Martini-Talk in November
Locations in crisis mode
How the corona pandemic will change cities and regions
Every Friday in November from 11 to 11:30 a.m. exciting talks take place.
For detailed information, please refer to the
program or the following information.

Economic development in the Corona crisis
Why and how the support of local businesses must change
Date: 06.11.2020, 11:00 am
Moderation: Laura Turbany (DVAG), Dr. Bernhard Kräußlich (DVAG)
Guest: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stember (Professor for administrative sciences of the university resin and
President of the Rectors' Conference of the Universities for the Civil Service)
During the past few months, the municipal economic development agencies have been working to full capacity to guide and support companies through the Corona crisis within the scope of their possibilities. However, the loss of personal meetings in favor of digital communication presented the business development agencies with great difficulties in many places. It is often even reported that tried and tested cooperation and activity models have completely disappeared. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stember reports on such and other serious changes, but also on new approaches and opportunities for business development.
Link to the livestream:
Suddenly deserted city centers
Effects and consequences of the pandemic for city centers and their actors
Date: 13.11.2020, 11:00 am.
Moderation: Thomas David (DVAG), Niklas Völkening (DVAG)
Guest: Dieter Bullinger (Managing Director debecon GmbH)
The sudden shutdown of city centers in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic has had a massive impact on the retail sector, which is already in a state of upheaval. All the efforts of the past years to increase customer frequency and optimize the shopping experience in the city were suddenly thrown back far. The crisis hit the city centers in particular, while online providers even recorded an increase in sales. What do we have to learn from the pandemic and how will our city centers and retail trade develop? Our guest is a consultant and provides interesting answers from his international consulting practice.
Link to the livestream:
Rural areas and the Corona crisis
Challenges and opportunities for rural communities
Date: 20.11.2020, 11:00 am.
Moderation: Ramona Riederer (DVAG), Paul Schloz (DVAG)
Guest: Mayor Markus Reichart (Heimenkrich)
The corona crisis and the associated restrictions pose great challenges to municipalities in rural areas, for example, due to the standstill in public life, tourism and retail trade or due to lower trade tax revenues. At the same time, the pandemic makes rural areas more attractive as places to live, work and spend leisure time. In any case, there is a great need for discussion and action, especially about possible ways out of the crisis and motivations for the future. We will be discussing such problems, perspectives and solutions with Markus Reichart, the mayor of Heimenkirch in the district of Lindau.
Link to the livestream:
Travelling in times of Corona
How vacations change and the tourism industry has to react
Date: 27.11.2020, 11:00 am.
Moderation: PD Dr. Markus Hilpert (University of Augsburg), Dr. Bernhard Kräußlich (DVAG)
Guest: Prof. Dr. Alfred Bauer (Chairman Bavarian Center for Tourism e.V. and Dean of the Faculty
Tourism Management at the University of Applied Sciences Kempten)
The COVID 19 pandemic hit the tourism industry hard in 2020 and presented it with unexpected challenges. Therefore, the Bavarian Center for Tourism (BZT) has conducted three representative online surveys on the travel behavior of Germans in times of Corona. The survey questioned the experiences of travelers regarding their vacations in Germany and Europe, identified new vacation trends and identified changes in travel behavior. Prof. Dr. Alfred Bauer will inform about the results of these studies in a conversation with PD Dr. Markus Hilpert.
Link to the livestream: