EHISTO Teaching and Learning Objects
The main goal of EHISTO was to develop trans-national teaching material (secondary level) – so-called LOs – (with teacher manuals) on historical topics that cover the national magazines and syllabi of all partnering countries ("European History Crossroads"). The material serves to induce media-critical and intercultural competences by employing comparative approaches. It focuses on two selected 'European History Crossroads' (EHC), namely 'Columbus and the "discovery" of the "New World"' and 'The "outbreak" of World War One'.
Regarding the design of the LOs it was important for the project partners not to provide ready-made teaching units for 45 minute lessons, but to offer a wide range of ideas and suggestions for lessons, which can be freely combined and adapted to the specific needs of students – even in higher age and ability classes. The aim of the LOs was to illustrate new innovative ways of mediation, which show examples of how media-critical and intercultural competences can be enhanced in the classroom by means of the selected 'European History Crossroads'.