
Key Visual impACTup
© Universität Augsburg



The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts has set itself the goal of promoting entrepreneurship education. Based on its funding guidelines for impact-oriented entrepreneurship qualification, the Free State of Bavaria is funding six projects, including ‘impACTup!’, the project network of the University of Augsburg (UniA) and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). The programme is supported by the university management in Augsburg and aims to achieve a wide reach, effectiveness and sustainability by having a university-wide impact and addressing members of all faculties. Prof Dr Erik E. Lehmann is in charge of the joint project at the University of Augsburg.



Through our programmes for entrepreneurs at UniA, LMU and our partner, the Centre for Digital Technology & Management (CDTM), we see time and time again the innovative power of our students and academics. In the future, they will be the ones who make a difference in our society.
Our centres have already helped a number of researchers to become founders. However, many students never come into contact with entrepreneurship and an impact mindset. Exciting ideas do not reach society, or only slowly, and start-ups are rarely considered. With a targeted offer, our universities can realise much more of this potential. That is why we want to provide all students with an effective skillset for implementing ecologically and socially relevant innovations and create sustainable access to entrepreneurship right from the Bachelor's degree level.

Specifically, a four-stage qualification programme is being developed and established at both universities with the basic course for students, the basic course for academic staff, the Impact Science Bootcamps and the Impact Innovation Labs. The aim is to enable students and academics to acquire resilient skills for founding their own company that is economically viable, socially effective and ecologically sustainable.

Innovation and Entrepreneuership for Better Futures
October 16, 2024 (Kick-Off at K-1002)

The semester long course held in English introduces entrepreneurship as an effective tool for implementing sustainable innovations. The students will learn how to tackle pressing societal and environmental challenges of our time. In the interdisciplinary sessions facilitated by professors from multiple faculties at LMU Munich, University of Augsburg, and the CDTM the participants will learn about impact as a guiding principle for entrepreneurship. We discuss which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs and how impact can be holistically achieved and measured. Over the duration of the course the students will achieve an impact-oriented skillset, gain a new holistic perspective on value creation and destruction, become conscious of the value of impactful innovations and be able to put theory into practice. The impact-oriented knowledge they will gain cannot only be applied to their own field of study or to their professional careers, but also to their daily lives.


This on-demand online course is accessible for students from different backgrounds and disciplines. No prior knowledge is required.


Further information and registration via Digicampus

Content & offers

Our diverse range of courses offers comprehensive insights into the world of impact and innovation management. From students to academic staff, we promote entrepreneurial thinking and action with a strong focus on social and ecological relevance.



impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures’ is a curricular course that will be anchored in all faculties and offered in an on-demand online format, with a kick-off and a final module in presence. In this basic course, we want to offer all LMU and UniA students access to entrepreneurship early on in their studies and provide them with the tools to implement innovations. 
The course also aims to create a sound understanding of impact and to shape the students' mindset for ecological and social relevance in entrepreneurial activity. Participants learn to approach problems in our environment, economy and society holistically and with the help of innovative methods and to act independently. The basic course has a strong practical focus and students are shown founding opportunities for start-ups.
Contact: Konstantin Leidinger & Christoph Salzmann

impACTup!: Academic Pathways to Impact and Innovation’ is the corresponding small format to the basic course for students and is aimed at doctoral students and academic staff. It is offered as a two-day workshop. In addition to the basics of impact-orientated entrepreneurship, examples and assistance will be explained in order to promote impact-orientated thinking in teaching and to strengthen innovative ideas.
Contact: Konstantin Leidinger & Christoph Salzmann
The first part of our advanced programme provides all interested parties with impact-related knowledge on topics that change from semester to semester. This takes place through several intensive dialogues with researchers. Participants record the results of the resulting ideas in an insight paper.
Contact: Konstantin Leidinger
In the last part of the advanced programme, we bring participants together with start-ups and other social players in a two-week full-time format. Interdisciplinary teams develop an applicable and innovative solution with social and ecological added value for a socially relevant problem.
Contact: Konstantin Leidinger & Christoph Salzmann


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter impACTup! Projekt
Prof. Dr. Erik E. Lehmann: Unternehmensführung & Organisation



Mitarbeiter impACTup! Project
Prof. Dr. Erik E. Lehmann: Unternehmensführung & Organisation



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© Universität Augsburg
