Mathematical Data Science

Welcome to the Chair of Mathematical Data Science! Our research focusses on matrix and tensor methods in data science, numerical analysis and high-dimensional approximation. A particular emphasis is on low-rank models and multilinear optimization.



News and Activities

  • Together with Max Pfeffer (University of Göttingen) we are organizing a minisymposium on "Manifold optimization with special metrics" at ICCOPT 2025.
  • Together with Bart Vandereycken (University of Geneva) we are organizing a minisymposium on "Geometric methods for matrix spaces" at SIAM LA24.
  • Together with Jochen Garcke (University of Bonn) we are organizing a minisymposium on "Kernel methods in data analysis and computational science" at GAMM 2024.
  • The annual GAMM AG Workshop on Applied Numerical Linear Algebra (ANLA) will take place from October 5 - 6, 2023 at University of Augsburg.
  • Together with Mario Ullrich (JKU Linz) we are organizing a minisymposium on "High-dimensional regression and sampling" at ICIAM 2023.
Mathematical Data Science






Gefördert durch das DFG Heisenberg-Programm.

Anschriften und Anfahrt


Lehrstuhl für Mathematical Data Science
Universität Augsburg
D-86135 Augsburg


Lehrstuhl für Mathematical Data Science
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstrasse 14
86159 Augsburg
Die Büros des Lehrstuhls befinden sich im Gebäude L1
