For Prof. Paul and his team, providing high-level education is a top-priority issue. This refers to both teaching students in class as well as to mentoring them when it comes to writing papers and theses. We aim to provide knowledge and skills that are both theoretically and methodologically sound and practically relevant.

Current Courses




(applied filters: semester: WS 2024/25 | institute: Prof. Dr. Michael Paul - Value Based Marketing | course types: Vorlesung, Vorlesung + Übung)
name lecturer type language
Services Marketing: Principles Bruder

Maximilian Bruder,


Elisabeth Flores

Vorlesung englisch
Advanced Services Marketing Paul

Michael Paul,


Fijon Itzenga

Vorlesung + Übung englisch





(applied filters: semester: WS 2024/25 | institute: Prof. Dr. Michael Paul - Value Based Marketing | course types: Seminar, Pflichtseminar, Proseminar, Proseminar mit Übung, Hauptseminar, Hauptseminar mit Übung, Oberseminar, Projektseminar)
name lecturer type language
New Media Marketing: Research (Master) Paul

Michael Paul,


Janne Geertje Skamel

Seminar englisch
Services Marketing: Case Studies Itzenga

Fijon Itzenga,


Maximilian Bruder

Seminar englisch
New Media Marketing: Research (Bachelor) Raczek

Pascal Raczek,


Janne Geertje Skamel

Seminar deutsch

Course Overview



Winter Term


Course Type Credits Contact Person Important Notes
Einführung in die Wirtschaftswissenschaften (E-BWL) Lecture 5

Karin Gall

Services Marketing: Principles Lecture 5 Maximilian Bruder  
Services Marketing: Tutorial Tutorial - Maximilian Bruder  
New Media Marketing: Research Seminar 5 Janne Skamel To apply for this seminar, please follow the instructions on the faculty cluster's website. Application phase: 1st week of lectures
Projects Seminar 5/10/15 Fijon Itzenga  



Summer Term 

Course Type Credits Contact Person Important Notes
Marketing Lecture 5 Maximilian Bruder  
New Media Marketing: Principles Lecture 5

Janne Skamel

New Media Marketing: Tutorial Tutorial - Pascal Raczek  
Industrial Services Management Lecture 5 Karin Gall An application using the bachelor course application form is obligatory. Application phase: 1st week of lectures
Industry Analysis Seminar 5 Elisabeth Flores

An application using the bachelor course application form is obligatory. Application phase: 1st week of lectures

International Marketing Lecture 5 Karin Gall An application using the bachelor course application form is obligatory. Application phase:  1st week of lectures
Services Marketing: Research Seminar 5 Fijon Itzenga To apply for this seminar, please follow the instructions on the faculty cluster’s website. Application phase: 1st week of lectures
Projects Seminar 5/10/15 Fijon Itzenga  




Winter Term


Course Type Credits Contact Person Important Notes
Advanced Services Marketing Lecture 6 Michael Paul  
New Media Marketing: Research Seminar 6 Janne Skamel

An application using the master seminar application form is obligatory. Application phase: 1st week of lectures

Services Marketing: Case Studies Seminar 6

Maximilian Bruder

An application using the master seminar application form is obligatory. Application phase: 1st week of lectures


Summer Term 

Course Type Credits Contact Person Important Notes
Advanced Value Based Marketing Lecture 6 Maximilian Bruder


New Media Marketing: Case Studies Seminar 6

Maximilian Bruder

An application using the master seminar application form is obligatory. Application phase: 1st week of lectures
Services Marketing: Research Seminar 6 Fijon Itzenga An application using the master seminar application form is obligatory. Application phase: 1st week of lectures


Pittsburgh Exchange Program

Broadening Students‘ International Horizons Since 1996


Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business (Part of the University of Pittsburgh) is one of the top 50 business schools in the USA. It has an international orientation with an emphasis on globally relevant course content and a large share of international students (~40-45%).

