Prof. Dr. Arno Kampf

Theoretical Physics III
Phone: +49-(0)821-598-3702
Room: 407 (S)
Address: Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg

Lehrveranstaltungen / Teaching


Current semester:


(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Arno Kampf | course types: Vorlesung, Vorlesung + Übung, Übung, Seminar, Examenskurs)
name lecturer semester type
Theoretische Physik I (Höhere Mechanik, Quantenmechanik Teil 1) Kampf

Arno Kampf

winter semester 2024/25 Vorlesung
Seminar über aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Quantenvielteilchentheorie Heyl

Markus Heyl,


Francesco Piazza,


Marcus Kollar,


Dieter Vollhardt,


Daniel Braak,


Thilo Kopp,


Liviu Chioncel,


Arno Kampf

winter semester 2024/25 Seminar
Übung zu Theoretische Physik I Kampf

Arno Kampf

winter semester 2024/25 Übung


Preview for next semester (if available):


(applied filters: semester: next | lecturers: Arno Kampf | course types: Vorlesung, Vorlesung + Übung, Übung, Seminar, Examenskurs)
name lecturer semester type
Übung zu Theoretische Physik II Kampf

Arno Kampf

summer semester 2025 Übung
Theoretische Physik II (Quantenmechanik Teil 2) Kampf

Arno Kampf

summer semester 2025 Vorlesung


Bachelorarbeiten / Bachelor theses

© University of Augsburg

Veröffentlichungen / Publications

2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986


N. Aucar Boidi, Arno P. Kampf und K. Hallberg
Unconventional correlated metallic behavior due to interorbital Coulomb interaction

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Firat Yılmaz, Arno P. Kampf und Sungkit K. Yip
Phase diagrams of Kitaev models for arbitrary magnetic field orientations

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Stefan Gorol, Florian Loder, Daniel Braak, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Signatures of topological phase transitions in the S‐Wave superconductor at finite temperature

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Saikat Banerjee, W. A. Atkinson und Arno P. Kampf
Intrinsic hallmarks of phonon-induced charge order in cuprates

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Saikat Banerjee, W. A. Atkinson und Arno P. Kampf
Emergent charge order from correlated electron-phonon physics in cuprates

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Corentin Morice, Elias Lettl, Thilo Kopp und Arno P. Kampf
Optical conductivity and resistivity in a four-band model for ZrTe5 from ab initio calculations

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Corentin Morice, Thilo Kopp und Arno P. Kampf
Nonunique connection between bulk topological invariants and surface physics

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W. A. Atkinson, S. Ufkes und Arno P. Kampf
Structure of the charge density wave in cuprate superconductors: lessons from NMR

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Narayan Mohanta, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Supercurrent as a probe for topological superconductivity in magnetic adatom chains

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Narayan Mohanta, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Emergent Momentum-Space Skyrmion Texture on the Surface of Topological Insulators

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Lukas Kuerten, Christoph Richter, Narayan Mohanta, Thilo Kopp, Arno P. Kampf, Jochen Mannhart und Hans Boschker
In-gap states in superconducting LaAlO3−SrTiO3 interfaces observed by tunneling spectroscopy

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf, Thilo Kopp und Daniel Braak
Momentum-space spin texture in a topological superconductor

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W. A. Atkinson, Arno P. Kampf und S. Bulut
Emergence of charge order in a staggered loop-current phase of cuprate high-temperature superconductors

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W. A. Atkinson, Arno P. Kampf und S. Bulut
Charge order in the pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors

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W. A. Atkinson und Arno P. Kampf
Effect of pointlike impurities on dx2−y2 charge-density waves in cuprate superconductors

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S. Bulut, Arno P. Kampf und W. A. Atkinson
Instability towards staggered loop currents in the three-orbital model for cuprate superconductors

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Route to Topological Superconductivity via Magnetic Field Rotation

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Markus Schmid, Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Disorder induced stripes in d-wave superconductors

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C.-C. Chen, M. Sentef, Y. F. Kung, C. J. Jia, R. Thomale, B. Moritz, Arno P. Kampf und T. P. Devereaux
Doping evolution of the oxygen K-edge x-ray absorption spectra of cuprate superconductors using a three-orbital Hubbard model

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Kalpataru Pradhan und Arno P. Kampf
Electronic and magnetic reconstructions in manganite superlattices

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Fractional quantization of the magnetic flux in cylindrical unconventional superconductors

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Kalpataru Pradhan und Arno P. Kampf
Interfacial magnetism in manganite superlattices

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S. Bulut, W. A. Atkinson und Arno P. Kampf
Spatially modulated electronic nematicity in the three-band model of cuprate superconductors

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Superconductivity with Rashba spin–orbit coupling and magnetic field

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N. Plonka, A. F. Kemper, Siegfried Graser, Arno P. Kampf und T. P. Devereaux
Tunneling spectroscopy for probing orbital anisotropy in iron pnictides

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Flux-Periodicity Crossover from hc/e in Normal Metallic to hc/2e in Superconducting Loops

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Michael Sentef, Philipp Werner, Emanuel Gull und Arno P. Kampf
Charge and spin criticality for the continuous Mott transition in a two-dimensional organic conductor

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Brian M. Andersen, Markus Schmid, Siegfried Graser, P.J. Hirschfeld und Arno P. Kampf
Effects of impurities and vortices on the low-energy spin excitations in high-Tc materials

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Florian Loder, Siegfried Graser, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Mean-field pairing theory for the charge-stripe phase of high-temperature cuprate superconductors

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Florian Loder, Siegfried Graser, Michael Schmid, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Modeling of superconducting stripe phases in high-Tccuprates

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Michael Sentef, Philipp Werner, Emanuel Gull und Arno P. Kampf
Superconducting phase and pairing fluctuations in the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model

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Arno P. Kampf, Marcus Kollar, Jan Kuneš, Michael Sentef und Dieter Vollhardt
Material-specific investigations of correlated electron systems

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Zsolt Gulácsi, Arno P. Kampf und Dieter Vollhardt
Route to ferromagnetism in organic polymers

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Sanjeev Kumar, Jeroen van den Brink und Arno P. Kampf
Spin-spiral states in undoped manganites: role of finite Hund's rule coupling

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Superconducting state with a finite-momentum pairing mechanism in zero external magnetic field

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Markus Schmid, Brian M. Andersen, Arno P. Kampf und P. J. Hirschfeld
d-Wave superconductivity as a catalyst for antiferromagnetism in underdoped cuprates

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
hc/e periodicity in loops of nodal superconductors

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Michael Sentef, Jan Kuneš, Philipp Werner und Arno P. Kampf
Correlations in a band insulator

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Flux periodicities in loops and junctions with d-wave superconductors

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf, Thilo Kopp und Jochen Mannhart
Flux periodicities in loops of nodal superconductors

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Michael Sekania, Walter Hofstetter und Arno P. Kampf
Insulating behavior with spin and charge order in the ionic Hubbard model

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Sanjeev Kumar und Arno P. Kampf
Combined effect of bond and potential disorder in half-doped manganites

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Crossover from hc/e to hc/2e current oscillations in rings of s-wave superconductors

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Sanjeev Kumar und Arno P. Kampf
Disorder-induced orbital ordering in doped manganites

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Zsolt Gulácsi, Arno P. Kampf und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact many-electron ground states on diamond and triangle Hubbard chains

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Brian M. Andersen, P. J. Hirschfeld, Arno P. Kampf und Markus Schmid
Disorder-induced static antiferromagnetism in cuprate superconductors

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Sanjeev Kumar, Arno P. Kampf und Pinaki Majumdar
Effect of disorder in an orbitally ordered Jahn-Teller insulator

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Zsolt Gulácsi, Arno P. Kampf und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact many-electron ground states on the diamond Hubbard chain

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Florian Loder, Arno P. Kampf, Thilo Kopp, Jochen Mannhart, Christof W. Schneider und Yuri S. Barash
Magnetic flux periodicity of h/e in superconducting loops

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M. Sentef, Marcus Kollar und Arno P. Kampf
Spin transport in Heisenberg antiferromagnets in two and three dimensions

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Sanjeev Kumar, Arno P. Kampf und Pinaki Majumdar
Domain formation and orbital ordering transition in a doped Jahn-Teller insulator

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M. Sentef, Arno P. Kampf, Stefan Hembacher und Jochen Mannhart
Focusing quantum states on surfaces: a route towards the design of ultrasmall electronic devices

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Arno P. Kampf und A.A. Katanin
Quasiparticle anisotropy and pseudogap formation: a weak-coupling renormalization-group analysis

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Bruce Normand, K. Hallberg, A. A. Aligia und Arno P. Kampf
Spin-Charge Separation and Topological Phase Transitions in Aharnov-Bohm Rings of Interacting Electrons

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Bruce Normand, K. Hallberg, A. A. Aligia und Arno P. Kampf
Spin–charge separation and topological phase transitions in Aharonov-Bohm rings of interacting electrons

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K. Hallberg, A. A. Aligia, Arno P. Kampf und Bruce Normand
Transmittance through Aharonov-Bohm rings: signature of spin-charge separation

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A. A. Katanin, Arno P. Kampf und V. Yu. Irkhin
Anomalous self-energy and fermi surface quasi-splitting in the vicinity of a ferromagnetic instability

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Markus Schmid und Arno P. Kampf
Mirage phenomena in superconducting quantum corrals

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A. A. Katanin und Arno P. Kampf
Order parameter symmetries for magnetic and superconducting instabilities: Bethe-Salpeter analysis of functional renormalization-group solutions

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A. A. Aligia, Arno P. Kampf und Jochen Mannhart
Quartet formation at (100)/(110) interfaces of d-wave superconductors

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A. A. Katanin und Arno P. Kampf
Quasiparticle anisotropy and pseudogap formation: a functional renormalization group study

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A. A. Aligia, K. Hallberg, Bruce Normand und Arno P. Kampf
Detection of topological transitions by transport through molecules and nanodevices

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A. A. Katanin und Arno P. Kampf
Quasiparticle anisotropy and pseudogap formation from the weak-coupling renormalization group point of view

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Arno P. Kampf und A. A. Katanin
Spin dynamics in La2CuO4: consistent description by the inclusion of ring exchange

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Arno P. Kampf und A. A. Katanin
Competing phases in the extended U-V-J Hubbard model near the van Hove fillings

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Markus Schmid und Arno P. Kampf
Mirages, anti-mirages, and further surprises in quantum corrals with non-magnetic impurities

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H. Fehske, Arno P. Kampf, Michael Sekania und G. Wellein
Nature of the Peierls- to Mott-insulator transition in 1D

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Arno P. Kampf, Michael Sekania, George I. Japaridze und Philipp Brune
Nature of the insulating phases in the half-filled ionic Hubbard model

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H. Fehske, G. Wellein, Arno P. Kampf, Michael Sekania, G. Hager, Alexander Weiße, H. Büttner und Alan R. Bishop
One-dimensional electron-phonon systems: Mott- versus Peierls-insulators

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K. Hallberg, A. A. Aligia, Arno P. Kampf und Bruce Normand
Spin-charge separation in Aharonov-Bohm rings of interacting electrons

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A. A. Katanin und Arno P. Kampf
Theoretical analysis of magnetic Raman scattering in La2CuO4: two-magnon intensity with the inclusion of ring exchange

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Philipp Brune und Arno P. Kampf
Band to Mott Insulator transition in the ionic Hubbard model

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Umberto Michelucci, F. Venturini und Arno P. Kampf
Quantum interference phenomena between impurity states in d-wave superconductors

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A. A. Katanin und Arno P. Kampf
Renormalization group analysis of magnetic and superconducting instabilities near van Hove band fillings

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A. A. Katanin und Arno P. Kampf
Spin excitations in La2CuO4: consistent description by inclusion of ring-exchange

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George I. Japaridze, Arno P. Kampf, Michael Sekania, P. Kakashvili und Philipp Brune
η-pairing superconductivity in the Hubbard chain with pair hopping

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Bruce Normand und Arno P. Kampf
Lattice anisotropy as the microscopic origin of static stripes in cuprates

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Ph. Brune und Arno P. Kampf
Phase transitions in insulating 1D electron systems

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Arno P. Kampf, Douglas J. Scalapino und Steven R. White
Stripe orientation in an anisotropic t-J model

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Bruce Normand und Arno P. Kampf
Suppression of static stripe formation by next-neighbor hopping

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B. Zeini, A. Freimuth, B. Büchner, M. Galffy, R. Gross, Arno P. Kampf, M. Kläser, G. Müller-Vogt und L. Winkler
Thermal conductivity and thermal Hall effect in Bi- and Y-based high Tc superconductors

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T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
A consistent picture of electronic Raman scattering and infrared conductivity in the cuprates

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Andrei Pimenov, A. V. Pronin, Alois Loidl, U. Michelucci, Arno P. Kampf, S. I. Krasnosvobodtsev, V. S. Nozdrin und D. Rainer
Anisotropic conductivity of Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4−δ films at submillimeter wavelengths

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J. Altmann, W. Brenig und Arno P. Kampf
Anisotropic scattering rates and antiferromagnetic precursor effects in the t-t'-U Hubbard model

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Philipp Brune und Arno P. Kampf
Anisotropy of the energy gap in the insulating phase of the U-t-t' Hubbard model

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F. Venturini, Umberto Michelucci, T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
Collective modes and electronic Raman scattering in the cuprates

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F. Venturini, Umberto Michelucci, T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
Collective spin fluctuation mode and Raman scattering in superconducting cuprates

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T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
Consistent picture of electronic Raman scattering and infrared conductivity in the cuprates

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B. Zeini, A. Freimuth, B. Büchner, R. Gross, Arno P. Kampf, M. Kläser und G. Müller-Vogt
Righi-Leduc effect in Y- and Bi-based high-Tc superconductors

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Andrei Pimenov, Artem V. Pronin, Alois Loidl, Arno P. Kampf, S. I. Krasnosvobodtsev und V. S. Nozdrin
Submillimeter spectroscopy of tilted Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ films: observation of a mixed ac-plane

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B. Büchner, H. Fehske, Arno P. Kampf und G. Wellein
Lattice dimerization in the Spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3

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B. Zeini, A. Freimuth, B. Büchner, R. Gross, Arno P. Kampf, M. Kläser und G. Müller-Vogt
Separation of quasiparticle and phononic heat currents in YBa2Cu3O7−δ

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T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
Theory of electronic Raman scattering in nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquids

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George I. Japaridze und Arno P. Kampf
Weak-coupling phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model with correlated-hopping interaction

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T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
Electronic Raman scattering in nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquids

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G. Bouzerar, Arno P. Kampf und George I. Japaridze
Elementary excitations in dimerized and frustrated Heisenberg chains

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G. Wellein, H. Fehske und Arno P. Kampf
Peierls dimerization with nonadiabatic spin-phonon coupling

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Arno P. Kampf und T. P. Devereaux
Extended impurity potential in a dx2-y2 superconductor

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T. P. Devereaux und Arno P. Kampf
Raman scattering in cuprate superconductors

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Friedhelm Schönfeld, Arno P. Kampf und Erwin Müller-Hartmann
Two-magnon Raman scattering in a spin density wave antiferromagnet

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Friedhelm Schönfeld, Arno P. Kampf und Erwin Müller-Hartmann
Two-magnon raman scattering in a spin density wave antiferromagnet

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Arno P. Kampf und J. R. Schrieffer
ARPES: novel effects in the energy and momentum distributions of nearly antiferromagnetic metals

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Arno P. Kampf
Collective excitations in itinerant spiral magnets

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Dirk K. Morr, Andrey V. Chubukov, Arno P. Kampf und G. Blumberg
Raman scattering in a two-layer antiferromagnet

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J. R. Schrieffer und Arno P. Kampf
ARPES: novel effect in the energy and momentum distributions

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J. Altmann, W. Brenig, Arno P. Kampf und E. Müller-Hartmann
Self-consistent analysis of single-particle excitations in a spin-density-wave antiferromagnet

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R. T. Scalettar, G. G. Batrouni, Arno P. Kampf und G. T. Zimanyi
Simultaneous diagonal and off-diagonal order in the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian

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G. G. Batrouni, R. T. Scalettar, G. T. Zimanyi und Arno P. Kampf
Supersolids in the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian

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B. Büchner, A. Freimuth, M. Breuer, A. Lang, H. Micklitz und Arno P. Kampf
Buckling of the CuO2 planes and the electronic properties of doped La2CuO4 superconductors

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Arno P. Kampf und Wolfram Brenig
Charge dynamics and spin order in doped Hubbard models

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B. Büchner, M. Breuer, A. Freimuth und Arno P. Kampf
Critical buckling for the disappearance of superconductivity in rare-earth-doped La2−xSrxCuO4

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Arno P. Kampf
Magnetic correlations in high temperature superconductivity

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Wolfram Brenig und Arno P. Kampf
One- and two-particle excitations in doped Hubbard models

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Wolfram Brenig und Arno P. Kampf
Single particle excitations in itinerant antiferromagnets

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W. Brenig, Arno P. Kampf und K.W. Becker
Single particle excitations in itinerant antiferromagnets at small doping

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B. Büchner, M. Breuer, W. Schlabitz, A. Viack, W. Schäfer, A. Freimuth und Arno P. Kampf
Structure and superconductivity of rare earth doped La2-xSrxCuO4

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B. Büchner, M. Breuer, M. Cramm, A. Freimuth, H. Micklitz, W. Schlabitz und Arno P. Kampf
Superconducting/non-superconducting phase boundary in the low temperature tetragonal phase of (La,RE)-Sr-Cu-O

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Arno P. Kampf, A. Freimuth und W. Brenig
Tagungsbericht: Kuprat- und Schwer-Fermionen-Supraleiter

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W. Brenig und Arno P. Kampf
Renormalized single-particle properties in a spin density wave antiferromagnet

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Arno P. Kampf und Gergely T. Zimanyi
Superconductor-insulator phase transition in the boson Hubbard model

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C. Bruder, Rosario Fazio, Arno P. Kampf, A. van Otterlo und Gerd Schön
Quantum phase transitions and commensurability in frustrated Josephson junction arrays

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Arno P. Kampf und Wolfram Brenig
Raman scattering from antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations

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Arno P. Kampf und W. Brenig
Resonant Raman scattering from a spin density wave insulator

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W. Brenig, Arno P. Kampf, H. Monien und J. R. Schrieffer
Anharmonic local-moment fluctuations in the Hubbard model

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Arno P. Kampf
Cluster method for the Hubbard model: local moments and short-range correlations

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E. Dagotto, Arno P. Kampf und J. Schrieffer
Comment on "Odd-parity singlet pairing in the positive-U Hubbard model"

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W. Brenig, Arno P. Kampf, H. Monien und J. R. Schieffer
Functional integral approach to strongly interacting fermions in high magnetic fields

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Arno P. Kampf
Spin bags and their implications for single particle properties in cuprate superconductors

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W. Brenig und Arno P. Kampf
Spin excitations in a quantum antiferromagnet with magnetic impurities and vacancies

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Arno P. Kampf und J. R. Schrieffer
The evolution of spin bags from small to large U: implications for spectroscopies

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M. Drzazga, Arno P. Kampf, E. Müller-Hartmann und H. A. Wischmann
Path integral study of the phase transition to the resonating valence bond state

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Arno P. Kampf und J. R. Schrieffer
Pseudo gaps and spin bags

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Arno P. Kampf und J. R. Schrieffer
Pseudogaps and the spin-bag approach to high-Tc superconductivity

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Arno P. Kampf und J. R. Schrieffer
Spectral function and photoemission spectra in antiferromagnetically correlated metals

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M. Drzazga, Arno P. Kampf, E. Müller-Hartmann und H. A. Wischmann
Phase transition to the resonating valence bond state

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Arno P. Kampf und Gerd Schön
Influence of dissipation on the finite temperature phase transition in Josephson junction arrays

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Arno P. Kampf und Gerd Schön
Influence of dissipation on the finite temperature phase transition in Josephson junction arrays

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Arno P. Kampf und Gerd Schön
Phase transition of dissipative Josephson arrays in a magnetic field

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E. Müller-Hartmann, M. Drzazga, Arno P. Kampf und H. A. Wischmann
Phase transition to the resonating valence bond state

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Arno P. Kampf und Gerd Schön
Phase transition and dissipation by quasiparticle tunneling in arrays of Josephson junctions

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Arno P. Kampf und Gerd Schön
Quantum effects and the dissipation by quasiparticle tunneling in arrays of Josephson junctions

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Arno P. Kampf und B. Mühlschlegel
Interaction of sound with Josephson phases in a model granular superconductor

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