Publikationsliste nach Jahr
2025 |
Florian Thum, Marco Korkisch, Anna Trauth and Markus G. R. Sause. 2025. Combination of in-/and ex-situ damage detection methods to investigate the forming behavior of fiber-metal-laminates. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 188, 108562. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108562 |
Julia Reichmann, Julian Hanke, Christian Eymüller, Anna Trauth, Wolfgang Reif and Markus G. R. Sause. 2025. Development of a robot-based test bench for the destructive testing of components. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 53, 1, 42-58. DOI: 10.1520/jte20240091 |
2024 |
Dhanalekshmi Prasad Yedurkar, Shilpa Metkar, Fadi Al-Turjman, Nandan Yardi and Thompson Stephan. 2024. An IoT-based novel hybrid seizure detection approach for epileptic monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 20, 2, 1420-1431. DOI: 10.1109/tii.2023.3274913 |
Abhishek Saigiridhari, Abhishek Mishra, Aarya Tupe, Dhanalekshmi Yedurkar and Manisha Galphade. 2024. Deep CNN based Alzheimer analysis in MRI using clinical dementia rating. In Raja Muthalagu, P. S. Tamizharasan, Pranav M. Pawar, R. Elakkiya, Neeli Rashmi Prasad, Michele Fiorentino (Eds.). Computational Intelligence and Network Systems: First International Conference, CINS 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, October 18–20, 2023, proceedings. Springer, Singapore, 105-116 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-48984-6_9 |
Robin Olsson, Christopher Cameron, Florence Moreau, Erik Marklund, Matthias Merzkirch and Jocke Pettersson. 2024. Design, manufacture, and cryogenic testing of a linerless composite tank for liquid hydrogen. Applied Composite Materials 31, 4, 1131-1154. DOI: 10.1007/s10443-024-10219-y |
B. Alcayde, Matthias Merzkirch, A. Cornejo, S. Jiménez, E. Marklund and L. G. Barbu. 2024. Fatigue behaviour of glass-fibre-reinforced polymers: numerical and experimental characterisation. Composite Structures 337, 118057. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118057 |
Divishad Ratnakar Londhe, Navya Prakash and Markus G. R. Sause. in press. Generation of synthetic Force-Torque data for learning-based control of robots with Sim2Real transfer in industrial assembly processes. In 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40), Rotterdam, Netherlands, September 23-26, 2024. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1592-1594 |
Natascha Sarah Dosoudil. 2024. Investigation of vitrimer epoxy resins for carbon fiber reinforced polymers and fiber metal laminates. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Dominik Schiller, Silvan Mertes, Marcel Achzet, Fabio Hellmann, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. 2024. More than noise: assessing the viscosity of food products based on sound emission. In Ana Fred, Allel Hadjali, Oleg Gusikhin, Carlo Sansone (Eds.). Deep Learning Theory and Applications: 5th International Conference, DeLTA 2024, Dijon, France, July 10–11, 2024, proceedings, part I. Springer, Cham, 210-218 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-66694-0_13 |
Kiran Kamath, Anna Trauth, Nils Meyer, Markus G. R. Sause, Sabrina Barm and Andre Baeten. 2024. Multi-physical simulation of cryogenically cooled axial-flux electric motor. In COMSOL Conference 2024, Florence, Italy, October 22–24, 2024. COMSOL |
Dhanalekshmi Prasad Yedurkar, Shilpa P. Metkar and Thompson Stephan. 2024. Multiresolution directed transfer function approach for segment-wise seizure classification of epileptic EEG signal. Cognitive Neurodynamics 18, 2, 301-315. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-021-09773-z |
Maximilian Linde, Wolfram Wiest, Anna Trauth and Markus G. R. Sause. 2024. Selecting feasible trajectories for robot-based X-ray tomography by varying focus-detector-distance in space restricted environments. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 43, 2, 65. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-024-01075-8 |
Manisha Galphade, V. B. Nikam, Dhanalekshmi Prasad Yedurkar, Prabhishek Singh and Thompson Stephan. 2024. Semantic analysis using deep learning for predicting stock trends. Procedia Computer Science 235, 820-829. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.04.078 |
2023 |
Christina Baumeister, Thomas Schlech, Marcel Achzet, Quy Raven Luong, Florian F. Linscheid, Bastian Brück and Markus G. R. Sause. 2023. Akustische Überwachung des Werkzeugverschleißes bei der zerspanenden Bearbeitung. In SCHALL 2023: Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse und Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen, 21./22. März 2023, Wetzlar. DGZfP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin |
Sebastian Gade. 2023. Analysis of electromagnetic emission measurement as a means of studying fracture processes in carbon fibre reinforced polymers. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
André Baeten, Sabrina Barm, Markus Fackler, Neven Majic, Johannes Reitenberger, Timon Guenther, Christoph Lohr, Markus Sause, Anna Trauth, Richard Weihrich, Timo Koerner and Christian Oblinger. 2023. Concept study of a lightweight high performance axial flux motor cooled with cryogenic hydrogen. SAMPE Journal 59, 4, 59-69. DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.23.0059 |
Quy Raven Luong, Thomas Schlech, Florian F. Linscheid, Marcel Achzet and Markus G. R. Sause. 2023. Echtzeitfähige Analyse hochfrequenter Ultraschalldaten zur Überwachung von Fertigungsprozessen. In SCHALL 2023: Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse und Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen, 21./22. März 2023, Wetzlar. DGZfP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin |
Thomas Schleich, Florian F. Linscheid, Marcel Achzet, Christina Baumeister, Quy Raven Luong, Bastian Brück and Markus G. R. Sause. 2023. Generisches Framework für akustische Methoden zur Überwachung industrieller Fertigungsprozesse. In DACH-Jahrestagung 2023: Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, 15. – 17. Mai 2023, Friedrichshafen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP e. V.), Berlin |
Marcel Achzet, Benedict Schaller, Thomas Schlech, Florian F. Linscheid and Markus G. R. Sause. 2023. Ultraschallbasierte Untersuchung rheologischer Eigenschaften von Polymeren für die Prozessüberwachung. In DACH-Jahrestagung 2023: Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, 15. – 17. Mai 2023, Friedrichshafen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP e.V.), Berlin |
2022 |
Dhanalekshmi Prasad Yedurkar, Shilpa P. Metkar, Fadi Al-Turjman, Thompson Stephan, Manjur Kolhar and Chadi Altrjman. 2022. A novel approach for multichannel epileptic seizure classification based on Internet of Things framework using critical spectral verge feature derived from flower pollination algorithm. Sensors 22, 23, 9302. DOI: 10.3390/s22239302 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Andreas J. Brunner. 2022. AE in polymeric composites. In Christian U. Grosse, Masayasu Ohtsu, Dimitrios G. Aggelis and Tomoki Shiotani (Ed.). Acoustic emission testing: basics for research – applications in engineering. Springer, Cham (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering), 621-661. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67936-1_21 |
Simran Singh, Swapnil Nipane, Akshay Fasale, Aditi Dhumal and Dhanlakshmi Yedurkar. 2022. AI/IoT based trash monitoring system. In Vinit Kumar Gunjan, Jacek M. Zurada (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications: ICMISC 2021. Springer, Singapore, 391-398 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6407-6_35 |
Johannes Wiener, Florian Preissegger, Bernhard Plank, Florian Arbeiter, Otmar Kolednik and Gerald Pinter. 2022. Characterization methods for strain‐induced damage in polypropylene. Polymer Engineering & Science 62, 6, 1959-1973. DOI: 10.1002/pen.25979 |
Bastian Brück. 2022. Einfluss der Faseroberflächenmodifikation auf die Bildung der Mikrorissstruktur in carbonfaserverstärkten Keramiken bei der Herstellung im Flüssigsilizierverfahren. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Florian F. Linscheid. 2022. Entwicklung eines Zustandsüberwachungssystems durch Kombination von akustischen Überwachungsverfahren. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Shubham Dhoke, Shilpa Metkar, Rashmika Patole and Dhanalekshmi P. Yedurkar. 2022. Epileptic seizure classification using deep learning technique. In Mukul Sutaone, Vikram Gadre, Girish Khilari, Shilpa Metkar, Rashmika Patole, Neha Sharma (Eds.). 2022 International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP), 26-27 August 2022, Pune, India. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-5 DOI: 10.1109/iconsip49665.2022.10007464 |
M. Weil, Y. Bel-Hadj, Adelmo Fernandes, W. Weijtjens and C. Devriendt. 2022. Experimental and operational modal analysis of a bio-composite pedestrian bridge. In ISMA 2022 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 12-14 September 2022. KU Leuven, Departement Werktuigkunde (LMSD), Leuven, 1436-1449 |
Bernhard Plank, Markus G. R. Sause and Johann Kastner. 2022. High-resolution X-ray computed tomography simulations of synthetically-generated volume porosity in continuous carbon fibre-reinforced polymer samples. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 37, 5, 645-665. DOI: 10.1080/10589759.2022.2086547 |
Florian Thum. 2022. In-situ-Charakterisierung der Materialeigenschaften von Metall-CFK-Hybridlaminaten. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Hannes Stadler, Peter Kiss, Wolfgang Stadlbauer, Bernhard Plank and Christoph Burgstaller. 2022. Influence of consolidating process on the properties of composites from thermosetting carbon fiber reinforced tapes. Polymer Composites 43, 7, 4268-4279. DOI: 10.1002/pc.26687 |
Dominik Metzger. 2022. Kostenoptimierte Prozessketten für duromere Class-A CFK Sichtbauteile in Großserienprozessen. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Matthias Merzkirch. 2022. Mechanical characterization using digital image correlation: advanced fibrous composite laminates. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84040-2 |
Dhanalekshmi P. Yedurkar and Shilpa P. Metkar. 2022. Multiresolution analysis of epileptic seizure signal to eliminate EEG artifacts. In Vinit Kumar Gunjan, Jacek M. Zurada (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications: ICMISC 2021. Springer, Singapore, 591-604 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6407-6_52 |
Adelmo Fernandes, K. Winkler, W. Weijtjens and C. Devriendt. 2022. Operational modal analysis campaign conducted during the construction of an offshore wind farm. In ISMA 2022 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 12-14 September 2022. KU Leuven, Departement Werktuigkunde (LMSD), Leuven, 2696-2707 |
Philipp S. Stelzer, Bernhard Plank, Julia Maurer, Martin Tiefenthaler and Zoltan Major. 2022. Process-induced failure mode transition of compression molded discontinuous carbon fiber composites: from coupon to component level. Composites Part B: Engineering 242, 110021. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2022.110021 |
S. S. Ohol, K. D. Kalantri, Y. M. Pirjade, A. U. Kotkar, N. M. Patwardhan, Divishad R. Londhe and T. P. Shelke. 2022. Research methodology for augmenting a gait cycle of lower-body exoskeleton, by using a data of mathematical modeling and motion study of a specific user while obtaining a customized gait for joint actuation of exoskeleton. In Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain and Paolo Di Sia (Ed.). Handbook of smart materials, technologies, and devices: applications of industry 4.0. Springer, Cham, 927-951. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84205-5_165 |
Julian Hanke, Christian Eymüller, Alexander Poeppel, Julia Reichmann, Anna Trauth, Markus Sause and Wolfgang Reif. 2022. Sensor-guided motions for robot-based component testing. In Davide Brugali, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Jeffrey Tsai (Eds.). 2022 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 5-7 December 2022, Naples, Italy. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 81-84 DOI: 10.1109/irc55401.2022.00021 |
Julian Hanke, Christian Eymüller, Julia Reichmann, Anna Trauth, Markus Sause and Wolfgang Reif. 2022. Software-defined testing facility for component testing with industrial robots. In 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 6-9 September 2022, Stuttgart, Germany. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-8 DOI: 10.1109/etfa52439.2022.9921625 |
Marcel Achzet, Thomas Schlech, Florian F. Linscheid, Jan Faber and Markus G. R. Sause. 2022. Ultraschallbasierte Prozessüberwachung am Beispiel eines T-RTM Prozesses. In DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2022, Kassel, 23.-25. Mai 2022. DGZfP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin, 1-11 |
Marco Korkisch. 2022. Untersuchung der Kontaktentwicklung und des Umformverhaltens von thermoplastischen CFK-Metall-Hybriden. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
2021 |
Dimitrios G. Aggelis, Markus G. R. Sause, Pawel Packo, Rhys Pullin, Steve Grigg, Tomaž Kek and Yu-Kun Lai. 2021. Acoustic emission. In Markus G. R. Sause and Elena Jasiūnienė (Ed.). Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace. Springer, Cham (Springer Aerospace Technology), 175-217. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72192-3_7 |
V.H. Rangel-Hernandez, Q. Fang, J. Malzbender, Markus G. R. Sause, C. Babelot, S.M. Gross-Barsnick and L. Blum. 2021. An acoustic emission analysis of glass-ceramic sealants for solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells exposed to torsional tests: room and high-temperature experiments. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46, 27, 14724-14734. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.01.232 |
Elena Jasiūnienė, Markus G. R. Sause, Vykintas Samaitis, Dimitrios G. Aggelis, Maria Pina Limongelli and Steve Vanlanduit. 2021. Conclusions. In Markus G. R. Sause and Elena Jasiūnienė (Ed.). Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace. Springer, Cham (Springer Aerospace Technology), 273-284. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72192-3_10 |
Basuraj Bhowmik, Said Quqa, Markus G. R. Sause, Vikram Pakrashi and Mohamad Ghazi Droubi. 2021. Data reduction strategies. In Markus G. R. Sause and Elena Jasiūnienė (Ed.). Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace. Springer, Cham (Springer Aerospace Technology), 243-272. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72192-3_9 |
Dhanalekshmi P. Yedurkar and Shilpa P. Metkar. 2021. EEG analysis using bio-inspired metaheuristic approach. In Fadi Al-Turjman, Manoj Kumar, Thompson Stephan and Akashdeep Bhardwaj (Ed.). Evolving role of AI and IoMT in the healthcare market. Springer, Cham, 33-45. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82079-4_2 |
Thomas Schlech, Siegfried R. Horn, Charles Wijayawardhana and Arash Rashidi. 2021. Experimental and FEM based investigation of the influence of the deposition temperature on the mechanical properties of SiC coatings. Journal of Advanced Ceramics 10, 1, 139-151. DOI: 10.1007/s40145-020-0429-y |
Markus G. R. Sause, Florian F. Linscheid, Christian Oblinger, Sebastian O. Gade and Sinan Kalafat. 2021. Hard- and software fusion for process monitoring during machining of fiber reinforced materials. In Simon Pfingstl, Alexander Horoschenkoff, Philipp Höfer and Markus Zimmermann (Ed.). Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2020: Tagungsband zum Münchner Leichtbauseminar 2020. Springer, Berlin, 58-62. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-63143-0_6 |
Florian F. Linscheid and Markus G. R. Sause. 2021. Hard- und Softwarefusion von mehreren akustischen Messmethoden zur Zustandsüberwachung. In DGZfP Jahrestagung 2021 (virtuell): Materialcharakterisierung, 10. - 11. Mai 2021. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin, 1-8 |
M. Schorer and Markus G. R. Sause. 2021. Identification of damage onset in CFRP laminates under tension-tension fatigue using acoustic emission analysis [Abstract]. In ICFC 8 - the Eighth International Conference on the Fatigue of Composites, 23-25 June 2021, Online Conference, Department of Management and Engineering of the University of Padova. |
Markus G. R. Sause, Elena Jasiūnienė and Rhys Pullin. 2021. Introduction. In Markus G. R. Sause and Elena Jasiūnienė (Ed.). Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace. Springer, Cham (Springer Aerospace Technology), 1-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72192-3_1 |
Philipp-Emanuel Potstada. 2021. Konzeption und Durchführung von in-situ Computertomographie in der Anwendung auf Aluminiumlegierungen und Faserverbundwerkstoffe. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
M. Thor, U. Mandel, M. Nagler, F. Maier, J. Tauchner, Markus G. R. Sause and R. M. Hinterhölzl. 2021. Numerical and experimental investigation of out-of-plane fiber waviness on the mechanical properties of composite materials. International Journal of Material Forming 14, 19-37. DOI: 10.1007/s12289-020-01540-5 |
Michael Thor. 2021. Out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials: origins, detection and mechanical evaluation. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Dhanalekshmi P. Yedurkar and Shilpa P. Metkar. 2021. Recursive least squares based seizure detection of epileptic EEG signals. In Thammasak Rujirayanyong (Ed.). 2021 9th International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON), 10-12 March 2021, Pattaya, Thailand. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 377-380 DOI: 10.1109/ieecon51072.2021.9440243 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Stefan Schmitt, Ilnur Nagev and Horst Tratting. 2021. Schallemissionsprüfung an Faserverbundwerkstoffen bei kryogenen Temperaturen. In SCHALL 21 – Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse und Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin, 1-8 |
Jan Faber, Michael Vistein, Alexander Chaloupka, Marcel Achzet, Florian F. Linscheid, Samet Kurt and Markus G. R. Sause. 2021. Sensor-based process monitoring of in-situ polymerization in T-RTM manufacturing with caprolactam. In Proceedings of the SAMPE Europe 21 Conference, Baden / Zürich, Switzerland, 29-30 September 2021. SAMPE, Diamond Bar, CA, 1-9 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Elena Jasiūnienė (Ed.). 2021. Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace. Springer, Cham (Springer Aerospace Technology). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72192-3 |
Quy Raven Luong, Andreas Hefele, Alexander Reiner, Andreas Hörner and Achim Wixforth. 2021. Ultrasonic investigation of the evaporation dynamics of subnanoliter droplets. Journal of Applied Physics 130, 22, 224702. DOI: 10.1063/5.0072146 |
2020 |
Matthias Merzkirch and Tim Foecke. 2020. 10° off-axis tensile testing of carbon fiber reinforced polymers using digital image correlation. In Raman Singh, Geoffrey Slipher (Eds.). Mechanics of composite and multi-functional materials, volume 5: proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics. Springer, Cham, 55-62 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30028-9_8 |
Matthias Merzkirch and Tim Foecke. 2020. 10° off-axis testing of CFRP using DIC: a study on strength, strain and modulus. Composites Part B: Engineering 196, 108062. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.108062 |
Dhanalekshmi P. Yedurkar and Shilpa P. Metkar. 2020. Big data in electroencephalography analysis. In Anand J. Kulkarni, Patrick Siarry, Pramod Kumar Singh, Ajith Abraham, Mengjie Zhang, Albert Zomaya and Fazle Baki (Ed.). Big data analytics in healthcare. Springer, Cham (Studies in Big Data ; 66), 143-153. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31672-3_8 |
Y. M. Pirjade, Divishad R. Londhe, N. M. Patwardhan, A. U. Kotkar, T. P. Shelke and S. S. Ohol. 2020. Design and fabrication of a low-cost human body lower limb exoskeleton. In Dan Zhang, Ian Walker, Bin Wei (Eds.). 2020 6th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), 12-15 February 2020, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 32-37 DOI: 10.1109/icmre49073.2020.9065128 |
F. Thum, A. Monden and Markus G. R. Sause. 2020. Evaluation of surface modified aluminium/polyamide-6 fibre-metal laminates. In Joachim M. Hausmann, Marc Siebert, Axel von Hehl, Kay A. Weidenmann (Eds.). Proceedings: 4th International Conference Hybrid 2020, Materials and Structures, 28 – 29 April 2020, Web-Conference, Germany. DGM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Sankt Augustin, 46-52 |
2020. Guide des bonnes pratiques de la corrélation d'images numériques. International Digital Image Correlation Society. DOI: 10.32720/idics/gpg.ed1 |
V. Felea, P. T. Cong, Lilian Prodan, D. I. Gorbunov, T. Nomura, Y. Skourski, S. Zherlitsyn, J. Wosnitza, Zhaosheng Wang, A. Miyata, O. Portugall, Sebastian Widmann, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Joachim Deisenhofer, Vladimir Tsurkan and Alois Loidl. 2020. High-field phase transitions in the orbitally ordered multiferroic GeV4S8. Physical Review B 101, 6, 064413. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.101.064413 |
Matthias Merzkirch and Tim Foecke. 2020. Investigation of the interlaminar shear properties of fiber-reinforced polymers via flexural testing using digital image correlation. Materials Performance and Characterization 9, 5, 666-674. DOI: 10.1520/mpc20190206 |
Michael Thor, Markus G. R. Sause and Roland M. Hinterhölzl. 2020. Mechanisms of origin and classification of out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials - a review. Journal of Composites Science 4, 3, 130. DOI: 10.3390/jcs4030130 |
Dhanalekshmi P. Yedurkar and Shilpa P. Metkar. 2020. Multiresolution approach for artifacts removal and localization of seizure onset zone in epileptic EEG signal. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 57, 101794. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2019.101794 |
Anya Ziertmann, Peter Jahnke, Stefan Kerscher, Michael Koch and Wolfgang Holub. 2020. Overview of robot guided computed tomography - production monitoring in automotive industry 4.0. Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 86, 5, 316-322. DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.86.316 |
2020. Praxisleitfaden für die digitale Bildkorrelation. International Digital Image Correlation Society. DOI: 10.32720/idics/gpg.ed1 |
Jiaying Gao, Modesar Shakoor, Gino Domel, Matthias Merzkirch, Guowei Zhou, Danielle Zeng, Xuming Su and Wing Kam Liu. 2020. Predictive multiscale modeling for Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Composites Science and Technology 186, 107922. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107922 |
Florian Thum, Mario Zott and Markus G. R. Sause. 2020. Scan quality optimization for measuring Fiber-Metal-Laminates with X-Ray computed tomography. In 10th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT2020), Wels, Austria, 4-7 February 2020. FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH, Wels |
T. J. Foecke, E. Pompa and Matthias Merzkirch. 2020. Shear loader and performing pure mode II or mixed mode I and mode II shear loading [Patent]. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Alexandria, VA |
M. Thor, Markus G. R. Sause and R. M. Hinterhölzl. 2020. Strategies for the manufacturing of wrinkle-free composites parts. In SAMPE Europe Conference 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 30th September - 1st October 2020. |
A. Khudiakova, M. Berer, S. Niedermair, Bernhard Plank, E. Truszkiewicz, G. Meier, H. Stepanovsky, M. Wolfahrt, G. Pinter and J. Lackner. 2020. Systematic analysis of the mechanical anisotropy of fibre-reinforced polymer specimens produced by laser sintering. Additive Manufacturing 36, 013183. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101671 |
Simon Stieber, Alwin Hoffmann, Alexander Schiendorfer, Wolfgang Reif, Matthias Beyrle, Jan Faber, Michaela Richter and Markus G. R. Sause. 2020. Towards real-time process monitoring and machine learning for manufacturing composite structures. In Thilo Sauter, Francisco Vasques, Lucia Lo Bello, Valeriy Vyatkin (Eds.). 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 8-11 September 2020, Vienna, Austria. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1455-1458 DOI: 10.1109/ETFA46521.2020.9212097 |
Michael Filipenko, Alexander Poeppel, Alwin Hoffmann, Wolfgang Reif, Andreas Monden and Markus G. R. Sause. 2020. Virtual commissioning with mixed reality for next-generation robot-based mechanical component testing. In ISR 2020: 52th International Symposium on Robotics in conjunction with: automatica December 9 – 10, 2020, Online-Event. VDE, Berlin, 1-6. |
Wolfgang Holub and Yukie Nagai. 2020. ロボット型X線CT-製造モニタリングによる第4次自動車産業革命 概要 長井 超慧. Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 86, 5, 314-315. DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.86.314 |
2019 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Stefan Schmitt, Birte Hoeck and Andreas Monden. 2019. Acoustic emission based prediction of local stress exposure. Composites Science and Technology 173, 90-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.02.004 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Stefan Schmitt, Birte Hoeck and Andreas Monden. 2019. Berstdruckvorhersage mittels Schallemissionsanalyse. In DACH-Jahrestagung 2019: Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, 27. - 29. Mai 2019, Friedrichshafen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin |
M. Thor, H. Plasser, M. Nagler, F. Maier, R. M. Hinterhölzl and Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. Combining digital image correlation, passive thermography and acoustic emission to investigate damage initiation and propagation of out-of-place fiber waviness. In 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2019, 11 - 16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. |
Florian Thum, Philipp Potstada and Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. Development of a 25kN in situ load stage combining X-ray computed tomography and acoustic emission measurement. Key Engineering Materials 809, 563-568. DOI: 10.4028/ |
Florian F. Linscheid, Sebastian Schwägerl and Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. Evaluierung der Kombination von Schallemissionsanalyse und Prüfung mit geführten Wellen in einem gemeinsamen Sensornetzwerk. In 22. Kolloquium Schallemission und 3. Anwenderseminar Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen, 27. - 28. März 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Florian F. Linscheid, Tobias Peter, Christian Holzmann and Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. Evaluierung eines Überwachungsszenarios durch Kombination von akustischen Zustandsüberwachungsmethoden in einem gemeinsamen Sensornetzwerk. In DACH-Jahrestagung 2019: Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, 27. - 29. Mai 2019, Friedrichshafen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin |
Gaspard Clerc, Markus G. R. Sause, Andreas J. Brunner, Peter Niemz and Jan-Willem G. van de Kuilen. 2019. Fractography combined with unsupervised pattern recognition of acoustic emission signals for a better understanding of crack propagation in adhesively bonded wood. Wood Science and Technology 53, 6, 1235-1253. DOI: 10.1007/s00226-019-01136-6 |
Y. M. Pirjade, A. U. Kotkar, N. M. Patwardhan, Divishad R. Londhe, T. P. Shelke and S. S. Ohol. 2019. Human assistive lower limb exoskeleton. Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology 5, 2. |
Matthias Merzkirch, Qi An and Aaron M. Forster. 2019. In-plane shear response of GFRP laminates by ±45º and 10º off-axis tensile testing using digital image correlation. In Kyriaki Kalaitzidou (Ed.). 34th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2019, 23-25 September 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA, volume 2. DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, PA, 740-748 DOI: 10.12783/asc34/31313 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. In-situ Überwachung von Faserverbundwerkstoffen. ZfP-Zeitung 166, 44-51. |
Andreas J. Brunner, Philipp Potstada and Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. Microscopic damage size in fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites: quantification approac via NDT-measurements. Procedia Structural Integrity 17, 146-153. DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2019.08.020 |
Marco Korkisch and Markus G. R. Sause. 2019. Microscopic measurement of strain fields with digital image correlation and comparison to finite element modelling. Key Engineering Materials 809, 575-580. DOI: 10.4028/ |
Markus G. R. Sause, Jochen Moll, Jens Kathol, Claus-Peter Fritzen, Maria Moix-Bonet, Marcel Rennoch, Michael Koerdt, Axel S. Herrmann and Martin Bach. 2019. Open Guided Waves - Online Plattform für Messung mit geführten Ultraschallwellen. In DACH-Jahrestagung 2019: Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, 27. - 29. Mai 2019, Friedrichshafen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin |
Jochen Moll, Jens Kathol, Claus-Peter Fritzen, Maria Moix-Bonet, Marcel Rennoch, Michael Koerdt, Axel S. Herrmann, Markus G. R. Sause and Martin Bach. 2019. Open Guided Waves: online platform for ultrasonic guided wave measurements. Structural Health Monitoring 18, 5-6, 1903-1914. DOI: 10.1177/1475921718817169 |
Brian J. Wisner, Philipp Potstada, Vignesh I. Perumal, Konstantinos P. Baxevanakis, Markus G. R. Sause and Antonios Kontsos. 2019. Progressive failure monitoring and analysis in aluminium by in situ nondestructive evaluation. FFEMS - Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 42, 9, 2133-2145. DOI: 10.1111/ffe.13088 |
G. Clerc, Markus G. R. Sause, A. J. Brunner, P. Niemz and J. W. G. Van de Kuilen. 2019. Unsupervised pattern recognition of acoustic emission signals of adhesively bonded wood. In Xiping Wang, Udo H. Sauter, Robert J. Ross (Eds.). Proceedings: 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Freiburg, Germany, September 24–27, 2019. US Department of Agriculture, Madison, WI |
Markus G. R. Sause, Stefan Schmitt, Horst Trattnig, Daniel Altmann, Alexander Pietsch, Mareike Stephan and Lars Schubert. 2019. Vergleich von Messsystemen zur Schallemissionsprüfung von Faserverbundwerkstoffen. In 22. Kolloquium Schallemission und 3. Anwenderseminar Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen, 27.-28. März 2019, Karlsruhe. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin |
2018 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Marvin Hamstadt. 2018. Acoustic emission analysis. In Carl H. Zweben and Peter W. Beaumont (Ed.). Comprehensive composite materials II. Elsevier, Amsterdam (Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering ; 7), 291-326. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.10036-0 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Florian F. Linscheid and Markus Wiehler. 2018. An experimentally accessible probability of detection model for acoustic emission measurements. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 37, 2, 37:17. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-018-0474-4 |
Nora Schorer and Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. Characterization of CFRP laminates under tension-tension fatigue using 3D digital image correlation. In ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 24-28 June 2018. |
Qi An, Matthias Merzkirch and Aaron Forster. 2018. Characterizing fiber reinforced polymer composites shear behavior with digital image correlation. In Anthony Waas (Ed.). American Society for Composites 2018: Thirty-Third Technical Conference, September 24-26, 2018, Seattle, WA, USA. DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, PA, 123-133 DOI: 10.12783/asc33/25914 |
Armin M. A. Huber and Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. Classification of solutions for guided waves in anisotropic composites with large numbers of layers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144, 6, 3236-3251. DOI: 10.1121/1.5082299 |
Philipp Potstada, Sebastian Rosini, Mark Mavrogordato, Ian Sinclair, S. Mark Spearing and Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. Combination of synchrotron computed tomography and acoustic emission measurements for cyclic loading of fibre-reinforced composites. In EWGAE 2018 - 33rd European Conference on Acoustic Emission, Senlis, France, 12-14 September 2018. Cetim, Senlis |
Philipp Potstada, Sebastian Rosini, Mark Mavrogordato, Ian Sinclair, S. Mark Spearing and Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. Cross-validation of single filament failure by acoustic emission and high-resolution synchrotron computed tomography. In ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 24-28 June 2018. |
Markus G. R. Sause, Michael Greisel and Nora Schorer. 2018. Detection of crack initiation for fracture toughness evaluation of thermoset and thermoplastic fibre-reinforced materials. In ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 24-28 June 2018. |
Andreas Monden and Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. Diamond-like carbon (DLC) as adhesion promoting interlayer in steel / epoxy-based CFRP hybrid laminates. In Joachim Hausmann, Marc Siebert, Axel Hehl (Eds.). Hybrid Materials and Structures: Proceedings der 3. Internationale Konferenz: 18.-19. April 2018, Bremen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V., Sankt Augustin, 9-16 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Stefan Schmitt and Sinan Kalafat. 2018. Failure load prediction for fiber-reinforced composites based on acoustic emission. Composites Science and Technology 164, 24-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2018.04.033 |
F. Pottmeyer, O. Schlegel, Kay A. Weidenmann and Matthias Merzkirch. 2018. Investigation of the damage evolution of metal inserts embedded in carbon fiber reinforced plastic by means of computed tomography and acoustic emission = Untersuchung der Schädigungsentwicklung von in kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffen eingebetteten Inserts mittels Computertomographie und Schallem. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 49, 10, 1245-1262. DOI: 10.1002/mawe.201800002 |
Andreea-Manuela Zelenyak, Nora Schorer and Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. Modeling of ultrasonic wave propagation in composite laminates with realistic discontinuity representation. Ultrasonics 83, 103-113. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2017.06.014 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Marvin A. Hamstad. 2018. Numerical modeling of existing acoustic emission sensor absolute calibration approaches. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 269, 294-307. DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.11.057 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2018. On use of signal features for acoustic emission source identification in fibre-reinforced composites. In EWGAE 2018 - 33rd European Conference on Acoustic Emission, Senlis, France, 12-14 September 2018. Cetim, Senlis |
2017 |
S. O. Gade, B. B. Alaca and Markus G. R. Sause. 2017. Determination of crack surface orientation in carbon fibre reinforced polymers by measuring electromagnetic emission. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 36, 2, 36:21. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-017-0403-y |
P. M. Schaefer, T. Guglhoer, Markus G. R. Sause and K. Drechsler. 2017. Development of intimate contact during processing of carbon fiber reinforced Polyamide-6 tapes. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36, 8, 593-607. DOI: 10.1177/0731684416687041 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2017. Experimental methods to validate modeling of fiber reinforced materials. In Malte von Scheven, Marc-André Keip and Nils Karajan (Ed.). Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 11 - 13 October 2017, Stuttgart, Germany. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 627-631. DOI: 10.18419/opus-9334 |
S. J. A. Haug, W. M. Mueller, Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2017. Fiber-matrix adhesion in CFRC greenbodies and its influence on microcrack formation during the carbonization process. In Mrityunjay Singh, Tatsuki Ohji, Shaoming Dong, Dietmar Koch, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Bernd Clauss, Bernhard Heidenreich and Jun Akedo (Ed.). Advances in High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Compo sites and Materials for Sustainable Development. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ (Ceramic Transactions Series ; 263), 97-107. DOI: 10.1002/9781119407270.ch10 |
Louise A. Powell, William E. Luecke, Matthias Merzkirch, Katherine Avery and Tim Foecke. 2017. High strain rate mechanical characterization of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites using digital image correlations. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 10, 2, 138-146. DOI: 10.4271/2017-01-0230 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Stefan Schmitt and Philipp Potstada. 2017. Kontinuierliche und Wiederkehrende Prüfung von Schallemissionssensoren. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 21. Kolloquium Schallemission, 9. - 10. März 2017, Fulda, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (DGZfP-Berichtsband BB ; 159), 202-207. |
S. O. Gade and Markus G. R. Sause. 2017. Measurement and Study of Electromagnetic Emission Generated by Tensile Fracture of Polymers and Carbon Fibres. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 36, 9-1-9-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-016-0386-0 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Louise Ahure Powell and Tim Foecke. 2017. Measurements of Mode I interlaminar properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymers using digital image correlation. Key Engineering Materials 742, 652-659. DOI: 10.4028/ |
Christian Oblinger, André Baeten and Klaus Drechsler. 2017. Numerical analysis on the structural behavior of a non-engaging CFRP bellows coupling for propulsion technology. Key Engineering Materials 742, 723-731. DOI: 10.4028/ |
2016 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. Acoustic emission source identification in large scale fibre reinforced composites. In Pavel Mazal and Lubos Pazdera (Ed.). EWGAE 2016: 32nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing, 7th - 9th September 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Czech Society for Non-Destructive Testing in cooperation with Brno University of Technology, Prague, 441-450. |
Markus G. R. Sause, Nora Schorer, Sebastian O. Gade and Sinan Kalafat. 2016. Advances in in-situ monitoring of fiber reinforced composites. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM17, 26-30th June 2016, Munich, Germany. MAI Carbon Cluster Management GmbH, Augsburg |
Lidewei L. Vergeynst, Markus G. R. Sause, Niels J.F. De Baerdemaeker, Linus De Roo and Kathy Steppe. 2016. Clustering reveals cavitation-related acoustic emission signals from dehydrating branches. Tree Physiology 36, 6, 786-796. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpw023 |
Matthias Goldammer, Markus G. R. Sause and Detlef Rieger. 2016. Combined acoustic emission and thermographic testing of fibre composites. In 19th WCNDT 2016: World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin |
Christian U. Grosse, Matthias Goldammer, Jan-Carl Grager, Gregor Heichler, Peter Jahnke, Philipp Jatzlau, Denis Kiefel, Michael Mosch, Reinhold Oster, Markus G. R. Sause, Rainer Stößel and Matthias Ulrich. 2016. Comparison of NDT techniques to evaluate CFRP - results obtained in a MAIzfp Round Robin Test. In 19th WCNDT 2016: World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 158) |
Sinan Kalafat and Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. Comparison of carbon composite failure with thermoset and thermoplastic matrix by in-situ monitoring using computed tomography and acoustic emission. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM17, 26-30th June 2016, Munich, Germany. MAI Carbon Cluster Management GmbH, Augsburg |
Andreas Reeb, Matthias Merzkirch, Volker Schulze and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2016. Heat treatment during composite extruded spring steel wire reinforced EN AW-6082. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 229, 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2015.08.022 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. In situ monitoring of fiber-reinforced composites: theory, basic concepts, methods, and applications. Springer, Cham (Springer Series in Materials Science ; 242). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30954-5 |
Elisabet Suarez Vargas, Markus G. R. Sause and Antolino Gallego. 2016. Influence of an optical fiber embedded on unidirectional CFRP laminates evaluated with the Acoustic Emission and 3D Digital Image Correlation techniques. In T. Shiotani, Nihon Hi Hakai Kensa Kyōkai (Eds.). Progress in acoustic emission XVIII: proceedings of the 23rd International Acoustic Emission Symposium, the Inauguration Conference of International Institute of Innovative Acoustic Emission & the 8th International Conference on Acoustic Emission, 5. - 8. December 2016, Kyoto, Japan. Japanese Society for non-destructive inspection, Tokyo |
M. Greisel, A. Kurek, A. Chaloupka, Judith Moosburger-Will, W. M. Mueller, Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2016. Influence of epoxy- and polyamide-compatible carbon fiber sizings on interfacial fracture toughness an in-plane shear properties of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide-6. In 17th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM17, 26-30th June 2016, Munich, Germany. |
Judith Moosburger-Will, Jan Jäger, Julia Strauch, Matthias Bauer, Stefan Strobl, Florian F. Linscheid and Siegfried R. Horn. 2016. Interphase formation and fiber matrix adhesion in carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin: influence of carbon fiber surface chemistry. Composite Interfaces 24, 7, 691-710. DOI: 10.1080/09276440.2017.1267513 |
Sinan Kalafat, Marcus Bornschlegl and Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. Localization of acoustic emission sources in complex three dimensional fiber composites using artificial neural networks. In T. Shiotani, Nihon Hi Hakai Kensa Kyōkai (Eds.). Progress in acoustic emission XVIII: proceedings of the 23rd International Acoustic Emission Symposium, the Inauguration Conference of International Institute of Innovative Acoustic Emission & the 8th International Conference on Acoustic Emission, 5. - 8. December 2016, Kyoto, Japan. Japanese Society for non-destructive inspection, Tokyo |
Markus G. R. Sause, Rainer Stoessel, Reinhold Oster, Richard Soehnchen, Peter Jahnke, Andrea Seemann, Matthias Goldammmer and Christian U. Grosse. 2016. MAIzfp: a joint research effort on NDT of fiber reinforced composites within the leading-edge cluster MAI Carbon. In 19th WCNDT 2016: World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin |
Sebastian O. Gade, Philipp Potstada, Benjamin B. Alaca and Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. Measurement of electromagnetic emission as a tool to study fracture processes of carbon fibre reinforced polymers. In Pavel Mazal and Lubos Pazdera (Ed.). EWGAE 2016: 32nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing, 7th - 9th September 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Czech Society for Non-Destructive Testing in cooperation with Brno University of Technology, Prague, 163-172. |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. Modeling of acoustic emission sources in fiber reinforced composites. In T. Shiotani, Nihon Hi Hakai Kensa Kyōkai (Eds.). Progress in acoustic emission XVIII: proceedings of the 23rd International Acoustic Emission Symposium, the Inauguration Conference of International Institute of Innovative Acoustic Emission & the 8th International Conference on Acoustic Emission, 5. - 8. December 2016, Kyoto, Japan. Japanese Society for non-destructive inspection, Tokyo |
Andreea Manuela Zelenyak, Reinhold Oster, Michael Mosch, Peter Jahnke and Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. Numerical modeling of ultrasonic inspection in fiber reinforced materials with explicit microstructure. In 19th WCNDT 2016: World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 158) |
Andreas Monden, Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2016. Surface modified steel/epoxy-based CFRP hybrid laminates unter mode I, mode II and mixed-mode load conditions. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM17, 26-30th June 2016, Munich, Germany. MAI Carbon Cluster Management GmbH, Augsburg |
Thomas Guglhoer and Markus G. R. Sause. 2016. The influence of moisture on the de-consolidation behavior of carbon fiber reinforced Pa-6 laminates. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM17, 26-30th June 2016, Munich, Germany. MAI Carbon Cluster Management GmbH, Augsburg |
Jan-Carl Grager, Michael Schrapp, Hubert Mooshofer, Markus G. R. Sause, Andreea-Manuela Zelenyak and Christian U. Grosse. 2016. Ultrasonic imaging of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics using the full matrix capture data acquisition technique. In 19th WCNDT 2016: World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 158) |
2015 |
Sinan Kalafat and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. Acoustic emission source localization by artificial neural networks. Structural Health Monitoring 14, 6, 633-647. DOI: 10.1177/1475921715607408 |
P. S. Menon Dhanalekshmi and A. C. Phadke. 2015. Classification using fractal features of well-defined mammographic masses using power spectral analysis and differential box counting approaches. In L. Padma Suresh, Subhransu Sekhar Dash, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: proceedings of ICAEES 2014, volume 2. Springer, New Delhi, 495-501 DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2135-7_53 |
Franziska Baensch, Markus G. R. Sause, Andreas J. Brunner and Peter Niemz. 2015. Damage evolution in wood – pattern recognition based on acoustic emission (AE) frequency spectra. Holzforschung 69, 3, 357-365. DOI: 10.1515/hf-2014-0072 |
Franziska Baensch, Michaela Zauner, Sergio J. Sanabria, Markus G. R. Sause, Bernd R. Pinzer, Andreas J. Brunner, Marco Stampanoni and Peter Niemz. 2015. Damage evolution in wood: synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography (SRμCT) as a complementary tool for interpreting acoustic emission (AE) behavior. Holzforschung 69, 8, 1015-1025. DOI: 10.1515/hf-2014-0152 |
Lidewei L. Vergeynst, Markus G. R. Sause, Marvin A. Hamstad and Kathy Steppe. 2015. Deciphering acoustic emission signals in drought stressed branches: the missing link between source and sensor. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 494. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00494 |
Torben Prieß, Markus G. R. Sause, Daniel Fischer and Peter Middendorf. 2015. Detection of delamination onset in laser-cut carbon fiber transverse crack tension specimens using acoustic emission. Journal of Composite Materials 49, 21, 2639-2647. DOI: 10.1177/0021998314552003 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Yuri Sinchuk, Kay A. Weidenmann and Roman Piat. 2015. Experimental and numerical determination of the elastic moduli of freeze cast MMC with different lamellae orientation. In Waltraud M. Kriven, Jingyang Wang, Dongming Zhu, Thomas Fischer (Eds.). Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials: a collection of papers presented at the 39th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 153-166 DOI: 10.1002/9781119211747.ch13 |
L. L. Vergeynst, A. J. Brunner and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. FEM-Simulation von Schallemissionssignalen aus Zugversuchen an Miniaturprüfkörpern aus Fichtenholz für vergleichende Signalklassifizierung mittels Mustererkennung. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 20. Kolloquium Schallemission, 18. - 19. Juni 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. DGZfP, Berlin (DGZfP-Berichtsband BB ; 153) |
Matthias Merzkirch, Thilo Hammers, Andreas Reeb, Thomas Schwind, Sascha Riedl, Leon Thiel, Alexander Henschel, Eberhard Kerscher, Volker Schulze and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2015. Fatigue behavior and lifetime prediction of unidirectionally wire reinforced lightweight metal matrix composites. Advanced Engineering Materials 17, 6, 905-911. DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400354 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Stefan Richler. 2015. Finite element modelling of cracks as acoustic emission sources. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 34, 1, 4-1-4-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-015-0278-8 |
Nora Schorer and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. Identification of failure mechanisms in CFRP laminates using 3D digital image correlation. In Ole Thybo Thomsen, Christian Berggreen, Bent F. Sørensen (Eds.). 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, 19 - 24th July 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICCM, 4115-2 |
Sinan Kalafat, Andreea-Manuela Zelenyak and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. In-situ monitoring of composite failure by computing tomography and acoustic emission. In Ole Thybo Thomsen, Christian Berggreen, Bent F. Sørensen (Eds.). 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM20), 19 - 24th July 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. Aalborg University, Aalborg, 1119-1 |
Thomas Guglhoer, Marco Korkisch and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. Influence of carbon fibres on the crystallinity of polyamide-6. In Ole Thybo Thomsen, Christian Berggreen, Bent F. Sørensen (Eds.). 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM20), 19-24th July 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICCM, 2206-3 |
J. Jäger, Markus G. R. Sause, F. Burkert, Judith Moosburger-Will, M. Greisel and Siegfried R. Horn. 2015. Influence of plastic deformation on single-fiber push-out tests of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 71, 157-167. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.01.011 |
Judith Moosburger-Will, Markus G. R. Sause, Michael Greisel, Robert Horny, Jochen Scholler, Llorenç Llopard Prieto and Siegfried R. Horn. 2015. Interfacial properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates joined by a novel partial cross-linking process. In Ole Thybo Thomsen, Christian Berggreen, Bent F. Sørensen (Eds.). 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM20), 19 - 24th July 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICCM, 5101-2 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Pascal Pinter, Stefan Dietrich and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2015. Interpenetrating freeze cast composites: correlation between structural and mechanical characteristics. Materials Science Forum 825-826, 109-116. DOI: 10.4028/ |
Judith Moosburger-Will, Markus G. R. Sause, Robert Horny, Siegfried R. Horn, Jochen Scholler and Llorenç Llopard Prieto. 2015. Joining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates by a novel partial cross-linking process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 132, 27, 42159. DOI: 10.1002/app.42159 |
Thomas Guglhör, Siegfried R. Horn and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. MAI Plast - Entwicklung kosteneffizienter Verarbeitungstechnologie zur automatisierten Prozessierung von thermoplastischen Hochleistungsverbundwerkstoffen für Großserienanwendungen: Abschlussbericht; Berichtszeitraum: 01.07.2012-31.06.2015. Universität Augsburg, Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik II, Augsburg. DOI: 10.2314/GBV:867655763 |
Yuriy Sinchuk, Stefan Dietrich, Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann and Romana Piat. 2015. Micro-computed tomography image based numerical elastic homogenization of MMCs. Key Engineering Materials 627, 437-440. DOI: 10.4028/ |
Andreea-Manuela Zelenyak, Marvin Hamstad and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. Modeling of acoustic emission signal propagation in waveguides. Sensors 15, 5, 11805-11822. DOI: 10.3390/s150511805 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Andreea-Manuela Zelenyak. 2015. Modellierung von Schallemissionsquellen auf Basis von volumetrischen Bildinformationen. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 20. Kolloquium Schallemission, 18. - 19. Juni 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. DGZfP, Berlin (DGZfP-Berichtsband BB ; 153) |
Markus G. R. Sause and Nadreea-Manuela Zelenyak. 2015. Modellierung von Ultraschallprüfverfahren an Faserverbundwerkstoffen. In Seminar des FA Ultraschallprüfung, 3.-4. November 2015, Saarbrücken. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 155) |
A. J. Brunner, L. L. Vergeynst, Markus G. R. Sause, F. Baensch and P. Niemz. 2015. Mustererkennung zur Klassierung von Schallemissionssignalen aus Zugversuchen an Miniaturproben aus Fichtenholz: Vergleich für Wellenformen aus Finite Element Modellierung und Experiment. In ZfP in Forschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung, DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, 11.-13. Mai 2015, Salzburg. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 152) |
Matthias Merzkirch, Marius Meissner, Volker Schulze and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2015. Numerical analysis to study the tensile behaviour of a spring-steel-wire-reinforced aluminium alloy metal matrix composite. Journal of Composite Materials 49, 21, 2659-2671. DOI: 10.1177/0021998314553044 |
W.M. Mueller, Judith Moosburger-Will, Markus G. R. Sause, M. Greisel and Siegfried R. Horn. 2015. Quantification of crack area in ceramic matrix composites at single-fiber push-out testing and influence of pyrocarbon fiber coating thickness on interfacial fracture toughness. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35, 11, 2981-2989. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.04.033 |
F. Baensch, M. Zauner, Markus G. R. Sause, A. J. Brunner and P. Niemz. 2015. Real-time studies on the damage evolution in wood combining acoustic emission & X-ray tomographic microscopy. In M. Kaliske and J. Eberhardsteiner (Ed.). Theoretical, numerical, and experimental analyses in wood mechanics: EUROMECH colloquium 556, Dresden, Germany, May 27–29, 2015. Institut für Statistik und Dynamik der Tragwerke, Dresden, 28-29. |
A. J. Brunner, F. Baensch, Markus G. R. Sause, M. Zauner and P. Niemz. 2015. Schallemissionsanalyse und synchrotronbasierte Mikrotomografie an verklebten Miniatur-Zugprüfkörpern aus Fichtenholz. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 20. Kolloquium Schallemission, 18. - 19. Juni 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. DGZfP, Berlin (DGZfP-Berichtsband BB ; 153) |
Birte Höck, Martin Regnet, A. Fröhlich, M. Wolff, S. Ehard, Markus G. R. Sause, Michael Kupke and G. Schullerer. 2015. Successful development and monitoring of CFRP manufacturing technologies. In Proceedings of the 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2015, 12-16 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel. International Astronautical Federation, Paris, 6725-6733 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Marius Meissner, Volker Schulze and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2015. Tensile behaviour of spring steel wire reinforced EN AW-6082. Journal of Composite Materials 49, 3, 261-274. DOI: 10.1177/0021998313517581 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Volker Walter and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2015. Tensile properties of an infiltrated interpenetrating porous SiC MMC. In Ole Thybo Thomsen, Christian Berggreen, Bent F. Sørensen (Eds.). 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 20), July 19-24, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. Aalborg University, Aalborg, 4212-5 |
B. B. Alaca, S. O. Gade and Markus G. R. Sause. 2015. Untersuchung von elektromagnetischen und akustischen Emissionen während Bruchvorgängen in faserverstärkten Kunststoffen. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 20. Kolloquium Schallemission, 18. - 19. Juni 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. DGZfP, Berlin (DGZfP-Berichtsband BB ; 153) |
2014 |
Franziska Ritschel, Markus G. R. Sause, Andreas J. Brunner and Peter Niemz. 2014. Acoustic emission (AE) signal classification from tensile tests on plywood and layered wood. In 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE), 3 - 5 September 2014,Dresden, Germany. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 149) |
Lidewei L. Vergeynst, Markus G. R. Sause and Kathy Steppe. 2014. Acoustic emission signal detection in drought-stressed trees: beyond counting hits. In 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE), 3 - 5 September 2014, Dresden, Germany. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 149) |
Marvin A. Hamstad and Markus G. R. Sause. 2014. Acoustic emission signals versus propagation direction for hybrid composite layup with large stiffness differences versus direction. In 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE), 3 - 5 September 2014, Dresden, Germany. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 149) |
Markus G. R. Sause, S. Kalafat, A.-M. Zelenyak, B. Hoeck and Siegfried R. Horn. 2014. Acoustic emission source localization in bearing tests of fiber reinforced polymers by neural networks. In 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM16, 7-11 July 2014, Cambridge, UK. |
Markus G. R. Sause and Andreas Monden. 2014. Comparison of predicted onset of failure mechanisms by nonlinear failure theory and by acoustic emission measurements. In 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 22 - 26 June 2014, Sevilla, Spain. |
Matthias Merzkirch, Andreas Reeb, Volker Schulze and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2014. Cyclic deformation and damage behaviour of the spring steel wire reinforced aluminium alloy EN AW-6082. Journal of Materials Science 49, 5, 2187-2203. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-013-7913-5 |
Andreas Monden, Markus G. R. Sause, Alexander Hartwig, Claus Hammerl, Helmut Karl and Siegfried R. Horn. 2014. Evaluation of surface modified CFRP-metal hybrid laminates. In Joachim M. Hausmann, Marc Siebert (Eds.). Euro Hybrid Materials and Structures 2014: International Conference, 10 - 11 April 2014, Stade, Germany. DGM, Sankt Augustin, 32-40 |
Andreea Manuela Zelenyak, Marvin A. Hamstad and Markus G. R. Sause. 2014. Finite element modeling of acoustic emission signal propagation with various shaped waveguides. In 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE), 3 - 5 September 2014, Dresden, Germany. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 149) |
Lidewei L. Vergeynst, Markus G. R. Sause, Franziska Ritschel, Andreas J. Brunner, Peter Niemz and Kathy Steppe. 2014. Finite element modelling used to support wood failure identification based on acoustic emission signals. In Steffen Franke, Bettina Franke and Robert Widmann (Ed.). COST Timber Bridge Conference: CTBC 2014, 25 - 26 September 2014, Biel, Switzerland. Bern University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Timber Construction, Structures and Architecture, Bern, 141-146. |
M. Greisel, J. Jäger, Judith Moosburger-Will, Markus G. R. Sause, W.M. Mueller and Siegfried R. Horn. 2014. Influence of residual thermal stress in carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites on interfacial fracture toughness evaluated by cyclic single-fiber push-out tests. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 66, 117-127. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.07.010 |
Michael Greisel, Jan Jäger, Markus G. R. Sause, Judith Moosburger-Will and Siegfried R. Horn. 2014. Influence of residual thermal stresses in carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics on the fiber-matrix interaction evaluated by single-fiber push-out tests. In 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 22 - 26 June 2014, Sevilla, Spain. |
Birte Höck, Martin Regnet, Stefan Bickelmaier, Florian Henne, Markus G. R. Sause, Thomas Schmidt and Gunter Geiss. 2014. Innovative and efficient manufacturing technologies for highly advanced composite pressure vessels. In European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, SSMET, 1 - 4 April 2014, Braunschweig, Germany. |
Sinan Kalafat and Markus G. R. Sause. 2014. Localization of acoustic emission sources in fiber composites using artificial neural networks. In 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE), 3 - 5 September 2014, Dresden, Germany. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 149) |
Matthias Merzkirch, Ch. Blümel, R. Rössler, K. G. Schell, E. C. Bucharsky and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2014. Manufacturing and characterization of interpenetrating SiC lightweight composites. Procedia CIRP 18, 102-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.06.115 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2014. Modelling of crack growth based acoustic emission release in aluminum alloys. In 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE), 3 - 5 September 2014, Dresden, Germany. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 149) |
Judith Moosburger-Will, Michael Greisel, Markus G. R. Sause, Robert Horny and Siegfried R. Horn. 2014. Physical properties of partially cross-linked RTM6 epoxy resin. In 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 22 - 26 June 2014, Sevilla, Spain. |
T. Guglhoer, F. Manger and Markus G. R. Sause. 2014. Quantification of local fiber distribution for optimization of tape laying techniques. In 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 22 - 26 June 2014, Sevilla, Spain. |
S. O. Gade, Ursula Weiss, Malte A. Peter and Markus G. R. Sause. 2014. Relation of electromagnetic emission and crack dynamics in epoxy resin materials. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 33, 4, 711-723. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-014-0265-5 |
Andreas Monden, Markus G. R. Sause, A. Hartwig, Nora Schorer, B. Alaca, S. Burger and Siegfried R. Horn. 2014. Testing of CFRP-metal sandwiches subject to mode I and mode II load conditions [Poster]. In 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 2014. |
Florian Henne, Stefan Ehard, Andreas Kollmannsberger, Birte Hoeck, Markus G. R. Sause, Günter Obermeier and Klaus Drechsler. 2014. Thermoplastic in-situ fiber placement for future solid rocket motor casings manufacturing. In 9th SAMPE Europe Technical Conference & Table Top Exhibition (SETEC 14): Efficient Composite Solutions to Foster Economic Growth, 10 - 11 September 2014, Tampere, Finland. SAMPE Europe, Heerenveen, 46-53. |
2013 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2013. Acoustic emission signal propagation in damaged composite structures. Journal of Acoustic Emission 31, 1-18. |
Markus G. R. Sause, M. Plöckl, Siegfried R. Horn, B. Forberich and J. Scharringhausen. 2013. Bestimmung von GIc und GIIc Kennwerten von thermoplastischen Faserverbundwerkstoffen mittels Schallemissionsanalyse. In Alexander Wanner and Kay A. Weidenmann (Ed.). Verbundwerkstoffe: 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, 03. - 05. Juli 2013, Karlsruhe. DGM, Sankt Augustin, 621-262. |
Dhanalekshmi Prasad Yedurkar and A. C. Phadke. 2013. Classification of circular and lobulated masses in mammograms using fractal analysis. In 2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), 20-21 March 2013, Nagercoil, India. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1219-1221 DOI: 10.1109/iccpct.2013.6528972 |
Roland Weiß, Helmut Eckert, Meinrad Schienle, Alexander Frey, Ingo Kühne and Bastian Krümmer. 2013. Efficient solar powered wireless sensor solution. In Lorenz-Peter Schmidt (Ed.). 2013 European Microwave Conference, 6-10 October 2013, Nuremberg, Germany. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 912-915 DOI: 10.23919/EuMC.2013.6686806 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Marvin A. Hamstad and Siegfried R. Horn. 2013. Finite element modeling of lamb wave propagation in anisotropic hybrid materials. Composites Part B: Engineering 53, 249-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2013.04.067 |
Stefan Richler, Siegfried R. Horn and Markus G. R. Sause. 2013. Gezielte Erzeugung mikroskopischer Schädigungsarten von Faserverbundwerkstoffen in Kombination mit Schallemissionsanalyse. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 19. Kolloquium Schallemission, 12. - 13. September 2013, Augsburg. Dt. Ges. für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 142) |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2013. Identification of failure mechanisms in fiber reinforced composites by acoustic emission analysis. In 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability: ICOSSAR 2013, 16 - 20 June 2013, New York. |
Markus G. R. Sause, J. Scharringhausen and Siegfried R. Horn. 2013. Identification of failure mechanisms in thermoplastic composites by acoustic emission measurements. In Suong Van Hoa (Ed.). International Conference on Composite Materials 2013, ICCM-19, 28 July - 2 August 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Volume 1. Curran, Red Hook, NY, 7680-7691. |
Judith Moosburger-Will, Michael Greisel, Markus G. R. Sause, Robert Horny and Siegfried R. Horn. 2013. Influence of partial cross-linking degree on basic physical properties of RTM6 epoxy resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 4338-4346. DOI: 10.1002/app.39722 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Volker Schulze and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2013. Lifetime behaviour of unidirectionally wire reinforced lightweight metal matrix composites. International Journal of Fatigue 56, 60-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.08.002 |
Sinan Kalafat and Markus G. R. Sause. 2013. Lokalisierung von Schallemissionsquellen in Faserverbundwerkstoffen mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 19. Kolloquium Schallemission, 12. - 13. September 2013, Augsburg. DGZfP, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 142) |
W.M. Mueller, Judith Moosburger-Will, Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2013. Microscopic analysis of single-fiber push-out tests on ceramic matrix composites performed with Berkovich and flat-end indenter and evaluation of interfacial fracture toughness. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33, 2, 441-451. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2012.09.009 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2013. Quantification of the uncertainty of pattern recognition approaches applied to acoustic emission signals. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 32, 3, 242-255. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-013-0177-9 |
Sebastian O. Gade and Markus G. R. Sause. 2013. Untersuchung elektromagnetischer Emission von Polymeren in Verbindung zur Schallemissionsanalyse. In Sprache Deutsch Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 19. Kolloquium Schallemission, 12. - 13. September 2013, Augsburg. Dt. Ges. für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung, Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 142) |
2012 |
Marina Plöckl, Markus G. R. Sause, Joachim Scharringhausen and Siegfried R. Horn. 2012. Failure analysis of NOL-ring specimens by acoustic emission. In 30th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing & 7th International Conference on Acoustic Emission, 12-15 September 2012, Granada, Spain. |
Markus G. R. Sause, Marvin A. Hamstad and Siegfried R. Horn. 2012. Finite element modeling of conical acoustic emission sensors and corresponding experiments. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 184, 64-71. DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2012.06.034 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2012. Influence of internal discontinuities on ultrasonic signal propagation in carbon fiber reinforced plastics. In 30th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing & 7th International Conference on Acoustic Emission, 12-15 September 2012, Granada, Spain. |
Markus G. R. Sause, A. Gribov, Antony R. Unwin and Siegfried R. Horn. 2012. Pattern recognition approach to identify natural clusters of acoustic emission signals. Pattern Recognition Letters 33, 1, 17-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2011.09.018 |
Markus G. R. Sause, T. Müller, A. Horoschenkoff and Siegfried R. Horn. 2012. Quantification of failure mechanisms in mode-I loading of fiber reinforced plastics utilizing acoustic emission analysis. Composites Science and Technology 72, 2, 167-174. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2011.10.013 |
Matthias Merzkirch. 2012. Verformungs- und Schädigungsverhalten der verbundstranggepressten, federstahldrahtverstärkten Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-6082. KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Angewandte Materialien ; 11). DOI: 10.5445/KSP/1000030686 |
2011 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Andreas Reeb, Kay A. Weidenmann, Alexander Wanner and Volker Schulze. 2011. Acoustic emission response of reinforced lightweight metal matrix composites during tensile and cyclic loading. Journal of Acoustic Emission 29, 317-328. |
Matthias Merzkirch, A. Reeb, Kay A. Weidenmann and V. Schulze. 2011. Charakterisierung des Verformungs- und Schädigungsverhaltens unidirektional drahtverstärkter Aluminium- und Magnesiummatrixverbunde unter Zug- und Druckbeanspruchung. In B. Wielage (Ed.). Tagungsband zum 18. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde: in Chemnitz 2011; 30.03. - 01.04.2011. IWW, Chemnitz, 103-108 |
Th. Kloppenborg, A. Reeb, Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann, A. Brosius and A. E. Tekkaya. 2011. Effiziente Strangpresssimulation für industrielle Anwendungen. In A. E. Tekkaya (Ed.). Integration von Umformen, Trennen und Fügen für die flexible Fertigung von leichten Tragwerkstrukturen: Ergebnisbericht der Phase II, 1. Januar 2007 bis 31. Dezember 2010. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (VDI-Berichte ; 678), 457-466. |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2011. Einfluss der Signallaufzeit auf die Unterscheidbarkeit von Schallemissionsquellen in Faserverbundwerkstoffen. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 18. Kolloquium Schallemission, 27. - 28. Oktober 2011, Wetzlar. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP), Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 131), 1-9. |
T. Köck, W. Skopalik, Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2011. Fracture behavior of coarse grain graphites investigated by acoustic-emission and CT-analysis. In Mark C. Thies (Ed.). Annual World Conference on Carbon, 11 - 16 July 2010, Clemson, South Carolina, USA. Curran, Red Hook, NY, 126-127. |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2011. Investigation of pencil-lead breaks as acoustic emission sources. Journal of Acoustic Emission 29, 184-196. |
Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann and Volker Schulze. 2011. Investigations on the cyclic crack growth behaviour of spring steel wire reinforced EN AW-6082. In Sergio N. Monteiro, Dirk E. Verhulst, Prince N. Anyalebechi, Joseph A. Pomykala (Eds.). EPD Congress 2011. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 135-142 DOI: 10.1002/9781118495285.ch17 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann and V. Schulze. 2011. Werkstoffkundliche Charakterisierung verbundstranggepresster Leichtmetallmatrix-Verbundwerkstoffe. In A. E. Tekkaya (Ed.). Integration von Umformen, Trennen und Fügen für die flexible Fertigung von leichten Tragwerkstrukturen: Ergebnisbericht der Phase II, 1. Januar 2007 bis 31. Dezember 2010. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (VDI-Berichte ; 678), 49-72. |
2010 |
Tobias Müller, Alexander Horoschenkoff and Markus G. R. Sause. 2010. Einfluss von Zwischenfaserbrüchen in 0/90-Laminaten auf die elektrische Widerstandsänderung von eingebetteten Carbonfasern. In Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010: Ausgewählte Manuskripte. DGLR, Bonn, 309-316. |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2010. Identification of failure mechanisms in hybrid materials utilizing pattern recognition techniques applied to acoustic emission signals. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. Mensch und Buch Verlag, Berlin. |
Kay A. Weidenmann, Eberhard Kerscher and Matthias Merzkirch. 2010. In situ damage detection with acoustic emission analysis during cyclic loading of wire reinforced EN AW-6082. Advanced Engineering Materials 12, 7, 637-640. DOI: 10.1002/adem.200900313 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2010. Influence of specimen geometry on acoustic emission signals in fiber reinforced composites: FEM-simulations and experiments. In 29th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing, 9-10 September 2010, Vienna, Austria. |
M. Marré, C. Weddeling, T. Hammers, Matthias Merzkirch, J. Rautenberg, E. Tekkaya, V. Schulze, D. Biermann and A. Zabel. 2010. Innovative joining methods for lightweight designs, part II. Aluminium: International Journal for Industry, Research and Application 2010, 3, 55-59. |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2010. Simulation of acoustic emission in planar carbon fiber reinforced plastic specimens. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 29, 2, 123-142. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-010-0071-7 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2010. Simulation of lamb wave excitation for different elastic properties and acoustic emission source geometries. Journal of Acoustic Emission 28, 142-154. |
Günter Obermeier, C. Reiter, R. Lebmeier, Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2010. Vergleich von Messmethoden zur Quantifizierung des Faserabbrands an kurzfaserverstärkten C/SiC-Bauteilen. In Michael Pohl (Ed.). Konstruktion, Werkstoffentwicklung und Schadensanalyse: Tagung "Werkstoffprüfung 2010", 02. und 03. Dezember 2010, Neu-Ulm. Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf, 417-422. |
2009 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Siegfried R. Horn, J. Scholler and M. Klug. 2009. Anwendung von Mustererkennungsverfahren zur Schadensanalyse in faserverstärkten Kunststoffen. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 17. Kolloquium Schallemission, 24. - 25. September 2009, Bad Schandau. DGZFP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 118), 9-17. |
Sonja Huber, Matthias Merzkirch, Michael F. Zaeh and Volker Schulze. 2009. Applications of high-power diode lasers for aluminum welding. In Mark S. Zediker (Ed.). High-power diode laser technology and applications VII: SPIE Lase: Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering, 24-29 January 2009, San Jose, CA, USA. SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 71980M DOI: 10.1117/12.809141 |
Kay A. Weidenmann, T. Hammers, Matthias Merzkirch and E. Kerscher. 2009. Charakterisierung des mechanischen Verhaltens verbundstranggepresster Leichtbauprofile unter schlagartiger Beanspruchung. In Walter Krenkel (Ed.). Verbundwerkstoffe: 17. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 168-173 DOI: 10.1002/9783527627110.ch23 |
Sonja Huber, Michael Marré, Markus Ruhstorfer, Jens Rautenberg, Christian Weddeling, Thilo Hammers, Michael Robert Kronthaler, Matthias Merzkirch, Micheal Zaeh, A. Erman Tekkaya, Dirk Biermann, V. Schulze and Andreas Zabel. 2009. Innovative joining methods in lightweight designs. In Proceedings of GDA 2009 - European Aluminium Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany, 23-24 November 2009. , 6-1-21 |
T. Hammers, Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann and E. Kerscher. 2009. Mechanisches Verhalten ausgewählter Werkstoffsysteme verbundstranggepresster Leichtbauprofile unter quasistatischer Belastung. In Walter Krenkel (Ed.). Verbundwerkstoffe: 17. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 155-161 DOI: 10.1002/9783527627110.ch21 |
A. Ohl, Matthias Merzkirch, M. Grigo, B. Butz and Kay A. Weidenmann. 2009. Präparation von Dünnschliffen aus langfaserverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen mit Polymer- oder Aluminiummatrizes zur Bestimmung der Grenzflächenscherfestigkeit mittels Push-Out-Test. In Andreas Bührig-Polaczek, Albert Kneissl (Eds.). Fortschritte in der Metallographie: Vortragstexte der 43. Metallographie-Tagung, 16. - 18. September 2009 in Aachen. MAT-INFO, Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 99-104 |
Markus G. R. Sause, Ferdinand Haider and Siegfried R. Horn. 2009. Quantification of metallic coating failure on carbon fiber reinforced plastics using acoustic emission. Surface and Coatings Technology 204, 3, 300-308. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.07.027 |
Markus G. R. Sause and Siegfried R. Horn. 2009. Schallemissionsanalyse beschichteter kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kunststoffe. In Walter Krenkel (Ed.). Verbundwerkstoffe: 17. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde. Wiley-VCH, DGM, Weinheim, Berlin, 474-481. |
Th. Hammers, Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann and V. Schulze. 2009. Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen von Fügestellen. In A. E. Tekkaya (Ed.). Integration von Umformen, Trennen und Fügen für die flexible Fertigung von leichten Tragwerkstrukturen: Zwischenbericht der Phase 2, 1. Januar 2007 bis 31. Dezember 2008. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (VDI-Berichte ; 668), 115-131. |
W. Skopalik, Markus G. R. Sause, Siegfried R. Horn and T. Köck. 2009. Visualisierung von Schallemissionslokalisierungen. In Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse: 17. Kolloquium Schallemission, 24. - 25. September 2009, Bad Schandau. DGZFP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Berichtsband ; 118), 62-69. |
Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann, E. Kerscher and D. Löhe. 2009. Werkstoffsysteme für verstärkte Leichtbauprofile. In A. E. Tekkaya (Ed.). Integration von Umformen, Trennen und Fügen für die flexible Fertigung von leichten Tragwerkstrukturen: Zwischenbericht der Phase 2, 1. Januar 2007 bis 31. Dezember 2008. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (VDI-Berichte ; 668), 45-64. |
2008 |
Markus G. R. Sause, D. Schultheiß and Siegfried R. Horn. 2008. Acoustic emission investigation of coating fracture and delamination in hybrid carbon fiber reinforced plastic structures. Journal of Acoustic Emission 26, 1, 1-13. |
Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann, Eberhard Kerscher and Detlef Löhe. 2008. Documentation of the corrosion of composite-extruded aluminium matrix extrusions using the push-out test. Advanced Materials Research 43, 17-22. DOI: 10.4028/ |
Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann, Eberhard Kerscher, Detlef Löhe, Daniel Pietzka, M. Schikorra and A. Erman Tekkaya. 2008. Mechanical properties of hybrid composite extrusions of an aluminum-alumina wire reinforced aluminum alloy. In Materials Science and Technology, MS&T 2008, October 5-9, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Curran, Red Hook, NY, 2552-2562 |
Matthias Merzkirch, Kay A. Weidenmann, Eberhard Kerscher and Detlef Löhe. 2008. The use of acoustic emission to determine damage evolution during cyclic loading of wire reinforced AlSiMg0.5. In Pedro Dolabella Portella, Tilmann Beck, Masakazu Okazaki (Eds.). Sixth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue, LCF 6, Berlin, Germany, September 8-12, 2008. DVM, Berlin, 649-654 |
Siegfried R. Horn, Robert Horny, Llorenç Llopart Prieto, Judith Moosburger-Will, Markus G. R. Sause and Jochen Scholler. 2008. Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Faserverbundbauteils. |
2007 |
Markus G. R. Sause. 2007. Untersuchung des Phasendiagramms von CaVO3−δ mittels Röntgenstrukturanalyse und Transportmessungen. |