Auf den folgenden Seiten finden sich Informationen zu internationalen Kooperationen der Philosophisch-Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, zu Publikationen der Forschenden an der Fakultät mit ausländischen Kolleg*innen und/oder in nicht-deutschsprachigen Publikationen, zu internationalen Preisen sowie zu Fördermöglichkeiten (Personen- wie Projektförderungen) zur Unterstützung der Internationalisierung in Forschung und Lehre.
Internationale Kooperationen
Die Philosophisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät unterhält regen internationalen Austausch und Forschungskooperationen weltweit. Hierzu gehören Forschungsaktivitäten und Kooperationen mit renommierten Universitäten in den USA, in Kanada, Brasilien, El Salvador, der Schweiz, Norwegen, Russland, China und Korea.
Besonders hervorzuheben ist die seit 1987 bestehende Kooperation (Gastdozierenden- und Studierendenaustausch, German Program, Summerschool, Ausstellungen, Forschung) mit der Shandong University, Jinan, China. Den Rahmen bildet eine Städte- (Jinan/Augsburg) und Länderpartnerschaft (Shandong/Bayern).
Internationale Publikationen
Im Folgenden finden Sie Herausgeberschaften von internationalen Fachzeitschriften und Buchreihen sowie Publikationen aus dem aktuellen Jahr, die gemeinsam mit internationalen Kolleg*innen und/oder in nicht-deutschsprachigen Publikationsorganen von Forscher*innen der Philosophisch-Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät entstanden sind.
Hinweis: Publikationen aus den vergangenen Jahren finden Sie beim Link „Übersicht über internationale Publikationen der vergangenen Jahre“.
Herausgeberschaften von internationalen Fachzeitschriften und Buchreihen
Seit Dezember 2022: Herausgeberin der internationalen Fachzeitschrift „International Journal for Lifelong Education“
Das International Journal of Lifelong Education ist eine internationale, wissenschaftlich referierte (peer-reviewed) Zeitschrift, die sich der Förderung der Theorie und Praxis des Lebenslangen Lernens widmet. Die Zeitschrift bietet ein fachliches Forum für internationale Debatten über die Prinzipien und Praktiken der lebenslangen Bildung und des Lernens im Erwachsenenalter in formellem, institutionellem oder informellem Umfeld.
Seit 2013: Gründer und Mitherausgeber der internationalen deutsch-englischen Fachzeitschrift "Journal for Discourse Studies". Weinheim: Beltz
Winkler, Marvin, Künzell, Stefan, & Augste, Claudia (2024). Predictive value of forearm muscle oxygenation parameters for climbing-specific finger endurance and competitive climbing performance. Sport Sciences for Health, 20, 109-117.
Tittor, Anne; Relly, Eduardo; Backhouse, Maria (2024): ¿De quién es y quién decide sobre la biodiversidad? Un análisis crítico del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. In: ecologíaPolítica (66), S. 35-42.
Bilandzic, Helena, Kalch, Anja, Kinnebrock, Susanne, Buchner, Benedikt, Kollar, Ingo & Schuller, Björn W. (2024). Discursive resilience – countering polarization and fragmentation in (social) media discourse. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, 48(6), 341-345.
Daumiller, M., Rinas, R. & Breithecker, J. (2024). Elite Athletes´' Achievement Goals, Burnout Levels, Psychosomatic Stress Symptoms, and Coping Strategies. In R. J. Schinke (Hrsg.), Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity (p. 93-113). Routledge.
Bross, T., Nett, U. E., & Daumiller, M. (2024). Interrelations Between Achievement Goals and Achievement Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Examination. Manuscript under review.
González Cruz, H., Janke, S., & Daumiller, M. (im Druck). How to best measure academic dishonesty in students: A systematic review of self-report assessment methods and psychometric quality. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. PsyArXiv: ag5jp
Wekerle, C., Daumiller, M., Janke, S., Dickhäuser, O., Dresel, M., & Kollar, I. (im Druck). Putting ICAP to the test: How are technology-enhanced learning activities related to cognitive and affective-motivational learning outcomes in higher education? Scientific Reports. PsyArXiv: gh29v
Dresel, M., Daumiller, M., Spear, J., Praetorius, A. K., Janke, S., Dickhäuser, O., & Steuer, G. (im Druck). Learning from errors in mathematics classrooms: Development over two years in dependence of perceived error climate. British Journal of Educational Psychology.
Keller, M., Rinas, R., Janke, S., Dickhäuser, O., Dresel, M., & Daumiller, M. (im Druck). Intertwining self-efficacy, basic psychological need satisfaction, and emotions in higher education teaching: A micro-longitudinal study. Social Psychology of Education. PsyArXiv: smkw8.
Wolff, F., Dresel, M., & Daumiller, M. (2024). Dimensional comparisons in the formation of faculty members’ research and teaching self-concepts? Higher Education, 87, 345–364.
Putwain, D., Daumiller, M., Hussain, T., & Pekrun, R. (2024). Revisiting the relation between academic buoyancy and coping: A network analysis. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 78, Article 102283.
Meyer, J., Scharf, J., Daumiller, M., & Hübner, N. (2024). How values relate to student achievement in upper secondary education: Integrating interdisciplinary perspectives on value beliefs in the school context. Social Psychology of Education. Advanced online publication.
Keller, M., Dresel, M., & Daumiller, M. (2024). Do achievement goals and self-efficacy matter for feedback use? Learning and Instruction, 93, Article 101948. Advanced online publication. PsyArXiv: 6pzbq
Daumiller, M., Fritz, T., González Cruz, H., Rudert, S., & Janke, S. (2024). Cheating as a prosocial act? Helping others with academic cheating is related to social goals and cooperative norms. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. PsyArXiv: n2jhu.
Grunschel, C.*, Wloch, L.*, Gadosey, C., von der Mülbe, S., Bäulke, L., Daumiller, M., & Dresel, M. (2024). Behavioral and emotional academic procrastination scale: Validity and comparative values of a population-based university student sample [Manuscript submitted for publication].
Özbek, T., Daumiller, M., Roshany-Tabrizi, A., Mömke, T., & Kollar, I. (2024). Friends or feedback? – Relations between computer science students’ goals, technology acceptance, use of a peer feedback tool, and performance [Manuscript under review].
Daumiller, M., Rinas, R. & Breithecker, J. (2024). Elite Athletes´' Achievement Goals, Burnout Levels, Psychosomatic Stress Symptoms, and Coping Strategies. In R. J. Schinke (Hrsg.), Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity (p. 93-113). Routledge.
Keller, M., Rinas, R., Janke, S., Dickhäuser, O., Dresel, M., & Daumiller, M. (in press). Intertwining self-efficacy, basic psychological need satisfaction, and emotions in higher education teaching: A micro-longitudinal study. Social Psychology of Education.
Galano, D., Grund, A., Gegenfurtner, A., & Emslander, V. (in press). Shaping inclusive futures: Analyzing pre-service teachers' attitudes on lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students in Luxembourg. In Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2024. Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing
Gegenfurtner, A. (in press). Cognitive theory of visual expertise: Implications for research on teacher noticing and professional vision. In A. Gegenfurtner & R. Stahnke (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.
Gegenfurtner, A., Bedenlier, S., Ebner, C., Keskin, Ö., & Händel, M. (in press). Designing effective synchronous online learning. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledg
Gegenfurtner, A., & Kollar, I. (Eds.). (in press). Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.
Gegenfurtner, A., & Kollar, I. (in press). Design of digital learning environments: Evidence from meta-analyses. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.
Gegenfurtner, A., & Stahnke, R. (in press). Advancing research on teacher professional vision and teacher noticing. In A. Gegenfurtner & R. Stahnke (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.
Gegenfurtner, A., & Stahnke, R. (Eds.). (in press) Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.
Keskin, Ö., Seidel, T., Stürmer, K., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Eye-tracking research on teacher professional vision: A meta-analytic review. Educational Research Review, 42, 100586.
Roig-Ester, H., Robalino Guerra, P. E., Quesada Pallarès, C., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Transfer of learning of new nursing professionals: Exploring patterns and the effect of previous working experience. Education Sciences, 14(1), 52.
Seidel, T., Kosel, C., Böheim, R., Gegenfurtner, A., & Stürmer, K. (in press). A cognitive model of professional vision and acquisition of visual expertise using video excerpts in the teaching profession. In A. Gegenfurtner & R. Stahnke (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.
Stahnke, R., & Gegenfurtner, A. (in press). Introduction to empirical perspectives on teacher professional vision. In R. Stahnke & A. Gegenfurtner (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Empirical perspectives. Routledge.
Stahnke, R., & Gegenfurtner, A. (Eds.). (in press). Teacher professional vision: Empirical perspectives. Routledge.
Testers, L., Alijagic, A., Brand-Gruwel, S., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Predicting transfer of generic information literacy competencies by non-traditional students to their study and work contexts: A longitudinal perspective. Education Sciences, 14(2), 117.
Wagner, M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Urhahne, D. (in press). Effectiveness of flipped classrooms. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.
Freihaut, P. & Göritz, A. S. (in press). Show me how you use your mouse and I tell you how you feel? Sensing affect with the computer mouse. Transactions on Affective Computing.
Seuling, P. D., Fendel, J. C., Spille, L., Göritz, A. S. & Schmidt, S. (in press). Therapeutic alliance in videoconferencing psychotherapy compared to psychotherapy in person – A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.
Jelinek, L., Göritz, A. S., Miegel, F., Schuurmans, L., Moritz, S., Yassari, A. H. & Müller, J. C. (in press). Too much of a good thing? Hand hygiene and the long-term course of contamination-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Frontiers in Psychology.
Schulze, J., Krumm, S., Eid, M., Müller, H. & Göritz, A. S. (2024). The relationship between telework and job characteristics: A latent change score analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 73(1), 3-33.
Sedefoglu, D., Ohly, S., Schmitt, A. & Göritz, A. S. (2024). Leading in times of crisis and remote work: Perceived consideration leadership behavior and its effect on follower work engagement. Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, 2, 1359541.
Bilandzic, Helena, Kalch, Anja, Kinnebrock, Susanne, Buchner, Benedikt, Kollar, Ingo & Schuller, Björn W. (2024). Discursive resilience – countering polarization and fragmentation in (social) media discourse. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, 48(6), 341-345.
Keller, M. V., Rinas, R., Janke, S., Dickhäuser, O., Dresel, M., & Daumiller, M. (2024). Intertwining self-efficacy, basic psychological need satisfaction, and emotions in higher education teaching: A micro-longitudinal study. Social Psychology of Education
Keller, M. V., Dresel, M., & Daumiller, M. (2024). Do achievement goals and self-efficacy matter for feedback use? Learning and Instruction, 93.
Gegenfurtner, A., Bedenlier, S., Ebner, C., Keskin, Ö., & Händel, M. (in press). Designing effective synchronous online learning. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.
Keskin, Ö., Seidel, T., Stürmer, K., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Eye-tracking research on teacher professional vision: A meta-analytic review. Educational Research Review, 42, 100586.
Opio-Göres, M., Kollar, I. & Dorner, B. (im Druck). Teaching students to perform child welfare assessments with adaptable computer-supported scripts and metacognitive reflection prompts. Journal of Social Work Education
Özbek, T., Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2024). Fostering pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance – does the type of engagement with tool-related information matter?. Education and Information Technologies, 29, 6139-616.
Winkler, Marvin, Künzell, Stefan & Augste, Claudia (2024). Predictive value of forearm muscle oxygenation parameters for climbing-specific finger endurance and competitive climbing performance. Sport Sciences for Health, 20, 109-117.
Beißel, Patrick & Künzell, Stefan (2024). Task integration in complex, bimanual sequence learning tasks. Psychological Research, 88, 207-221.
Lohmann, J., Tittlbach, S. & Steinbauer, M.J. Sustainable development in sport and physical activity—perspectives and challenges. Ger J Exerc Sport Res 54, 1–5 (2024).
Carl, J., Abu-Omar, K., Bernard, P., Lohmann, J., White, P., Peters, J., Sahlqvist, S., Ma, J., Duncan, M., & Barnett, L. M. (2024). Physical Literacy in the Context of Climate Change: Is There a Need for Further Refinement of the Concept?. Journal of Physical Activity and Health (published online ahead of print 2024). Retrieved Mar 25, 2024, from
Polujanski, Sabine, Nett, Ulrike, Rotthoff, Thomas, Oezsoy, Melissa, & Schindler, Ann-Kathrin (2024). Uncovering heterogeneity in mental health changes among first-year medical students. Medical Education Online, 29(1), 2317493.
Saur, L., & Nikolai, R. (2024). Politics of School Choice in Germany: The Abolition of the Binding Recommendation in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Saxony. Journal of School Choice, 1–19.
Özbek, T., Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2024). Fostering pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance – does the type of engagement with tool-related information matter?. Education and Information Technologies, 29, 6139-6161.
Özbek, T., Greisel, M., Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2024). Do Different Goals Affect the Configuration of University Students' Internal Collaboration Scripts? Results of an Epistemic Network Analysis Study. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2024, Buffalo, New York, June 10-14 (pp. 99-106). Buffalo: International Society of the Learning Sciences. doi: 10.22318/cscl2024.633786
Daumiller, M., Rinas, R. & Breithecker, J. (2024). Elite Athletes´' Achievement Goals, Burnout Levels, Psychosomatic Stress Symptoms, and Coping Strategies. In R. J. Schinke (Hrsg.), Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity (p. 93-113). Routledge.
Saur, L., & Nikolai, R. (2024). Politics of School Choice in Germany: The Abolition of the Binding Recommendation in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Saxony. Journal of School Choice, 1–19.
Schweiger, M. & Wimmer, J. (2024). Perceiving Media Change as a Form of Media Literacy: Using a 360-Degree Video to Analyze the Mediatization of Social Life. Mediatization Studies, 7, 9–30.
von Gemünden, P. (2024). Metaphors, Parables and the Bildfeld, in: E. Ottenheijm/M. Poorthuis/A. Merz, The Power of Parables. Essays on the Comparative Study of Jewish and Christian Parables, Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series 39, Leiden/Boston 2024, 299–317.
von Gemünden, P. (2024). Emotions and Visual Arts. With a Focus on Greco-Roman Artefacts. Response to Karen Sonik, in: U.E. Eisen, H. Mader/M. Peetz (Hrsg.), Grasping Emotions. Approaches to Emotions in Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Discourse, Berlin/Boston 2024, 99–126
Özbek, T., Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (im Druck). Fostering pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance – does the type of engagement with tool-related information matter?. Education and Information Technologies, 29, 6139-6161.
Özbek, T., Greisel, M., Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2024). Do Different Goals Affect the Configuration of University Students' Internal Collaboration Scripts? Results of an Epistemic Network Analysis Study. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2024, Buffalo, New York, June 10-14 (pp. 99-106). Buffalo: International Society of the Learning Sciences. doi: 10.22318/cscl2024.633786
Internationale Preise
Prof. Dr. Eva Matthes erhielt die Comenius-Medaille für ihre Verdienste um die historische Bildungsforschung vom Tschechischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Museum und der Bibliothek des J.A. Comenius in einem Festakt im Karolinum der Karls-Universität Prag.
Im Rahmen einer Internationalen Tagung historischer Bildungsforscher hielt Prof. Dr. Tomás Kasper von der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität Prag am 23. Juni 2022 die Laudatio für die Augsburger Professorin: „Prof. Dr. Eva Matthes gehört zu den führenden Persönlichkeiten der bildungshistorischen Forschung und universitären Lehre.“ Er hob hervor: „Sie legte eine klare und tiefe Spur in der bildungshistorischen Forschung durch ihre erfolgreiche Projektarbeit und durch ihre sehr aktive Publikationstätigkeit.“ Seine Würdigung beendete der Professor der Prager Karls-Universität mit den Worten, dass es ihm eine Freude sei, „die Comenius-Medaille an Kollegin Prof. Matthes übergeben zu dürfen, die mit ihrem Werk und ihrer Kollegialität immer an der Seite der demokratischen Werte stand.“