Gesammelt gegen das Vergessen
Ein neues Buch und Vorträge zur "Bibliothek der verbrannten Bücher"
Augsburg / AV / KPP - As a collection of several thousand first editions by authors which were banned and ostracised from 1933 to 1945, the Augsburg "Library of Burned Books" stands for the productivity of (Jewish) German literature despite National Socialism, expulsion and exile. On 6 February 2019, from 12.00 – 13.30, the University Library of Augsburg will present its book on this special collection. The book presentation will be accompanied given by two lectures by the historian Sophia Dafinger and the Germanist Prof. Dr. Stephanie Waldow. For decades Georg P. Salzmann (1929 - 2013) from Gräfelfing had collected first editions of works by the authors who had been proscribed by the Nazi state. In 2009, the Augsburg University Library bought his collection. The new publication provides a basic overview of the "Salzmann Collection", its content and its potential for research, teaching and educational work. Eight professional contributions Augsburg academics and the University Library worked together to develop the volume. At the beginning there is an extensive article, "Books - Works - Destinies", about the most important authors. Then there is a brief portrait of the collector and a report on the purchase, followed by eight specialist contributions on selected personalities, collection parts and research contexts - from Bertolt Brecht in exile to the book design of the 1930s. Finally, the editors, Dr. Andrea Voß, Dr. Gerhard Stumpf and Dr. Ulrich Hohoff, outline the work already done and the future work on the collection in Augsburg. Sophisticated design The University Library was able to obtain the typographer Professor Michael Wörgötter from the Design Faculty of HAW Augsburg as a partner for the professional book design. The layout is the result of a competition among Wörgötter's students and was finally implemented by three young designers. The production costs were financed by a patron. Can books be burned? The presentation of the volume on 6 February 2019 from 12.00 to 13.30 on the 1st floor of the Central Library of Augsburg University Library (Building E, Universitätsstraße 22, 86159 Augsburg) will be accompanied by two lectures: the historian Dr. Sophia Dafinger, research associate at the Augsburg Chair of Modern and Contemporary History, outlines the background, players and events of the Nazi book burnings in 1933 under the title "Democracy in Flames". The question "Banned, burned, forgotten? Can books be burned?" is then discussed by the Germanist Prof. Dr. Stephanie Waldow (Modern German Literature with a focus on ethics) based on Marta Minujín's " Parthenon of the Books" (documenta 2017). The audience will then be cordially invited to enter into an open discussion with the editors and lecturers. The presentation, lecture and discussion event is also a contribution to the accompanying programme for the art installation "1933" by Ramesch Daha (Vienna) in the Augsburg Swabia Jewish Museum (JMAS). The installation can be seen there (Halderstraße 6 - 8, 86150 Augsburg) until 24th February 2019. Original Publication: The library of burned books. The collection of Georg P. Salzmann in the University Library of Augsburg. Edited by Andrea Voß, Gerhard Stumpf and Ulrich Hohoff. Munich: Allitera Verlag 2019. 204 pages. ISBN: 978-3-96233-107-8. Price: 24.90 Euro From spring 2020 the volume published by Allitera (Munich) will also be freely accessible as an e-book via the university’s OPUS publication server. Further information on the "Library of Burnt Books": BBC article on the "Library of Burnt Books" (17.1.2019, 3:40): Dr. Ulrich Hohoff Dr. Andrea Voß
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