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Prof. Dr. Julia Welzel leitet seit 2004 die Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie am Universitätsklinikum Augsburg mit einem Hauttumor- und einem Allergiezentrum. Sie ist Generalsekretärin der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft und damit berufs- und fachpolitisch engagiert. Sie hat umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Planung und Durchführung von klinischen Studien und hat umfangreiche Drittmittel für Forschungsprojekte (u.a. DFG WE 2117/4-1 zu "Optische Kohärenztomographie der Haut", EU ADVANCE Grant No.: 621015 zu "Automatic Detection of VAscular Networks for Cancer Evaluation") einwerben können. Sie arbeitet an der Erstellung von Leitlinien zur Diagnostik und Therapie von Hautkrankheiten mit. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die nichtinvasive Diagnostik in der Dermatologie. An der Hautklinik ist seit vielen Jahren ein Studienzentrum etabliert, in dem zahlreiche Studien nach dem AMG, aber auch diagnostische Studien durchgeführt werden.
Publikationen Prof. Dr. Julia Welzel
Professur für Experimentelle Allergologie
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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Verena Raker studierte Biologie, Immunologie, Zoologie und Anthropologie an der Universität Mainz, wo sie 2012 in der klinischen Forschergruppe Allergologie promoviert wurde und sich 2020 in der Immunologie habilitierte. Es folgten berufliche Stationen in der Experimentellen Dermatoimmunologie Mainz und am Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA. Von 2017 bis 2020 war Raker Virchow-Stipendiatin des Centrums für Thrombose und Hämostase Mainz und gründete 2019 eine Arbeitsgruppe in der Hautklinik und Forschungszentrum für Immuntherapie Mainz. Ab 2021 war sie Gruppenleiterin in der Klinik für Hautkrankheiten des Universitätsklinikums Münster. Seit dem 1. März 2025 ist sie W2-Professorin für Experimentelle Allergologie und Immunologische Intoleranz an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Augsburg. Sie erhielt unter anderem den ADC/ECARF Award für Europäische Allergieforschung.
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2025 |
Thamm Janis Raphael, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
AI‐based and LC‐OCT‐guided follow‐up of actinic keratoses under treatment with tirbanibulin 1% [Letter].
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mozaffari Marco, Fünfer Kristina, Bader Stefanie, Thölken Karisa Farias Miksza, Yilmaz Pelinsu, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Drei auf einen Streich – ein Plattenepithelkarzinom auf einem Lupus pernio und einer Erfrierung in nur einer Gesichtshälfte – ein Fallbericht.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Kött Julian, Zell Tim, Zimmermann Noah, Rünger Alessandra, Smit Daniel J., Abeck Finn, Geidel Glenn, Hansen-Abeck Inga, Heidrich Isabel, Weichenthal Michael, Ugurel Selma, Leiter Ulrike, Berking Carola, Gutzmer Ralf, Schadendorf Dirk, Zimmer Lisa, Livingstone Elisabeth, Wasielewski Imke von, Mohr Peter, Meier Friedegund, Haferkamp Sebastian, Drexler Konstantin, Herbst Rudolf, Kellner Ivonne, Utikal Jochen, Wohlfeil Sebastian A., Pföhler Claudia, Adam Leonie, Terheyden Patrick, Ulrich Jens, Meiss Frank, Möbes Monica, Welzel Julia, Schilling Bastian, Ziller Fabian, Kaatz Martin, Kreuter Alexander, Sindrilaru Anca, Dippel Edgar, Sachse Michael, Weishaupt Carsten, Hüning Svea, Heinzerling Lucie, Loquai Carmen, Schley Gaston, Gambichler Thilo, Löffler Harald, Grabbe Stephan, Schultz Erwin, Devereux Nina, Hassel Jesscia C., Simon Jan-Ch., Raap Ulrike, Assaf Chalid, Klemke Claus-Detlev, Sunderkötter Cord, Hofmann Silke C., Wenk Saskia, Tronnier Michael, Thies Silke, Heppt Markus V., Eggermont Alexander, Schulze Hans-Joachim, Zouboulis Christos C., Tüting Thomas, Bauer Alexander T., Schneider Stefan W., Gebhardt Christoffer.
Improved survival of advanced melanoma patients receiving immunotherapy with concomitant antithrombotic therapy – a multicenter study on 2419 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOReg.
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Nutz Marie‐Christine, Deußing Maximilian, Hartmann Daniela, Lange Silvan, Senner Sonja, Eyssele Tamara, Schuh Sandra, French Lars E., Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke C..
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography in lichen planopilaris and frontal fibrosing alopecia: a pilot study.
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Tizek Lu., Tizek Li., Schneider S., Wecker H., Welzel Julia, Biedermann T., Zink A..
Navigating through the healthcare system with atopic dermatitis: analysing patient journeys in Germany.
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2024 |
Krefting Frederik, Welzel Julia, Thamm Janis, Thölken Karisa, Wohlrab Johannes, Müller Valentina Laura, Kreuter Alexander, Rueff Franziska, Sticherling Michael, Hölsken Stefanie, Placke Jan-Malte, Sondermann Wiebke.
Analysis of the German compassionate use program on spesolimab in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis: evidence outside of clinical trials.
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Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
Autoimmunerkrankungen und Allergien - Einfluss der Nahrung.
BibTeX | RIS |
Matull Johanna, Placke Jan-Malte, Lodde Georg, Zaremba Anne, Utikal Jochen, Terheyden Patrick, Pföhler Claudia, Herbst Rudolf, Kreuter Alexander, Welzel Julia, Kretz Julia, Möller Inga, Sucker Antje, Paschen Annette, Livingstone Elisabeth, Zimmer Lisa, Hadaschik Eva, Ugurel Selma, Schadendorf Dirk, Thielmann Carl Maximilian, Griewank Klaus Georg.
Clinical and genetic characteristics of BAP1-mutated non-uveal and uveal melanoma.
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Siebdrath Julian, Winkler Deborah, Welzel Julia.
Dermatologische Erkrankungsbilder.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Siebdrath Julian, Winkler Deborah, Welzel Julia.
Dermatologische Vorsorge.
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Thamm Janis Raphael, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Diagnose und Therapie aktinischer Keratosen.
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Thamm Janis Raphael, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Diagnosis and therapy of actinic keratosis.
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Lehner Gabriele Maria, Gockeln Laura, Naber Bettina Marie, Thamm Janis Raphael, Schuh Sandra, Duttler Gabriel, Rottenkolber Anna, Hartmann Dennis, Kramer Frank, Welzel Julia.
Differences in the annotation between facial images and videos for training an artificial intelligence for skin type determination.
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Vélez González Jennifer Jahel, Berger Maximilian, Schiele Stefan, Rubeck Anna, Müller Gernot, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Dynamic optical coherence tomography of chronic venous ulcers.
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Kochanek Corinna, Gilde Catharina, Zimmer Lisa, Ugurel Selma, Meier Friedegund, Utikal Jochen, Pföhler Claudia, Herbst Rudolf, Haferkamp Sebastian, Welzel Julia, Dücker Pia, Leiter Ulrike, Weichenthal Michael, von Wasielewski Imke, Angela Yenny, Gutzmer Ralf.
Effects of an immunosuppressive therapy on the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition in metastatic melanoma – an analysis of the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG.
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Thamm Janis Raphael, Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
Epidemiology and risk factors of actinic keratosis. What is new for the management for sun-damaged skin.
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Winkler Deborah, Desch Anna, Mireles Martha Paola, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography and optical coherence tomography for distinguishing basal cell carcinoma from dermal nevus: a case report.
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Eijkenboom Quirine Louise, Daxenberger Fabia, Gust Charlotte, Hartmann Daniela, Guertler Anne, Steckmeier Stephanie, Deussing Maximilian, French Lars Einar, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra, Sattler Elke Christina.
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography, a novel non‐invasive tool for the diagnosis of onychomycosis.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Deutsche Version unter 10.1111/ddg.15310_g |
Nutz Marie‐Christine, Deußing Maximilian, Hartmann Daniela, Daxenberger Fabia, Eijkenboom Quirine Louise, Gust Charlotte, French Lars E., Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke C..
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography: characteristic hints for the diagnosis of scarring alopecia due to lupus erythematodes: a preliminary study.
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Fünfer Kristina, Mozaffari Marco, Mayer Oliver, Schlingmann Sophia, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
One-stop shop: diagnosis and treatment of basal cell carcinoma in one step.
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Lang Berenice M., Balermpas Panagiotis, Bauer Andrea, Blum Andreas, Dirschka Thomas, Follmann Markus, Frank Jorge, Frerich Bernhard, Fritz Klaus, Hauschild Axel, Heindl Ludwig M., Howaldt Hans‐Peter, Ihrler Stephan, Kakkassery Vinodh, Klumpp Bernhard, Krause‐Bergmann Albrecht, Löser Christoph, Meissner Markus, Sachse Michael M., Schlaak Max, Schön Michael P., Tischendorf Lutz, Tronnier Michael, Vordermark Dirk, Welzel Julia, Weichenthal Michael, Wiegand Susanne, Kaufmann Roland, Grabbe Stephan.
S2k guideline basal cell carcinoma of the skin (update 2023).
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Deußing Maximilian, Eijkenboom Quirine Louise, Thamm Janis, Desch Anna, Fünfer Kristina, Mozaffari Marco, Wirsching Hanna, Mayer Oliver, Schlingmann Sophia, French Lars Einar, Hartmann Daniela, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra, Sattler Elke Christina.
Unveiling the hidden boundaries: AI‐assisted line‐field optical coherence tomography margin mapping for precise excision of basal cell carcinoma – a step‐by‐step tutorial [Letter].
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2023 |
Placke J.-M., Kimmig M., Griewank K., Hadaschik E., Herbst R., Terheyden P., Utikal J., Pfoehler C., Ulrich J., Kreuter A., Mohr P., Gutzmer R., Meier F., Dippel E., Welzel Julia, Becker J. C., Weichenthal M., Tasdogan A., Schadendorf D., Ugurel-Becker S..
1168P Tumor PD-L1 predicts the outcome of PD-1-based immunotherapy in metastatic melanoma depending on the type of tissue examined [Abstract].
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Thamm Janis R., Daxenberger Fabia, Viel Théo, Gust Charlotte, Eijkenboom Quirine, French Lars E., Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke C., Schuh Sandra.
Artificial intelligence‐based PRO score assessment in actinic keratoses from LC‐OCT imaging using Convolutional Neural Networks.
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Franklin Cindy, Mohr Peter, Bluhm Leonie, Meier Friedegund, Garzarolli Marlene, Weichenthal Michael, Kähler Katharina, Grimmelmann Imke, Gutzmer Ralf, Utikal Jochen, Terheyden Patrick, Herbst Rudolf, Haferkamp Sebastian, Pfoehler Claudia, Forschner Andrea, Leiter Ulrike, Ziller Fabian, Meiss Frank, Ulrich Jens, Kreuter Alexander, Gebhardt Christoffer, Welzel Julia, Schilling Bastian, Kaatz Martin, Scharfetter-Kochanek Karin, Dippel Edgar, Nashan Dorothee, Sachse Michael, Weishaupt Carsten, Löffler Harald, Gambichler Thilo, Loquai Carmen, Heinzerling Lucie, Grabbe Stephan, Debus Dirk, Schley Gaston, Hassel Jessica C., Weyandt Gerhard, Trommer Maike, Lodde Georg, Placke Jan-Malte, Zimmer Lisa, Livingstone Elisabeth, Becker Jürgen Christian, Horn Susanne, Schadendorf Dirk, Ugurel Selma.
Brain metastasis and survival outcomes after first-line therapy in metastatic melanoma: a multicenter DeCOG study on 1704 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG.
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Placke Jan-Malte, Kimmig Mona, Griewank Klaus, Herbst Rudolf, Terheyden Patrick, Utikal Jochen, Pföhler Claudia, Ulrich Jens, Kreuter Alexander, Mohr Peter, Gutzmer Ralf, Meier Friedegund, Dippel Edgar, Welzel Julia, Engel Daniel Robert, Kreft Sophia, Sucker Antje, Lodde Georg, Krefting Frederik, Stoffels Ingo, Klode Joachim, Roesch Alexander, Zimmer Lisa, Livingstone Elisabeth, Hadaschik Eva, Becker Jürgen C., Weichenthal Michael, Tasdogan Alpaslan, Schadendorf Dirk, Ugurel Selma.
Correlation of tumor PD-L1 expression in different tissue types and outcome of PD-1-based immunotherapy in metastatic melanoma – analysis of the DeCOG prospective multicenter cohort study ADOREG/TRIM.
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Schuh Sandra, Sattler Elke Christina, Rubeck Anna, Schiele Stefan, De Carvalho Nathalie, Themstrup Lotte, Ulrich Martina, Jemec Gregor B. E., Holmes Jon, Pellacani Giovanni, Welzel Julia.
Dynamic optical coherence tomography of blood vessels in cutaneous melanoma — correlation with histology, immunohistochemistry and dermoscopy.
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Perwein Maria Katharina Elisabeth, Welzel Julia, De Carvalho Nathalie, Pellacani Giovanni, Schuh Sandra.
Dynamic optical coherence tomography: a non-invasive imaging tool for the distinction of nevi and melanomas.
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Leiter Ulrike, Heppt Markus V., Steeb Theresa, Alter Mareike, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Bechara Falk G., Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhard W., Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, Stephan El Gammal A. K., Felcht Moritz, Flaig Michael J., Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Grabbe Stephan, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hauschild Axel, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kofler Lukas, Koelbl Oliver, Krause-Bergmann Albrecht, Kraywinkel Klaus, Krohn Steffen, Langer Thomas, Loquai Carmen, Löser Christoph R., Mohr Peter, Nashan Dorothée, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf-Markus, Ulrich Claas, Voelter-Mahlknecht Susanne, Vordermark Dirk, Weichenthal Michael, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Wiegand Susanne, Garbe Claus, Berking Carola.
German S3 guideline "actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma" – long version of the update 2023.
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Enke Johanna S., Gäble Alexander, Reitsam Nic G., Schaller Tina, Trepel Martin, Hirschbühl Klaus, Welzel Julia, Dierks Alexander, Kircher Malte, Lapa Constantin.
Granulomatous dermatitis: a rare pitfall in lymphoma staging with [18F]FDG-PET/CT.
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Harst Katrin, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
How efficient is laser therapy for telangiectasias, spider veins, and cherry angiomas? A study using dynamic optical coherence tomography.
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Zaremba A., Mohr P., Gutzmer R., Meier F., Pföhler C., Weichenthal M., Terheyden P., Forschner A., Leiter U., Ulrich J., Utikal J., Welzel Julia, Kaatz M., Gebhardt C., Herbst R., Sindrilaru A., Dippel E., Sachse M., Meiss F., Heinzerling L., Haferkamp S., Weishaupt C., Löffler H., Kreft S., Griewank K., Livingstone E., Schadendorf D., Ugurel S., Zimmer L..
Immune checkpoint inhibition in patients with NRAS mutated and NRAS wild type melanoma: a multicenter Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group study on 637 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG.
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Schuh Sandra, Schiele Stefan, Thamm Janis, Kranz Stefanie, Welzel Julia, Blum Andreas.
Implementation of a dermatoscopy curriculum during residency at Augsburg University Hospital in Germany.
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Schuh Sandra, Schiele Stefan, Thamm Janis, Kranz Stefanie, Welzel Julia, Blum Andreas.
Implementierung eines Dermatoskopie‐Curriculums in der Facharztausbildung am Universitätsklinikum Augsburg.
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Daxenberger Fabia, Deußing Maximilian, Eijkenboom Quirine, Gust Charlotte, Thamm Janis, Hartmann Daniela, French Lars E., Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra, Sattler Elke C..
Innovation in actinic keratosis assessment: artificial intelligence-based approach to LC-OCT PRO score evaluation.
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Suppa Mariano, Palmisano Gerardo, Tognetti Linda, Lenoir Clement, Cappilli Simone, Fontaine Margot, Orte Cano Carmen, Diet Gwendoline, Perez-Anker Javiera, Schuh Sandra, Di Stefani Alessandro, Lacarrubba Francesco, Puig Susana, Malvehy Josep, Rubegni Pietro, Welzel Julia, Perrot Jean-Luc, Peris Ketty, Cinotti Elisa, del Marmol Veronique.
Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography in melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin tumors.
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Thamm Janis Raphael, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography, optical coherence tomography and reflectance confocal microscopy in a case of cutaneous sarcoidosis.
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Kranz Stefanie, Brunnmeier Gisela, Yilmaz Pelinsu, Thamm Janis, Schiele Stefan, Müller Gernot, Key Clara, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Optical coherence tomography‐guided Nd:YAG laser treatment and follow‐up of basal cell carcinoma.
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Leiter Ulrike, Heppt Markus V., Steeb Theresa, Alter Mareike, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Bechara Falk G., Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhard W., Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, ElGammal A. K. Stephan, Felcht Moritz, Flaig Michael J., Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Grabbe Stephan, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hauschild Axel, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kofler Lukas, Koelbl Oliver, Krause‐Bergmann Albrecht, Kraywinkel Klaus, Krohn Steffen, Langer Thomas, Loquai Carmen, Löser Christoph R., Mohr Peter, Nashan Dorothée, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf‐Markus, Ulrich Claas, Voelter‐Mahlknecht Susanne, Vordermark Dirk, Weichenthal Michael, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Wiegand Susanne, Garbe Claus, Berking Carola.
S3 guideline „actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma“ – update 2023, part 2: epidemiology and etiology, diagnostics, surgical and systemic treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), surveillance and prevention.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Heppt Markus V., Leiter Ulrike, Steeb Theresa, Alter Mareike, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Bechara Falk G., Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhard W., Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, El Gammal A. K. Stephan, Felcht Moritz, Flaig Michael J., Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Grabbe Stephan, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hauschild Axel, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kofler Lukas, Koelbl Oliver, Krause‐Bergmann Albrecht, Kraywinkel Klaus, Krohn Steffen, Langer Thomas, Loquai Carmen, Löser Christoph R., Mohr Peter, Nashan Dorothée, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf‐Markus, Ulrich Claas, Voelter‐Mahlknecht Susanne, Vordermark Dirk, Weichenthal Michael, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Wiegand Susanne, Garbe Claus, Berking Carola.
S3 guideline „actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma“: update 2023, part 1: treatment of actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen's disease), occupational disease and structures of care.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Deutsche Version: J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2023 Oct;21(10):1249-1262. doi: 10.1111/ddg.15231_g. PMID: 37845050 |
2022 |
Fuchs C.S.K., Ortner V.K., Mogensen M., Rossi A.M., Pellacani G., Welzel Julia, Mosterd K., Guitera P., Nayahangan L.J., Johnsson V.L., Haedersdal M., Tolsgaard M.G., Sattler E., Schuh Sandra, Adan F., Sahu A., Gill M., Aleissa S., Cordova M., Navarete‐Dechent C., Chen C.J., Garbarino F., Pezzini C., De Pace B., Ciardo S., Condorelli A.G., Guida S., Manfredini M., De Carvalho N., Chan H.H., van Loo E., Martin A., Themstrup L., Jemec G., Sinx K..
2021 international consensus statement on optical coherence tomography for basal cell carcinoma: image characteristics, terminology and educational needs.
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Welzel Julia, Augustin Matthias, Gutzmer Ralf.
Auswirkungen der COVID‐19‐Pandemie auf die Versorgung von Patienten mit malignem Melanom.
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Welzel Julia, Gutzmer Ralf, Augustin Matthias.
Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Versorgung bei malignem Melanom.
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Ziehfreund Stefanie, Reifenrath Johannes, Wijnen-Meijer Marjo, Welzel Julia, Sauter Fabian, Wecker Hannah, Biedermann Tilo, Zink Alexander.
Considering medical students’ perception, concerns and needs for e-exam during COVID-19: a promising approach to improve subject specific e-exams.
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Wittbecker L. M., Pham C., Wohlgemuth L. K., Hoang M. A., Bandholz T. C., Schuh Sandra, Gihl J., Erfurt-Berge C., Gläser R., Welzel Julia.
Digitale und innovative Lehre in der Dermatologie: praktisch orientierte Lehre online.
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Welzel Julia.
Diseases caused by worms.
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Franklin Cindy, Mohr Peter, Bluhm Leonie, Grimmelmann Imke, Gutzmer Ralf, Meier Friedegund, Garzarolli Marlene, Weichenthal Michael, Pfoehler Claudia, Herbst Rudolf, Terheyden Patrick, Utikal Jochen, Ulrich Jens, Debus Dirk, Haferkamp Sebastian, Kaatz Martin, Forschner Andrea, Leiter Ulrike, Nashan Dorothee, Kreuter Alexander, Sachse Michael, Welzel Julia, Heinzerling Lucie, Meiss Frank, Weishaupt Carsten, Gambichler Thilo, Weyandt Gerhard, Dippel Edgar, Schatton Kerstin, Celik Eren, Trommer Maike, Helfrich Iris, Roesch Alexander, Zimmer Lisa, Livingstone Elisabeth, Schadendorf Dirk, Horn Susanne, Ugurel Selma.
Impact of radiotherapy and sequencing of systemic therapy on survival outcomes in melanoma patients with previously untreated brain metastasis: a multicenter DeCOG study on 450 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG.
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Welzel Julia, Augustin Matthias, Gutzmer Ralf.
Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the care of patients with malignant melanoma.
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Bayas Antonios, Christ Monika, Berlis Ansgar, Naumann Markus, Ertl Michael, Joachimski Felix, Müller Mona, Welzel Julia, Ann Gerdes Lisa, Seelos Klaus, Maurer Christoph.
Incidence, clinical spectrum, and immunotherapy of non-ischemic cerebral enhancing lesions after endovascular therapy.
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Gust Charlotte, Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia, Daxenberger Fabia, Hartmann Daniela, French Lars E., Ruini Cristel, Sattler Elke C..
Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography increases the diagnostic accuracy and confidence for basal cell carcinoma in equivocal lesions: a prospective study.
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Schuh Sandra, Ruini Cristel, Perwein Maria Katharina Elisabeth, Daxenberger Fabia, Gust Charlotte, Sattler Elke Christina, Welzel Julia.
Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography: a new tool for the differentiation between nevi and melanomas?.
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Kreft Sophia, Glutsch Valerie, Zaremba Anne, Schummer Patrick, Mohr Peter, Grimmelmann Imke, Gutzmer Ralf, Meier Friedegund, Pföhler Claudia, Sachse Michael Max, Meiss Frank, Forschner Andrea, Haferkamp Sebastian, Welzel Julia, Terheyden Patrick, Herbst Rudolf, Utikal Jochen, Kaatz Martin, Weishaupt Carsten, Kreuter Alexander, Debus Dirk, Duecker Pia, Sindrilaru Anca, Löffler Harald, Schley Gaston, Weichenthal Michael, Schadendorf Dirk, Ugurel Selma, Gesierich Anja, Schilling Bastian.
MAPKinase inhibition after failure of immune checkpoint blockade in patients with advanced melanoma – an evaluation of the multicenter prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG.
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Dicke Katja, Dervenis Vasileios, Dirschka Thomas, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Optische Kohärenztomographie zur differenzialdiagnostischen Abklärung unklarer Nagelpigmentierungen.
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Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke.
Other skin imaging technologies.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mohr Peter, Scherrer Emilie, Assaf Chalid, Bender Marc, Berking Carola, Chandwani Sheenu, Eigentler Thomas, Grimmelmann Imke, Gutzmer Ralf, Haferkamp Sebastian, Hassel Jessica, Hauschild Axel, Herbst Rudolf, Jiang Ruixuan, Kähler Katharina, Krepler Clemens, Kreuter Alexander, Leiter Ulrike, Loquai Carmen, Meier Friedegund, Pföhler Claudia, Rudolph Anja, Schadendorf Dirk, Schiavone Maximo, Schley Gaston, Terheyden Patrick, Ugurel Selma, Ulrich Jens, Utikal Jochen, Weishaupt Carsten, Welzel Julia, Weichenthal Michael.
Real-world therapy with pembrolizumab: outcomes and surrogate endpoints for predicting survival in advanced melanoma patients in Germany.
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Welzel Julia.
Werden ärztliche Entscheidungen in Zukunft von der künstlichen Intelligenz übernommen? Der Tricorder aus Star Trek übernimmt die Brücke.
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2021 |
Jötten Anna Martina, Neidinger Simon V., Tietze Julia K., Welzel Julia, Westerhausen Christoph.
Dynamic effective elasticity of melanoma cells under shear and elongational flow confirms estimation from force spectroscopy.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra, De Carvalho N., Themstrup L., Ulrich M., Jemec G. B. E., Holmes J., Pellacani G..
Dynamic optical coherence tomography shows characteristic alterations of blood vessels in malignant melanoma.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Sattler Elke, Welzel Julia.
Imaging in der Dermatologie – aus der Neuen Welt.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ruini Cristel, Schuh Sandra, Gust Charlotte, Hartmann Daniela, French Lars Einar, Sattler Elke Christina, Welzel Julia.
In-Vivo LC-OCT evaluation of the downward proliferation pattern of keratinocytes in actinic keratosis in comparison with histology: first impressions from a pilot study.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Augustin Matthias, Girbig Gefion, Kis Anne, Bechara Falk G., Hertl Michael, Hischke Sandra, Kaufmann Roland, Löffler Harald, Müller Cornelia S. L., Simon Jan‐Christoph, Strömer Klaus, Welzel Julia, Wetzig Tino, Elsner Peter, Augustin Jobst, Löser Christoph, Biedermann Tilo.
Inpatient care for skin diseases in Germany: multi‐source analysis on the current and future health care needs.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Deutsche Version: 10.1111/ddg.14620_g |
Ochsendorf Falk, Welzel Julia.
Kompetenzorientierte Weiterbildung in der Dermatologie.
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Schuh Sandra, Ruini C., Sattler E., Welzel Julia.
Konfokale Line-Field-OCT.
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Ruini Cristel, Schuh Sandra, Gust Charlotte, Kendziora Benjamin, Frommherz Leonie, French Lars E., Hartmann Daniela, Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke C..
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography for the in‐vivo real‐time diagnosis of different stages of keratinocyte skin cancer: a preliminary study.
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Ruini C., Schuh Sandra, Gust C., Kendziora B., Frommherz L., French L. E., Hartmann D., Welzel Julia, Sattler E..
Line‐field optical coherence tomography: in vivo diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma subtypes compared with histopathology.
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Welzel Julia.
Menschliche Schwarmintelligenz schlägt künstliche Intelligenz ‐ ein Plädoyer für die Mittagsvisite.
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Ruini Cristel, Daxenberger Fabia, Gust Charlotte, Schuh Sandra, French Lars E., Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke C..
Neues von der optischen Kohärenztomographie.
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Schuh Sandra, Weins A. B., Welzel Julia.
Nichtinvasive bildgebende Diagnostik bei Hauterkrankungen im Kindesalter.
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Gerjol Bastian P., Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
Pyoderma gangraenosum – wenn Inflammation ulzeriert.
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Welzel Julia, Wolff Helmut H., Gehring Wolfgang.
Reduction of telogen rate and increase of hair density in androgenetic alopecia by a cosmetic product: results of a randomized, prospective, vehicle‐controlled double‐blind study in men.
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Moritz Rose K. C., Gutzmer Ralf, Zimmer Lisa, Meier Friedegund, Ahmed Misbah S., Sell Sabine, Schlaak Max, Kapp Florian, Sachse Michael M., Haferkamp Sebastian, Welzel Julia, Kähler Katharina C., Weichenthal Michael.
SARS-CoV-2 infections in melanoma patients treated with PD-1 inhibitors: a survey of the German ADOREG melanoma registry [Letter].
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Augustin Matthias, Girbig Gefion, Hertl Michael, Elsner Peter, Welzel Julia, Honak Laura, Hischke Sandra, Biedermann Tilo.
Status quo and perspectives of dermatology hospitals in Germany: spectra of health care and staff situation.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Deutsche Version: 10.1111/ddg.14616_g |
Girbig Gefion, Biedermann Tilo, Hertl Michael, Elsner Peter, Welzel Julia, Hischke Sandra, Honak Laura, Augustin Matthias.
Structures and performance characteristics of dermatology hospitals in Germany: current status and long‐term development.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Deutsche Version: 10.1111/ddg.14618_g |
Wessely Anja, Steeb Theresa, Berking Carola, Schlaak Max, Heppt Markus V., Alter Mareike, Bayerl Christiane, Bender Armin, Bruning Guido, Dabrowski Evelyn, Debus Dirk, Devereux Nina, Dippel Edgar, Drexler Konstantin, Dücker Pia, Dummer Reinhard, Emmert Steffen, Elsner Peter, Enk Alexander, Gebhardt Christoffer, Gesierich Anja, Goebeler Matthias, Goerdt Sergij, Goetze Steven, Gutzmer Ralf, Haferkamp Sebastian, Hansel Gesina, Hassel Jessica C., Heinzerling Lucie, Kähler Katharina C., Kaume Kjell M., Krapf Wolfgang, Kreuzberg Nicole, Lehmann Percy, Livingstone Elisabeth, Löffler Harald, Loquai Carmen, Mauch Cornelia, Mangana Johanna, Meier Friedegund, Meissner Markus, Moritz Rose K.C., Maul Lara Valeska, Müller Verena, Mohr Peter, Navarini Alexander, Van Nguyen Ahn, Pfeiffer Christiane, Pföhler Claudia, Posch Christian, Richtig Erika, Rompel Rainer, Sachse Michael M., Sauder Stefanie, Schadendorf Dirk, Schatton Kerstin, Schulze Hans-Joachim, Schultz Erwin, Schilling Bastian, Schmuth Matthias, Simon Jan C., Streit Markus, Terheyden Patrick, Thiem Alexander, Tüting Thomas, Welzel Julia, Weyandt Gerhard, Wesselmann Ulrich, Wollina Uwe, Ziemer Mirjana, Zimmer Lisa, Zutt Markus.
Surveillance of patients with conjunctival melanoma in German-speaking countries: a multinational survey of the German dermatologic cooperative oncology group [Letter].
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI on behalf of the German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group (DeCOG, committee ocular melanoma) |
Weichenthal Michael, Scherrer Emilie, Chandwani Sheenu, Mohr Peter, Leiter Ulrike, Ugurel Selma, Kaehler Katharina C., Gutzmer Ralf, Pfoehler Claudia, Hassel Jessica, Terheyden Patrick, Schell Beatrice, Utikal Jochen, Kreuter Alexander, Haferkamp Sebastian, Sindrilaru Anca, Hassel Jessica, Nashan Dorothee, Kaune Kjell M., Berking Carola, Debus Dirk, Ulrich Jens, Dabrowski Evelyn, Eigentler Thomas, Herbst Rudolf, Welzel Julia, Loquai Carmen, Meier Friedegund, Schadendorf Dirk.
The impact of brain involvement in metastatic melanoma patients treated with Pembrolizumab.
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2020 |
Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
"Ein Unglück kommt selten allein ...".
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Schuh Sandra, Drechsel C., Welzel Julia.
"Pilze suchen – was hilft?": moderne Bildgebungsverfahren als sinnvolle Ergänzung zur Routine.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mehling A., Benard S., Braun N., Degwert J., Duttine M., Jassoy C., Merk H., Rossow U., Welzel Julia, Wigger‐Alberti W., Wilhelm K. P., Ennen J..
Adapting epicutaneous patch testing protocols to assess immediate‐type skin reactions.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Loo E., Sinx K., Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra, Kelleners-Smeets N., Mosterd K., Nelemans P..
Cumulative sum analysis for the learning curve of optical coherence tomography assisted diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma.
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Schuh Sandra, Berger M., Brunnmeier G., Welzel Julia.
Dynamische OCT − was verraten uns die Gefäße?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ruini C., Schuh Sandra, Pellacani G., French L., Welzel Julia, Sattler E..
In vivo imaging of Sarcoptes scabiei infestation using line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography [Letter].
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ruini Cristel, Schuh Sandra, Sattler Elke, Welzel Julia.
Line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography: practical applications in dermatology and comparison with established imaging methods.
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Welzel Julia, Sattler E., Blum A..
Nichtinvasive Diagnostik – "aus der Neuen Welt" [Editorial].
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Ruini C., Schuh Sandra, Hartmann D., French L., Welzel Julia, Sattler E..
Noninvasive real‐time imaging of mite skin infestations with line‐field confocal optical coherence tomography.
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Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
OCT-guided laser treatment and surgery.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Steeb Theresa, Wessely Anja, Alter Mareike, Bayerl Christiane, Bender Armin, Bruning Guido, Dabrowski Evelyn, Debus Dirk, Devereux Nina, Dippel Edgar, Drexler Konstantin, Dücker Pia, Dummer Reinhard, Emmert Steffen, Elsner Peter, Enk Alexander, Gebhardt Christoffer, Gesierich Anja, Goebeler Matthias, Goerdt Sergij, Goetze Steven, Gutzmer Ralf, Haferkamp Sebastian, Hansel Gesina, Hassel Jessica C., Heinzerling Lucie, Kähler Katharina C., Kaume Kjell M., Krapf Wolfgang, Kreuzberg Nicole, Lehmann Percy, Livingstone Elisabeth, Löffler Harald, Loquai Carmen, Mauch Cornelia, Mangana Johanna, Meier Friedegund, Meissner Markus, Moritz Rose K. C., Maul Lara Valeska, Müller Verena, Mohr Peter, Navarini Alexander, Van Nguyen Ahn, Pfeiffer Christiane, Pföhler Claudia, Posch Christian, Richtig Erika, Rompel Rainer, Sachse Michael M., Sauder Stefanie, Schadendorf Dirk, Schatton Kerstin, Schulze Hans-Joachim, Schultz Erwin, Schilling Bastian, Schmuth Matthias, Simon Jan. C., Streit Markus, Terheyden Patrick, Thiem Alexander, Tüting Thomas, Welzel Julia, Weyandt Gerhard, Wesselmann Ulrich, Wollina Uwe, Ziemer Mirjana, Zimmer Lisa, Zutt Markus, Berking Carola, Schlaak Max, Heppt Markus V..
Patterns of care and follow-up care of patients with uveal melanoma in German-speaking countries: a multinational survey of the German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group (DeCOG).
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI the German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group (DeCOG, committee ocular melanoma) |
Ugurel S., Satzger I., Eigentier T., Mohr P., Göppner D., Herber M., Herbst R., Kähler K. C., Meier F., Meiß F., Pföhler C., Sachse M. M., Schneider S. W., Terheyden P., Ulrich J., Utikal J. S., Welzel Julia, Schadendorf D., Gutzmer R..
Real World-Daten zur Anwendung von Nivolumab (Nivo) als Monotherapie oder in Kombination mit Ipilimumab (Nivo+Ipi) in der Behandlung des fortgeschrittenen Melanoms: Zwischenergebnisse der nicht-interventionellen Studie NICO [Poster Abstract].
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Leiter Ulrike, Heppt Markus V., Steeb Theresa, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhardt, Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, Flaig Michael, Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kölbl Oliver, Kraywinkel Klaus, Löser Christoph, Nashan Dorothee, Noor Seema, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf‐Markus, Ulrich Claas, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Garbe Claus, Berking Carola.
S3 guideline for actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), short version, part 2: epidemiology, surgical and systemic treatment of cSCC, follow‐up, prevention and occupational disease.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Heppt Markus V., Leiter Ulrike, Steeb Theresa, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhard, Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, Flaig Michael, Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kölbl Oliver, Kraywinkel Klaus, Löser Christoph, Nashan Dorothée, Noor Seema, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf‐Markus, Ulrich Claas, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Berking Carola, Garbe Claus.
S3 guideline for actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma – short version, part 1: diagnosis, interventions for actinic keratoses, care structures and quality‐of‐care indicators.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Heppt Markus V., Leiter Ulrike, Steeb Theresa, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhard, Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, Flaig Michael, Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kölbl Oliver, Kraywinkel Klaus, Löser Christoph, Nashan Dorothée, Noor Seema, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf‐Markus, Ulrich Claas, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Berking Carola, Garbe Claus.
S3‐Leitlinie "Aktinische Keratose und Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut" – Kurzfassung, Teil 1: Diagnostik, Interventionen bei aktinischen Keratosen, Versorgungsstrukturen und Qualitätsindikatoren.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Leiter Ulrike, Heppt Markus V., Steeb Theresa, Amaral Teresa, Bauer Andrea, Becker Jürgen C., Breitbart Eckhardt, Breuninger Helmut, Diepgen Thomas, Dirschka Thomas, Eigentler Thomas, Flaig Michael, Follmann Markus, Fritz Klaus, Greinert Rüdiger, Gutzmer Ralf, Hillen Uwe, Ihrler Stephan, John Swen Malte, Kölbl Oliver, Kraywinkel Klaus, Löser Christoph, Nashan Dorothee, Noor Seema, Nothacker Monika, Pfannenberg Christina, Salavastru Carmen, Schmitz Lutz, Stockfleth Eggert, Szeimies Rolf‐Markus, Ulrich Claas, Welzel Julia, Wermker Kai, Garbe Claus, Berking Carola.
S3‐Leitlinie "Aktinische Keratose und Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut" – Kurzfassung, Teil 2: Epidemiologie, chirurgische und systemische Therapie des Plattenepithelkarzinoms, Nachsorge, Prävention und Berufskrankheit.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Spaenkuch I., Welzel Julia, Emmert S., Kahl Klaus Henning, Tietze J..
Strahlennekrose als Differenzialdiagnose zu cerebralem Progress bei metastasiertem Melanom [Poster Abstract].
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2019 |
Holmes Jon, Schuh Sandra, Bowling Frank Lee, Mani Raj, Welzel Julia.
Dynamic optical coherence tomography is a new technique for imaging skin around lower extremity wounds.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia.
Editorial: From actinic keratosis to squamous cell carcinoma – answers to some open questions.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Schmitz L., Gupta G., Stücker M., Doerler M., Gambichler T., Welzel Julia, Szeimies R. M., Bierhoff E., Stockfleth E., Dirschka T..
Evaluation of two histological classifications for actinic keratoses – PRO classification scored highest inter‐rater reliability.
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Lang Berenice M., Balermpas Panagiotis, Bauer Andrea, Blum Andreas, Brölsch G. Felix, Dirschka Thomas, Follmann Markus, Frank Jorge, Frerich Bernhard, Fritz Klaus, Hauschild Axel, Heindl Ludwig M., Howaldt Hans-Peter, Ihrler Stephan, Kakkassery Vinodh, Klumpp Bernhard, Krause-Bergmann Albrecht, Löser Christoph, Meissner Markus, Sachse Michael M., Schlaak Max, Schön Michael P., Tischendorf Lutz, Tronnier Michael, Vordermark Dirk, Welzel Julia, Weichenthal Michael, Wiegand Susanne, Kaufmann Roland, Grabbe Stephan.
S2k Guidelines for cutaneous basal cell carcinoma - Part 1: epidemiology, genetics and diagnosis.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Lang Berenice M., Balermpas Panagiotis, Bauer Andrea, Blum Andreas, Brölsch G. Felix, Dirschka Thomas, Follmann Markus, Frank Jorge, Frerich Bernhard, Fritz Klaus, Hauschild Axel, Heindl Ludwig M., Howaldt Hans-Peter, Ihrler Stephan, Kakkassery Vinodh, Klumpp Bernhard, Krause-Bergmann Albrecht, Löser Christoph, Meissner Markus, Sachse Michael M., Schlaak Max, Schön Michael P., Tischendorf Lutz, Tronnier Michael, Vordermark Dirk, Welzel Julia, Weichenthal Michael, Wiegand Susanne, Kaufmann Roland, Grabbe Stephan.
S2k Guidelines for cutaneous basal cell carcinoma - Part 2: Treatment, prevention and follow-up.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Weichenthal Michael, Ugurel Selma, Leiter Ulrike M., Satzger Imke, Kähler Katharina C., Welzel Julia, Pföhler Claudia, Feldmann-Böddeker Ingrid, Meier Friedegund Elke, Terheyden Patrick, Haferkamp Sebastian, Herbst Rudolf, Ulrich Jens, Utikal Jochen, Kreuter Alexander, Gutzmer Ralf, Schadendorf Dirk, Mohr Peter.
Salvage therapy after failure from anti-PD-1 single agent treatment: a study by the German ADOReg melanoma registry.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2018 |
Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke.
Andere bildgebende und funktionelle Verfahren.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ulrich M., Themstrup L., de Carvalho N., Ciardo S., Holmes J., Whitehead R., Welzel Julia, Jemec G. B. E., Pellacani G..
Dynamic optical coherence tomography of skin blood vessels: proposed terminology and practical guidelines.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia.
Hauterkrankungen durch Würmer.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Themstrup Lotte, De Carvalho Nathalie, Nielsen Sabrina M., Olsen Jonas, Ciardo Silvana, Schuh Sandra, Nørnberg Birgit M.-H., Welzel Julia, Ulrich Martina, Pellacani Giovanni, Jemec Gregor B. E..
In vivo differentiation of common basal cell carcinoma subtypes by microvascular and structural imaging using dynamic optical coherence tomography.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Nasifoglu S., Welzel Julia.
Langerhanszell-Histiozytose unter dem Bild einer Folliculitis decalvans und Intertrigo.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Holmes J., von Braunmühl T., Berking C., Sattler E., Ulrich M., Reinhold U., Kurzen H., Dirschka T., Kellner C., Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography of basal cell carcinoma: influence of location, subtype, observer variability and image quality on diagnostic performance.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Optische Kohärenztomographie bei Pathologien der Haut.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
De Carvalho Nathalie, Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra, Themstrup Lotte, Ulrich Martina, Jemec Gregor B. E., Holmes Jon, Kaleci Shaniko, Chester Johanna, Bigi Laura, Ciardo Silvana, Pellacani Giovanni.
The vascular morphology of melanoma is related to Breslow index: an in vivo study with dynamic optical coherence tomography.
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2017 |
Welzel Julia, Kästle Raphaela, Sattler Elke.
Ex vivo confocal microscopy in clinical dermatology.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Schuh Sandra, Holmes Jon, Ulrich Martina, Themstrup Lotte, Jemec Gregor B. E., De Carvalho Nathalie, Pellacani Giovanni, Welzel Julia.
Imaging blood vessel morphology in skin: dynamic optical coherence tomography as a novel potential diagnostic tool in dermatology.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Themstrup L., Pellacani G., Welzel Julia, Holmes J., Jemec G. B. E., Ulrich M..
In vivo microvascular imaging of cutaneous actinic keratosis, Bowen's disease and squamous cell carcinoma using dynamic optical coherence tomography.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Schuh Sandra, Welzel Julia.
Live-Blick unter die Haut.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Schuh Sandra.
Noninvasive diagnosis in dermatology.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
De Carvalho N., Schuh Sandra, Kindermann N., Kästle R., Holmes J., Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography for margin definition of basal cell carcinoma before micrographic surgery - recommendations regarding the marking and scanning technique.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2016 |
Schuh Sandra, Kaestle R., Sattler E., Welzel Julia.
Comparison of different optical coherence tomography devices for diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancer.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ulrich Martina, Themstrup Lotte, de Carvalho Nathalie, Manfredi Marco, Grana Costantino, Ciardo Silvana, Kästle Raphaela, Holmes Jon, Whitehead Richard, Jemec Gregor B. E., Pellacani Giovanni, Welzel Julia.
Dynamic optical coherence tomography in dermatology.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia.
Editorial: Reflectance confocal microscopy - new micromorphological insights into inflammatory skin diseases.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Kästle Raphaela.
Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Dermatologie.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Kästle Raphaela, Sattler Elke C..
Fluorescence (multiwave) confocal microscopy.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Themstrup L., Ciardo S., Manfredi M., Ulrich M., Pellacani G., Welzel Julia, Jemec G.B.E..
In vivo, micro-morphological vascular changes induced by topical brimonidine studied by dynamic optical coherence tomography.
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Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke, editors.
Nichtinvasive physikalische Diagnostik in der Dermatologie.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Schuh Sandra, Kaestle R., Sattler E. C., Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography of actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinomas - differentiation by quantification of signal intensity and layer thickness.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ulrich Martin, Zalaudek Iris, Welzel Julia.
Shining into the white.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Themstrup L., Welzel Julia, Ciardo S., Kaestle R., Ulrich M., Holmes J., Whitehead R., Sattler E. C., Kindermann N., Pellacani G., Jemec G. B. E..
Validation of Dynamic optical coherence tomography for non-invasive, in vivo microcirculation imaging of the skin.
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2015 |
Ludwig A., von der Helm C., Welzel Julia.
Anaphylaktische Reaktion auf Sevofluran am Arbeitsplatz.
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Starz H., Balda B.-R., Haas C., Krämer K.-U., Pfeiffer C., Welzel Julia.
Diagnostik und Therapie des Melanoms im Wandel der letzten 25 Jahre: Standortbestimmung und Ausblick.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Krämer K.-U..
Die Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie am Klinikum Augsburg im Wandel der Zeit.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
De Carvalho N., Ciardo S., Cesinaro AM., Jemec GBE., Ulrich M., Welzel Julia, Holmes J., Pellacani G..
In vivo micro-angiography by means of speckle-variance optical coherence tomography (SV-OCT) is able to detect microscopic vascular changes in naevus to melanoma transition.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia.
Konfokale Laserscanmikroskopie im Fluoreszenzmodus.
BibTeX | RIS |
Welzel Julia.
Moderne Bildgebung in der Dermatologie.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ulrich Martina, Welzel Julia, Reinhold Uwe.
Morphologische Tumormerkmale hoch aufgelöst.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
von Braunmühl T., Welzel Julia.
Nichtinvasive bildgebende Diagnostik in der Dermatologie.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Wilhelm Klaus-Peter, Wolff Helmut H..
Occlusion does not influence the repair of the permeability barrier in human skin.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Reidel Ulrich, Gutschi Manuela, Lee Ha-Na, Müller Klaus-Peter, Welzel Julia.
Solitäre Läsion an der Glans penis.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Englische Version: DOI 10.1111/ddg.12646 |
Ulrich M., Braunmuehl T., Kurzen H., Dirschka T., Kellner C., Sattler E., Berking C., Welzel Julia, Reinhold U..
The sensitivity and specificity of optical coherence tomography for the assisted diagnosis of nonpigmented basal cell carcinoma: an observational study.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2014 |
Malvehy J., Hauschild A., Curiel‐Lewandrowski C., Mohr P., Hofmann‐Wellenhof R., Motley R., Berking C., Grossman D., Paoli J., Loquai C., Olah J., Reinhold U., Wenger H., Dirschka T., Davis S., Henderson C., Rabinovitz H., Welzel Julia, Schadendorf D., Birgersson U..
Clinical performance of the nevisense system in cutaneous melanoma detection: an international, multicentre, prospective and blinded clinical trial on efficacy and safety.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Starz Hans, Gutschi Manuela, Welzel Julia, Haas Christian.
Foudroyant metastasierendes, Vemurafenibtherapieresistentes malignes Melanom mit einer seltenen BRAF-Alteration.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Banzhaf Christina Alette, Themstrup Lotte, Ring Hans Christian, Welzel Julia, Mogensen Mette, Jemec Gregor Borut Ernst.
In-vivo-Darstellung einer Sarcoptes-scabiei-Infestation mittels optischer Kohärenztomographie.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Müller Dominik-Patrick, Hoffmann Reinhard, Welzel Julia.
Microorganisms of the toe web and their importance for erysipelas of the leg.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Müller Dominik-Patrick, Hoffmann Reinhard, Welzel Julia.
Mikroorganismen des Zehenzwischenraums - Bedeutung für das Beinerysipel.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Englische Version: DOI 10.1111/ddg.12374 |
Welzel Julia.
Multicentre study evaluating the sensitivity and specificity of optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma.
BibTeX | RIS |
2013 |
Welzel Julia.
Assessment of activating KIT mutations in patients with malignant melanoma.
BibTeX | RIS |
Sattler Elke Christina Erika, Poloczek Katharina, Kästle Raphaela, Welzel Julia.
Confocal laser scanning microscopy and optical coherence tomography for the evaluation of the kinetics and quantification of wound healing after fractional laser therapy.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Banzhaf Christina Alette, Themstrup Lotte, Ring Hans Christian, Welzel Julia, Mogensen Mette, Jemec Gregor Borut Ernst.
In vivo imaging of sarcoptes scabiei infestation using optical coherence tomography.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ulrich Martina, Sattler Elke, Kästle Raphaela, Maier Tanja, Welzel Julia.
Konfokale Lasermikroskopie.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Starz Hans, Moody Justin, Welzel Julia, Haas Christian J.
Melanomas of the head-and-neck skin with mutation BRAF-V600K or BRAF-V600R define a melanoma subtype with particular clinical features..
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia, Maier Tanja, Kaatz Martin, Dissemond Joachim, Körber Andreas, Schmidt Enno.
Neue diagnostische und therapeutische Methoden.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography for non-invasive diagnostics in dermatology.
BibTeX | RIS |
Sattler Elke, Kästle Raphaela, Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography in dermatology.
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Reich-Schupke S., Alm J., Altmeyer P., Bachter D., Bayerl C., Beissert S., Bieber T., Böhmer J., Dill D., Dippel E., Dücker P., Effendy I., El Gammal S., Elsner P., Enk A., Feldmann-Böddeker I., Frank H., Gehring W., Gieler U., Goebeler M., Görge T., Gollnick H., Grabbe S., Gross G., Gudat W., Happ A., Herbst R., Hermes B., Hoff N.-P., John S. M., Jungelhülsing M., Jünger M., Kaatz M., Kapp A., Kaufmann R., Klode J., Knaber K., König A., Krieg T., Kohl P., Kowalzick L., Lehmann P., Löffler H., Maschke J., Marsch W., Mechtel D., Mohr P., Moll I., Müller M., Nashan D., Ockenfels H. M., Peter R.U., Pillekamp H., Rompel R., Ruzicka T., Salfeld K., Sander C., Schaller J., Scharffetter-Kochanek K., Schuler G., Schulze H.-J., Schwarz T., Splieth B., Stege H., Stolz W., Strölin A., Tran H., Tronnier M., Ulrich J., Vogt T., Wagner G., Welzel Julia, Willgeroth T., Wollina U., Zillikens D., Zouboulis C. C., Zuberbier T., Zutt M., Stücker M..
Phlebologie an deutschen Hautkliniken: eine Bestandsaufnahme im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phlebologie.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Kilian Katharina, Maier Tanja, Dill Dorothee, ElGammal Stefan, Freitag Marcus, Schatz Harald, Voit Christiane, Welzel Julia, Sattler Elke, Schatton Kerstin, Blum Andreas, Schmid-Wendtner Monika-Hildegard, Wiechert Andreas, Hinz Torsten.
Sonografie der Haut und Subkutis einschließlich subkutaner Lymphknoten.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2012 |
Starz Hans, Welzel Julia.
Commentary on C. Garbe et al.: "Histopathological diagnostics of malignant melanomas in accordance with the AJCC classification 2009: revision of the literature and recommendations for general practice".
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Rothmund G., Sattler E. C., Kaestle R., Fischer C., Haas C. J., Starz H., Welzel Julia.
Confocal laser scanning microscopy as a new valuable tool in the diagnosis of onychomycosis - comparison of six diagnostic methods.
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Sattler E., Kaestle R., Rothmund G., Welzel Julia.
Confocal laser scanning microscopy, optical coherence tomography and transonychial water loss for in vivo investigation of nails.
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Beek Nina van, Knuth- Rehr Diana, Altmeyer Peter, Assaf Chalid, Babilas Philipp, Bayerl Christiane, Benoit Sandrine, Dippel Edgar, Effendy Isaak, Eming Rüdiger, Fischer Matthias, Glaenz Thomas, Gläser Regine, Goebeler Matthias, Gollnick Harald, Götze Steven, Gross Gerd, Hadaschik Eva, Herbst Rudolf, Hermes Barbara, Homey Bernhard, Hunzelmann Nico, Jünger Michael, Kapp Alexander, Kern Johannes S., Körber Andreas, Luger Thomas, Mechtel Dirk, Megahed Mosaad, Moll Ingrid, Peters Klaus-Peter, Pfeiffer Christiane, Ring Johannes, Röcken Martin, Sárdy Miklós, Seitz Cornelia S., Stadler Rudolf, Steinbrink Kerstin, Sticherling Michael, Szeimies Rolf-Markus, Tronnier Michael, Ulrich Jens, Vogt Thomas, Wagner Nicola, Welzel Julia, Wenzel Jörg, Wozel Gottfried, Zouboulis Christos C., Zillikens Detlef, Schmidt Enno.
Diagnostics of autoimmune bullous diseases in German dermatology departments.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI Deutsche Version: DOI 10.1111/j.1610-0387.2011.07840_suppl.x |
Gilly B., Unholzer A., Strobl-Wildemann G., Haas C., Starz H., Welzel Julia.
Muir-Torre-Syndrom mit bisher nicht beschriebener Frameshift-Mutation im MSH2-Gen.
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Jaimes Natalia, Scope Alon, Welzel Julia, Wang Katie X., Lee David A., Siegel Daniel M., Marghoob Ashfaq A..
White globules in melanocytic neoplasms: in vivo and ex vivo characteristics.
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2011 |
Rothmund G., Fischer C., Kaestle R., Haas C. J., Starz H., Welzel Julia.
Comparison of different methods for diagnosing onychomycosis.
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Sattler E., Kästle R., Arens-Corell M., Welzel Julia.
How long does protection last? - In vivo fluorescence confocal laser scanning imaging for the evaluation of the kinetics of a topically applied lotion in an everyday setting.
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Welzel Julia.
Single-center long-term follow-up study in 220 patients with Melanomas between 0.76 and 1 mm according to Breslow, partly with and some without Sentinel-Lymphadenectomy (SLNE).
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Starz Hans, Welzel Julia, Bertsch Hans P., Kretschmer Lutz.
Tumor penetrative depth considers both the size of sentinel lymph node metastases and their location in relation to the nodal capsule.
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2010 |
König Karsten, Speicher Marco, Bückle Rainer, Reckfort Julia, McKenzie Gordon, Welzel Julia, Koehler Martin J., Elsner Peter, Kaatz Martin.
Clinical optical coherence tomography combined with multiphoton tomography for evaluation of several skin disorders.
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Wolff HH., Walther C., Funk P., Kieser M., Welzel Julia.
Hamamelis vs. dexpanthenol ointment in children.
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Welzel Julia.
Optische Kohärenztomographie.
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2009 |
König Karsten, Speicher Marco, Bückle Rainer, Reckfort Julia, McKenzie Gordon, Welzel Julia, Koehler Martin J., Elsner Peter, Kaatz Martin.
Clinical optical coherence tomography combined with multiphoton tomography of patients with skin diseases.
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Welzel Julia, Malek Fathi Abdul, Zimmermann Andrea, Wolff Helmut H..
Hametum®Wund- und Heilsalbe bei arzneimittelinduzierten Hautsymptomen.
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Kovnerystyy Oleksandr, Welzel Julia, Köhler Johannes, Dimitrow Enrico, König Karsten, Kaatz Martin, Zillikens Detlef, Ruëff Franziska, Dressel Holger, Jörres Rudolf.
Neue diagnostische Methoden für die Dermatologie.
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2008 |
Welzel Julia, Lankenau E., Hüttmann G., Birngruber R..
OCT in dermatology.
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2006 |
Coßmann M., Welzel Julia.
Evaluation of the atrophogenic potential of different glucocorticoids using optical coherence tomography, 20-MHz ultrasound and profilometry; a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
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2005 |
Welzel Julia, Walther C., Kieser M., Wolff H.H..
Hamamelis-Salbein der Pflege der trockenen Altershaut.
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Koch Peter, Boller Dennis, Koch Edmund, Welzel Julia, Huttmann Gereon.
Ultrahigh-resolution FDOCT system for dermatology.
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2004 |
Welzel Julia, Reinhardt C., Lankenau E., Winter C., Wolff H.H..
Changes in function and morphology of normal human skin: evaluation using optical coherence tomography.
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2003 |
Puschmann M., Melzer A., Welzel Julia.
Großflächige Behandlung juckender, sebostatischer Dermatosen mit einer Polidocanol-Urea-Kombination.
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Parlowsky Thomas, Welzel Julia, Amagai Masayuki, Zillikens Detlef, Wygold Thorsten.
Neonatal pemphigus vulgaris: IgG4 autoantibodies to desmoglein 3 induce skin blisters in newborns.
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Welzel Julia, Bruhns Maike, Wolff Helmut H..
Optical coherence tomography in contact dermatitis and psoriasis.
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Schmid-Wendtner Monika-Hildegard, Blum Andreas, El Gammal Stephan, Freitag Marcus, Gottlöber Petra, Rompel Rainer, Schatz Harald, Ulrich Jens, Welzel Julia, Dill-Müller Dorothe.
Sonographie der Haut und Subkutis einschließlich der Lymphknoten.
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2001 |
Eisenbeiss C., Welzel Julia, Eichler W., Klotz K..
Influence of body water distribution on skin thickness: measurements using high-frequency ultrasound.
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Welzel Julia, Noack Joachim, Lankenau Eva, Engelhardt Ralf.
Optical coherence tomography in dermatology.
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Welzel Julia.
Optical coherence tomography in dermatology: a review.
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2000 |
Puschmann M., Nissen H.-P., Welzel Julia, Wolff H. H..
Clinical experimental evaluation of the effectiveness and toleration of a urea-ceramide combination in dry skin.
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Welzel Julia, Reinhardt C., Engelhardt R., Birngruber R..
Einsatz der optischen Kohärenztomographie in der Dermatologie.
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Welzel Julia, Wilhelm K.-P..
Moderne biophysikalische Diagnostik.
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Welzel Julia.
Struktur und Funktion der Haut: Physiologie.
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1999 |
Welzel Julia, Bruhns Maike, Schröder Christina, Birngruber Reginald.
Clinical OCT studies in dermatology: inflammatory skin diseases and treatment effects.
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Schölerman A., Wilhelm K. P., Welzel Julia, Filbry A., Rippke F..
Eucerin biotin nightcream: biophysical and clinical efficacy on barrier function in aged skin.
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1998 |
Woywodt Alexander, Welzel Julia, Haase Henning, Duerholz Anke, Wiegand Uwe, Potratz Juergen, Sheikhzadeh Abdolhamid.
Cardiomyopathic lentiginosis/LEOPARD syndrome presenting as sudden cardiac arrest.
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Welzel Julia, Lankenau E., Birngruber R., Engelhardt R..
Optical coherence tomography of the skin.
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Welzel Julia, Lankenau E., Engelhardt R..
Optische Kohärenztomographie als ein neues Verfahren zur Darstellung oberflächennaher Strukturen der Haut.
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Welzel Julia, Metker Claudia, Wolff Helmut H., Wilhelm Klaus-Peter.
SLS-irritated human skin shows no correlation between degree of proliferation and TEWL increase.
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Eisenbeiss C., Welzel Julia, Schmeller Wilfried.
The influence of female sex hormones on skin thickness: evaluation using 20 MHz sonography.
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Engel Peter M., Welzel Julia, Maass M., Schramm U., Wolff H. H..
Tropical rat mite dermatitis: case report and review.
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1997 |
Welzel Julia, Lankenau Eva, Birngruber Reginald, Engelhardt Ralf.
In-vivo diagnostic with optical coherence tomography: use in dermatology.
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Lankenau Eva, Welzel Julia, Birngruber Reginald, Engelhardt Ralf.
In-vivo tissue measurements with optical low-coherence tomography.
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Welzel Julia, Lankenau Eva, Birngruber Reginald, Engelhardt Ralf.
Optical coherence tomography of the human skin.
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Thoma S., Welzel Julia, Wilhelm K.-P..
Relationship between transepidermal water loss and temperature of the measuring probe.
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1996 |
Pan Y., Lankenou E., Welzel Julia, Birngruber R., Engelhardt R..
Optical coherence-gated imaging of biological tissues.
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Welzel Julia, Wilhelm K.P., Wolff H.H..
Skin permeability barrier and occlusion: no delay of repair in irritated human skin.
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1995 |
Welzel Julia, Schmeller W., Plettenberg A..
A 20 MHz ultrasound examination of lipodermatosclerosis.
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1994 |
Welzel Julia, Schmeller Wilfried, Plettenberg Andreas.
Dermatoliposklerose in der 20 MHz-Sonographie.
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1993 |
Welzel Julia.
Localization and degree of expression of dermatoliposclerosis can be well evaluated with 20 MHz ultrasound.
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