Outcomes of the EHISTO-project
The most important outcomes of the project are the following:
- Baseline study: The empirical studies of the baseline study aimed to find out teachers' views and practice in terms of the use of history magazines through a combination of questionnaires and interviews with history teachers in all five of the countries involved. Further research was done regarding history curricula and textbooks in all five partner countries in relation to the aims and focus of the EHISTO project.
- EHISTO analytical framework for the work on popular history magazines: A common analytical tool was developed by the project partners in order to give ideas about how history magazines might be analysed. It is designed to support the self-reliant development of further topics by history teachers and teacher students.
- Teaching and learning objects: The teaching and learning objects are the most important result of the EHISTO project. They are available online, including teacher manuals for the secondary level focused on historical topics that are covered by national magazines and syllabi of all partnering countries ('European History Crossroads'). The materials consist of history- and media-didactically edited content.
- Project seminars for initial teacher training along with a module guide: The module guide for initial teacher training aims at experts in initial teacher training who carry out history seminars about EHISTO related topics, modularised in line with the Bologna Process.
- Final publication: The final publication presents the results of the EHISTO project. The volume offers articles, which for the first time address the phenomenon of popular history magazines in Europe and their mediating strategies. The articles are intended as introductory material for teachers and student teachers.
- EHISTO Publications:
- Susanne Popp/Jutta Schumann/Miriam Hannig (Hrsg.): Commercialised History: Popular History Magazines in Europe. Approaches to a Historico-Cultural Phenomenon as a Basis for History Teaching. Frankfurt/Main 2015
- Susanne Popp/Jutta Schumann/Fabio Crivellari/Michael Wobring/Claudius Springkart (Hrsg.): Populäre Geschichtsmagazine in internationaler Perspektive. Interdisziplinäre Zugriffe und ausgewählte Fallbeispiele. Frankfurt/Main 2016
- Terry Haydn: History Magazines in the UK. In: Yearbook. International Society for History Didactics 34 (2013), S. 191-205
- Susanne Popp: 'Popularising the popular'. Popular history magazines as a part of transnational and national historical cultures. In: Häberlein, Mark / Paulus, Stefan / Weber, Gregor: Geschichte(n) des Wissens. Festschrift für Wolfgang E. J. Weber zum 65. Geburtstag. Augsburg 2015. S. 207-223
- Susanne Popp/Miriam Hannig: European History Crossroads - europäische Perspektiven des Geschichtsunterrichts (Bericht über ein didaktisches EU-Projekt). In: Europäische Erziehung 44 , Nr.2, 2014, S. 4-8
- Susanne Popp/Miriam Hannig: Popular History Magazines as a Source of Intercultural, Transnational and Media-Critical History Education. In: Adult Education 72 (2015): 1914-2014 - Remembering the past to live the present and shape the future. The contribution of European adult education. S. 25-36 (IPE. International Perspectives in Adult Education, 72)
- Susanne Popp/Miriam Hannig: Der Erste Weltkrieg in populären Geschichtsmagazinen - europäische Vergleichsperspektiven für den Geschichtsunterricht (EHISTO). In: Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. (Hrsg.): Der Erste Weltkrieg. Zwischen nationalgeschichtlichem Paradigma, populärer Erinnerungskultur und europäischer Integration. Kassel 2014. S. 256-271
- Susanne Popp/Jutta Schumann/Miriam Hannig: 'Histotainment' by Popular History Magazines. The 'Edutaining' Design of History and its Challenges for Media Critical History Education. In: jahrbuch - yearbook - annales 36. History and Education - Geschichte und Edutainment - L'histoire et le ludo-éducatif. Schwalbach/Taunus 2015. S. 29-44
- Jutta Schumann: The Illustration of the Topic 'Islam' in German Popular History Magazines. In: Yearbook. International Society for History Didactics 34 (2013), S. 173–189
- Jutta Schumann: The 'Cold War' in German Popular History Magazines, in: Zhongjie Meng/Susanne Popp/Byung-Soo Oh (Hrsg.): History Education in the Process of Globalization: Comparative Characteristics of Narratives in the Asian and European Textbooks, Shanghai 2012, S. 313-321 (Chinesisch), S. 322-332 (Englisch)