with beta-catenin and its nuclear signaling.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007;282(19):14083-14093.
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Martin Lucas, Fluhrer Regina, Reiss Karina, Kremmer Elisabeth, Saftig Paul, Haass Christian.
Regulated intramembrane proteolysis of Bri2 (Itm2b) by ADAM10 and SPPL2a/SPPL2b.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007;283(3):1644-1652.
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Fluhrer Regina, Haass Christian.
Signal peptide peptidases and gamma-secretase: cousins of the same protease family?.
Neurodegenerative Diseases 2007;4(2-3):112-116.
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Fluhrer Regina, Grammer Gudula, Israel Lars, Condron Margaret M., Haffner Christof, Friedmann Elena, Böhland Claudia, Imhof Axel, Martoglio Bruno, Teplow David B., Haass Christian.
A γ-secretase-like intramembrane cleavage of TNFα by the GxGD aspartyl protease SPPL2b.
Nature Cell Biology 2006;8(8):894-896.
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Krawitz Peter, Haffner Christof, Fluhrer Regina, Steiner Harald, Schmid Bettina, Haass Christian.
Differential localization and identification of a critical aspartate suggest non-redundant proteolytic functions of the presenilin homologues SPPL2b and SPPL3.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2005;280(47):39515-39523.
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Fluhrer Regina, Multhaup Gerd, Schlicksupp Andrea, Okochi Masayasu, Takeda Masatoshi, Lammich Sven, Willem Michael, Westmeyer Gil, Bode Wolfram, Walter Jochen, Haass Christian.
Identification of a beta-secretase activity, which truncates amyloid beta-peptide after its presenilin-dependent generation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003;278(8):5531-5538.
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Fluhrer Regina, Friedlein Arno, Haass Christian, Walter Jochen.
Phosphorylation of presenilin 1 at the caspase recognition site regulates its proteolytic processing and the progression of apoptosis.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003;279(3):1585-1593.
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Fluhrer Regina.
Zwei neuartige Aspartylproteasen BACE-1 und BACE-2: Charakterisierung und Vergleich der katalytischen Spezifitäten bei der Proteolyse des Alzheimer-β-Amyloid-Vorläufer-Proteins.
München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; 2003.
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München, Univ., Diss., 2003
Fluhrer Regina, Capell Anja, Westmeyer Gil, Willem Michael, Hartung Bianka, Condron Margaret M., Teplow David B., Haass Christian, Walter Jochen.
A non-amyloidogenic function of BACE-2 in the secretory pathway.
Journal of Neurochemistry 2002;81(5):1011-1020.
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Capell Anja, Meyn Liane, Fluhrer Regina, Teplow David B., Walter Jochen, Haass Christian.
Apical sorting of beta-secretase limits amyloid beta-peptide production.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002;277(7):5637-5643.
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Walter Jochen, Fluhrer Regina, Hartung Bianka, Willem Michael, Kaether Christoph, Capell Anja, Lammich Sven, Multhaup Gerd, Haass Christian.
Phosphorylation regulates intracellular trafficking of beta-secretase.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001;276(18):14634-14641.
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