Psychological Research Colloquium WT 2024/25

Recent and ongoing research in the fields of Educational Psychology and Empirical Educational Research will be presented and discussed in the research colloquium. In addition to scientists from the University of Augsburg, researchers from other research institutions will also report on their work. All colleagues, doctoral researchers and students are cordially invited.

Sessions are usually held on Thursdays, 11:45 – 13:15, in room 2108/D (unless otherwise indicated).

There is also the possibility to participate by ZOOM—however, we would encourage the auditory to attend the presentations in person in order to allow for a lively discussion.
ZOOM link:

Abstracts of the individual presentations could be found on the following website:
Psychologisches Forschungskolloquium (


Oct. 24 2024, 17:30 - 19:00, Room 2104 /D

Gender Dynamics in STEM Education: An Eye-Tracking Study

Özün Keskin1, Rebekka Stahnke2, Christian Kosel3, Sylvia Gabel1, Aldin Alijagic1 & Andreas Gegenfurtner1
Methods of Learning Research, Universitiy of Augsburg
2Leibnitz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel
3Technical University of Munich

Nov. 14 2024

Collaborative diagnostic reasoning from a process perspective




Emotions in medical education: A longitudinal study of the reciprocal relations between emotions, appraisals, and achievement

Laura Brandl1, Matthias Stadler2 , Constanze Richters2, Ralf Schmidmaier2, Martin R. Fischer2, & Frank Fischer1

1Department of Psychology, LMU Munich, 2University Hospital, LMU Munich


Nadja Karossa1, Thomas Rotthoff2, Ann-Kathrin Schindler2, Sabine Polujanski2, Markus Dresel3, Ingo Kollar4 & Ulrike Nett1
1Empirical Educational Research, University of Augsburg
2Medical Didactics and Education Research (DEMEDA), University of Augsburg
3Psychology, University of Augsburg
4Educational Psychology, University of Augsburg

Nov. 21 2024

Einstellungen und Stereotype angehender Lehrkräfte gegenüber Schüler:innen mit arabischem Migrationshintergrund



Meike Bonefeld1, Christin Laschke2, Justine Stang-Rabrig3 & Anita Tobisch4
1Universität Freiburg, 2Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik (IPN), 3Technische Universität Dortmund, 4Universität Augsburg

Nov. 28 2024

About the malleability and context-specificity of teacher self-efficacy: Insights from meta-analytical and multi-level modeling research

Janina Täschner

Professorship of Psychology of Teaching and Learning, Technical University of Munich

Dec. 5 2024, 17:30-19:00, Room 2103/D

Associations between preservice teachers’ goals and noticing of student interactions: An eye-tracking study


Martin Daumiller1*, Ricardo Böheim2*, Aldin Alijagic3, Doris Lewalter2, Andreas Gegenfurtner3, Tina Seidel2** & Markus Dresel3**
1University of Munich, 2Technical University of Munich, 3University of Augsburg,
*shared first authorship, **shared senior authorship

Dec. 12 2024

Understanding adaptive reactions to errors in primary school students: A multimodal and experimental approach

Jana Spear, Donna Bryce & Markus Dresel
Psychology, University of Augsburg

Dec. 19 2024

Higher education teachers’ initiation of digital learning activities: A closer look at two teaching contexts

Anne Lohr1 , Amadeus J. Pickal2 & Michael Sailer2
1University of Munich, 2Learning Analytics, University of Augsburg

Jan. 09 2025

Breaking down siloes: Towards integrative perspectives on students’ motivational and emotional self-regulation in academic settings



Kristina Stockinger1, Ulrike Nett2, & Markus Dresel1
1Psychology, University of Augsburg, 2Empirical Educational Research, University of Augsburg

Jan. 16 2025

Fehlerklima und Geschlecht als Einflussfaktoren für Fehlerreaktionen bei Grundschulkindern


Carolin Burmeister, Kim Beck & Robert Grassinger
Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten

Jan. 30 2025

How pre-service teachers use scientific information vs non-scientific information to solve a problematic teaching situation: A study design


Motivated and feeling good? Longitudinal effects of motivational regulation on student well-being and motivation

Martin Greisel, Sophia Just, Ingo Kollar
Educational Psychology, 
University of Augsburg


Sophie von der Mülbe, Kristina Stockinger & Markus Dresel
Psychology, University of Augsburg


Feb. 02 2025, 17:30-19:00, Room 2104/D

Förderung des Enthusiasmus für das Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien: Eine Utility-Value-Intervention bei Lehramtsstudierenden

Leilei Xie
Institut für Pädagogische Psychologie, TU Braunschweig
