The working group is dedicated to a holistic view upon interactions between land use, land management, water and soil resources. Therefore, interdisciplinary research at the intersection between hydrology, soil science, geomorphology, agronomy and biogeochemistry is essential, and is the focus of the working group members.

Special interests within the working group are:


  • Surface runoff and soil redistribution as affected by landscape patchiness and connectivity.
  • Modelling soil redistribution with conceptual, physically-oriented and data-driven, machine learning approaches
  • Sediment-burden carbon redistribution and its effects upon terrestrial and aquatic carbon balance.
  • Macro and Microplastic in agricultural soil systems (coordinating the EU Innovative Training Network SOPLAS)
  • Sustainable management of water and soil resources.
  • Land use and land management interactions with regional climate

We use and refine a wide range of conceptual, physically oriented and date-driven, machine learning models to analyse different aspects of water, sediment, carbon and microplastic fluxes on various spatial and temporal scales. Moreover, field as well as laboratory measurements are carried out to improve process understanding, which range from sediment, carbon and microplastic analyses to continuous monitoring in small catchments.

Apart from research in Central Europe, the working group is active in the tropical South of India as well as in Central and Western Africa. The research group is part of the faculty of Applied Informatics of University Augsburg and is also involved into the activities of the Environmental Science Centre (WZU) and the Centre for Climate Resilience (ZfK).


July 6, 2023

Successful defense of Benjamin Bukombe

We are happy with Benjamin about the last successful step towards his dissertation. See a proud new PhD below.
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Feb. 28, 2023

Modell-based analysis of erosion-induced microplastic delivery from arable land to the stream network of a mesoscale river catchment.

New Preprint

Rehm, R., Fiener, P. (2023). Modell-based analysis of erosion-induced microplastic delivery from arable land to the stream network of a mesoscale river catchment. Available at SSRN: or

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Feb. 27, 2023

Soil carbon stocks in stable tropical landforms are dominated by geochemical controls and not by land use

New publication:

Reichenbach, M., Fiener, P., Hoyt, A., Trumbore, S., Six, J., Doetterl, S. 2023. Soil carbon stocks in stable tropical landforms are dominated by geochemical controls and not by land use.

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All News



Prof. Dr. Peter Fiener



Water and Soil Resource Research


Phone: +49 821 598 2665



Petra Richter



Physical Geography and Climate Science


Phone: +49 821 598 2670


General Contact:



Arbeitsgruppe Wasser- und Bodenressourcen Forschung

Institut für Geographie

Universität Augsburg

Alter Postweg 118


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