3D-Druck für die industrielle Fertigung von Bauteilen
Bayerische Forschungsstiftung fördert ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt des Fraunhofer IGCV und des Augsburger Lehrstuhls für Produktionsinformatik mit 586.200 Euro.
Augsburg / KPP - On 20 March 2019 Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Gießerei-, Composite- und Verarbeitungstechnik IGCV will be handed two project approval decisions by the Bavarian Research Foundation with a maximum funding volume of approximately 1.28 million euros. Both research projects, funded over two and a half years and three years respectively, are devoted to the topic "Additive Manufacturing", commonly known as 3D printing. AutoHybrid – one of these two cooperation projects – will be managed in close collaboration between Fraunhofer IGCV and the Chair of Digital Manufacturing at the University of Augsburg. AutoHybrid stands for "Automated process chains for hybrid construction using laser beam melting". The project’s objective is to make combined construction with Laser Beam Melting (LBM), namely 3D printing processes, and conventional manufacturing processes economically viable, and thus to open it up as a new industrial manufacturing method. 3D printing: greater freedom of design 3D printing methods allow greater freedom of design compared to conventional manufacturing technology - for example, milling, casting or forming. This means that even geometrically highly complex structures such as internal cooling channels can be produced in 3D printing. One drawback is that the high degree of design freedom often involves high costs and a long production period. Conventional procedures: greater cost efficiency Conventional technologies, in contrast, are generally more limited in terms of implementing geo-metrically complex components, but simple structures can be manufactured quickly and cost-effectively. AutoHybrid: great freedom of design with high cost-efficiency z "The combination of conventional technologies with 3D printing in one process chain now holds great potential for making 3D printing economically efficient for a wide portfolio of components and thus manufacturing large quantities economically", explains Prof. Dr.-Ing Johannes Schilp, holder of the Augsburg Chair of Digital Manufacturing. The principle here is that complex struc-tures can be built on a conventionally manufactured basic body by means of laser beam melting (abbreviated to LBM), namely by 3D printing. In other words, with this LBM hybrid construction, 3D printing is used only where it creates real added value compared to lower cost conventional technologies. Get rid of time-consuming and cost-intensive process steps Great opportunities for strengthening industrial value creation Against the background of digitisation in production, a combination of additive and conventional processes, which is also desirable from an economic point of view, as aspired to by AutoHybrid, offers great opportunities and possibilities for further development and strengthening of industrial added value, especially at high wage locations. That is one of the reasons why seven industrial partners are supporting the project, with the effect that the idea can therefore be tested for its feasibility from the beginning. Handover of project approval decisions on 20 March at 12.30 - Media representatives are welcome The project approval decisions for AutoHybrid as well as for the parallel funded project MC Sandwich of Fraunhofer IGCV will be handed over on 20 March 2019 by Secretary of State Roland Weigert, Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, State Development and Energy, at 12:30 in Room E03 & E04 at Fraunhofer IGCV (Am Technologiezentrum 2, 86159 Augsburg). The following programme items are planned: Representatives of the media are cordially invited to this event. Press contact: Scientific contact persons for AutoHybrid:
This method is already being used on occasion. However, says Schilp’s research associate Benedikt Schmiegel, the process chains developed are still characterised by many time-consuming, partly manual activities. This often leads to the method not being used. "In the next three years we will be identifying the time intensive process steps within the framework of AutoHybrid in order to get rid of them - with software tools to support the designers, for example."
Contact person
Eva Wiest
Fraunhofer IGCV
Telephone: 0821 / 90678-161
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Schilp & Benedikt Schmiegel, M. Sc.
Department of Production Informatics
University of Augsburg
Telephone: 0 821 / 598-4393