2025 |
Fabio Hellmann, Silvan Mertes, Mohamed Benouis, Alexander Hustinx, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Cristina Conati, Peter Krawitz and Elisabeth André. 2025. GANonymization: a GAN-based face anonymization framework for preserving emotional expressions. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 21, 1, 6. DOI: 10.1145/3641107 |
Fabrizio Nunnari, Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Sebastian Beyrodt, Pooja Prajod, Lara Chehayeb, Ingrid Brdar, Antonella Delle Fave, Luca Negri, Elisabeth André, Patrick Gebhard and Matteo Malosio. 2025. Socially interactive industrial robots: a PAD model of flow for emotional co-regulation. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11, 1418677. DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2024.1418677 |
2024 |
Johanna Holzinger, Alexander Heimerl, Ruben Schlagowski, Elisabeth André and Silvan Mertes. 2024. A machine learning-driven interactive training system for extreme vocal techniques. In Luca Andrea Ludovico, Davide Andrea Mauro (Eds.). AM '24: proceedings of the 19th International Audio Mostly Conference: Explorations in Sonic Cultures, September 18-20, 2024, Milan, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, 348-354 DOI: 10.1145/3678299.3678334 |
Tobias Hallmen, Silvan Mertes, Dominik Schiller and Elisabeth André. in press. An efficient multitask learning architecture for affective vocal burst analysis. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2209.13914 |
Fabio Hellmann, Elisabeth André, Mohamed Benouis, Benedikt Buchner and Silvan Mertes. 2024. Anonymization of faces: technical and legal perspectives. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD 48, 6, 364-367. DOI: 10.1007/s11623-024-1938-6 |
Mani Kumar Tellamekala, Ömer Sümer, Björn W. Schuller, Elisabeth André, Timo Giesbrecht and Michel Valstar. 2024. Are 3D face shapes expressive enough for recognising continuous emotions and action unit intensities?. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 15, 2, 535-548. DOI: 10.1109/TAFFC.2023.3280530 |
Sviatlana Höhn, Jauwairia Nasir, Daniel C. Tozadore, Ali Paikan, Pouyan Ziafati and Elisabeth André. 2024. Beyond pretend-reality dualism: frame analysis of LLM-powered role play with social agents. In Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad, Katrin Lohan, Mary Ellen Foster, Patrick Holthaus, Yukie Nagai (Eds.). HAI'24: proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Swansea, United Kingdom, November 24-27, 2024. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, 393-395 DOI: 10.1145/3687272.3690894 |
Torben Soennecken, Anan Schütt, Björn Petrak and Elisabeth André. 2024. Bridging skills and scenarios: initial steps towards using faded worked examples as personalized exercises in vocational education. In Oleksandra Poquet, Alejandro Ortega-Arranz, Olga Viberg, Irene-Angelica Chounta, Bruce McLaren, Jelena Jovanovic (Eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, May 2-4, 2024, in Angers, France. SciTePress, Setúbal, 43-53 DOI: 10.5220/0012565000003693 |
Mani Kumar Tellamekala, Shahin Amiriparian, Björn W. Schuller, Elisabeth André, Timo Giesbrecht and Michel Valstar. 2024. COLD Fusion: calibrated and ordinal latent distribution fusion for uncertainty-aware multimodal emotion recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 46, 2, 805-822. DOI: 10.1109/tpami.2023.3325770 |
Dat Duong, Anna Rose Johny, Suzanna Ledgister Hanchard, Christopher Fortney, Kendall Flaharty, Fabio Hellmann, Ping Hu, Behnam Javanmardi, Shahida Moosa, Tanviben Patel, Susan Persky, Ömer Sümer, Cedrik Tekendo-Ngongang, Hellen Lesmann, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Rebekah L. Waikel, Elisabeth André, Peter Krawitz and Benjamin D. Solomon. 2024. Comparison of clinical geneticist and computer visual attention in assessing genetic conditions. PLOS Genetics 20, 2, e1011168. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011168 |
Stina Klein, Jenny Huch, Nadine Reißner, Pamina Zwolsky, Katharina Weitz, Matthias Kraus and Elisabeth André. 2024. Creating a framework for a user-friendly cobot failure management in human-robot collaboration. In Dan Grollman, Elizabeth Broadbent, Wendy Ju, Harold Soh, Tom Williams (Eds.). HRI '24: companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Boulder, CO, USA, March 11-15, 2024. ACM, New York, NY, 618-622 DOI: 10.1145/3610978.3640591 |
Dominik Schiller, Tobias Hallmen, Daksitha Withanage Don, Elisabeth André and Tobias Baur. in press. DISCOVER: a Data-driven Interactive System for Comprehensive Observation, Visualization, and ExploRation of human behaviour. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.13408 |
Annalena Aicher, Yuki Matsuda, Keichii Yasumoto, Wolfgang Minker, Elisabeth André and Stefan Ultes. 2024. Enhancing reflective and conversational user engagement in argumentative dialogues with virtual agents. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8, 8, 71. DOI: 10.3390/mti8080071 |
Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Elisabeth André, Maris Männiste and Ceenu George. 2024. Explaining it your way - findings from a co-creative design workshop on designing XAI applications with AI end-users from the public sector. In Florian Floyd Mueller, Penny Kyburz, Julie R. Williamson, Corina Sas, Max L. Wilson, Phoebe Toups Dugas, Irina Shklovski (Eds.). CHI '24: proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 11-16, 2024. ACM, New York, NY, 745 DOI: 10.1145/3613904.3642563 |
Marta Mondellini, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Pooja Prajod, Elisabeth André, Rocco Vertechy, Alessandro Antonietti and Matteo Malosio. 2024. Exploring the dynamics between cobot's production rhythm, locus of control and emotional state in a collaborative assembly scenario. In 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), 15-17 May 2024, Toronto, ON, Canada. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/ichms59971.2024.10555621 |
Ömer Sümer, Fabio Hellmann, Alexander Hustinx, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Elisabeth André and Peter Krawitz. 2024. Few-shot meta-learning for recognizing facial phenotypes of genetic disorders. In Maria Hägglund, Madeleine Blusi, Stefano Bonacina, Lina Nilsson, Inge Cort Madsen, Sylvia Pelayo, Anne Moen, Arriel Benis, Lars Lindsköld, Parisis Gallos (Eds.). Caring is sharing – exploiting the value in data for health and innovation: proceedings of MIE 2023. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 932-936 DOI: 10.3233/shti230312 |
Pooja Prajod, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Marta Mondellini, Matteo Meregalli Falerni, Rocco Vertechy, Matteo Malosio and Elisabeth André. 2024. Flow in human-robot collaboration — multimodal analysis and perceived challenge detection in industrial scenarios. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11, 1393795. DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2024.1393795 |
Ruben Schlagwoski, Frederick Herget, Niklas Heimerl, Maximilian Hammerl, Tobias Huber, Pamina Zwolsky, Jan Gruca and Elisabeth André. 2024. From a social POV: the impact of point of view on player behavior, engagement, and experience in a serious social simulation game. In Gillian Smith, Jim Whitehead, Ben Samuel, Katta Spiel, Riemer van Rozen (Eds.). Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, May 21-24, 2024, Worcester, MA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, 34 DOI: 10.1145/3649921.3649936 |
Matteo Lavit Nicora, Pooja Prajod, Marta Mondellini, Giovanni Tauro, Rocco Vertechy, Elisabeth André and Matteo Malosio. 2024. Gaze detection as a social cue to initiate natural human-robot collaboration in an assembly task. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11, 1394379. DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2024.1394379 |
Pol van Rijn, Silvan Mertes, Kathrin Janowski, Katharina Weitz, Nori Jacoby and Elisabeth André. 2024. Giving robots a voice: human-in-the-loop voice creation and open-ended labeling. In Florian Floyd Mueller, Penny Kyburz, Julie R. Williamson, Corina Sas, Max L. Wilson, Phoebe Toups Dugas, Irina Shklovski (Eds.). CHI '24: proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 11-16, 2024. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, 584 DOI: 10.1145/3613904.3642038 |
Brian Schwartz, A. Vehlen, S. T. Eberhardt, Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller, Tobias Hallmen, Elisabeth André and W. Lutz. in press. Going multimodal and multimethod using different data layers of video recordings to predict outcome in psychological therapy. Clinical Psychological Science (special issue on Multidisciplinary Clinical Psychological Science) . |
Meishu Song, Ilhan Aslan, Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Zijiang Yang, Elisabeth André, Yoshiharu Yamamoto and Björn W. Schuller. 2024. Lecture video highlights detection from speech. In Patrice Abry, Maria Sabrina Greco, Claire Goursaud, Adrien Meynard (Eds.). 2024 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, 26-30 August 2024. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 361-365 DOI: 10.23919/eusipco63174.2024.10715058 |
Dominik Schiller, Silvan Mertes, Marcel Achzet, Fabio Hellmann, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. 2024. More than noise: assessing the viscosity of food products based on sound emission. In Ana Fred, Allel Hadjali, Oleg Gusikhin, Carlo Sansone (Eds.). Deep Learning Theory and Applications: 5th International Conference, DeLTA 2024, Dijon, France, July 10–11, 2024, proceedings, part I. Springer, Cham, 210-218 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-66694-0_13 |
Marius Funk, Shogo Okada and Elisabeth André. 2024. Multilingual dyadic interaction corpus NoXi+J: toward understanding Asian-European non-verbal cultural characteristics and their influences on engagement. In ICMI '24: International Conference on Multimodel Interaction, San Jose, Costa Rica, November 4-8, 2024. ACM, New York, NY, 224-233 DOI: 10.1145/3678957.3685757 |
Silvan Mertes, Tobias Huber, Christina Karle, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Cristina Conati and Elisabeth André. in press. Relevant irrelevance: generating alterfactual explanations for image classifiers. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.05295 |
Osman Tugay Başaran, Yekta Said Can, Elisabeth André and Cem Ersoy. 2024. Relieving the burden of intensive labeling for stress monitoring in the wild by using semi-supervised learning. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1293513. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1293513 |
Rhythm Arora, Pooja Prajod, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Daniele Panzeri, Giovanni Tauro, Rocco Vertechy, Matteo Malosio, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2024. Socially interactive agents for robotic neurorehabilitation training: conceptualization and proof-of-concept study. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 7, 1441955. DOI: 10.3389/frai.2024.1441955 |
Alexander Heimerl, Pooja Prajod, Silvan Mertes, Tobias Baur, Matthias Kraus, Ailin Liu, Helen Risack, Nicolas Rohleder, Elisabeth André and Linda Becker. in press. The ForDigitStress dataset: a multi-modal dataset for automatic stress recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing . DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2024.3501400 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Maurizio Volanti, Katharina Weitz, Silvan Mertes, Johanna Kuch and Elisabeth André. 2024. The feeling of being classified: raising empathy and awareness for AI bias through perspective-taking in VR. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 5, 1340250. DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2024.1340250 |
Daksitha Senel Withanage Don, Dominik Schiller, Tobias Hallmen, Silvan Mertes, Tobias Baur, Florian Lingenfelser, Mitho Müller, Lea Kaubisch, Corinna Reck and Elisabeth André. 2024. Towards automated annotation of infant-caregiver engagement phases with multimodal foundation models. In ICMI '24: International Conference on Multimodel Interaction, San Jose, Costa Rica, November 4-8, 2024. ACM, New York, NY, 428-438 DOI: 10.1145/3678957.3685704 |
Tobias Hallmen, Fabian Deuser, Norbert Oswald and Elisabeth André. 2024. Unimodal multi-task fusion for emotional mimicry intensity prediction. In 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 17-18 June 2024, Seattle, WA, USA. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 4657-4665 DOI: 10.1109/cvprw63382.2024.00468 |
Antonia Vehlen, Steffen Eberhardt, Brian Schwartz, Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller, Tobias Hallmen, Elisabeth André and Wolfgang Lutz. 2024. Verstehst du mich? Die Qualität automatischer Transkriptionen von Therapievideos im Kontext von Emotionsanalysen [Abstract]. In Ulrich Ansorge, Daniel Gugerell, Ulrich Pomper, Bence Szaszkó, Lena Werner (Eds.). 53rd DGPs Congress / 15th ÖGP Conference, September 16-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria: abstracts. Universität Wien, Wien, 740-741 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Silvan Mertes, Dariia Nazarenko, Alexander Dauber and Elisabeth André. 2024. XR composition in the wild: the impact of user environments on creativity, UX and flow during music production in augmented reality. In Luca Andrea Ludovico, Davide Andrea Mauro (Eds.). AM '24: proceedings of the 19th International Audio Mostly Conference: Explorations in Sonic Cultures, September 18-20, 2024, Milan, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, 152-161 DOI: 10.1145/3678299.3678314 |
2023 |
Mohamed Benouis, Yekta Said Can and Elisabeth André. 2023. A privacy-preserving multi-task learning framework for emotion and identity recognition from multimodal physiological signals. In 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 10-13 September 2023, Cambridge, MA, USA. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-8 DOI: 10.1109/aciiw59127.2023.10388160 |
Silvan Mertes, Marcel Strobl, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. 2023. ASMRcade: interactive audio triggers for an autonomous sensory meridian response. In Elisabeth André, Mohamed Chetouani, Dominique Vaufreydaz, Gale Lucas, Tanja Schultz, Louis-Philippe Morency, Alessandro Vinciarelli (Eds.). ICMI '23: proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, October 9-13, 2023, Paris, France. ACM, New York, NY, 70-78 DOI: 10.1145/3577190.3614155 |
2023. Abschlussbericht des Bayerischen Forschungsverbunds: gesunder Umgang mit digitalen Technologien und Medien (ForDigitHealth), Juni 2019 – Mai 2023. Universität Augsburg, Verbundbüro Bayerischer Forschungsverbünde, Geschäftsstelle ForDigitHealth, Augsburg. |
Andreas Triantafyllopoulos, Bjorn W. Schuller, Gokce Iymen, Metin Sezgin, Xiangheng He, Zijiang Yang, Panagiotis Tzirakis, Shuo Liu, Silvan Mertes, Elisabeth André, Ruibo Fu and Jianhua Tao. 2023. An overview of affective speech synthesis and conversion in the deep learning era. Proceedings of the IEEE 111, 10, 1355-1381. DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2023.3250266 |
Yekta Said Can, Bhargavi Mahesh and Elisabeth André. 2023. Approaches, applications, and challenges in physiological emotion recognition — a tutorial overview. Proceedings of the IEEE 111, 10, 1287-1313. DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2023.3286445 |
Marta Mondellini, Pooja Prajod, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Mattia Chiappini, Ettore Micheletti, Fabio Alexander Storm, Rocco Vertechy, Elisabeth André and Matteo Malosio. 2023. Behavioral patterns in robotic collaborative assembly: comparing neurotypical and Autism Spectrum Disorder participants. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1245857. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1245857 |
Moritz Bauermann, Ann-Kathrin Schindler, Miriam Kunz, Elisabeth André and Thomas Rotthoff. 2023. Einfluss von Mimik in medizinischen "ad-hoc"-Anvertrauensentscheidungen – Pilotstudie zu einer Avatar-basierten Simulationsumgebung [Abstract - Symposiumsbeitrag]. In Isabell van Ackeren, Detlev Leutner, Stefan Rumann, Maik Walpuski, Esther Winther (Eds.). Bildung zwischen Unsicherheit und Evidenz: 10 GEBF - zehnte Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 28.02.-02.03.2023; Abstractband. Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, 94-95 |
Anan Schütt, Tobias Huber, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2023. Fast dynamic difficulty adjustment for intelligent tutoring systems with small datasets. In Mingyu Feng, Tanja Käser, Partha Talukdar (Eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 11-14 July 2023, Bengaluru, India. International Educational Data Mining Society, 482-489 |
Linda Becker, Alexander Heimerl and Elisabeth André. 2023. ForDigitStress: presentation and evaluation of a new laboratory stressor using a digital job interview-scenario. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1182959. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1182959 |
Tobias Huber, Maximilian Demmler, Silvan Mertes, Matthew Olson and Elisabeth Andrè. 2023. GANterfactual-RL: understanding reinforcement learning agents' strategies through visual counterfactual explanations. In Noa Agmon, Bo An, Alessandro Ricci, William Yeoh (Eds.). AAMAS '23: proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 29 May - 2 June 2023, London, United Kingdom. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1097-1106 |
Pooja Prajod, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Matteo Malosio and Elisabeth André. 2023. Gaze-based attention recognition for human-robot collaboration. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Corfu, Greece, July 5-7, 2023. ACM, New York, NY, 140-147 DOI: 10.1145/3594806.3594819 |
Moritz Bauermann, Anne-Kathrin Schindler, Miriam Kunz, Elisabeth André and Thomas Rotthoff. 2023. Impact of facial expressions on ad hoc entrustment - a study report [Abstract]. In Inclusive Learning Environments to Transform the Future (AMEE 2023), 26-30 August 2023, Glasgow, UK: abstract book short communication (on demand). AMEE, Dundee, 446-447 |
Alexander Hustinx, Fabio Hellmann, Ömer Sümer, Behnam Javanmardi, Elisabeth André, Peter Krawitz and Tzung-Chien Hsieh. 2023. Improving deep facial phenotyping for ultra-rare disorder verification using model ensembles. In David Crandall, Boqing Gong, Yong Jae Lee, Richard Souvenir, Stella Yu, Tamara Berg, Ryan Farrell (Eds.). 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan. 2-7, 2023, Waikoloa, HI, USA. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 5007-5017 DOI: 10.1109/WACV56688.2023.00499 |
Yael Septon, Tobias Huber, Elisabeth André and Ofra Amir. 2023. Integrating policy summaries with reward decomposition for explaining reinforcement learning agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13955, 320-332. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-37616-0_27 |
Tobias Hallmen, Silvan Mertes, Dominik Schiller, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2023. Phoneme-based multi-task assessment of affective vocal bursts. In Donatello Conte, Ana Fred, Oleg Gusikhin, Carlo Sansone (Eds.). Deep Learning Theory and Applications: 4th International Conference, DeLTA 2023, Rome, Italy, July 13–14, 2023, proceedings. Springer Nature, Cham, 209-222 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-39059-3_14 |
Pia Schneider, Philipp Reicherts, Gulia Zerbini, Tobias Hallmen, Elisabeth André, Thomas Rotthoff and Miriam Kunz. 2023. Smiling doctor, happy patient: the role of facial expressions in patient-doctor communication [Abstract]. In Jan Born, Max Harkotte, Lisa Bastian, Julia Fechner (Eds.). 48. Annual Conference Psychologie und Gehirn, 08.06.2023-10.06.2023, Tübingen: abstract booklet. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, 273 |
Sebastian Beyrodt, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Fabrizio Nunnari, Lara Chehayeb, Pooja Prajod, Tanja Schneeberger, Elisabeth André, Matteo Malosio, Patrick Gebhard and Dimitra Tsovaltzi. 2023. Socially interactive agents as cobot avatars: developing a model to support flow experiences and well-being in the workplace. In Birgit Lugrin, Marc Latoschik, Sebastion von Mammen, Stefan Kopp, Florian Pécune, Catherine Pelachaud (Eds.). IVA '23: proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Würzburg, Germany, September 19-22, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, 21 DOI: 10.1145/3570945.3607349 |
Dominik Mueller, Silvan Mertes, Niklas Schroeter, Fabio Hellmann, Miriam Elia, Bernhard Bauer, Wolfgang Reif, Elisabeth André and Frank Kramer. 2023. Towards automated COVID-19 presence and severity classification. In Maria Hägglund, Madeleine Blusi, Stefano Bonacina, Lina Nilsson, Inge Cort Madsen, Sylvia Pelayo, Anne Moen, Arriel Benis, Lars Lindsköld and Parisis Gallos (Ed.). Caring is sharing – exploiting the value in data for health and innovation. IOS Press, Amsterdam (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics ; 302), 917-921. DOI: 10.3233/shti230309 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Dariia Nazarenko, Yekta Said Can, Kunal Gupta, Silvan Mertes, Mark Billinghurst and Elisabeth André. 2023. Wish you were here: mental and physiological effects of remote music collaboration in mixed reality. In Albrecht Schmidt, Kaisa Väänänen, Tesh Goyal, Per Ola Kristensson, Anicia Peters, Stefanie Mueller, Julie R. Williamson, Max L. Wilson (Eds.). Chi '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany, April 23 - 28, 2023. ACM, New York, NY, 102 DOI: 10.1145/3544548.3581162 |
2022 |
Alexander Heimerl, Silvan Mertes, Tanja Schneeberger, Tobias Baur, Ailin Liu, Linda Becker, Nicolas Rohleder, Patrick Gebhard and Elisabeth André. in press. "GAN I hire you?" - A system for personalized virtual job interview training. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2206.03869 |
Kathrin Janowski, Hannes Ritschel and Elisabeth André. 2022. Adaptive artificial personalities. In Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachaud and David Traum (Ed.). The handbook on socially interactive agents: 20 years of research on embodied conversational agents, intelligent virtual agents, and social robotics, volume 2: interactivity, platforms, application. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, 155-194. DOI: 10.1145/3563659.3563666 |
Silvan Mertes, Christina Karle, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. in press. Alterfactual explanations: the relevance of irrelevance for explaining AI systems. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2207.09374 |
Tobias Huber, Benedikt Limmer and Elisabeth André. 2022. Benchmarking perturbation-based saliency maps for explaining Atari agents. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 903875. DOI: 10.3389/frai.2022.903875 |
Pooja Prajod, Dominik Schiller, Tobias Huber and Elisabeth André. 2022. Do deep neural networks forget facial action units? - Exploring the effects of transfer learning in health related facial expression recognition. In Arash Shaban-Nejad, Martin Michalowski and Simone Bianco (Ed.). AI for disease surveillance and pandemic intelligence: intelligent disease detection in action. Springer, Cham (Studies in Computational Intelligence ; 1013), 217-233. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-93080-6_16 |
Katharina Weitz, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. in press. Do we need explainable AI in companies? Investigation of challenges, expectations, and chances from employees' perspective. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.03527 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Fabian Wildgrube, Silvan Mertes, Ceenu George and Elisabeth André. 2022. Flow with the beat! Human-centered design of virtual environments for musical creativity support in VR. In C&C '22: Creativity and Cognition, Venice, Italy, June 20-23, 2022. ACM, New York, NY, 428-442 DOI: 10.1145/3527927.3532799 |
Silvan Mertes, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Alexander Heimerl and Elisabeth André. 2022. GANterfactual - counterfactual explanations for medical non-experts using generative adversarial learning. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 825565. DOI: 10.3389/frai.2022.825565 |
Alexander Heimerl, Silvan Mertes, Tanja Schneeberger, Tobias Baur, Ailin Liu, Linda Becker, Nicolas Rohleder, Patrick Gebhard and Elisabeth André. 2022. Generating personalized behavioral feedback for a virtual job interview training system through adversarial learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13355, 679-684. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11644-5_67 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Kunal Gupta, Silvan Mertes, Mark Billinghurst, Susanne Metzner and Elisabeth André. 2022. Jamming in MR: towards real-time music collaboration in mixed reality. In 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 12-16 March 2022, Christchurch, New Zealand (virtual event). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 854-855. DOI: 10.1109/vrw55335.2022.00278 |
Daniela Angelova-Toshkina, Johannes Holzapfel, Stefanie Bette, Josua Decker, Fabio Hellmann, Thomas Traunwieser, Simon Huber, Mareike Schimmel, Kurt Vollert, Brigitte Bison, Thomas Kroencke, Elisabeth André, Dagmar Wieczorek, Astrid Katharina Gnekow, Michael C. Frühwald and Michaela Kuhlen. 2022. Neurological manifestations in children and adolescents with neurofibromatosis type-1-implications for management and surveillance [Abstract]. Neuro-Oncology 24, Supplement 1, i128. DOI: 10.1093/neuonc/noac079.467 |
Fabio A. Storm, Mattia Chiappini, Carla Dei, Caterina Piazza, Elisabeth André, Nadine Reißner, Ingrid Brdar, Antonella Delle Fave, Patrick Gebhard, Matteo Malosio, Alberto Peña Fernández, Snježana Štefok and Gianluigi Reni. 2022. Physical and mental well‐being of cobot workers: a scoping review using the Software‐Hardware‐Environment‐Liveware‐Liveware‐Organization model. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 32, 5, 419-435. DOI: 10.1002/hfm.20952 |
Lucas Bernhard, Fabrizio Nunnari, Amelie Unger, Judith Bauerdiek, Christian Dold, Marcel Hauck, Alexander Stricker, Tobias Baur, Alexander Heimerl, Elisabeth André, Melissa Reinecker, Cristina España-Bonet, Yasser Hamidullah, Stephan Busemann, Patrick Gebhard, Corinna Jäger, Sonja Wecker, Yvonne Kossel, Henrik Müller, Kristoffer Waldow, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Martin Misiak and Dieter Wallach. 2022. Towards automated sign language production: a pipeline for creating inclusive virtual humans. In Fillia Makedon (Ed.). PETRA '22: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 29 June - 1 July 2022, Corfu, Greece. ACM, New York, NY, 260-268 DOI: 10.1145/3529190.3529202 |
Alexander Heimerl, Katharina Weitz, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2022. Unraveling ML models of emotion with NOVA: multi-level explainable AI for non-experts. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13, 3, 1155-1167. DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2020.3043603 |
Pooja Prajod, Tobias Huber and Elisabeth André. 2022. Using explainable AI to identify differences between clinical and experimental pain detection models based on facial expressions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13141, 311-322. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-98358-1_25 |
Patrick Terhürne, Brian Schwartz, Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller, Steffen T. Eberhardt, Elisabeth André and Wolfgang Lutz. 2022. Validation and application of the Non-Verbal Behavior Analyzer: an automated tool to assess non-verbal emotional expressions in psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry 13, 1026015. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1026015 |
Alexander Heimerl, Linda Becker, Dominik Schiller, Tobias Baur, Fabian Wildgrube, Nicolas Rohleder and Elisabeth André. 2022. We've never been eye to eye: a pupillometry pipeline for the detection of stress and negative affect in remote working scenarios. In Fillia Makedon (Ed.). PETRA '22: proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 29 June - 1 July 2022, Corfu, Greece. ACM, New York, NY, 486-493 DOI: 10.1145/3529190.3534729 |
Katharina Weitz, Alexander Zellner and Elisabeth André. in press. What do end-users really want? Investigation of human-centered XAI for mobile health apps. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.03506 |
2021 |
Kasper Hald, Katharina Weitz, Elisabeth André and Matthias Rehm. 2021. "An error occurred!" - Trust repair with virtual robot using levels of mistake explanation. In Kohei Ogawa, Tomoko Yonezawa, Gale M. Lucas, Hirotaka Osawa, Wafa Johal and Masahiro Shiomi (Ed.). HAI'21: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Virtual Event, Japan, November 9 - 11, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, 218-226. DOI: 10.1145/3472307.3484170 |
Tom Giraud, Brian Ravenet, Chi Tai Dang, Jacqueline Nadel, Elise Prigent, Gael Poli, Elisabeth André and Jean-claude Martin. 2021. "Can you help me move this over there?": training children with ASD to joint action through tangible interaction and virtual agent. In Raphael Wimmer, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Martin Murer, Katrin Wolf and Ian Oakley (Ed.). Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February 2021, Salzburg, Austria. ACM, New York, NY, 27. DOI: 10.1145/3430524.3440646 |
Katharina Weitz, Lindsey Vanderlyn, Ngoc Thang Vu and Elisabeth André. 2021. "It's our fault!": insights into users' understanding and interaction with an explanatory collaborative dialog system. In Arianna Bisazza, Omri Abend (Eds.). Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, November 2021, online. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021.conll-1.1 |
Matteo Lavit Nicora, Elisabeth André, Daniel Berkmans, Claudia Carissoli, Tiziana D'Orazio, Antonella Delle Fave, Patrick Gebhard, Roberto Marani, Robert Mihai Mira, Luca Negri, Fabrizio Nunnari, Alberto Pena Fernandez, Alessandro Scano, Gianluigi Reni and Matteo Malosio. 2021. A human-driven control architecture for promoting good mental health in collaborative robot scenarios. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 8-12 August 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 285-291 DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515315 |
Alice Baird, Silvan Mertes, Manuel Milling, Lukas Stappen, Thomas Wiest, Elisabeth André and Björn W. Schuller. 2021. A prototypical network approach for evaluating generated emotional speech. In Hynek Heřmanský, Honza Černocký, Lukáš Burget, Lori Lamel, Odette Scharenborg and Petr Motlicek (Ed.). Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czechia, 30 August - 3 September 2021. ISCA, Baixas, 3161-3165. DOI: 10.21437/interspeech.2021-1123 |
Dominik Schiller, Silvan Mertes, Pol van Rijn and Elisabeth André. 2021. Analysis by synthesis: using an expressive TTS model as feature extractor for paralinguistic speech classification. In Hynek Heřmanský, Honza Černocký, Lukáš Burget, Lori Lamel, Odette Scharenborg and Petr Motlicek (Ed.). Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czechia, 30 August - 3 September 2021. ISCA, Baixas, 486-490. DOI: 10.21437/interspeech.2021-1587 |
Tom Giraud, Brian Ravenet, Jacqueline Nadel, Chi Tai Dang, Elise Prigent, Gael Poli, Elisabeth André and Jean-Claude Martin. 2021. Conception d'interactions virtuelles et tangibles pour apprendre la collaboration motrice à des enfants avec Trouble du Spectre de l'Autisme: Design of virtual and tangible interaction to learn motor collaboration to children with ASD. In IHM '21 - 32e Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, virtual event, France, April 13 - 16, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16. DOI: 10.1145/3450522.3451335 |
Silvan Mertes, Florian Lingenfelser, Thomas Kiderle, Michael Dietz, Lama Diab and Elisabeth André. 2021. Continuous emotions: exploring label interpolation in conditional generative adversarial networks for face generation. In Ana Fred, Carlo Sansone and Kurosh Madani (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications, July 7-9, 2021. SciTePress, Setúbal, 132-139. DOI: 10.5220/0010549401320139 |
Jing Han, Zixing Zhang, Cecilia Mascolo, Elisabeth André, Jianhua Tao, Ziping Zhao and Björn W. Schuller. 2021. Deep learning for mobile mental health: challenges and recent advances. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 38, 6, 96-105. DOI: 10.1109/msp.2021.3099293 |
Fabio Hellmann, Zhao Ren, Elisabeth André and Björn W. Schuller. 2021. Deformable dilated faster R-CNN for universal lesion detection in CT images. In Riccardo Barbieri (Ed.). 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC 2021), 1-5 November 2021, Mexico. IEEE, New York, NY, 2896-2902 DOI: 10.1109/embc46164.2021.9631021 |
Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. 2021. Demystifying artificial intelligence for end-users: findings from a participatory machine learning show. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12873, 257-270. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87626-5_19 |
Björn Petrak, Gundula Sopper, Katharina Weitz and Elisabeth André. 2021. Do you mind if I pass through? Studying the appropriate robot behavior when traversing two conversing people in a hallway setting. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 8-12 August 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 369-375. DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515430 |
Tobias Huber, Silvan Mertes, Stanislava Rangelova, Simon Flutura and Elisabeth André. 2021. Dynamic difficulty adjustment in virtual reality exergames through experience-driven procedural content generation. In Keeley Crockett, Sanaz Mostaghim, Dipti Srinivasan and Anna Wilbik (Ed.). 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 5-7 December 2021, Orlando, FL, USA. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-8. DOI: 10.1109/ssci50451.2021.9660086 |
Niklas Rach, Klaus Weber, Yuchi Yang, Stefan Ultes, Elisabeth André and Wolfgang Minker. 2021. EVA 2.0: emotional and rational multimodal argumentation between virtual agents. it - Information Technology 63, 1, 17-30. DOI: 10.1515/itit-2020-0050 |
Pol van Rijn, Silvan Mertes, Dominik Schiller, Peter M. C. Harrison, Pauline Larrouy-Maestri, Elisabeth André and Nori Jacoby. 2021. Exploring emotional prototypes in a high dimensional TTS latent space. In Hynek Heřmanský, Honza Černocký, Lukáš Burget, Lori Lamel, Odette Scharenborg and Petr Motlicek (Ed.). Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czechia, 30 August - 3 September 2021. ISCA, Baixas, 3870-3874. DOI: 10.21437/interspeech.2021-1538 |
Hannes Ritschel, Thomas Kiderle and Elisabeth André. 2021. Implementing parallel and independent movements for a social robot's affective expressions. In 2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 28 September – 1 October, 2021, Virtual Event, Nara, Japan. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-4 DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW52867.2021.9666341 |
Björn W. Schuller, Rosalind Picard, Elisabeth André, Jonathan Gratch and Jianhua Tao. 2021. Intelligent signal processing for affective computing. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 38, 6, 9-11. DOI: 10.1109/msp.2021.3096415 |
Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Elisabeth André and Ofra Amir. 2021. Local and global explanations of agent behavior: integrating strategy summaries with saliency maps. Artificial Intelligence 301, 103571. DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2021.103571 |
Patrick Thiam, Viktor Kessler, Mohammadreza Amirian, Peter Bellmann, Georg Layher, Yan Zhang, Maria Velana, Sascha Gruss, Steffen Walter, Harald C. Traue, Daniel Schork, Jonghwa Kim, Elisabeth André, Heiko Neumann and Friedhelm Schwenker. 2021. Multi-modal pain intensity recognition based on the SenseEmotion database. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 12, 3, 743-760. DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2019.2892090 |
Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2021. Nichtverbales Verhalten sozialer Roboter: Bewegungen, deren Bedeutung und die Technik dahinter. In Oliver Bendel (Ed.). Soziale Roboter: technikwissenschaftliche, wirtschaftswissenschaftliche, philosophische, psychologische und soziologische Grundlagen. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 293-308. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31114-8_15 |
Silvan Mertes, Thomas Kiderle, Ruben Schlagowski, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2021. On the potential of modular voice conversion for virtual agents. In 2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 28 September – 1 October, 2021, Virtual Event, Nara, Japan. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-7 DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW52867.2021.9666349 |
Elisabeth André, Willhelm Bauer, Martin Braun, Chi-Tai Dang, Matthias Peissner and Katharina Weitz. 2021. Projektbericht: KI-Kompetenzentwicklung bei Sach- und Produktionsarbeit. Lernende Systeme – Die Plattform für Künstliche Intelligenz, München. DOI: 10.48669/pls_2021-4 |
Thomas Kiderle, Hannes Ritschel, Kathrin Janowski, Silvan Mertes, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2021. Socially-aware personality adaptation. In 2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 28 September – 1 October, 2021, Virtual Event, Nara, Japan. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-8 DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW52867.2021.9666197 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Silvan Mertes and Elisabeth André. 2021. Taming the chaos: exploring graphical input vector manipulation user interfaces for GANs in a musical context. In AM '21: Audio Mostly 2021, virtual/Trento, Italy, September 1-3, 2021. ACM, New York, NY (International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS)), 216-223. DOI: 10.1145/3478384.3478411 |
Luke Haliburton, Alexander Heimerl, Stephanie Böhme, Elisabeth André and Albrecht Schmidt. 2021. Teaching ethics as a creative subject: ideas from an interdisciplinary workshop. IEEE Pervasive Computing 20, 3, 68-71. DOI: 10.1109/mprv.2021.3094814 |
Björn Petrak, Julia G. Stapels, Katharina Weitz, Friederike Eyssel and Elisabeth André. 2021. To move or not to move? Social acceptability of robot proxemics behavior depending on user emotion. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 8-12 August 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 975-982. DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515502 |
Tanja Schneeberger, Mirella Hladky, Ann-Kristin Thurner, Jana Volkert, Alexander Heimerl, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2021. Towards a deeper modeling of emotions: the deep method and its application on shame. In 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 28 September - 1 October 2021, Nara, Japan. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 21436835 DOI: 10.1109/acii52823.2021.9597446 |
Ru Zhang, Yuanchun Shi, Björn Schuller, Elisabeth André, Sharon Oviatt, Aaron Quigley, Nicolai Marquardt, Ilhan Aslan and Ran Ju. 2021. User experience for multi-device ecosystems: challenges and opportunities. In Yoshifumi Kitamura, Aaron Quigley, Katherine Isbister and Takeo Igarashi (Ed.). CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, May 8 - 13, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, 111. DOI: 10.1145/3411763.3441325 |
2020 |
Katharina Weitz, Dominik Schiller, Ruben Schlagowski, Tobias Huber and Elisabeth André. 2020. "Let me explain!": exploring the potential of virtual agents in explainable AI interaction design. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 15, 87-98. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-020-00332-0 |
Yue Zhang, Andrea Michi, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Björn Schuller and Felix Weninger. 2020. A generic human–machine annotation framework based on dynamic cooperative learning. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50, 3, 1230-1239. DOI: 10.1109/tcyb.2019.2901499 |
Alexander Heimerl, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2020. A transparent framework towards the context-sensitive recognition of conversational engagement. In Jörg Cassens, Rebekah Wegener, Anders Kofod-Petersen (Eds.). MRC 2020 - Modelling and Reasoning in Context 2020: proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop Modelling and Reasoning in Context, co-located with the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, August 29, 2020. RWTH, Aachen, 7-16 |
Silvan Mertes, Alice Baird, Dominik Schiller, Björn Schuller and Elisabeth André. 2020. An evolutionary-based generative approach for audio data augmentation. In Atanas Gotchev, Dong Tian, Joao Ascenso (Eds.). 2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 21-24 Sept. 2020, Tampere, Finland. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/mmsp48831.2020.9287156 |
Silvan Mertes, Andreas Margraf, Christoph Kommer, Steffen Geinitz and Elisabeth André. 2020. Data augmentation for semantic segmentation in the context of carbon fiber defect detection using adversarial learning. In Ana Fred and Kurosh Madani (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications - Volume 1: DeLTA, July 8-10, 2020. SciTePress, Setúbal, 59-67. DOI: 10.5220/0009823500590067 |
Andreas Seiderer, Hannes Ritschel and Elisabeth André. 2020. Development of a privacy-by-design speech assistant providing nutrient information for German seniors. In Catia Prandi and Johann Marquez-Barja (Ed.). GoodTechs '20: Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2020. ACM, New York, NY, 114-119. DOI: 10.1145/3411170.3411227 |
Dominik Schiller, Silvan Mertes and Elisabeth André. 2020. Embedded emotions - a data driven approach to learn transferable feature representations from raw speech input for emotion recognition. preprint. |
Chi Tai Dang, Ilhan Aslan, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2020. Exploring ambient air quality notifications for smart rooms. In Catia Prandi and Johann Marquez-Barja (Ed.). Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2020. ACM, New York, NY, 102-107. DOI: 10.1145/3411170.3411229 |
Klaus Weber, Niklas Rach, Wolfgang Minker and Elisabeth André. 2020. How to win arguments: empowering virtual agents to improve their persuasiveness. Datenbank-Spektrum 20, 161-169. DOI: 10.1007/s13222-020-00345-9 |
Simon Flutura, Andreas Seiderer, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Ilhan Aslan, Ruben Schlagowski, Elisabeth André and Joachim Rathmann. 2020. Interactive machine learning and explainability in mobile classification of forest-aesthetics. In Catia Prandi and Johann Marquez-Barja (Ed.). GoodTechs '20: Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, September 2020, Antwerp, Belgium. ACM, New York, NY, 90-95. DOI: 10.1145/3411170.3411225 |
Vivek K. Singh, Elisabeth André, Susanne Boll, Mireille Hildebrandt and David A. Shamma. 2020. Legal and ethical challenges in multimedia research. IEEE MultiMedia 27, 2, 46-54. DOI: 10.1109/mmul.2020.2994823 |
Hannes Ritschel, Thomas Kiderle, Klaus Weber, Florian Lingenfelser, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2020. Multimodal joke generation and paralinguistic personalization for a socially-aware robot. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12092, 278-290. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49778-1_22 |
Hannes Ritschel, Thomas Kiderle, Klaus Weber and Elisabeth André. 2020. Multimodal joke presentation for social robots based on natural-language generation and nonverbal behaviors. In Second Workshop on Natural Language Generation for Human–Robot Interaction at HRI 2020, March 23, 2020, Cambridge, UK. |
Tobias Baur, Sina Clausen, Alexander Heimerl, Florian Lingenfelser, Wolfgang Lutz and Elisabeth André. 2020. NOVA: a tool for explanatory multimodal behavior analysis and its application to psychotherapy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11962, 577-588. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37734-2_47 |
Ilhan Aslan, Andreas Seiderer, Chi Tai Dang, Simon Rädler and Elisabeth André. 2020. PiHearts: resonating experiences of self and others enabled by a tangible somaesthetic design. In Khiet Truong, Dirk Heylen, Mary Czerwinski, Nadia Berthouze, Mohamed Chetouani (Eds.). ICMI '20: proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, October 25-29, 2020, virtual event, Netherlands. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, 433-441 DOI: 10.1145/3382507.3418848 |
Hannes Ritschel, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2020. Pianobot: an adaptive robotic piano tutor. In HRI 2020 Workshop on Exploring Creative Content in Social Robotics, March 23, 2020, Cambridge, UK. |
Klaus Weber, Kathrin Janowski, Niklas Rach, Katharina Weitz, Wolfgang Minker, Stefan Ultes and Elisabeth André. 2020. Predicting persuasive effectiveness for multimodal behavior adaptation using bipolar weighted argument graphs. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS '20). ACM, New York, NY, 1476-1484 |
Dominik Schiller, Tobias Huber, Michael Dietz and Elisabeth André. 2020. Relevance-based data masking: a model-agnostic transfer learning approach for facial expression recognition. Frontiers in Computer Science 2, 6. DOI: 10.3389/fcomp.2020.00006 |
Jan-Oliver Wülfing, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2020. Synthesising expressive speech – which synthesiser for VOCAs?. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12284, 397-408. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58323-1_43 |
Klaus Weber, Lukas Tinnes, Tobias Huber, Alexander Heimerl, Eva Pohlen, Marc-Leon Reinecker and Elisabeth André. 2020. Towards demystifying subliminal persuasiveness: using XAI-techniques to highlight persuasive markers of public speeches. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12175, 113-128. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51924-7_7 |
Joachim Rathmann, Christoph Beck, Simon Flutura, Andreas Seiderer, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2020. Towards quantifying forest recreation: exploring outdoor thermal physiology and human well-being along exemplary pathways in a central European urban forest (Augsburg, SE-Germany). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 49, 126622. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126622 |
Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer, Elisabeth André and Noreen van Elk. 2020. Zum Umgang mit KI-Technologien – ethische Prinzipien und Leitlinien aus christlicher Perspektive. |
Tobias Baur, Alexander Heimerl, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Michel F. Valstar, Björn Schuller and Elisabeth André. 2020. eXplainable cooperative machine learning with NOVA. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 34, 2, 143-164. DOI: 10.1007/s13218-020-00632-3 |
2019 |
Katharina Weitz, Dominik Schiller, Ruben Schlagowski, Tobias Huber and Elisabeth André. 2019. "Do you trust me?" Increasing user-trust by integrating virtual agents in explainable AI interaction design. In Catherine Pelachaud, Jean-Claude Martin, Hendrik Buschmeier, Gale Lucas and Stefan Kopp (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents - IVA '19, Paris, France, July 02 - 05, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 7-9. DOI: 10.1145/3308532.3329441 |
Stanislava Rangelova and Elisabeth André. 2019. A survey on simulation sickness in driving applications with virtual reality head-mounted displays. Presence 27, 1, 15-31. DOI: 10.1162/pres_a_00318 |
Hannes Ritschel, Andreas Seiderer, Kathrin Janowski, Stefan Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2019. Adaptive linguistic style for an assistive robotic health companion based on explicit human feedback. In Fillia Makedon (Ed.). Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments - PETRA '19, Rhodes, Greece, June 05 - 07, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 247-255. DOI: 10.1145/3316782.3316791 |
Andreas Seiderer, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2019. Calibration transfer for food recognition models for e-noses. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things - IoT 2019, Bilbao, Spain, October 22 - 25, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 36. DOI: 10.1145/3365871.3365910 |
Ilhan Aslan, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Simon Flutura, Susana Garcia Valesco, Marius Pfeil and Elisabeth André. 2019. Creativity support and multimodal pen-based interaction. In Wen Gao, Helen Mei Ling Meng, Matthew Turk, Susan R. Fussell, Björn Schuller, Yale Song and Kai Yu (Ed.). 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '19, Suzhou, China, October 14 - 18, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 135-144. DOI: 10.1145/3340555.3353738 |
Niklas Rach, Klaus Weber, Annalena Aicher, Florian Lingenfelser, Elisabeth André and Wolfgang Minker. 2019. Emotion recognition based preference modelling in argumentative dialogue systems. In Takuya Maekawa and Peizhao Hu (Ed.). 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 11-15 March 2019, Kyoto, Japan. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 838-843. DOI: 10.1109/percomw.2019.8730650 |
Tobias Huber, Dominik Schiller and Elisabeth André. 2019. Enhancing explainability of deep reinforcement learning through selective layer-wise relevance propagation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11793, 188-202. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30179-8_16 |
Stanislava Rangelova, Simon Flutura, Tobias Huber, Daniel Motus and Elisabeth André. 2019. Exploration of physiological signals using different locomotion techniques in a VR adventure game. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11572, 601-616. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23560-4_44 |
Elisabeth André and Birgit Lugrin. 2019. Gender- und kulturtypische Roboter und virtuelle Agenten und ihr Einfluss auf unsere Wahrnehmung von Technologie. In Marita Krauss, Heike Krebs and Stephanie Waldow (Ed.). Gender und Diversität - que(e)r durch alle Disziplinen: Beiträge aus Augsburger Ringvorlesungen. Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, 39-47. |
Dominik Schiller, Katharina Weitz, Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2019. Human-inspired socially-aware interfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11934, 41-53. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34500-6_2 |
Henner Gimpel, Sarah Bayer, Elisabeth André, Ivo Benke, Alexander Benlian, Nicholas Cummins, Oliver Hinz, Kristian Kersting, Alexander Maedche, Jan Riemann, Björn Schuller and Klaus Weber. 2019. Humane anthropomorphic agents: the quest for the outcome measure. In AIS SIGPrag Workshop on Value and Ethics in the Digital Age, December 14, 2019, co-located with ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany. |
Tobias Baur, Alexander Heimerl, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2019. I see what you did there: understanding when to trust a ML model with NOVA. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), Cambridge, UK, 3-6 September 2019. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 77-78 DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW.2019.8925214 |
Andreas Seiderer, Ilhan Aslan, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2019. Indoor air quality and wellbeing - enabling awareness and sensitivity with ambient IoT displays. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11912, 266-282. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34255-5_18 |
Hannes Ritschel, Kathrin Janowski, Andreas Seiderer, Stefan Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2019. Insights on usability and user feedback for an assistive robotic health companion with adaptive linguistic style. In Fillia Makedon (Ed.). Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments - PETRA '19, Rhodes, Greece, June 05 - 07, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 319-320. DOI: 10.1145/3316782.3322737 |
Hannes Ritschel, Ilhan Aslan, David Sedlbauer and Elisabeth André. 2019. Irony man: augmenting a social robot with the ability to use irony in multimodal communication with humans. In Edith Elkind, Manuela Veloso, Noa Agmon and Matthew E. Taylor (Ed.). AAMAS '19 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Montreal QC, Canada, May 13-17, 2019. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 86-94. |
Vivek K. Singh, Elisabeth André, Susanne Boll, Mireille Hildebrandt, David A. Shamma and Tat-Seng Chua. 2019. Legal and ethical challenges in multimedia research. In Laurent Amsaleg, Benoit Huet, Martha Larson, Guillaume Gravier, Hayley Hung, Chong-Wah Ngo, Wei Tsang Ooi (Eds.). MM '19: proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Nice, France, October 21-25, 2019. ACM, New York, NY, 2514-2515 DOI: 10.1145/3343031.3351493 |
Björn Petrak, Katharina Weitz, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2019. Let me show you your new home: studying the effect of proxemic-awareness of robots on users' first impressions. In The 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, 14 – 18 Oct, 2019 Le Meridien, Windsor Place, New Delhi, India. |
Simon Flutura, Andreas Seiderer, Ilhan Aslan, Michael Dietz, Dominik Schiller, Christoph Beck, Joachim Rathmann and Elisabeth André. 2019. Mobile sensing for wellbeing estimation of urban green using physiological signals. In Armir Bujari, Pietro Manzoni, Anna Forster, Edjair Mota and Ombretta Gaggi (Ed.). Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good - GoodTechs '19, Valencia, Spain, September 25 - 27, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 249-254. DOI: 10.1145/3342428.3342655 |
Jonas Müller, Lea Rieger, Ilhan Aslan, Christoph Anneser, Malte Sandstede, Felix Schwarzmeier, Björn Petrak and Elisabeth André. 2019. Mouse, touch, or fich: comparing traditional input modalities to a novel pre-touch technique. In Fabio Paternò, Giulio Jacucci, Michael Rohs and Carmen Santoro (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM '19, Pisa, Italy, 26-29 November, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 6. DOI: 10.1145/3365610.3365622 |
Alexander Heimerl, Tobias Baur, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2019. NOVA - a tool for eXplainable Cooperative Machine Learning. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 3-6 September 2019, Cambridge, UK. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 109-115 DOI: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925519 |
Björn Bittner, Ilhan Aslan, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2019. Of smarthomes, IoT plants, and implicit interaction design. In Stacey Kuznetsov, Daniel Saakes, Ron Wakkary, Luc Geurts, Lauren Hayes and Manfred Lau (Ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI '19, Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 17 - 20, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 145-154. DOI: 10.1145/3294109.3295618 |
Hannes Ritschel, Ilhan Aslan, Silvan Mertes, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2019. Personalized synthesis of intentional and emotional non-verbal sounds for social robots. In 8th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2019), Cambridge, UK, 3-6 September 2019. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925487 |
Ilhan Aslan, Chi Tai Dang, Ruben Schlagowski, Michael Dietz, Fabian Brain and Elisabeth André. 2019. Put that hologram there - probing mobile interaction experiences for a vision of mixed material public spaces. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things - IoT 2019, Bilbao, Spain, October 22 - 25, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 6. DOI: 10.1145/3365871.3365877 |
Dominik Schiller, Tobias Huber, Florian Lingenfelser, Michael Dietz, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2019. Relevance-based feature masking: improving neural network based whale classification through explainable artificial intelligence. In Gernot Kubin, Zdravko Kačič (Eds.). Interspeech 2019, 15-19 September 2019, Graz. ISCA, 2423-2427 DOI: 10.21437/interspeech.2019-2707 |
Katharina Weitz and Elisabeth André. 2019. Should we (dis)trust robots? Developing responsible AI using cognitive and affective human-robot trust. In Interdisciplinary College 2019, March 12-19, 2019, Günne, Germany. |
Michael Dietz, Ilhan Aslan, Dominik Schiller, Simon Flutura, Anika Steinert, Robert Klebbe and Elisabeth André. 2019. Stress annotations from older adults - exploring the foundations for mobile ML-based health assistance. In Oscar Mayora, Stefano Forti, Jochen Meyer and Lena Mamykina (Ed.). Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare - PervasiveHealth'19, Trento, Italy, May 20 - 23, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 149-158. DOI: 10.1145/3329189.3329197 |
Hannes Ritschel, Kathrin Janowski, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2019. Towards a robotic dietitian with adaptive linguistic style. In Emilio Calvanese Strinati, Dimitris Charitos, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Paolo Ciampolini, Francesca Cuomo, Paolo Di Lorenzo, Damianos Gavalas, Sten Hanke, Andreas Komninos and Georgios Mylonas (Ed.). AmI 2019: Poster and Workshop Sessions of AmI-2019; Joint Proceeding of the Poster and Workshop Sessions of AmI-2019, the 2019 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Rome, Italy, November 13-15, 2019. CEUR-WS (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 2492), 16. |
Chi Tai Dang, Ilhan Aslan, Florian Lingenfelser, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2019. Towards somaesthetic smarthome designs: exploring potentials and limitations of an affective mirror. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things - IoT 2019, Bilbao, Spain, October 22 - 25, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 22. DOI: 10.1145/3365871.3365893 |
Ilhan Aslan, Chi Tai Dang, Björn Petrak, Michael Dietz, Michael Filipenko and Elisabeth André. 2019. Viewing experience of augmented reality objects as ambient media - a comparison of multimedia devices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11912, 324-329. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34255-5_23 |
Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2019. What if I speak now? A decision-theoretic approach to personality-based turn-taking. In Edith Elkind, Manuela Veloso, Noa Agmon and Matthew E. Taylor (Ed.). AAMAS '19 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Montreal QC, Canada, May 13 - 17, 2019. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1051-1059. |
2018 |
Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2018. Acceptance of autonomy and cloud in the smart home and concerns. In R. Dachselt and G. Weber (Ed.). Mensch und Computer 2018 (MuC 2018) - Tagungsband. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn |
Elisabeth André, Henner Gimpel and Christian Olenberger. 2018. An investigation of the effects of anthropomorpishm in collective human-machine decision-making. In Stefan Morana and Jella Pfeiffer (Ed.). Proceedings of the workshop on designing User assistance in interactive intelligent systems, Portsmouth, UK, 2018. KIT, Karlsruhe (KIT Scientific Working Papers; 93), 23-25. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000083109 |
Johannes Wagner, Tobias Baur, Yue Zhang, Michel F. Valstar, Björn Schuller and Elisabeth André. 2018. Applying cooperative machine learning to speed up the annotation of social signals in large multi-modal corpora. preprint. |
Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Jun Deng, Raymond Brueckner, Björn Schuller and Elisabeth André. 2018. Asynchronous and event-based fusion systems for affect recognition on naturalistic data in comparison to conventional approaches. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 9, 4, 410-423. DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2016.2635124 |
Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2018. Decision-theoretic personality-based reasoning about turn-taking conflicts. In Anton Bogdanovych, Deborah Richards and Simeon Simoff (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents - IVA '18: Sydney, NSW, Australia — November 05 - 08, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 349-350. DOI: 10.1145/3267851.3267899 |
Johannes Wagner, Dominik Schiller, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2018. Deep learning in paralinguistic recognition tasks: are hand-crafted features still relevant?. In B. Yegnanarayana (Ed.). Interspeech 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Hyderabad. ISCA, 147-151 DOI: 10.21437/interspeech.2018-1238 |
Ionut Damian and Elisabeth André. 2018. Designing systems to augment social interactions. IEEE Pervasive Computing 17, 1, 99-103. DOI: 10.1109/mprv.2018.011591068 |
Hannes Ritschel, Andreas Seiderer, Kathrin Janowski, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2018. Drink-o-mender: an adaptive robotic drink adviser. In Anton Nijholt, Carlos Velasco, Marianna Obrist, Katsunori Okajima and Charles Spence (Ed.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction - MHFI'18: Boulder, CO, USA — October 16 - 20, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 3. DOI: 10.1145/3279954.3279957 |
Simon Flutura, Andreas Seiderer, Ilhan Aslan, Chi Tai Dang, Raphael Schwarz, Dominik Schiller and Elisabeth André. 2018. DrinkWatch: a mobile wellbeing application based on interactive and cooperative machine learning. In Patty Kostkova, Floriana Grasso, Carlos Castillo, Yelena Mejova, Arnold Bosman and Michael Edelstein (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Digital Health - DH '18, Lyon, France, April 23 - 26, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 65-74. DOI: 10.1145/3194658.3194666 |
Niklas Rach, Klaus Weber, Louisa Pragst, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Minker and Stefan Ultes. 2018. EVA: a multimodal argumentative dialogue system. In Sidney K. D'Mello, Panayiotis (Panos) Georgiou, Stefan Scherer, Emily Mower Provost, Mohammad Soleymani and Marcelo Worsley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2018 on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '18, Boulder, CO, USA, October 16 - 20, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 551-552. DOI: 10.1145/3242969.3266292 |
Hans-Jörg Vögel, Raphaël Troncy, Benoit Huet, Melek Önen, Adlen Ksentini, Jörg Conradt, Asaf Adi, Alexander Zadorojniy, Jacques Terken, Jonas Beskow, Ann Morrison, Christian Süß, Kynan Eng, Florian Eyben, Samer Al Moubayed, Susanne Müller, Thomas Hubregtsen, Viviane Ghaderi, Ronee Chadowitz, Elisabeth André, Nicholas Cummins, Björn Schuller and Jérôme Härri. 2018. Emotion-awareness for intelligent vehicle assistants: a research agenda. In Reinhard Stolle, Stephan Scholz and Manfred Broy (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for AI in Autonomous Systems - SEFAIS '18, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 28, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 11-15. DOI: 10.1145/3194085.3194094 |
Andreas Seiderer, Michael Dietz, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2018. Enabling privacy with transfer learning for image classification DNNs on mobile devices. In Marco Furini, Silvia Mirri, Kevin Bouchard and Barbara Guidi (Ed.). Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good - Goodtechs '18, Bologna, Italy, November 28 - 30, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 25-30. DOI: 10.1145/3284869.3284893 |
Ilhan Aslan, Björn Bittner, Florian Müller and Elisabeth André. 2018. Exploring the user experience of proxemic hand and pen input above and aside a drawing screen. In Slim Abdennadher and Florian Alt (Ed.). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM 2018, Cairo, Egypt, November 25 - 28, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 183-192. DOI: 10.1145/3282894.3282906 |
Ilhan Aslan, Michael Dietz and Elisabeth André. 2018. Gazeover - exploring the UX of gaze-triggered affordance communication for GUI elements. In Sidney K. D'Mello, Panayiotis (Panos) Georgiou, Stefan Scherer, Emily Mower Provost, Mohammad Soleymani and Marcelo Worsley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2018 on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '18, Boulder, CO, USA, October 16 - 20, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 253-257. DOI: 10.1145/3242969.3242987 |
Jonas Müller, Christoph Anneser, Malte Sandstede, Lea Rieger, Adnan Alhomssi, Felix Schwarzmeier, Björn Bittner, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2018. Honeypot: a socializing app to promote train commuters' wellbeing. In Slim Abdennadher and Florian Alt (Ed.). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM 2018, Cairo, Egypt, November 25 - 28, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 103-108. DOI: 10.1145/3282894.3282901 |
Klaus Weber, Hannes Ritschel, Ilhan Aslan, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2018. How to shape the humor of a robot - social behavior adaptation based on reinforcement learning. In Sidney K. D'Mello, Panayiotis (Panos) Georgiou, Stefan Scherer, Emily Mower Provost, Mohammad Soleymani and Marcelo Worsley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2018 on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '18, Boulder, CO, USA — October 16 - 20, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 154-162. DOI: 10.1145/3242969.3242976 |
Patrick Gebhard, Tanja Schneeberger, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2018. MARSSI: Model of Appraisal, Regulation, and Social Signal Interpretation. In Sven Koenig, Mehdi Dastani, Gita Sukthankar and Elisabeth André (Ed.). AAMAS '18 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10 - 15, 2018. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 497-506. |
Viktor Stojkoski, Zoran Utkovski, Elisabeth André and Ljupco Kocarev. 2018. Multiplex network structure enhances the role of generalized reciprocity in promoting cooperation. In Elisabeth André, Sven Koenig, Mehdi Dastani and Gita Sukthankar (Ed.). AAMAS '18: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10 - 15, 2018. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 2082-2084. |
Ilhan Aslan, Tabea Schmidt, Jens Woehrle, Lukas Vogel and Elisabeth André. 2018. Pen + mid-air gestures: eliciting contextual gestures. In Sidney K. D'Mello, Panayiotis (Panos) Georgiou, Stefan Scherer, Emily Mower Provost, Mohammad Soleymani and Marcelo Worsley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2018 on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '18, Boulder, CO, USA, October 16 - 20, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 135-144. DOI: 10.1145/3242969.3242979 |
Monika Pichlmair, Carolin Brandt, Marcel Henrich, Alexander Biederer, Ilhan Aslan, Björn Bittner and Elisabeth André. 2018. Pen-pen: a wellbeing design to help commuters rest and relax. In Theodora Chaspari, Angeliki Metallinou, Leah Stein Duker and Amir Behzadan (Ed.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-Habitat for Health (H3) Human-Habitat Multimodal Interaction for Promoting Health and Well-Being in the Internet of Things Era - H3 '18, Boulder, Colorado, October 16 - 16, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 6. DOI: 10.1145/3279963.3279966 |
Jan-Oliver Wülfing and Elisabeth André. 2018. Progress to a VOCA with prosodic synthesised speech. In Klaus Miesenberger and Georgios Kouroupetroglou (Ed.). Computers helping people with special needs: 16th International Conference, ICCHP 2018, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2018, Part I. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 10896), 539-546. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_84 |
Thomas Rist, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2018. Providing life-style-intervention to improve well-being of elderly people. In Esteban Clua, Licinio Roque, Artur Lugmayr and Pauliina Tuomi (Ed.). Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2018: 17th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 17–20, 2018. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 11112), 362-367. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99426-0_45 |
Klaus Weber, Hannes Ritschel, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2018. Real-time adaptation of a robotic joke teller based on human social signals. In Elisabeth André, Sven Koenig, Mehdi Dastani and Gita Sukthankar (Ed.). AAMAS '18 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10 - 15, 2018. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 2259-2261. |
Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2018. Real-time sensing of affect and social signals in a multimodal framework: a practical approach. In Sharon Oviatt, Björn Schuller, Philip R. Cohen, Daniel Sonntag, Gerasimos Potamianos and Antonio Krüger (Ed.). The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces: Foundations, User Modeling, and Common Modality Combinations - Volume 2. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, 227-261. DOI: 10.1145/3107990.3108000 |
Hannes Ritschel and Elisabeth André. 2018. Shaping a social robot's humor with natural language generation and socially-aware reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction: Workshop on Natural Language Generation for Human-Robot Interaction - Full day workshop at INLG 2018, November 8, 2018, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Association for Computational Linguistics, 12-16 DOI: 10.18653/v1/W18-6903 |
Johannes Wagner, Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller, Yue Zhang, Björn Schuller, Michel Valstar and Elisabeth André. 2018. Show me what you've learned: applying cooperative machine learning for the semi-automated annotation of social signals. In IJCAI/ECAI 2018 Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), 13 July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. |
William Curran, Gary J. McKeown, Magdalena Rychlowska, Elisabeth André, Johannes Wagner and Florian Lingenfelser. 2018. Social context disambiguates the interpretation of laughter. Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2342. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02342 |
Kathrin Janowski, Hannes Ritschel, Birgit Lugrin and Elisabeth André. 2018. Sozial interagierende Roboter in der Pflege. In Oliver Bendel (Ed.). Pflegeroboter. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 63-87. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-22698-5_4 |
Ionut Damian, Michael Dietz and Elisabeth André. 2018. The SSJ framework: augmenting social interactions using mobile signal processing and live feedback. Frontiers in ICT 5, 13. DOI: 10.3389/fict.2018.00013 |
Chi Tai Dang, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2018. Theodor: a step towards smart home applications with electronic noses. In Proceedings of the 5th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction - iWOAR '18: Berlin, Germany — September 20 - 21, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 11. DOI: 10.1145/3266157.3266215 |
Jan-Oliver Wülfing and Elisabeth André. 2018. Towards a VOCA with expressive synthesised speech [Poster]. In DGfS 2018: 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, 7 - 9 March, Stuttgart, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) |
Michelle Martin, Franziska Geiger, Manuel Götz, Tobias Beeh, Markus Sosnowski, Martin Keppner, Ilhan Aslan, Björn Bittner and Elisabeth André. 2018. Traeddy: a stress sensitive traffic jam companion for car commuters. In Theodora Chaspari, Angeliki Metallinou, Leah Stein Duker and Amir Behzadan (Ed.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-Habitat for Health (H3) Human-Habitat Multimodal Interaction for Promoting Health and Well-Being in the Internet of Things Era - H3 '18, Boulder, Colorado, October 16 - 16, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, 5. DOI: 10.1145/3279963.3279965 |
Christian Roletscheck, Tobias Watzka, Andreas Seiderer, Dominik Schiller and Elisabeth André. 2018. Using an evolutionary approach to explore convolutional neural networks for acoustic scene classification. In M. D. Plumbley, C. Kroos, J. P. Bello, G. Richard, D. P. W. Ellis, A. Mesaros (Eds.). Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2018 Workshop (DCASE2018), Surrey, UK, 19-20 November 2018. Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, 158-162 |
2017 |
Hannes Ritschel, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2017. Adapting a robot's linguistic style based on socially-aware reinforcement learning. In Urbano J. Nunes, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Jorge Lobo and Bram Vanderborght (Ed.). 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 28 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 378-384. DOI: 10.1109/roman.2017.8172330 |
Michael Dietz, Daniel Schork, Ionut Damian, Anika Steinert, Marten Haesner and Elisabeth André. 2017. Automatic detection of visual search for the elderly using eye and head tracking data. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 31, 4, 339-348. DOI: 10.1007/s13218-017-0502-z |
Madita Herpich, Thomas Rist and Elisabeth André. 2017. Co-designing a recommender system for the elderly. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments - PETRA '17, Island of Rhodes, Greece, June 21 - 23, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 52-55. DOI: 10.1145/3056540.3064948 |
Birgit Lugrin, Julian Frommel and Elisabeth André. 2017. Combining a Data-Driven and a Theory-Based Approach to Generate Culture-Dependent Behaviours for Virtual Characters. In Colette Faucher (Ed.). Advances in Culturally-Aware Intelligent Systems and in Cross-Cultural Psychological Studies. Springer International, Cham [u.a.] (Intelligent Systems Reference Library ; 134), 111-142. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67024-9_6 |
Leo Wanner, Elisabeth André, Josep Blat, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Mireia Farrús, Thiago Fraga, Eleni Kamateri, Florian Lingenfelser, Gerard Llorach, Oriol Martínez, Georgios Meditskos, Simon Mille, Wolfgang Minker, Louisa Pragst, Dominik Schiller, Andries Stam, Ludo Stellingwerff, Federico Sukno, Bianca Vieru and Stefanos Vrochidis. 2017. Design of a knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Computer Science 121, 920-926. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.119 |
Andreas Seiderer, Simon Flutura and Elisabeth André. 2017. Development of a mobile multi-device nutrition logger. In Carlos Velasco, Anton Nijholt, Marianna Obrist, Katsunori Okajima, Rick Schifferstein and Charles Spence (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction - MHFI 2017, Glasgow, UK, November 13 - 13, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 5-12. DOI: 10.1145/3141788.3141790 |
Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2017. Development of a multi-device nutrition logging prototype including a smartscale. In Patty Kostkova, Floriana Grasso, Carlos Castillo, Yelena Mejova and Arnold Bosman (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Digital Health - DH '17, London, United Kingdom, July 02 - 05, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 239-240. DOI: 10.1145/3079452.3079486 |
Andreas Seiderer, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2017. Exploring opportunistic ambient notifications in the smart home to enhance quality of live. In Mounir Mokhtari, Bessam Abdulrazak and Hamdi Aloulou (Ed.). Enhanced quality of life and smart living: 15th International Conference, ICOST 2017, Paris, France, August 29-31, 2017. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 10461), 151-160. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66188-9_13 |
Johannes Wagner, Thiago Fraga-Silva, Yvan Josse, Dominik Schiller, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2017. Infected phonemes: how a cold impairs speech on a phonetic level. In Francisco Lacerda (Ed.). Interspeech 2017, 20-24 August 2017, Stockholm. ISCA, Baixas, 3457-3461 DOI: 10.21437/interspeech.2017-1066 |
Leo Wanner, Elisabeth André, Josep Blat, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Mireia Farrùs, Thiago Fraga, Eleni Kamateri, Florian Lingenfelser, Gerard Llorach, Oriol Martínez, Georgios Meditskos, Simon Mille, Wolfgang Minker, Louisa Pragst, Dominik Schiller, Andries Stam, Ludo Stellingwerff, Federico Sukno, Bianca Vieru and Stefanos Vrochidis. 2017. KRISTINA: a knowledge-based virtual conversation agent. In Yves Demazeau, Paul Davidsson, Javier Bajo and Zita Vale (Ed.). Advances in practical applications of cyber-physical multi-agent systems: the PAAMS Collection: 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017. Springer, Berlin (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 10349), 284-295. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_23 |
Hannes Ritschel, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2017. Personalisierung der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion durch sozial-sensitives Lernen. In 2. VDI-Fachkonferenz Humanoide Roboter 2017, Aschheim, Deutschland, 5.-6. Dezember 2017. |
Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2017. Pre-touch proxemics: moving the design space of touch targets from still graphics towards proxemic behaviors. In Edward Lank, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Eve Hoggan, Sriram Subramanian and Stephen A. Brewster (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2017, Glasgow, UK, November 13-17, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 101-109. DOI: 10.1145/3136755.3136808 |
Hannes Ritschel and Elisabeth André. 2017. Real-time robot personality adaptation based on reinforcement learning and social signals. In Bilge Mutlu, Manfred Tscheligi, Astrid Weiss and James E. Young (Ed.). Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17, Vienna, Austria, March 06 - 09, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 265-266. DOI: 10.1145/3029798.3038381 |
Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2017. TangibleHeart - enabling critical and shared reflections of heart behaviors. In Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017) (HCI), 3-7 July 2017, Sunderland, UK. BCS Learning & Development DOI: 10.14236/ewic/hci2017.62 |
Angelo Cafaro, Johannes Wagner, Tobias Baur, Soumia Dermouche, Mercedes Torres Torres, Catherine Pelachaud, Elisabeth André and Michel Valstar. 2017. The NoXi database: multimodal recordings of mediated novice-expert interactions. In Edward Lank, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Eve Hoggan, Sriram Subramanian and Stephen A. Brewster (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2017, Glasgow, UK, November 13 - 17, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 350-359. DOI: 10.1145/3136755.3136780 |
Maria Velana, Sascha Gruss, Georg Layher, Patrick Thiam, Yan Zhang, Daniel Schork, Viktor Kessler, Sascha Meudt, Heiko Neumann, Jonghwa Kim, Friedhelm Schwenker, Elisabeth André, Harald C. Traue and Steffen Walter. 2017. The SenseEmotion Database: a multimodal database for the development and systematic validation of an automatic pain- and emotion-recognition system. In Friedhelm Schwenker and Stefan Scherer (Ed.). Multimodal pattern recognition of social signals in human-computer-interaction: 4th IAPR TC 9 Workshop, MPRSS 2016, Cancun, Mexico, December 4, 2016. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 10183), 127-139. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59259-6_11 |
Stephan Hammer, Kim Kirchner, Elisabeth André and Birgit Lugrin. 2017. Touch or talk? Comparing social robots and tablet PCs for an elderly assistant recommender system. In Bilge Mutlu and Manfred Tscheligi (Ed.). Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17, Vienna, Austria, March 6-9, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 129-130. DOI: 10.1145/3029798.3038419 |
Madita Herpich, Thomas Rist, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2017. Towards a gamified recommender system for the elderly. In Patty Kostkova, Floriana Grasso, Carlos Castillo, Yelena Mejova and Arnold Bosman (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Digital Health - DH '17, London, United Kingdom, July 02 - 05, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 211-215. DOI: 10.1145/3079452.3079500 |
Nick Degens, Birgit Endrass, Gert Jan Hofstede, Adrie Beulens and Elisabeth André. 2017. ‘What I see is not what you get’: why culture-specific behaviours for virtual characters should be user-tested across cultures. AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication 32, 1, 37-49. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-014-0567-2 |
2016 |
Stephan Hammer, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2016. A user trust model for automatic decision-making in ubiquitous and self-adaptive environments. In Wolfgang Reif, Gerrit Anders, Hella Seebach, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Elisabeth André, Jörg Hähner, Christian Müller-Schloer and Theo Ungerer (Ed.). Trustworthy Open Self-Organising Systems. Springer International, Cham [u.a.] (Autonomic Systems (ASYS)), 55-87. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29201-4_3 |
Michel Valstar, Soumia Dermouche, Catherine Pelachaud, Eduardo Coutinho, Björn Schuller, Yue Zhang, Dirk Heylen, Mariët Theune, Jelte van Waterschoot, Tobias Baur, Angelo Cafaro, Alexandru Ghitulescu, Blaise Potard, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Laurent Durieu and Matthew Aylett. 2016. Ask Alice: an artificial retrieval of information agent. In Yukiko I. Nakano, Elisabeth André, Toyoaki Nishida, Louis-Philippe Morency, Carlos Busso and Catherine Pelachaud (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2016, Tokyo, Japan, November 12-16, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 419-420. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2998535 |
Michael Dietz, Daniel Schork and Elisabeth André. 2016. Exploring eye-tracking-based detection of visual search for elderly people. In Randall Bilof (Ed.). 2016 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 14-16 Sept. 2016, London, UK. IEEE, Los Alamitos, Calif., 151-154. DOI: 10.1109/ie.2016.32 |
Michael Dietz, Maha El Garf, Ionut Damian and Elisabeth André. 2016. Exploring eye-tracking-driven sonification for the visually impaired. In Jean-Marc Seigneur, Jose M. Hernandez-Munoz and Paul McCullagh (Ed.). Proceedings of the 7th Augmented Human International Conference 2016 on - AH '16, Geneva, Switzerland — February 25 - 27, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 5. DOI: 10.1145/2875194.2875208 |
Ionut Damian and Elisabeth André. 2016. Exploring the potential of realtime haptic feedback during social interactions. In Mendel Broekhuijsen (Ed.). Proceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI '16: Eindhoven, Netherlands, February 14 - 17, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 410-416. DOI: 10.1145/2839462.2856519 |
Ilhan Aslan, Hadrian Burkhardt, Julian Kraus and Elisabeth André. 2016. Hold my heart and breathe with me: tangible somaesthetic designs. In Staffan Björk, Eva Eriksson, Morten Fjeld, Susanne Bødker, Wolmet Barendregt and Mohammad Obaid (Ed.). Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI '16, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 23 - 27, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 92. DOI: 10.1145/2971485.2996727 |
Stephan Hammer, Birgit Lugrin, Sergey Bogomolov, Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2016. Investigating politeness strategies and their persuasiveness for a robotic elderly assistant. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9638, 315-326. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31510-2_27 |
Simon Flutura, Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2016. Laughter detection in the wild: demonstrating a tool for mobile social signal processing and visualization. In Yukiko I. Nakano, Elisabeth André, Toyoaki Nishida, Louis-Philippe Morency, Carlos Busso and Catherine Pelachaud (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2016, Tokyo, Japan, November 12 - 16, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 406-407. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2998524 |
Ilhan Aslan, Julian Kraus and Elisabeth André. 2016. LeapArm - facilitating sensory spaces for mid-air gestural interaction. In Staffan Björk, Eva Eriksson, Morten Fjeld, Susanne Bødker, Wolmet Barendregt and Mohammad Obaid (Ed.). Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI '16, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 23 - 27, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 106. DOI: 10.1145/2971485.2996741 |
Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2016. Measuring the impact of multimodal behavioural feedback loops on social interactions. In Yukiko I. Nakano, Elisabeth André and Toyoaki Nishida (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2016: Tokyo, Japan, November 12 - 16, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 201-208. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2993174 |
Simon Flutura, Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2016. MobileSSI - a multi-modal framework for social signal interpretation on mobile devices. In Randall Bilof, Juan Carlos Augusto and Mehmet Karamanoglu (Ed.). Proceedings: 2016 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE) - IE 2016, 14–16 September 2016, London, United Kingdom. IEEE, Los Alamitos, Calif., 210-213. DOI: 10.1109/ie.2016.47 |
Simon Flutura, Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2016. MobileSSI: asynchronous fusion for social signal interpretation in the wild. In Yukiko I. Nakano, Elisabeth André and Toyoaki Nishida (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2016: Tokyo, Japan — November 12 - 16, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 266-273. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2993164 |
Gregor Mehlmann, Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2016. Modeling grounding for interactive social companions. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 30, 1, 45-52. DOI: 10.1007/s13218-015-0397-5 |
Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller and Elisabeth André. 2016. Modeling user’s social attitude in a conversational system. In Marko Tkalčič, Berardina De Carolis, Marco de Gemmis, Ante Odić and Andrej Košir (Ed.). Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services: Models, Evaluation and Applications. Springer International, Cham [u.a.] (Human–Computer Interaction Series), 181-199. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31413-6_10 |
Ilhan Aslan, Ida Buchwald, Philipp Koytek and Elisabeth André. 2016. Pen + Mid-Air: an exploration of mid-air gestures to complement pen input on tablets. In Staffan Björk, Eva Eriksson, Morten Fjeld, Susanne Bødker, Wolmet Barendregt and Mohammad Obaid (Ed.). Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI '16, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 23 - 27, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1. DOI: 10.1145/2971485.2971511 |
Ionut Damian, Michael Dietz, Frank Gaibler and Elisabeth André. 2016. Social signal processing for dummies. In Yukiko I. Nakano, Elisabeth André and Toyoaki Nishida (Ed.). Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI 2016: Tokyo, Japan, November 12 - 16, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 394-395. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2998527 |
Elisabeth André. 2016. Socially-sensitive interfaces: from offline studies to interactive experiences. In Jeffrey Nichols, Jalal Mahmud, John O'Donovan, Cristina Conati and Massimo Zancanaro (Ed.). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI '16, Sonoma, California, USA, March 07 - 10, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 305. DOI: 10.1145/2856767.2856799 |
Yoshiki Nakashima, Jonghwa Kim, Simon Flutura, Andreas Seiderer and Elisabeth André. 2016. Stress recognition in daily work. In Silvia Serino, Aleksandar Matic, Dimitris Giakoumis, Guillaume Lopez and Pietro Cipresso (Ed.). Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health. Springer International, Cham (Communications in Computer and Information Science ; 604), 23-33. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32270-4_3 |
Florian Eyben, Klaus R. Scherer, Björn W. Schuller, Johan Sundberg, Elisabeth André, Carlos Busso, Laurence Y. Devillers, Julien Epps, Petri Laukka, Shrikanth S. Narayanan and Khiet P. Truong. 2016. The Geneva Minimalistic Acoustic Parameter Set (GeMAPS) for Voice Research and Affective Computing. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 7, 2, 190-202. DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2015.2457417 |
Gerrit Anders, Hella Seebach, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Wolfgang Reif, Elisabeth André, Jörg Hähner, Christian Müller-Schloer and Theo Ungerer. 2016. The social concept of trust as enabler for robustness in open self-organising systems. In Wolfgang Reif, Gerrit Anders, Hella Seebach, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Elisabeth André, Jörg Hähner, Christian Müller-Schloer and Theo Ungerer (Ed.). Trustworthy Open Self-Organising Systems. Springer, Cham (Autonomic Systems (ASYS)), 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29201-4_1 |
Leo Wanner, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Elisabeth André, Florian Lingenfelser, Gregor Mehlmann, Andries Stam, Ludo Stellingwerff, Bianca Vieru, Lori Lamel, Wolfgang Minker, Louisa Pragst, Josep Blat, Stefan Ultes, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Mónica Domínguez, Gerard Llorach, Simon Mille, Federico Sukno, Eleni Kamateri and Stefanos Vrochidis. 2016. Towards a multimedia knowledge-based agent with social competence and human interaction capabilities. In Stefanos Vrochidis, Leo Wanner, Elisabeth André and Stephanie Elzer Schwartz (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction - MARMI '16, New York, New York, USA, June 06 - 06, 2016. ACM Press, New York, NY, 21-26. DOI: 10.1145/2927006.2927011 |
Wolfgang Reif, Gerrit Anders, Hella Seebach, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Elisabeth André, Jörg Hähner, Christian Müller-Schloer and Theo Ungerer (Ed.). 2016. Trustworthy open self-organising systems. Springer, Cham (Autonomic Systems (ASYS)). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29201-4 |
2015 |
Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2015. A framework towards challenges and issues of multi-surface environments. In Workshop on Interacting Across Devices and Surfaces at ITS2015 (Madeira, Portugal). cross-surface |
Ionut Damian, Chiew Seng (Sean) Tan, Tobias Baur, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten and Elisabeth André. 2015. Augmenting social interactions: realtime behavioural feedback using social signal processing techniques. In Bo Begole and Jinwoo Kim (Ed.). Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '15, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 18 - 23, 2015. ACM Press, New York, NY, 565-574. DOI: 10.1145/2702123.2702314 |
Alexander Schiendorfer, Benedikt Eberhardinger, Michael Wißner, Wolfgang Reif and Elisabeth André. 2015. Back-to-back testing a soft constraint model for a smart exhibition space. In 14th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef 2015) in conjunction with CP 2015, 31 August 2015, Cork, Ireland. |
Thomas Rist, Andreas Seiderer, Stephan Hammer, Marcus Mayr and Elisabeth André. 2015. CARE - extending a digital picture frame with a recommender mode to enhance well-being of elderly people. In Bert Arnrich, Cem Ersoy (Eds.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Istanbul, Turkey — May 20 - 23, 2015. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 112-120 |
Johannes Wagner, Andreas Seiderer, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2015. Combining hierarchical classification with frequency weighting for the recognition of eating conditions. In INTERSPEECH 2015, 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Dresden, Germany, September 6-10, 2015. ISCA, 889-893 |
Tobias Baur, Gregor Mehlmann, Ionut Damian, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Birgit Lugrin, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2015. Context-aware automated analysis and annotation of social human-agent interactions. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 5, 2, 1-33. DOI: 10.1145/2764921 |
Stephan Hammer, Andreas Seiderer, Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Sofia Kastrinaki, Charline Hondrou, Amaryllis Raouzaiou, Kostas Karpouzis and Stefanos Kollias. 2015. Design of a lifestyle recommender system for the elderly: requirement gatherings in Germany and Greece. In Fillia Makedon (Ed.). Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments - PETRA '15: Corfu, Greece — July 01 - 03, 2015. ACM Press, New York, NY, 80. DOI: 10.1145/2769493.2769559 |
Andreas Seiderer, Stephan Hammer, Elisabeth André, Marcus Mayr and Thomas Rist. 2015. Exploring digital image frames for lifestyle intervention to improve well-being of older adults. In Patty Kostkova and Floriana Grasso (Ed.). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015 - DH '15, Florence, Italy — May 18 - 20, 2015. ACM Press, New York, NY, 71-78. DOI: 10.1145/2750511.2750514 |
Masood Masoodian, Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 2015. Fostering smart energy applications. In Julio Abascal, Simone Barbosa, Mirko Fetter, Tom Gross, Philippe Palanque and Marco Winckler (Ed.). Human-computer interaction – INTERACT 2015: 15th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Bamberg, Germany, September 14-18, 2015; Part IV. Springer, Berlin u.a. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 9299), 657-658. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-22723-8_88 |
Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Birgit Lugrin, Patrick Gebhard, Gregor Mehlmann and Elisabeth André. 2015. Games are better than books: in-situ comparison of an interactive job interview game with conventional training. In Cristina Conati, Neil Heffernan, Antonija Mitrovic and M. Felisa Verdejo (Ed.). Artificial intelligence in education: 17th International Conference, AIED 2015, Madrid, Spain, June 22-26, 2015. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 9112), 84-94. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19773-9_9 |
Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2015. How can I interact? Comparing full body gesture visualizations. In Anna L. Cox and Paul Cairns (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play - CHI PLAY '15: London, United Kingdom, October 5-7, 2015. ACM Press, New York, NY, 583-588. DOI: 10.1145/2793107.2810299 |
Birgit Lugrin, Julian Frommel and Elisabeth André. 2015. Modeling and evaluating a Bayesian network of culture-dependent behaviors. In Toru Ishida, Naoko Tosa, Kozaburo Hachimura, Donghui Lin, Akira Maeda and Matthias Rauterberg (Ed.). 2015 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture Computing), 17-19 October 2015, Kyoto, Japan. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 33-40. DOI: 10.1109/culture.and.computing.2015.30 |
Alessandro Vinciarelli, Anna Esposito, Elisabeth André, Francesca Bonin, Mohamed Chetouani, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Marco Cristani, Ferdinand Fuhrmann, Elmer Gilmartin, Zakia Hammal, Dirk Heylen, Rene Kaiser, Maria Koutsombogera, Alexandros Potamianos, Steve Renals, Giuseppe Riccardi and Albert Ali Salah. 2015. Open Challenges in Modelling, Analysis and Synthesis of Human Behaviour in Human–Human and Human–Machine Interactions. Cognitive Computation 7, 4, 397-413. DOI: 10.1007/s12559-015-9326-z |
Chi Tai Dang, Masood Masoodian and Elisabeth André. 2015. Private focus portals to shared energy visualizations. In Christoph Beckmann and Tom Gross (Ed.). INTERACT 2015 adjunct proceedings: 15th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 14-18 September 2015, Bamberg, Germany. University of Bamberg Press, Bamberg (Schriften aus der Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg ; 22), 585-594. DOI: 10.20378/irb-21159 |
Gary McKeown, William Curran, Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2015. The Belfast storytelling database: a spontaneous social interaction database with laughter focused annotation. In 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 21-24 September 2015, Xi'an, China. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 166-172. DOI: 10.1109/acii.2015.7344567 |
Stephan Hammer, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2015. Trust-based decision-making for smart and adaptive environments. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 25, 3, 267-293. DOI: 10.1007/s11257-015-9160-8 |
2014 |
Mohammad Obaid, Felix Kistler, Markus Häring, René Bühling and Elisabeth André. 2014. A Framework for User-Defined Body Gestures to Control a Humanoid Robot. International Journal of Social Robotics 6, 3, 383-396. DOI: 10.1007/s12369-014-0233-3 |
Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2014. A framework for the development of multi-display environment applications supporting interactive real-time portals. In Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro and Jürgen Ziegler (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems - EICS '14, Rome, Italy — June 17 - 20, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 45-54. DOI: 10.1145/2607023.2607038 |
Birgit Endrass, Julian Frommel and Elisabeth André. 2014. A hybrid approach to model a Bayesian network of culture-specific behavior. In Ana Bazzan, Michael Huhns, Alessio Lomuscio, Paul Scerri (Eds.). AAMAS '14: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Paris, France — May 05 - 09, 2014. ACM, New York, NY, 1395-1396 |
Yucheng Jin, Chi Tai Dang, Christian Prehofer and Elisabeth André. 2014. A multi-display system for deploying and controlling home automation. In Raimund Dachselt and Nicholas Graham (Ed.). Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS '14, Dresden, Germany — November 16 - 19, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 399-402. DOI: 10.1145/2669485.2669553 |
Birgit Endrass, Lynne Hall, Colette Hume, Sarah Tazzyman and Elisabeth André. 2014. A pictorial interaction language for children to communicate with cultural virtual characters. In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.). Human-computer interaction - advanced interaction modalities and techniques: 16th International Conference, HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014; Part II. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8511), 532-543. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07230-2_51 |
Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Gary McKeown and Will Curran. 2014. An event driven fusion approach for enjoyment recognition in real-time. In Kien A. Hua, Yong Rui and Ralf Steinmetz (Ed.). Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM '14, Orlando, Florida, USA — November 03 - 07, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 377-386. DOI: 10.1145/2647868.2654924 |
Elisabeth André. 2014. Challenges for social embodiment. In Dirk Heylen and Alessandro Vinciarelli (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Roadmapping the Future of Multimodal Interaction Research including Business Opportunities and Challenges - RFMIR '14, Istanbul, Turkey, November 16 - 16, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 35-37. DOI: 10.1145/2666253.2666265 |
Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2014. Deciding when to react to incremental user input in human-robot interaction. In Workshop "Timing in Human-Robot Interaction", 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), March 3-6, 2014, Bielefeld, Germany. |
Birgit Endrass, Christoph Klimmt, Gregor Mehlmann, Elisabeth André and Christian Roth. 2014. Designing user-character dialog in interactive narratives: an exploratory experiment. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 6, 2, 166-173. DOI: 10.1109/tciaig.2013.2290509 |
Brigitte Krenn, Birgit Endrass, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2014. Effects of language variety on personality perception in embodied conversational agents. In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.). Human-computer interaction - advanced interaction mdalities and techniques: 16th International Conference, HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014; Part II. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8511), 429-439. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07230-2_41 |
Birgit Endrass, Lynne Hall, Colette Hume, Sarah Tazzyman, Elisabeth André and Ruth Aylett. 2014. Engaging with virtual characters using a pictorial interaction language. In Matt Jones and Philippe Palanque (Ed.). Proceedings of the extended abstracts of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA '14, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 26 - May 01, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 531-534. DOI: 10.1145/2559206.2574804 |
Gregor Mehlmann, Markus Häring, Kathrin Janowski, Tobias Baur, Patrick Gebhard and Elisabeth André. 2014. Exploring a model of gaze for grounding in multimodal HRI. In Albert Ali Salah, Jeffrey Cohn and Björn Schuller (Ed.). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '14, Istanbul, Turkey — November 12 - 16, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 247-254. DOI: 10.1145/2663204.2663275 |
Patrick Gebhard, Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Gregor Mehlmann, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2014. Exploring interaction strategies for virtual characters to induce stress in simulated job interviews. In Ana Bazzan, Michael Huhns, Alessio Lomuscio, Paul Scerri (Eds.). AAMAS '14: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Paris, France — May 05 - 09, 2014. ACM, New York, NY, 661-668 |
Masood Masoodian, Elisabeth André, Saturnino Luz and Thomas Rist. 2014. Fostering smart energy applications through advanced visual interfaces. In Paolo Paolini and Franca Garzotto (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '14, Como, Italy, May 27 - 29, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 409-412. DOI: 10.1145/2598153.2602224 |
Felix Kistler, Birgit Endrass and Elisabeth André. 2014. Full body interaction with virtual characters in an interactive storytelling scenario. In Timothy Bickmore, Stacy Marsella and Candace Sidner (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 14th International Conference, IVA 2014, Boston, MA, USA, August 27-29, 2014. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8637), 236-239. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09767-1_30 |
Birgit Endrass and Elisabeth André. 2014. Integration of cultural factors into the behavioural models of virtual characters. In Amanda Stent and Srinivas Bangalore (Ed.). Natural language generation in interactive systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 227-251. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511844492.010 |
Hazael Jones, Nicolas Sabouret, Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta and Paola Rizzo. 2014. Interpreting social cues to generate credible affective reactions of virtual job interviewers. preprint. |
Dieta Kuchenbrandt, Markus Häring, Jessica Eichberg, Friederike Eyssel and Elisabeth André. 2014. Keep an Eye on the Task! How Gender Typicality of Tasks Influence Human–Robot Interactions. International Journal of Social Robotics 6, 3, 417-427. DOI: 10.1007/s12369-014-0244-0 |
Gregor Mehlmann, Kathrin Janowski, Tobias Baur, Markus Häring, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2014. Modeling gaze mechanisms for grounding in HRI. In Torsten Schaub, Gerhard Friedrich and Barry O'Sullivan (Ed.). Proceedings of the Twenty-first European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'14), August 18-22, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1069-1070. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-419-0-1069 |
Elisabeth André and Jean-Claude Martin. 2014. Multimodal Systems. In Ruslan Mitkov (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford [u.a.] DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199573691.013.45 |
Birgit Endrass, Markus Haering, Gasser Akila and Elisabeth André. 2014. Simulating deceptive cues of joy in humanoid robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8637, 174-177. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09767-1_20 |
Ionut Damian, Johannes Schöning, Tobias Baur, Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Kris Luyten and Elisabeth André. 2014. Towards peripheral feedback-based realtime social behaviour coaching. In NordiCHI 2014 workshop on Interactions and Applications on See-through Technologies, Helsinki, Finland. |
Stephan Hammer, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2014. Trust-based decision-making for energy-aware device management. In Vania Dimitrova, Tsvi Kuflik, David Chin, Francesco Ricci, Peter Dolog and Geert-Jan Houben (Ed.). User modeling, adaptation, and personalization: 22nd International Conference, UMAP 2014, Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8538), 326-337. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_29 |
Michael Wißner, Stephan Hammer, Ekaterina Kurdyukova and Elisabeth André. 2014. Trust-based decision-making for the adaptation of public displays in changing social contexts. Journal of Trust Management 2014, 1, 6. DOI: 10.1186/2196-064x-1-6 |
Ruth Aylett, MeiYii Lim, Chistopher Ritter, Asad Nazir, Lynn Hall, Sarah Tazzyman, Ana Paiva, Birgit Endrass, Elisabeth André, GertJan Hofstede and Arvid Kappas. 2014. Werewolves, cheats, and cultural sensitivity. In Ana Bazzan, Michael Huhns, Alessio Lomuscio, Paul Scerri (Eds.). AAMAS '14: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Paris, France — May 05 - 09, 2014. ACM, New York, NY, 1085-1092 |
Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta, Paola Rizzo, Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André, Nicolas Sabouret, Hazaël Jones, Keith Anderson and Evi Chryssafidou. 2014. Who’s afraid of job interviews? Definitely a question for user modelling. In Vania Dimitrova, Tsvi Kuflik, David Chin, Francesco Ricci, Peter Dolog and Geert-Jan Houben (Ed.). User modeling, adaptation, and personalization: 22nd International Conference, UMAP 2014, Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014. Springer, Cham (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8538), 411-422. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_37 |
Markus Häring, Dieta Kuchenbrandt and Elisabeth André. 2014. Would you like to play with me? How robots' group membership and task features influence human-robot interaction. In Gerhard Sagerer, Michita Imai, Tony Belpaeme and Andrea Thomaz (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction - HRI '14, Bielefeld, Germany, March 3 - 6, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 9-16. DOI: 10.1145/2559636.2559673 |
Pedro Omedas, Alberto Betella, Riccardo Zucca, Xerxes D. Arsiwalla, Daniel Pacheco, Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Elisabeth André, Daniele Mazzei, Antonio Lanatá, Alessandro Tognetti, Danilo de Rossi, Antoni Grau, Alex Goldhoorn, Edmundo Guerra, Rene Alquezar, Alberto Sanfeliu and Paul F. M. J. Verschure. 2014. XIM-engine: a software framework to support the development of interactive applications that uses conscious and unconscious reactions in immersive mixed reality. In Proceedings of the 2014 Virtual Reality International Conference - VRIC '14, Laval, France, April 9 - 11, 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 26. DOI: 10.1145/2617841.2620714 |
Ionut Damian, Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Tobias Baur, Johannes Schoning, Kris Luyten and Elisabeth André. 2014. [Poster] Exploring social augmentation concepts for public speaking using peripheral feedback and real-time behavior analysis. In Simon Julier, Robert W. Lindeman and Christian Sandor (Ed.). 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 10-12 September 2014, Munich, Germany. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 261-262. DOI: 10.1109/ismar.2014.6948440 |
2013 |
G. Caridakis, Johannes Wagner, A. Raouzaiou, Florian Lingenfelser, K. Karpouzis and Elisabeth André. 2013. A cross-cultural, multimodal, affective corpus for gesture expressivity analysis. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 7, 1-2, 121-134. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-012-0112-x |
Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Patrick Gebhard, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta and Elisabeth André. 2013. A job interview simulation: social cue-based interaction with a virtual character. In 2013 International Conference on Social Computing, 8-14 September 2013, Alexandria, VA, USA. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 220-227. DOI: 10.1109/socialcom.2013.39 |
Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Elisabeth André, Daniele Mazzei, Alessandro Tognetti, Antonio Lanatà, Danilo De Rossi, Alberto Betella, Riccardo Zucca, Pedro Omedas and Paul F. M. J. Verschure. 2013. A sensing architecture for empathetic data systems. In Albrecht Schmidt, Andreas Bulling and Christian Holz (Ed.). Proceedings of the 4th Augmented Human International Conference - AH '13, Stuttgart, Germany, March 7 - 8, 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, 96-99. DOI: 10.1145/2459236.2459253 |
Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Patrick Gebhard, Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta and Elisabeth André. 2013. A software framework for social cue-based interaction with a virtual recruiter. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8108, 444-445. |
Stephan Hammer, Rolf Kiefhaber, Matthias Redlin, Elisabeth André and Theo Ungerer. 2013. A user-centric study of reputation metrics in online communities. In Shlomo Berkovsky, Eelco Herder, Pasquale Lops, Olga C. Santos (Eds.). UMAP 2013 Extended Proceedings: Late-Breaking Results, Project Papers and Workshop Proceedings of the 21st Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2013; TRUM 2013: 3rd international workshop on Trust, Reputation and User Modeling. CEUR-WS |
Alberto Betella, Elisabeth André, Daniele Mazzei, Alessandro Tognetti, Antonio Lanatà, Danilo De Rossi, Paul F. M. J. Verschure, Enrique Martínez, Riccardo Zucca, Xerxes D. Arsiwalla, Pedro Omedas, Sytse Wierenga, Anna Mura, Johannes Wagner and Florian Lingenfelser. 2013. Advanced interfaces to stem the data deluge in mixed reality: placing human (un)consciousness in the loop. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters - SIGGRAPH '13, Anaheim, California, USA, July 21 - 25, 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, 68. DOI: 10.1145/2503385.2503460 |
Michael Kugler, Elisabeth André, Masood Masoodian, Florian Reinhart, Bill Rogers and Kevin Schlieper. 2013. Assisting Inhabitants of Residential Homes with Management of Their Energy Consumption. In Anne Hakansson, Mattias Höjer, Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain (Ed.). Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB´12). Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies ; 22), 147-156. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36645-1_14 |
Ionut Damian, Mohammad Obaid, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2013. Augmented reality using a 3D motion capturing suit. In Albrecht Schmidt, Andreas Bulling and Christian Holz (Ed.). Proceedings of the 4th Augmented Human International Conference - AH '13, Stuttgart, Germany, March 07 - 08, 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, 233-234. DOI: 10.1145/2459236.2459277 |
Elisabeth André. 2013. Exploiting unconscious user signals in multimodal human-computer interaction. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 9, 1s, 48. DOI: 10.1145/2502433 |
Kathrin Janowski, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2013. Gestures or speech? Comparing modality selection for different interaction tasks in a virtual environment. In TiGeR 2013: the combined meeting of the 10th International Gesture Workshop (GW) and the 3rd Gesture and Speech in Interaction (GESPIN) conference, June 19-21, 2013, Tilburg, Netherlands. Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication (TiCC), Tilburg University, Tilburg |
Elisabeth André and Joyce Chai. 2013. Introduction to the special section on eye gaze and conversation. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 3, 2, 10. DOI: 10.1145/2499474.2499479 |
Birgit Endrass, Elisabeth André, Matthias Rehm and Yukiko Nakano. 2013. Investigating culture-related aspects of behavior for virtual characters. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 27, 2, 277-304. DOI: 10.1007/s10458-012-9218-5 |
Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2013. Investigating social cue-based interaction in digital learning games. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2013), held in conjunction with the 8th Foundations of Digital Games 2013 (FDG), ACM, SASDG Digital Library, Chania, Crete, Greece, 14 May 2013. Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games |
Ghadeer Eresha, Markus Häring, Birgit Endrass, Elisabeth André and Mohammad Obaid. 2013. Investigating the influence of culture on proxemic behaviors for humanoid robots. In 2013 IEEE RO-MAN: The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication Gyeongju, Korea, August 26-29, 2013. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 430-435. DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2013.6628517 |
Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta, Keith Anderson, Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André, Sara Bernardini and Paola Rizzo. 2013. Modelling users’ affect in job interviews: technological demo. In Sandra Carberry, Stephan Weibelzahl, Alessandro Micarelli and Giovanni Semeraro (Ed.). User modeling, adaptation, and personalization: 21th International Conference, UMAP 2013, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2013. Springer, Berlin (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7899), 353-355. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38844-6_37 |
Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2013. NovA: automated analysis of nonverbal signals in social interactions. In Albert Ali Salah, Hayley Hung, Oya Aran and Hatice Gunes (Ed.). Human behavior understanding: 4th International Workshop, HBU 2013, Barcelona, Spain, October 22, 2013. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8212), 160-171. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02714-2_14 |
Michael Wißner, Floris Linnebank, Jochem Liem, Bert Bredeweg and Elisabeth André. 2013. Question generation and adaptation using a Bayesian network of the learner’s achievements. In H. Chad Lane, Kalina Yacef, Jack Mostow and Philip Pavlik (Ed.). Artificial intelligence in education: 16th International Conference, AIED 2013, Memphis, TN, USA, July 9-13, 2013. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7926), 729-732. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39112-5_99 |
Gerrit Anders, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Lukas Klejnowski, Michael Wißner, Stephan Hammer, Florian Siefert, Hella Seebach, Yvonne Bernard, Wolfgang Reif, Elisabeth André and Christian Müller-Schloer. 2013. Reference architectures for trustworthy energy management, desktop grid computing applications, and ubiquitous display environments. Reports / Technische Berichte der Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik der Universität Augsburg 2013-05. . |
Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2013. TabletopCars: interaction with active tangible remote controlled cars. In Sergi Jordà and Narcis Parés (Ed.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI '13, Barcelona, Spain — February 10 - 13, 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, 33-40. DOI: 10.1145/2460625.2460630 |
Keith Anderson, Elisabeth André, Tobias Baur, Sara Bernardini, M. Chollet, E. Chryssafidou, I. Damian, C. Ennis, A. Egges, P. Gebhard, H. Jones, M. Ochs, C. Pelachaud, Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta, P. Rizzo and Nicolas Sabouret. 2013. The TARDIS framework: intelligent virtual agents for social coaching in job interviews. In Dennis Reidsma, Haruhiro Katayose and Anton Nijholt (Ed.). Advances in computer entertainment: 10th International Conference, ACE 2013, Boekelo, The Netherlands, November 12-15, 2013. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8253), 476-491. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03161-3_35 |
Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2013. The social signal interpretation (SSI) framework: multimodal signal processing and recognition in real-time. In Alejandro Jaimes, Nicu Sebe, Nozha Boujemaa, Daniel Gatica-Perez, David A. Shamma, Marcel Worring and Roger Zimmermann (Ed.). Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM '13, Barcelona, Spain, October 21 - 25, 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, 831-834. DOI: 10.1145/2502081.2502223 |
Masood Masoodian, Birgit Endrass, Rene Buhling, Pavel Ermolin and Elisabeth André. 2013. Time-pie visualization: providing contextual information for energy consumption data. In Ebad Banissi, Hanane Azzag, Mark W. McK. Bannatyne, Stefan Bertschi, Fatma Bouali, Remo Burkhard, John Counsell, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Martin J. Eppler, Barbara Hammer, Mustapha Lebbah, Francis T. Marchese, Muhammad Sarfraz, Anna Ursyn, Gilles Venturini and Theodor G. Wyeld (Ed.). 2013 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 16-18 July 2013, London, UK. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 102-107. DOI: 10.1109/iv.2013.12 |
Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede, Samuel Mascarenhas, André Silva, Ana Paiva, Felix Kistler, Elisabeth André, Ruth Aylett and Arvid Kappas. 2013. Traveller – interacting with agents to deal with misunderstandings due to culture. In FDG 2013: 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 14–17 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece. Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games, Santa Cruz, CA |
Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede, Samuel Mascarenhas, André Silva, Ana Paiva, Felix Kistler, Elisabeth André, Aleksandra Swiderska, Eva Krumhuber, Arvid Kappas, Colette Hume, Lynne Hall and Ruth Aylett. 2013. Traveller – intercultural training with intelligent agents for young adults. In FDG 2013: 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 14–17 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece: First International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion. Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games, Santa Cruz, CA |
Felix Kistler, Elisabeth André, Samuel Mascarenhas, André Silva, Ana Paiva, Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede, Eva Krumhuber, Arvid Kappas and Ruth Aylett. 2013. Traveller: an interactive cultural training system controlled by user-defined body gestures. In Paula Kotzé, Gary Marsden, Gitte Lindgaard, Janet Wesson and Marco Winckler (Ed.). Human-computer interaction – INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013; Part IV. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8120), 697-704. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40498-6_63 |
Samuel Mascarenhas, André Silva, Ana Paiva, Ruth Aylett, Felix Kistler, Elisabeth André, Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede and Arvid Kappas. 2013. Traveller: an intercultural training system with intelligent agents. In Maria Gini, Onn Shehory, Takayuki Ito, Catholijn Jonker (Eds.). AAMAS '13: proceedings of the 2013 international conference on autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, St. Paul, MN, USA — May 06 - 10, 2013. ACM, New York, NY, 1387-1388 |
Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2013. Traveller: eine interaktive virtuelle Umgebung für kulturelles Lernen, steuerbar mit benutzerdefinierten Ganzkörpergesten. In Usability Day XI (uDay XI), 14. Juni 2013, FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, Österreich. FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn |
Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2013. User-defined body gestures for an interactive storytelling scenario. In Paula Kotzé, Gary Marsden, Gitte Lindgaard, Janet Wesson and Marco Winckler (Ed.). Human-computer interaction – INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013; Part II. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8118), 264-281. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40480-1_17 |
2012 |
Mohammad Obaid, Ekaterina Kurdyukova and Elisabeth André. 2012. City pulse: supporting going-out activities with a context-aware urban display. In Anton Nijholt, Teresa Romão and Dennis Reidsma (Ed.). Advances in computer entertainment: 9th International Conference, ACE 2012, Kathmandu, Nepal, November 3-5, 2012. Springer, Berlin (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7624), 529-532. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34292-9_51 |
Mohammad Obaid, Ionut Damian, Felix Kistler, Birgit Endrass, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2012. Cultural behaviors of virtual agents in an augmented reality environment. In Yukiko Nakano, Michael Neff, Ana Paiva and Marilyn Walker (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 12th International Conference, IVA 2012, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, September, 12-14, 2012. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7502), 412-418. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33197-8_42 |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Mohammad Obaid and Elisabeth André. 2012. Direct, bodily or mobile interaction? Comparing interaction techniques for personalized public displays. In Enrico Rukzio (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM '12, Ulm, Germany, December 04 - 06, 2012. ACM Press, New York, NY, 44. DOI: 10.1145/2406367.2406421 |
Michael Wißner, Wouter Beek, Esther Lozano, Gregor Mehlmann, Floris Linnebank, Jochem Liem, Markus Häring, René Bühling, Jorge Gracia, Bert Bredeweg and Elisabeth André. 2012. Increasing learners’ motivation through pedagogical agents: the cast of virtual characters in the DynaLearn ILE. In Martin Beer, Cyril Brom, Frank Dignum and Von-Wun Soo (Ed.). Agents for educational games and simulations: International Workshop, AEGS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7471), 151-165. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32326-3_10 |
Elisabeth André and Joyce Y. Chai. 2012. Introduction to the special issue on eye gaze in intelligent human-machine interaction. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 1, 2, 7. DOI: 10.1145/2070719.2070720 |
Nora Broy, Elisabeth André and Albrecht Schmidt. 2012. Is stereoscopic 3D a better choice for information representation in the car?. In Andrew L. Kun, Linda Boyle, Bryan Reimer, Andreas Riener, Jennifer Healey, Wei Zhang, Bastian Pfleging and Marc Kurz (Ed.). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications - AutomotiveUI '12, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA, October 17 - 19, 2012. ACM Press, New York, NY, 93-100. DOI: 10.1145/2390256.2390270 |
René Bühling, Mohammad Obaid, Stephan Hammer and Elisabeth André. 2012. Mobile augmented reality and adaptive art: a game-based motivation for energy saving. In Enrico Rukzio (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM '12, Ulm, Germany, December 04 - 06, 2012. ACM Press, New York, NY, 50. DOI: 10.1145/2406367.2406428 |
Gregor Mehlmann and Elisabeth André. 2012. Modeling multimodal integration with event logic charts. In Louis-Philippe Morency, Dan Bohus, Hamid Aghajan, Justine Cassell, Anton Nijholt and Julien Epps (Ed.). Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimodal interaction - ICMI '12, Santa Monica, California, USA, October 22 - 26, 2012. ACM Press, New York, NY, 125-132. DOI: 10.1145/2388676.2388705 |
Felix Kistler, Birgit Endrass, Ionut Damian, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2012. Natural interaction with culturally adaptive virtual characters. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 6, 1-2, 39-47. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-011-0087-z |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Stephan Hammer and Elisabeth André. 2012. Personalization of content on public displays driven by the recognition of group context. In Fabio Paternò, Boris de Ruyter, Panos Markopoulos, Carmen Santoro, Evert van Loenen and Kris Luyten (Ed.). Ambient intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa, Italy, November 13-15, 2012. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7683), 272-287. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_18 |
Elisabeth André, Marc Cavazza and Catherine Pelachaud. 2012. Preface. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 6, 1-2, 1. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-012-0100-1 |
Markus Häring, Jessica Eichberg and Elisabeth André. 2012. Studies on grounding with gaze and pointing gestures in human-robot-interaction. In Shuzhi Sam Ge, Oussama Khatib, John-John Cabibihan, Reid Simmons and Mary-Anne Williams (Ed.). Social robotics: 4th International Conference, ICSR 2012, Chengdu, China, October 29-31, 2012. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7621), 378-387. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34103-8_38 |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Matthias Redlin and Elisabeth André. 2012. Studying user-defined iPad gestures for interaction in multi-display environment. In Carlos Duarte, Luís Carriço, Joaquim Jorge, Sharon Oviatt and Daniel Gonçalves (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI '12, Lisbon, Portugal, February 14 - 17, 2012. ACM Press, New York, NY, 93-96. DOI: 10.1145/2166966.2166984 |
Karin Bee, Stephan Hammer, Christian Pratsch and Elisabeth André. 2012. The Automatic Trust Management of Self-Adaptive Multi-Display Environments. In Ismail Khalil and Teddy Mantoro (Ed.). Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing. Atlantis Press, Paris (Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence (ATLANTISAPI) ; 6), 3-20. DOI: 10.2991/978-94-91216-71-8_1 |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Elisabeth André and Karin Leichtenstern. 2012. Trust Management of Ubiquitous Multi-Display Environments. In Antonio Krüger and Tsvi Kuflik (Ed.). Ubiquitous Display Environments. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Cognitive Technologies (COGTECH)), 177-193. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27663-7_11 |
Mohammad Obaid, Markus Häring, Felix Kistler, René Bühling and Elisabeth André. 2012. User-defined body gestures for navigational control of a humanoid robot. In Shuzhi Sam Ge, Oussama Khatib, John-John Cabibihan, Reid Simmons and Mary-Anne Williams (Ed.). Social robotics: 4th International Conference, ICSR 2012, Chengdu, China, October 29-31, 2012. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7621), 367-377. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34103-8_37 |
2011 |
Natalie Vannini, Sibylle Enz, Maria Sapouna, Dieter Wolke, Scott Watson, Sarah Woods, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Lynne Hall, Ana Paiva, Elisabeth André, Ruth Aylett and Wolfgang Schneider. 2011. "FearNot!": a computer-based anti-bullying-programme designed to foster peer intervention. European Journal of Psychology of Education 26, 1, 21-44. DOI: 10.1007/s10212-010-0035-4 |
Nora Broy, Sebastian Goebl, Matheus Hauder, Thomas Kothmayr, Michael Kugler, Florian Reinhart, Martin Salfer, Kevin Schlieper and Elisabeth André. 2011. A cooperative in-car game for heterogeneous players. In Manfred Tscheligi, Matthias Kranz, Garrett Weinberg, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Martin Murer and David Wilfinger (Ed.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications - AutomotiveUI '11, Salzburg, Austria, November 30 - December 02, 2011. ACM Press, New York, NY, 167-176. DOI: 10.1145/2381416.2381443 |
Steffen Wendzel, Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André and Masood Masoodian. 2011. A secure interoperable architecture for building-automation applications. In Simone Frattasi and Nicola Marchetti (Ed.). Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies - ISABEL '11, Barcelona, Spain, October 26 - 29, 2011. ACM Press, New York, NY, 8. DOI: 10.1145/2093698.2093706 |
Ionut Damian, Birgit Endrass, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2011. A software framework for individualized agent behavior. In Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Stefan Kopp, Stacy Marsella and Kristinn R. Thórisson (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 15-17, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6895), 437-438. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23974-8_51 |
Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2011. A systematic discussion of fusion techniques for multi-modal affect recognition tasks. In Hervé Bourlard, Thomas S. Huang and Enrique Vidal (Ed.). Proceedings of the 13th international conference on multimodal interfaces - ICMI '11, Alicante, Spain — November 14 - 18, 2011. ACM Press, New York, NY, 19-26. DOI: 10.1145/2070481.2070487 |
René Bühling, Emilie Brihi, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2011. Adaptive art: a shape language driven approach to communicate dramaturgy and mood. In Mei Si, David Thue, Elisabeth André, James C. Lester, Joshua Tanenbaum and Veronica Zammitto (Ed.). Interactive storytelling: Fourth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2011, Vancouver, Canada, November 28 – 1 December, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7069), 290-293. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25289-1_32 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André, Ulrich Berkmüller and Johannes Wagner. 2011. An empirical evaluation of the compliance of game-network providers with data-protection law. In Ian Wakeman, Ehud Gudes, Christian Damsgaard Jensen and Jason Crampton (Ed.). Trust Management V: 5th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 29 – July 1, 2011; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ; 358), 149-164. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22200-9_13 |
Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2011. An evaluation of emotion units and feature types for real-time speech emotion recognition. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 25, 3, 213-223. DOI: 10.1007/s13218-011-0107-x |
Michael Kugler, Florian Reinhart, Kevin Schlieper, Masood Masoodian, Bill Rogers, Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 2011. Architecture of a ubiquitous smart energy management system for residential homes. In Sally Jo Cunningham, Masood Masoodian, Bill Rogers (Eds.). CHINZ '11: proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, Hamilton, New Zealand, July 4-5, 2011. ACM, New York, NY, 101-104 DOI: 10.1145/2000756.2000770 |
Michael Wißner, Wouter Beek, Esther Lozano, Gregor Mehlmann, Floris Linnebank, Jochem Liem, Markus Häring, René Bühling, Jorge Gracia, Bert Bredeweg and Elisabeth André. 2011. Character roles and interaction in the dynaLearn intelligent learning environment. In Gautam Biswas, Susan Bull, Judy Kay and Antonija Mitrovic (Ed.). Artificial intelligence in education: 15th International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28 – July 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6738), 585-587. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21869-9_109 |
Markus Häring, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2011. Creation and evaluation of emotion expression with body movement, sound and eye color for humanoid robots. In Matthias Scheutz and Henrik I. Christensen (Ed.). 2011 RO-MAN - 20th IEEE International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 31 July - 3 August 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 204-209. DOI: 10.1109/roman.2011.6005263 |
Birgit Endrass, Elisabeth André, Matthias Rehm, Afia Akter Lipi and Yukiko Nakano. 2011. Culture-related differences in aspects of behavior for virtual characters across Germany and Japan. In Liz Sonenberg, Peter Stone, Kagan Tumer, Pinar Yolum (Eds.). AAMAS '11: The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Taipei, Taiwan — May 02 - 06, 2011 - Volume 2. ACM Press, New York, NY, 441-448 |
Birgit Endrass, Yukiko Nakano, Afia Akhter Lipi, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2011. Culture-related topic selection in small talk conversations across Germany and Japan. In Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Stefan Kopp, Stacy Marsella and Kristinn R. Thórisson (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 15-17, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6895), 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23974-8_1 |
Birgit Endrass, Christoph Klimmt, Gregor Mehlmann, Elisabeth André and Christian Roth. 2011. Exploration of user reactions to different dialog-based interaction styles. In Mei Si, David Thue, Elisabeth André, James C. Lester, Joshua Tanenbaum and Veronica Zammitto (Ed.). Interactive storytelling: Fourth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2011, Vancouver, Canada, November 28 – 1 December, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7069), 243-248. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25289-1_26 |
Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Florian Lingenfelser and Jonghwa Kim. 2011. Exploring fusion methods for multimodal emotion recognition with missing data. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 2, 4, 206-218. DOI: 10.1109/t-affc.2011.12 |
Franziska Klügl, Michael Wißner, Sabine Timpf and Elisabeth André. 2011. Extended abstract: bridging virtual world visualization and multiagent simulation. In Anders Kofod-Petersen, Fredrik Heintz and Helge Langseth (Ed.). Eleventh Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SCAI 2011, Trondheim, Norway, May 24th - 26th, 2011. IOS Press, Washington, DC (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications ; 227), 191-192. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-754-3-191 |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Karin Bee and Elisabeth André. 2011. Friend or foe? relationship-based adaptation on public displays. In David V. Keyson, Mary Lou Maher, Norbert Streitz, Adrian Cheok, Juan Carlos Augusto, Reiner Wichert, Gwenn Englebienne, Hamid Aghajan and Ben J. A. Kröse (Ed.). Ambient intelligence: Second International Joint Conference on AmI 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 16-18, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7040), 228-237. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25167-2_30 |
Felix Kistler, Dominik Sollfrank, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2011. Full body gestures enhancing a game book for interactive story telling. In Mei Si, David Thue, Elisabeth André, James C. Lester, Joshua Tanenbaum and Veronica Zammitto (Ed.). Interactive storytelling: Fourth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2011, Vancouver, Canada, November 28 – 1 December, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7069), 207-218. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25289-1_23 |
Ionut Damian, Birgit Endrass, Peter Huber, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2011. Individualized agent interactions. In Jan M. Allbeck and Petros Faloutsos (Ed.). Motion in games: 4th International Conference, MIG 2011, Edinburgh, UK, November 13-15, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7060), 15-26. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25090-3_2 |
Diana Arellano, Javier Varona, Francisco J. Perales, Nikolaus Bee, Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2011. Influence of head orientation in perception of personality traits in virtual agents. In Diana Arellano, Javier Varona, Francisco J. Perales, Nikolaus Bee, Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André (Ed.). AAMAS '11: The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, May 02 - 06, 2011. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1093-1094. |
Birgit Endrass, Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede, Elisabeth André, John Hodgson, Samuel Mascarenhas, Gregor Mehlmann, Ana Paiva, Christopher Ritter and Aleksandra Swiderska. 2011. Integration and Evaluation of Prototypical Culture-Related Differences. In Workshop on Culturally Motivated Virtual Characters (CMVC 2011), Reykjavik, Iceland, 14 September 2011, part of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2011). |
Gregor Mehlmann, Birgit Endrass and Elisabeth André. 2011. Modeling parallel state charts for multithreaded multimodal dialogues. In Hervé Bourlard, Thomas S. Huang, Enrique Vidal, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Louis-Philippe Morency and Nicu Sebe (Ed.). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI '11, Alicante, Spain, November 14 - 18, 2011. ACM Press, New York, NY, 385-392. DOI: 10.1145/2070481.2070555 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André, Ulrich Berkmüller and Johannes Wagner. 2011. Physiological measurement of trust-related behavior in trust-neutral and trust-critical situations. In Ian Wakeham, Ehud Gudes, Christian Damsgaard Jensen and Jason Crampton (Ed.). Trust Management V: 5th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 29 – July 1, 2011; proceedings. Springer, Heidelberg [u.a.] (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ; 358), 165-172. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22200-9_14 |
Birgit Endrass, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2011. Planning Small Talk behavior with cultural influences for multiagent systems. Computer Speech & Language 25, 2, 158-174. DOI: 10.1016/j.csl.2010.04.001 |
Gregor Mehlmann, Patrick Gebhard, Birgit Endrass and Elisabeth André. 2011. SceneMaker: visual authoring of dialogue processes. In Jan Alexandersson, Arne Jonssen, David Traum and Ingrid Zukerman (Ed.). Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems, KRPDS 2011, held at the 22th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2011, Barcelona, Spain, July 16-22, 2011. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 24-36. |
Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2011. Social Signal Interpretation (SSI): a framework for real-time sensing of affective and social signals. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 25, 3, 251-256. DOI: 10.1007/s13218-011-0115-x |
Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2011. Software Support for the User-Centered Prototyping of Mobile Applications that Apply Near Field Communications. In Sayed A. Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas (Ed.). Near Field Communications Handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton [u.a.] (Internet and Communications), 119-152. |
Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2011. The Social Signal Interpretation Framework (SSI) for real time signal processing and recognition. In Piero Cosi, Renato De Mori, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio and Roberto Pieraccini (Ed.). INTERSPEECH 2011 - 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA 2011), Florence, Italy, August 27-31, 2011. ISCA Archive, Baixas, 3245-3248. |
Rolf Kiefhaber, Stephan Hammer, Benjamin Savs, Julia Schmitt, Michael Roth, Florian Kluge, Elisabeth André and Theo Ungerer. 2011. The neighbor-trust metric to measure reputation in organic computing systems. In 2011 Fifth IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, 3-7 October 2011, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 41-46. DOI: 10.1109/sasow.2011.20 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Elisabeth André and Matthias Rehm. 2011. Tool-supported user-centred prototyping of mobile applications. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) 2, 3, 1-21. DOI: 10.4018/jhcr.2011070101 |
Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2011. Usage and recognition of finger orientation for multi-touch tabletop interaction. In Pedro Campos, Nicholas Graham, Joaquim Jorge, Nuno Nunes, Philippe Palanque and Marco Winckler (Ed.). Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011; Part III. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6948), 409-426. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23765-2_28 |
René Bühling, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2011. Visual communication in interactive multimedia. In Lutz Dickmann, Gerald Volkmann, Rainer Malaka, Susanne Boll, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Ed.). Smart graphics: 11th International Symposium, SG 2011, Bremen, Germany, July 18-20, 2011. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6815), 159-162. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22571-0_18 |
2010 |
Birgit Endrass, Elisabeth André, Lixing Huang and Jonathan Gratch. 2010. A data-driven approach to model culture-specific communication management styles for virtual agents. In Michael Luck and Sandip Sen (Ed.). AAMAS '10: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Toronto, Canada — May 10 - 14, 2010: volume 1. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 99-108. |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Elisabeth André and Karin Leichtenstern. 2010. A decision-theorectic approach to maintain trust in ubiquitous display environments. International Journal of Computing 9, 3, 220-227. |
G. Caridakis, Johannes Wagner, A. Raouzaiou, Z. Curto, Elisabeth André and K. Karpouzis. 2010. A multimodal corpus for gesture expressivity analysis. In Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality (MMC 2010), LREC, Malta, May 17-23, 2010. |
Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Thurid Vogt, Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2010. Age and gender classification from speech using decision level fusion and ensemble based techniques. In Takao Kobayashi, Keikichi Hirose, Satoshi Nakamura (Eds.). INTERSPEECH 2010: 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, September 26-30, 2010. ISCA, 2798-2801 |
Nikolaus Bee, Colin Pollock, Elisabeth André and Marilyn Walker. 2010. Bossy or wimpy: expressing social dominance by combining gaze and linguistic behaviors. In Jan Allbeck, Norman Badler, Timothy Bickmore, Catherine Pelachaud and Alla Safonova (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 20-22, 2010. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6356), 265-271. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15892-6_28 |
Nikolaus Bee, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Thurid Vogt, Fred Charles, David Pizzi and Marc Cavazza. 2010. Discovering eye gaze behavior during human-agent conversation in an interactive storytelling application. In Wen Gao, Chin-Hui Lee, Jie Yang, Xilin Chen, Maxine Eskenazi and Zhengyou Zhang (Ed.). International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction - ICMI-MLMI '10, Beijing, China, November 08 - 10, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 9. DOI: 10.1145/1891903.1891915 |
Kostas Karpouzis, Elisabeth André and Anton Batliner. 2010. Emotion-aware natural interaction. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 2010, 309512. DOI: 10.1155/2010/309512 |
Jean-Luc Lugrin, Marc Cavazza, David Pizzi, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2010. Exploring the usability of immersive interactive storytelling. In George Baciu, Rynson Lau, Ming Lin, Taku Komura and Qunsheng Peng (Ed.). Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST '10, Hong Kong, November 22 - 24, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 103-110. DOI: 10.1145/1889863.1889887 |
Christopher Peters, Ginvera Castellano, Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André, Amaryllis Raouzaiou, Kostas Rapantzikos, Kostas Karpouzis, Gaultiero Volpe, Antonio Camurri and Asimina Vasalou. 2010. Fundamentals of Agent Perception and Attention Modelling. In Roddy Cowie, Catherine Pelachaud and Paolo Petta (Ed.). Emotion-Oriented Systems: The Humaine Handbook. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Cognitive Technologies (COGTECH)), 293-319. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15184-2_16 |
Birgit Endrass, Ionut Damian, Peter Huber, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2010. Generating culture-specific gestures for virtual agent dialogs. In Jan Allbeck, Norman Badler, Timothy Bickmore, Catherine Pelachaud and Alla Safonova (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 20-22, 2010. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6356), 329-335. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15892-6_34 |
Scott E. J. Watson, Natalie Vannini, Sarah Woods, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Maria Sapouna, Sibylle Enz, Wolfgang Schneider, Dieter Wolke, Lynne Hall, Ana Paiva, Elizabeth André and Ruth Aylett. 2010. Inter-cultural differences in response to a computer-based anti-bullying intervention. Educational Research 52, 1, 61-80. DOI: 10.1080/00131881003588261 |
Elisabeth André and Catherine Pelachaud. 2010. Interacting with Embodied Conversational Agents. In Fang Chen and Kristiina Jokinen (Ed.). Speech technology: theory and applications. Springer, New York [u.a.], 123-149. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73819-2_8 |
Nikolaus Bee, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Fred Charles, David Pizzi and Marc Cavazza. 2010. Interacting with a gaze-aware virtual character. In Elisabeth André and Joyce Y. Chai (Ed.). EGIHMI '10: Proceedings of the 2010 workshop on Eye gaze in intelligent human machine interaction, Hong Kong, China, February 07 - 07, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 71-77. DOI: 10.1145/2002333.2002345 |
Michael Wißner, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2010. Level of detail AI for virtual characters in games and simulation. In Ronan Boulic, Yiorgos Chrysanthou and Taku Komura (Ed.). Motion in games: Third International Conference, MIG 2010, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 14-16, 2010. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6459), 206-217. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16958-8_20 |
Felix Kistler, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2010. Level of detail based behavior control for virtual characters. In Jan Allbeck, Norman Badler, Timothy Bickmore, Catherine Pelachaud and Alla Safonova (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 20-22, 2010. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6356), 118-124. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15892-6_12 |
Stephan Hammer, Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2010. MED-StyleR: METABO diabetes-lifestyle recommender. In Xavier Amatriain, Marc Torrens, Paul Resnick and Markus Zanker (Ed.). Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems - RecSys '10, Barcelona, Spain, September 26 - 30, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 285-288. DOI: 10.1145/1864708.1864768 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Elisabeth André and Ekaterina Kurdyukova. 2010. Managing user trust for self-adaptive ubiquitous computing systems. In Eric Pardede, David Taniar and Irfan Awan (Ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia - MoMM '10, Paris, France, November 08 - 10, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 409-414. DOI: 10.1145/1971519.1971589 |
Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2010. MoPeDT: features and evaluation of a user-centred prototyping tool. In Noi Sukaviriya, Jean Vanderdonckt and Michael Harrison (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems - EICS '10, Berlin, Germany, June 19 - 23, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 93-102. DOI: 10.1145/1822018.1822033 |
Maja Pantic, George Caridakis, Elisabeth André, Jonghwa Kim, Kostas Karpouzis and Stefanos Kollias. 2010. Multimodal emotion recognition from low-level cues. In Roddy Cowie, Catherine Pelachaud and Paolo Petta (Ed.). Emotion-Oriented Systems. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Cognitive Technologies (COGTECH)), 115-132. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15184-2_8 |
Nikolaus Bee, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Charles Fred, Pizzi David and Cavazza Marc. 2010. Multimodal interaction with a virtual character in interactive storytelling. In Michael Luck and Sandip Sen (Ed.). AAMAS '10: The 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Toronto, Canada — May 10 - 14, 2010 - Volume 1. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1535-1536. DOI: 10.5555/1838206.1838468 |
Gregor Mehlmann, Markus Häring, René Bühling, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2010. Multiple agent roles in an adaptive virtual classroom environment. In Jan Allbeck, Norman Badler, Timothy Bickmore, Catherine Pelachaud and Alla Safonova (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 20-22, 2010. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6356), 250-256. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15892-6_26 |
Elisabeth André, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Dirk Heylen, Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Catherine Pelachaud, Christopher Peters, Isabella Poggi and Matthias Rehm. 2010. Non-verbal Persuasion and Communication in an Affective Agent. In Roddy Cowie, Catherine Pelachaud and Paolo Petta (Ed.). Emotion-Oriented Systems: The Humaine Handbook. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Cognitive Technologies (COGTECH)), 585-608. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15184-2_30 |
R. Benjamin Knapp, Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2010. Physiological Signals and Their Use in Augmenting Emotion Recognition for Human–Machine Interaction. In Roddy Cowie, Catherine Pelachaud and Paolo Petta (Ed.). Emotion-Oriented Systems. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Cognitive Technologies (COGTECH)), 133-159. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15184-2_9 |
Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Michael Kugler and Daniel Leberle. 2010. SSI/ModelUI - a tool for the acquisition and annotation of human generated signals. In Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2010: 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, 15.-18. März 2010 in Berlin. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), Berlin, 93-94. |
Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. 2010. Surface-poker: multimodality in tabletop games. In Antonio Krüger, Johannes Schöning, Daniel Wigdor and Michael Haller (Ed.). ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS '10, Saarbrücken, Germany — November 07 - 10, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 251-252. DOI: 10.1145/1936652.1936701 |
Johannes Wagner, Frank Jung, Jonghwa Kim, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2010. The smart sensor integration framework and its application in EU projects. In Jonghwa Kim and Pasi Karjalainen (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Bio-inspired Human-Machine Interfaces and Healthcare Applications, January 20-23, 2010, in Valencia, Spain. SciTePress, Setúbal, 13-21. DOI: 10.5220/0002813900130021 |
Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André, Thurid Vogt and Patrick Gebhard. 2010. The use of affective and attentive cues in an empathic computer-based companions. In Yorick Wilks (Ed.). Close engagements with artificial companions: key social, psychological, ethical and design issues. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam (Natural Language Processing ; 8), 131-142. DOI: 10.1075/nlp.8.19bee |
Birgit Endrass, Elisabeth André and Matthias Rehm. 2010. Towards culturally-aware virtual agent systems. In E. Blanchard and D. Allard (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Culturally-Aware Information Technology: Perspectives and Models. Idea Group Publishing, New York, NY, 412-428. |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Elisabeth André and Karin Leichtenstern. 2010. Trust-centered design for multi-display applications. In Eric Pardede, David Taniar and Irfan Awan (Ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia - MoMM '10, Paris, France, November 08 - 10, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 415-420. DOI: 10.1145/1971519.1971590 |
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Rolf Kiefhaber, Karin Leichtenstern, Yvonne Bernard, Lukas Klejnowski, Wolfgang Reif, Theo Ungerer, Elisabeth André, Jörg Hähner and Christian Müller-Schloer. 2010. Trustworthy organic computing systems: challenges and perspectives. In Bing Xie, Juergen Branke, S. Masoud Sadjadi, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou (Eds.). Autonomic and trusted computing: 7th International Conference, ATC 2010, Xi’an, China, October 26-29, 2010. Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 62-76 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16576-4_5 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Elisabeth André and Matthias Rehm. 2010. Using the hybrid simulation for early user evaluations of pervasive interactions. In Ebba Þóra Hvannberg, Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir, Ann Blandford and Jan Gulliksen (Ed.). Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Extending Boundaries - NordiCHI '10, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 16 - 20, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 315-324. DOI: 10.1145/1868914.1868952 |
Stephan Hammer, Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2010. Using the mobile application EDDY for gathering user information in the requirement analysis. In Noi Sukaviriya, Jean Vanderdonckt and Michael Harrison (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems - EICS '10, Berlin, Germany, June 19 - 23, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 279-284. DOI: 10.1145/1822018.1822062 |
Maria Sapouna, Dieter Wolke, Natalie Vannini, Scott Watson, Sarah Woods, Wolfgang Schneider, Sibylle Enz, Lynne Hall, Ana Paiva, Elisabeth André, Kerstin Dautenhahn and Ruth Aylett. 2010. Virtual learning intervention to reduce bullying victimization in primary school: a controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51, 1, 104-112. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02137.x |
Elisabeth André and Joyce Y. Chai. 2010. Workshop: eye gaze in intelligent human machine interaction. In Charles Rich, Qiang Yang, Marc Cavazza and Michelle Zhou (Ed.). Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '10, Hong Kong, China, February 7 - 10, 2010. ACM Press, New York, NY, 431. DOI: 10.1145/1719970.1720058 |
2009 |
Alexander Osherenko, Elisabeth André and Thurid Vogt. 2009. Affect sensing in speech: studying fusion of linguistic and acoustic features. In Jeffrey Cohn, Anton Nijholt and Maja Pantic (Ed.). 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/acii.2009.5349559 |
Tomoko Koda, Toru Ishida, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2009. Avatar culture: cross-cultural evaluations of avatar facial expressions. AI & Society 24, 3, 237-250. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-009-0214-5 |
Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André and Susanne Tober. 2009. Breaking the ice in human-agent communication: eye-gaze based initiation of contact with an embodied conversational agent. In Zsófia Ruttkay, Michael Kipp, Anton Nijholt and Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 9th International Conference, IVA 2009 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 14-16, 2009. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5773), 229-242. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04380-2_26 |
Ruth Aylett, Natalie Vannini, Elisabeth André, Ana Paiva, Sibylle Enz and Lynne Hall. 2009. But that was in another country: agents and intercultural empathy. In Carles Sierra, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Jaime Sichman and Keith Decker (Ed.). AAMAS '09: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 10-15 May 2009. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 329-336. |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André, Nikolaus Bee, Birgit Endrass, Michael Wißner, Yukiko Nakano, Afia Akhter Lipi, Toyoaki Nishida and Hung-Hsuan Huang. 2009. Creating standardized video recordings of multimodal interactions across cultures. In Michael Kipp, Jean-Claude Martin, Patrizia Paggio and Dirk Heylen (Ed.). Multimodal corpora: from models of natural interaction to systems and applications. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5509), 138-159. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04793-0_9 |
Birgit Endrass, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2009. Culture-specific communication management for virtual agents. In Carles Sierra, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Jaime Sichman and Keith Decker (Ed.). AAMAS '09: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 10-15 May 2009. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 281-288. |
Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2009. Detection of affective patterns in physiological signals towards improving automatic emotion recognition. In C. H. Chen (Ed.). Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. World Scientific, Singapore, 415-434. DOI: 10.1142/9789814273398_0018 |
Alexander Osherenko and Elisabeth André. 2009. Differentiated semantic analysis in lexical affect sensing. In Jeffrey Cohn, Anton Nijholt and Maja Pantic (Ed.). 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops 2009, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/acii.2009.5349560 |
Charles Fred, David Pizzi, Marc Cavazza, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2009. EmoEmma: emotional speech input for interactive storytelling (Demo Paper). In Carles Sierra, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Jaime Sichman and Keith Decker (Ed.). AAMAS '09: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 10-15 May 2009 (AAMAS-Demos). IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 06. |
Marc Cavazza, David Pizzi, Fred Charles, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2009. Emotional input for character-based interactive storytelling. In Carles Sierra, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Jaime Sichman, Keith Decker (Eds.). AAMAS '09: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 10-15 May 2009. IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 313-320 |
Jonghwa Kim, Johannes Wagner, Thurid Vogt, Elisabeth André, Frank Jung and Matthias Rehm. 2009. Emotional sensitivity in human-computer interaction. it - Information Technology: Methods and Applications of Informatics and Information Technology 51, 6, 325-328. DOI: 10.1524/itit.2009.0557 |
Matthias Rehm, Yukiko Nakano, Elisabeth André and Toyoaki Nishida. 2009. Enculturating human–computer interaction. AI & Society 24, 3, 209-211. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-009-0220-7 |
Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2009. Exploring the benefits of discretization of acoustic features for speech emotion recognition. In INTERSPEECH 2009: 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Brighton, United Kingdom, September 6-10, 2009. ISCA Archive, 328-331 |
Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André, Patrick Gebhard and Thurid Vogt. 2009. First ideas on the use of affective cues in an empathic computer-based companion. In AAMAS '09 Workshop on Empathic Agents, Budapest, Hungary, 10-15 May 2009. |
Matthias Rehm, Yukiko Nakano, Elisabeth André, Toyoaki Nishida, Nikolaus Bee, Birgit Endrass, Michael Wißner, Afia Akhter Lipi and Hung-Hsuan Huang. 2009. From observation to simulation: generating culture-specific behavior for interactive systems. AI & Society 24, 3, 267-280. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-009-0216-3 |
Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2009. Fusion of multichannel biosignals towards automatic emotion recognition. In Hernsoo Hahn, Hanseok Ko and Sukhan Lee (Ed.). Multisensor fusion and integration for intelligent systems: an Edition of the selected papers from the IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ; 35), 55-68. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-89859-7_5 |
Chi Tai Dang, Martin Straub and Elisabeth André. 2009. Hand distinction for multi-touch tabletop interaction. In Gerald Morrison, Sriram Subramanian, Sheelagh Carpendale, Michael Haller and Stacey Scott (Ed.). Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS '09, Banff, Alberta, Canada — November 23 - 25, 2009. ACM Press, New York, NY, 101-108. DOI: 10.1145/1731903.1731925 |
Ekaterina Kurdyukova, Elisabeth André and Karin Leichtenstern. 2009. Introducing multiple interaction devices to interactive storytelling: experiences from practice. In Ido A. Iurgel, Nelson Zagalo and Paolo Petta (Ed.). Interactive storytelling: Second Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2009, Guimarães, Portugal, December 9-11, 2009. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5915), 134-139. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10643-9_18 |
Thurid Vogt, Elisabeth André, Johannes Wagner, Steve Gilroy, Fred Charles and Marc Cavazza. 2009. Real-time vocal emotion recognition in artistic installations and interactive storytelling: experiences and lessons learnt from CALLAS and IRIS. In John Cohn, Anton Nijholt and Maja Pantic (Ed.). 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-8. DOI: 10.1109/acii.2009.5349501 |
Nikolaus Bee, Stefan Franke and Elisabeth André. 2009. Relations between facial display, eye gaze and head tilt: dominance perception variations of virtual agents. In John Cohn, Anton Nijholt and Maja Pantic (Ed.). 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/acii.2009.5349573 |
Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André and Frank Jung. 2009. Smart sensor integration: a framework for multimodal emotion recognition in real-time. In John Cohn, Anton Nijholt and Maja Pantic (Ed.). 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-8. DOI: 10.1109/ACII.2009.5349571 |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André and Yukiko Nakano. 2009. Some pitfalls for developing enculturated conversational agents. In Julie A. Jacko (Ed.). Human-computer interaction - ambient, ubiquitous and intelligent interaction: 13th International Conference, HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009; Part III. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5612), 340-348. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02580-8_37 |
Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2009. Studying multi-user settings for pervasive games. In Reinhard Oppermann, Markus Eisenhauer, Matthias Jarke and Volker Wulf (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI '09, Bonn, Germany — September 15 - 18, 2009. ACM Press, New York, NY, 25. DOI: 10.1145/1613858.1613891 |
Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2009. The sssisted user-centred generation and evaluation of pervasive interfaces. In Manfred Tscheligi, Boris de Ruyter, Panos Markopoulus, Reiner Wichert, Thomas Mirlacher, Alexander Meschterjakov and Wolfgang Reitberger (Ed.). Ambient intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2009, Salzburg, Austria, November 18-21, 2009. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5859), 245-255. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-05408-2_29 |
Michael Wißner, Nikolaus Bee, Julian Kienberger and Elisabeth André. 2009. To see and to be seen in the virtual beer garden: a gaze behavior system for intelligent virtual agents in a 3D environment. In Bärbel Mertsching, Marcus Hund and Zaheer Aziz (Ed.). KI 2009, Advances in artificial intelligence: 32nd Annual German Conference on AI, Paderborn, Germany, September 15-18, 2009. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5803), 500-507. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04617-9_63 |
Jonghwa Kim, Elisabeth André and Thurid Vogt. 2009. Towards user-independent classification of multimodal emotional signals. In John Cohn, Anton Nijholt and Maja Pantic (Ed.). 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/acii.2009.5349495 |
Birgit Endrass, Michael Boegler, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2009. What would you do in their shoes? experiencing different perspectives in an interactive drama for multiple users. In Ido A. Iurgel, Nelson Zagalo and Paolo Petta (Ed.). Interactive storytelling: Second Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2009, Guimarães, Portugal, December 9-11, 2009. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5915), 258-268. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10643-9_30 |
2008 |
Stephen W. Gilroy, Mark Billinghurst, Maurice Benayoun, Marc Cavazza, Rémi Chaignon, Satu-Marja Mäkelä, Markus Niranen, Elisabeth André, Thurid Vogt, Jérôme Urbain and Hartmut Seichter. 2008. An affective model of user experience for interactive art. In Masa Inakage and Adrian David Cheok (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference in Advances on Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE '08, Yokohama, Japan — December 03 - 05, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 107-110. DOI: 10.1145/1501750.1501774 |
Thurid Vogt, Elisabeth André and Johannes Wagner. 2008. Automatic recognition of emotions from speech: a review of the literature and recommendations for practical realisation. In Christian Peter and Russell Beale (Ed.). Affect and emotion in human-computer interaction: from theory to applications. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4868), 75-91. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85099-1_7 |
Jonghwa Kim, Johannes Wagner, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2008. Bi-channel sensor fusion for automatic sign language recognition. In 2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 17-19 September 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/afgr.2008.4813341 |
Birgit Endrass, Helmut Prendinger, Elisabeth André and Mitsuru Ishizuka. 2008. Creating and scripting second life bots using MPML3D. In Helmut Prendinger, James Lester and Mitsuru Ishizuka (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 8th International Conference, IVA 2008, Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3, 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5208), 492-493. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85483-8_58 |
Tomoko Koda, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2008. Cross-cultural evaluations of avatar facial expressions designed by western designers. In Helmut Prendinger, James Lester and Mitsuru Ishizuka (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 8th International Conference, IVA 2008, Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3, 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5208), 245-252. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85483-8_25 |
Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2008. Cultural gaze behavior to improve the appearance of virtual agents. In IUI Workshop on Enculturating Interfaces (ECI). |
Birgit Endrass, Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2008. Culture-specific Small Talk for Virtual Agents. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation, Bellagio, Italy, 6 - 7 October 2008. |
Matthias Rehm, Yukiko Nakano, Elisabeth André and Toyoaki Nishida. 2008. Culture-specific first meeting encounters between virtual agents. In Helmut Prendinger, James Lester and Mitsuru Ishizuka (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 8th International Conference, IVA 2008, Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3, 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5208), 223-236. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85483-8_23 |
Stephen W. Gilroy, Hartmut Seichter, Maurice Benayoun, Marc Cavazza, Rémi Chaignon, Satu-Marja Mäkelä, Markus Niranen, Elisabeth André, Thurid Vogt, Jérôme Urbain and Mark Billinghurst. 2008. E-tree: emotionally driven augmented reality art. In Abdulmotaleb EL Saddik, Son Vuong, Carsten Griwodz, Alberto Del Bimbo, K. Selcuk Candan and Alejandro Jaimes (Ed.). Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '08, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada — October 26 - 31, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 945-948. DOI: 10.1145/1459359.1459529 |
Jonghwa Kim, Stephan Mastnik and Elisabeth André. 2008. EMG-based hand gesture recognition for realtime biosignal interfacing. In Steffen Staab (Ed.). Proceedings of the 13th international conference on intelligent user interfaces - IUI '08, Gran Canaria, Spain, January 13 - 16, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 30-39. DOI: 10.1145/1378773.1378778 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Dennis Erdmann and Elisabeth André. 2008. EVAL - an evaluation component for mobile interfaces. In Henri ter Hofte and Ingrid Mulder (Ed.). Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services - MobileHCI '08, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — September 02 - 05, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 483-484. DOI: 10.1145/1409240.1409320 |
Thurid Vogt, Elisabeth André and Nikolaus Bee. 2008. EmoVoice: a framework for online recognition of emotions from voice. In Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Roberto Pieraccini and Michael Weber (Ed.). Perception in multimodal dialogue systems: 4th IEEE Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems, PIT 2008, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 16-18, 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5078), 188-199. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69369-7_21 |
Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2008. Emotion recognition based on physiological changes in music listening. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30, 12, 2067-2083. DOI: 10.1109/tpami.2008.26 |
Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2008. Emotion-specific dichotomous classification and feature-level fusion of multichannel biosignals for automatic emotion recognition. In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 20-22 Aug. 2008, Seoul, South Korea. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 114-119. DOI: 10.1109/mfi.2008.4648119 |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André, Yukiko Nakano and Toyoaki Nishida. 2008. Enculturating conversational interfaces by socio-cultural aspects of communication. In Steffen Staab (Ed.). Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '08, Gran Canaria, Spain — January 13 - 16, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 435. DOI: 10.1145/1378773.1378855 |
Lassi A. Liikkanen, Giulio Jacucci, Eero Huvio, Toni Laitinen and Elisabeth André. 2008. Exploring emotions and multimodality in digitally augmented puppeteering. In Stefano Levialdi (Ed.). Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces - AVI '08, Napoli, Italy, May 28 - 30, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 339-342. DOI: 10.1145/1385569.1385627 |
Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2008. Four-Channel Biosignal Analysis and Feature Extraction for Automatic Emotion Recognition. In Ana Fred, Joaquim Filipe and Hugo Gamboa (Ed.). Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Communications in Computer and Information Science ; 25), 265-277. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92219-3_20 |
Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2008. From annotated multimodal corpora to simulated human-like behaviors. In Ipke Wachsmuth and Günther Knoblich (Ed.). Modeling communication with robots and virtual humans: Second ZiF Research Group International Workshop on Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines, Bielefeld, Germany, April 5-8, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4930), 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79037-2_1 |
Andreas Budde, Adrian Klein, Nurije Ljaci, Elisabeth André and Chi Tai Dang. 2008. Interaction via tangibles and virtuals in a tabletop application. In IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces 2008. |
Klaus Fischer, Ingo Timm and Elisabeth André. 2008. Introduction to the special issue on the Fourth German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES). Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 18, 2, 219-219. DOI: 10.1007/s10458-008-9049-6 |
Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2008. Multi-channel biosignal analysis for automatic emotion recognition. In Pedro Encarnaçao and António Veloso (Ed.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, BIOSIGNALS 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 28-31, 2008, Volume 1. SciTePress, Setúbal, 124-131. DOI: 10.5220/0001063301240131 |
Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Roberto Pieraccini and Michael Weber (Ed.). 2008. Perception in Multimodal Dialogue Systems: 4th IEEE Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems, PIT 2008, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 16-18, 2008; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5078) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ; 5078). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69369-7 |
Nikolaus Bee, Bernhard Falk and Elisabeth André. 2008. Simplified facial animation control utilizing novel input devices: a comparative study. In Cristina Conati, Mathias Bauer, Nuria Oliver and Dan Weld (Ed.). Proceedingsc of the 13th international conference on intelligent user interfaces - IUI '09, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, February 08 - 11, 2009. ACM Press, New York, NY, 197-206. DOI: 10.1145/1502650.1502680 |
Birgit Endrass, Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André and Yukiko Nakano. 2008. Talk is silver, silence is golden: A cross-cultural study on the use of pauses in speech. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation, Bellagio, Italy, 6 - 7 October 2008. |
Marc Cavazza, Stéphane Donikian, Marc Christie, Ulrike Spierling, Nicolas Szilas, Peter Vorderer, Tilo Hartmann, Christoph Klimmt, Elisabeth André, Ronan Champagnat, Paolo Petta and Patrick Olivier. 2008. The IRIS network of excellence: integrating research in interactive storytelling. In Ulrike Spierling and Nicolas Szilas (Ed.). Interactive storytelling: First Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2008 Erfurt, Germany, November 26-29, 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5334), 14-19. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-89454-4_3 |
Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2008. User-centred development of mobile interfaces to a pervasive computing environment. In Cosmin Dini and Sergiu Dascalu (Ed.). First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction, 10-15 February 2008, Sainte Luce, Martinique. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 114-119. DOI: 10.1109/achi.2008.10 |
Matthias Rehm, Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2008. Wave like an Egyptian: accelerometer based gesture recognition for culture specific interactions. In People and Computers XXII: Culture, Creativity, Interaction: Proceedings of HCI 2008 The 22nd British HCI Group Annual Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 1 - 5 September 2008. ScienceOpen, Burlington, MA, 13-22. DOI: 10.14236/ewic/HCI2008.2 |
Nikolaus Bee and Elisabeth André. 2008. Writing with your eye: a dwell time free writing system adapted to the nature of human eye gaze. In Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Roberto Pieraccini and Michael Weber (Ed.). Perception in multimodal dialogue systems: 4th IEEE Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems, PIT 2008, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 16-18, 2008. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5078), 111-122. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69369-7_13 |
Markus Bischof, Bettina Conradi, Peter Lachenmaier, Kai Linde, Max Meier, Philipp Pötzl and Elisabeth André. 2008. Xenakis: combining tangible interaction with probability-based musical composition. In Albrecht Schmidt, Hans Gellersen, Elise van den Hoven, Ali Mazalek, Paul Holleis and Nicolas Villar (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction - TEI '08, Bonn, Germany, February 18 - 20, 2008. ACM Press, New York, NY, 121-124. DOI: 10.1145/1347390.1347416 |
2007 |
Johannes Wagner, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2007. A systematic comparison of different HMM designs for emotion recognition from acted and spontaneous speech. In Ana C. R. Paiva, Rui Prada and Rosalind W. Picard (Ed.). Affective computing and intelligent interaction: Second International Conference, ACII 2007 Lisbon, Portugal, September 12-14, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4738), 114-125. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74889-2_11 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Matthias Kranz, Paul Holleis, Eva Lösch and Elisabeth André. 2007. A tangible user interface as interaction and presentation device to social learning software. In Michael Beigl and Shuichi Shoji (Ed.). 2007 Fourth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, 6-8 June 2007, Braunschweig, Germany. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 114-117. DOI: 10.1109/INSS.2007.4297402 |
F. Charles, Samuel Lemercier, Thurid Vogt, Nikolaus Bee, M. Mancini, J. Urbain, M. Price, Elisabeth André, Catherine Pelachaud and M. Cavazza. 2007. Affective interactive narrative in the CALLAS Project. In Marc Cavazza and Stéphane Donikian (Ed.). Virtual storytelling - using virtual reality technologies for storytelling: 4th International Conference, ICVS 2007, Saint-Malo, France, December 5-7, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4871), 210-213. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77039-8_21 |
Stephen William Gilroy, Marc Cavazza, Satu-Marja Mäkelä, Thurid Vogt, Markus Niiranen, Mark Billinghurst, Maurice Benayoun, Rémi Chaignon, Elisabeth André and Hartmut Seichter. 2007. An Emotionally Responsive AR Art Installation. In Proceedings of ISMAR Workshop: Mixed Reality Entertainment and Art (ISMAR 2007), Nara, Japan, November, 2007. |
Tobias Eichner, Helmut Prendinger, Elisabeth André and M. Ishizuka. 2007. Attentive presentation agents. In Catherine Pelachaud, Jean-Claude Martin, Elisabeth André, Gérard Chollet, Kostas Karpouzis and Danielle Pelé (Ed.). Intelligent Virtual Agents: 7th International Conference, IVA 2007 Paris, France, September 17-19, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4722), 283-295. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74997-4_26 |
Elisabeth André. 2007. Design and evaluation of embodied conversational agents for educational and advisory software. In Rocci Luppicini (Ed.). The Handbook of Conversation Design for Instructional Applications. IGI Publishing Information Science Publishing, IRM Press, Hershey, 668-686. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-597-9.ch020 |
Helmut Prendinger, Tobias Eichner, Elisabeth André and M. Ishizuka. 2007. Gaze-based infotainment agents. In M. Inakage, N. Lee and M. Tscheligi (Ed.). ACE '07 Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology, Salzburg, Austria, June 13 - 15, 2007. ACM, New York, NY (ACM conference proceedings series ; 203), 87-90. DOI: 10.1145/1255047.1255064 |
J. Dias, W. Ching Ho, Thurid Vogt, N. Beeckman, A. Paiva and Elisabeth André. 2007. I know what you did last summer: autobiographic memory in synthetic characters. In Ana C. R. Paiva, Rui Prada and Rosalind W. Picard (Ed.). Affective computing and intelligent interaction: Second International Conference, ACII 2007 Lisbon, Portugal, September 12-14, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4738), 606-617. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74889-2_53 |
Volker Wiendl, Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas, Nicolas Schulz and Elisabeth André. 2007. Integrating a virtual agent into the real world: the virtual anatomy assistant ritchie. In Catherine Pelachaud, Jean-Claude Martin, Elisabeth André, Gérard Chollet, Kostas Karpouzis and Danielle Pelé (Ed.). Intelligent Virtual Agents: 7th International Conference, IVA 2007 Paris, France, September 17-19, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4722), 211-224. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74997-4_20 |
Catherine Pelachaud, J.-C. Martin, Elisabeth André, G. Chollet, K. Karpouzis and D. Pelé (Ed.). 2007. Intelligent virtual agents : 7th International Conference, IVA 2007, Paris, France, September 17-19, 2007 ; proceedings. Springer, Berlin u.a. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4722) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ; 4722). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74997-4 |
Alexander Osherenko and Elisabeth André. 2007. Lexical affect sensing: are affect dictionaries necessary to analyze affect?. In Ana C. R. Paiva, Rui Prada and Rosalind W. Picard (Ed.). Affective computing and intelligent interaction: Second International Conference, ACII 2007 Lisbon, Portugal, September 12-14, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4738), 230-241. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74889-2_21 |
Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2007. More than just a friendly phrase: multimodal aspects of polite behavior in agents. In Toyoaki Nishida (Ed.). Conversational informatics: an engineering approach. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 69-84. DOI: 10.1002/9780470512470.ch4 |
Karin Leichtenstern, Elisabeth André and Thurid Vogt. 2007. Role assignment via physical mobile interaction techniques in mobile multi-user applications for children. In Bernt Schiele, Anind K. Dey, Hans Gellersen, Boris de Ruyter, Manfred Tscheligi, Reiner Wichert, Emile Aarts and Alejandro Buchmann (Ed.). Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4794), 38-54. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-76652-0_3 |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André, Nikolaus Bee, Birgit Endrass, Michael Wißner, Yukiko Nakano, Toyoaki Nishida and Hung-Hsuan Huang. 2007. The CUBE-G approach – Coaching culture-specific nonverbal behavior by virtual agents. In Igor Mayer (Ed.). Organizing and learning through gaming and simulation: proceedings of Isaga 2007. Eburon, Delft, 313-321. |
Matthias Rehm, Nikolaus Bee, Birgit Endrass, Michael Wißner and Elisabeth André. 2007. Too close for comfort? Adapting to the user's cultural background. In Alejandro Jaimes and Nicu Sebe (Ed.). Proceedings of the international workshop on Human-centered multimedia - HCM '07, Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany, September 28 - 28, 2007. ACM Press, New York, NY, 85-94. DOI: 10.1145/1290128.1290142 |
Christian Weiss, Luís Oliveira, Thurid Vogt, Elisabeth André, M. Vala, Ana Paiva and Lynne Hall. 2007. eCIRCUS: building voices for autonomous speaking agents. In Mehra Schew-Ram (Ed.). Fortschritte der Akustik: DAGA 2007; 33. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 19. bis 22. März 2007 in Stuttgart. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, Berlin |
Christian Weiss, Luis Oliveira, Sergio Paulo, Carlos Mendes, Luis Figueira, Marco Vala, Pedro Sequeira, Ana Paiva, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2007. eCIRCUS: building voices for autonomous speaking agents. In Sixth ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn, Germany, August 22-24, 2007. ISCA, 300-303 |
2006 |
Michael Rehm, Birgit Endrass and Elisabeth André. 2006. A plug-and-play framework for theories of social group dynamics. In Jonathan Gratch, Michael Young, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin and Patrick Olivier (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 6th International Conference, IVA 2006, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4133), 465-466. DOI: 10.1007/11821830_53 |
Klaus Dorfmueller-Ulhaas, Dennis Erdmann, Oliver Gerl, Nicolas Schulz, Volker Wiendl and Elisabeth André. 2006. An Immersive Game – Augsburg Cityrun. In Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann and Michael Weber (Ed.). Perception and interactive technologies: International Tutorial and Research Workshop, PIT 2006 Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4021), 201-204. DOI: 10.1007/11768029_23 |
Nikolaus Bee, Helmut Prendinger, Arturo Nakasone, Elisabeth André and M. Ishizuka. 2006. AutoSelect: what you want is what you get: real-time processing of visual attention and affect. In Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Michael Weber (Eds.). Perception and interactive technologies: International Tutorial and Research Workshop, PIT 2006 Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006. Springer, Berlin, 40-52 DOI: 10.1007/11768029_5 |
Nikolaus Bee, Helmut Prendinger, Elisabeth André and Mitsuru Ishizuka. 2006. Automatic preference detection by analyzing the gaze 'cascade effect'. In Proceedings of COGAIN 2006 ‘Gazing into the Future’. 4th-5th September 2006, Turin, Italy. , 63-66 |
Helmut Prendinger, Elisabeth André and Mitsuru Ishizuka. 2006. Creating three-dimensional animated characters: an experience report and recommendations of good practice. Upgrade: The European Journal for the Informatics Professional VII, 2, 35-40. |
J. Kim and Elisabeth André. 2006. Emotion recognition using physiological and speech signal in short-term observation. In Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann and Michael Weber (Ed.). Perception and interactive technologies: International Tutorial and Research Workshop, PIT 2006 Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4021), 53-64. DOI: 10.1007/11768029_6 |
Elisabeth André. 2006. Engaging in a conversation with synthetic agents along the virtuality continuum. In T. Nishida, Z. Shi, U. Visser, X. Wu, J. Liu, B. Wah, W. Cheung and Y.-M. Cheung (Ed.). 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main Conference Proceedings)(WI'06): Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'06); 18-22 December 2006; Hong Kong, China. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 19-20. DOI: 10.1109/WI.2006.69 |
Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2006. Improving automatic emotion recognition from speech via gender differentiation. In Nicoletta Calzonari, Khalid Choukri, Aldo Gangemi, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Jan Odijk and Daniel Tapias (Ed.). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'06), Genoa, Italy, 22-28 May 2006. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 1123-1126. |
Dennis Erdmann, Klaus Dorfmueller-Ulhaas and Elisabeth André. 2006. Integrating VR-authoring and context sensing: towards the creation of context-aware stories. In Stefan Göbel, Rainer Malkewitz and Ido Iurgel (Ed.). Technologies for interactive digital storytelling and entertainment: Third International Conference, TIDSE 2006, Darmstadt, Germany, December 4-6, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4326), 151-162. DOI: 10.1007/11944577_15 |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André, Bettina Conradi, Stephan Hammer, Malte Iversen, Eva Lösch, Torsten Pajonk and Katharina Stamm. 2006. Location-based interaction with children for edutainment. In Perception and interactive technologies: International Tutorial and Research Workshop, PIT 2006 Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4021), 197-200. DOI: 10.1007/11768029_22 |
Michael Nischt, Helmut Prendinger, Elisabeth André and M. Ishizuka. 2006. MPML3D: a reactive framework for the multimodal presentation markup language. In Jonathan Gratch, Michael Young, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin and Patrick Olivier (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 6th International Conference, IVA 2006, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2006. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4133), 218-229. DOI: 10.1007/11821830_18 |
Klaus Fischer, Ingo J. Timm, Elisabeth André and Ning Zhong (Ed.). 2006. Multiagent System Technologies: 4th German Conference, MATES 2006 Erfurt, Germany, September 19-20, 2006; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4196) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ; 4196). DOI: 10.1007/11872283 |
Elisabeth André, L. Dybkjær, W. Minker, H. Neumann and M. Weber (Ed.). 2006. Perception and interactive technologies : international tutorial and research workshop, PIT 2006, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006 ; proceedings. Springer, Berlin u.a. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4021) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ; 4021). DOI: 10.1007/11768029 |
M. Nischt and Elisabeth André. 2006. Real-time character animation on the GPU. In Wolfgang F. Engel (Ed.). ShaderX4 : advanced rendering techniques. Charles River Media, Hingham, Mass. (ShaderX series), 47-55. |
Karin Leichtenstern and Elisabeth André. 2006. Social mobile interaction using tangible user interfaces and mobile phones. In Christian Hochberger (Ed.). Informatik 2006 : Informatik für Menschen ; Beiträge der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 2. bis 6. Oktober 2006 in Dresden. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (GI-Edition : Proceedings ; 94), 396-402. |
2005 |
Elisabeth André, K. Concepcion, I. Mani and L. van Guilder. 2005. Autobriefer: A System for Authoring Narrated Briefings. In Oliviero Stock and Massimo Zancanaro (Ed.). Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation. Springer, Dordrecht (Text, Speech and Language Technology ; 27), 143-158. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3051-7_7 |
Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2005. Catch me if you can: exploring lying agents in social settings. In M. Pechoucek, D. Steiner and S. Thompson (Ed.). AAMAS '05: Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, The Netherlands, July 25 - 29, 2005. ACM, New York, NY, 937-944. DOI: 10.1145/1082473.1082615 |
Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André. 2005. Comparing feature sets for acted and spontaneous speech in view of automatic emotion recognition. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, July 6-8, 2005, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 474-477. DOI: 10.1109/ICME.2005.1521463 |
W. Lewis Johnson, Richard E. Mayer, Elisabeth André and Matthias Rehm. 2005. Cross-cultural evaluation of politeness in tactics for pedagogical agents. In Chee-Kit Looi, Gord McCalla, Bert Bredeweg and Joost Breuker (Ed.). Artificial intelligence in education: supporting learning through intelligent and socially informed technology. IOS Press, Amsterdam (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications), 298-305. |
Elisabeth André, Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas and Matthias Rehm. 2005. Engaging in a conversation with synthetic characters along the virtuality continuum. In Andreas Butz, Brian Fisher, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Ed.). Smart Graphics: 5th International Symposium, SG 2005, Frauenwörth Cloister, Germany, August 22-24, 2005. Springer, Berlin (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 3638), 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/11536482_1 |
Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2005. From chatterbots to natural interaction - face to face communication with embodied conversational agents. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E88-D, 11, 2445-2452. DOI: 10.1093/ietisy/e88-d.11.2445 |
J. Wagner, Jonghwa Kim and Elisabeth André. 2005. From physiological signals to emotions: implementing and comparing selected methods for feature extraction and classification. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, July 6-8, 2005, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 940-943 DOI: 10.1109/ICME.2005.1521579 |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André and Michael Wißner. 2005. Gamble v2.0: social interactions with multiple users. In M. Pechoucek, D. Steiner and S. Thompson (Ed.). AAMAS '05: Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, The Netherlands, July 25 - 29, 2005. ACM, New York, NY, 145-146. DOI: 10.1145/1082473.1082824 |
Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2005. Informing the design of embodied conversational agents by analyzing multimodal politeness behaviors in human-human communication. In AISB’05: Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents - Proceedings of the Symposium on Conversational Informatics for Supporting Social Intelligence and Interaction - Situational and Environmental Information Enforcing Involvement in Conversation, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 12 - 15 April 2005. Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB), Bath, 144-151. |
Jonghwa Kim, Elisabeth André, Matthias Rehm, Thurid Vogt and Johannes Wagner. 2005. Integrating information from speech and physiological signals to achieve emotional sensitivity. In Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech: 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, September 4-8, 2005. ISCA Archive, 809-812 |
Matthias Klusch, Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Toru Ishida and Hideyuki Nakanishi. 2005. Interactive information agents and interfaces. In Robert Proctor (Ed.). Handbook of human factors in web design. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, N.J., 211-236. |
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André and Michael Nischt. 2005. Let’s come together — social navigation behaviors of virtual and real humans. In Mark Maybury, Oliviero Stock and Wolfgang Wahlster (Ed.). Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: First International Conference, INTETAIN 2005, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, November 30 – December 2, 2005. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 3814), 124-133. DOI: 10.1007/11590323_13 |
Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas and Elisabeth André. 2005. The synthetic character Ritchie: first steps towards a virtual companion for mixed reality. In Nassir Navab and Wolfgang Birkfellner (Ed.). Fourth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'05), 5-8 October 2005, Vienna, Austria, Austria. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, 178-179. DOI: 10.1109/ismar.2005.61 |
Matthias Rehm and Elisabeth André. 2005. Where do they look? Gaze behaviors of multiple users interacting with an embodied conversational agent. In Themis Panayiotopoulos, Jonathan Gratch, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin, Patrick Olivier and Thomas Rist (Ed.). Intelligent virtual agents: 5th International Working Conference, IVA 2005, Kos, Greece, September 12-14, 2005. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 3661), 241-252. DOI: 10.1007/11550617_21 |
2004 |
Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes, Patrick Gebhard, Martin Klesen, Michael Kipp, Peter Rist and Markus Schmitt. 2004. A Review of the Development of Embodied Presentation Agents and Their Application Fields. In Helmut Prendinger and Mitsuru Ishizuka (Ed.). Life-Like Characters: Tools, Affective Functions, and Applications. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Cognitive Technologies (COGTECH)), 377-404. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-08373-4_16 |
Sunjung Kim and Elisabeth André. 2004. A generate and sense approach to automated music composition. In Jean Vanderdonckt, Nuno Jardim Nunes and Charles Rich (Ed.). Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user interface - IUI '04, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 13 - 16, 2004. ACM Press, New York, NY, 268-270. DOI: 10.1145/964442.964501 |
Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker and Paul Heisterkamp (Ed.). 2004. Affective dialogue systems: tutorial and research workshop, ADS 2004, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 14-16, 2004 ; proceedings. Springer, Berlin u.a. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 3068) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ; 3068). DOI: 10.1007/b98229 |
Sunjung Kim and Elisabeth André. 2004. Composing affective music with a generate and sense approach. In Valerie Barr and Zdravko Markov (Ed.). Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference - Special Track on AI and Music. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 17-22. |
Elisabeth André, Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas and Thomas Rist. 2004. Embodied conversational characters: wandering between the digital and the physical world (Digitale Weltenwanderer: synthetische Charaktere zwischen Realität und Virtualität). it - Information Technology: Methods and Applications of Informatics and Information Technology 46, 6, 332-340. DOI: 10.1524/itit.46.6.332.54688 |
Jonghwa Kim, Nikolaus Bee, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2004. Emote to win: affective interactions with a computer game agent. In Peter Dadam and Manfred Reichert (Ed.). Informatik 2004, Informatik verbindet, Band 1, Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Ulm, 20. - 24. September 2004. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (Lecture Notes in Informatics ; P-50), 159-164. |
Elisabeth André, Matthias Rehm, Wolfgang Minker and Dirk Bühler. 2004. Endowing spoken language dialogue systems with emotional intelligence. In Elisabeth André, Matthias Rehm, Wolfgang Minker and Dirk Bühler (Ed.). Affective dialogue systems: Tutorial and Research Workshop, ADS 2004, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 14-16, 2004. Springer, Berlin (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 3068), 178-187. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-24842-2_17 |
Wauter Bosma and Elisabeth André. 2004. Exploiting emotions to disambiguate dialogue acts. In Jean Vanderdonckt, Nuno Jardim Nunes and Charles Rich (Ed.). Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user interface - IUI '04, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 13 - 16, 2004. ACM Press, New York, NY, 85-92. DOI: 10.1145/964442.964459 |
2003 |
Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André and Stephan Baldes. 2003. A flexible platform for building applications with life-like characters. In David Leake, Lewis Johnson and Elisabeth André (Ed.). Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '03, Miami, Florida, USA, January 12 - 15, 2003. ACM Press, New York, NY, 158-165. DOI: 10.1145/604045.604071 |
Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André and Stephan Baldes. 2003. Building applications with life-like characters: the MIAU platform. In David Leake, Lewis Johnson and Elisabeth André (Ed.). Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '03, Miami, Florida, USA, January 12 - 15, 2003. ACM Press, New York, NY, 328. DOI: 10.1145/604045.604121 |
Thomas Rist and Elisabeth André. 2003. Building smart embodied virtual characters. In Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier (Ed.). Smart Graphics: Third International Symposium on Smart Graphics, SG 2003 Heidelberg, Germany, July 2–4, 2003. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 2733), 123-130. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-37620-8_12 |
Elisabeth André. 2003. Natural language in multimedia / multimodal systems. In Ruslan Mitkov (Ed.). Handbook of computational linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 650-669. |
Elisabeth André. 2003. New Degree Programmes at Augsburg University: Bachelor’s / Masters for “Informatics and Multimedia”. In Jochen Schneider, Thomas Strothotte and Winfried Marotzki (Ed.). Computational Visualistics, Media Informatics, and Virtual Communities. Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden (Bildwissenschaft ; 11), 19-23. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-322-81318-3_4 |
2002 |
J. Gratch, J. Rickel, Elisabeth André, J. Cassell, E. Petajan and N. Badler. 2002. Creating interactive virtual humans: some assembly required. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17, 4, 54-63. DOI: 10.1109/mis.2002.1024753 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 2002. From adaptive hypertext to personalized web companions. Communications of the ACM 45, 5, 43-46. DOI: 10.1145/506218.506243 |
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist and Stephan Baldes. 2002. From simulated dialogues to interactive performances. In Vladimír Mařík, Olga Štěpánková, Hana Krautwurmová and Michael Luck (Ed.). Multi-agent systems and applications II: 9th ECCAI-ACAI / EASSS 2001, AEMAS 2001, HoloMAS 2001. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 2322), 107-118. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45982-0_4 |
Elisabeth André. 2002. From simulated dialogues to interactive performances with virtual actors. In Matthias Jarke, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jana Koehler (Ed.). KI 2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2002 Aachen, Germany, September 16–20, 2002. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 2479), 317-317. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45751-8_21 |
Thierry Declerck and Elisabeth André. 2002. L'indexation conceptuelle de documents multilingues et multimédias. In Frederique Segond (Ed.). Multilinguisme et traitement de l’information. Lavoisier, Paris |
2001 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 2001. Controlling the behavior of animated presentation agents in the interface: scripting versus instructing. AI Magazine 22, 4, 53-66. DOI: 10.1609/aimag.v22i4.1592 |
2001. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents 2001 (AGENTS'01), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 28 - June 01, 2001. In Elisabeth André, S. Sen, C. Frasson, J. P. Müller (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY DOI: 10.1145/375735 |
A. Paiva and Elisabeth André. 2001. Safira - supporting affective interactions in real-time applications. cast01 Spezial, 227-230. |
2000 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 2000. Adding life-like synthetic characters to the web. In Matthias Klusch and Larry Kerschberg (Ed.). Cooperative information agents IV - the future of information agents in cyberspace: 4th International Workshop, CIA 2000, Boston, MA, USA, July 7-9, 2000. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 1860), 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-45012-2_1 |
Elisabeth André. 2000. Enhancing adaptive hypermedia presentation systems 1 by lifelike synthetic characters. In Peter Brusilovsky, Oliviero Stock and Carlo Strapparava (Ed.). Adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems: International Conference, AH 2000 Trento, Italy, August 28–30, 2000. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 1892), 1-4. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44595-1_1 |
Thomas Rist, P. Brandmeier, Gerd Herzog and Elisabeth André. 2000. Getting the mobile users in: three systems that support collaboration in an environment with heterogeneous communication devices. In S. Levialdi, V. Di Gesù and L. Tarantino (Ed.). AVI'00 Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Palermo, Italy, May 24 - 26, 2000. ACM, New York, NY, 250-254. DOI: 10.1145/345513.345331 |
Elisabeth André, Martin Klesen, Patrick Gebhard, Steve Allen and Thomas Rist. 2000. Integrating models of personality and emotions into lifelike characters. In Affective interactions: towards a new generation of computer interfaces. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 1814), 150-165. DOI: 10.1007/10720296_11 |
Elisabeth André, T. Rist and G. Herzog. 2000. Neue "Neue Medien"? : von Multimedia zu Intellimedia-Präsentationssystemen. In Gerd Günter Voß (Ed.). Neue Medien im Alltag : Begriffsbestimmungen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes. Leske + Budrich, Opladen, 221-233. |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 2000. Presenting through performing: on the use of multiple lifelike characters in knowledge-based presentation systems. In Doug Riecken, David Benyon and Henry Lieberman (Ed.). Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '00, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 09 - 12, 2000. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1-8. DOI: 10.1145/325737.325745 |
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Susanne van Mulken, Martin Klesen and Stephan Baldes. 2000. The automated design of believable dialogues for animated presentation teams. In Justine Cassell, Joseph Sullivan, Scott Prevost and Elizabeth Churchill (Ed.). Embodied conversational agents. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 220-255. |
Elisabeth André. 2000. The generation of multimedia presentations. In Robert Dale, Hermann Moisl and Harold Somers (Ed.). Handbook of natural language processing. Dekker, New York, NY, 305-327. |
Elisabeth André, K. Binsted, K. Tanaka-Ishii, S. Luke, Gerd Herzog and Thomas Rist. 2000. Three RoboCup simulation league commentator systems. AI Magazine 21, 57-65. |
1999 |
Elisabeth André, Susanne van Mulken and Jochen Müller. 1999. An empirical study on the trustworthiness of life-like interface agents. In Hans-Jörg Bullinger and J. Ziegler (Ed.). Human-Cmputer Interaction: Proceedings of HCI International '99 (the 8. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Munich, Germany. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 152-156. |
Dirk Voelz, Elisabeth André, Gerd Herzog and Thomas Rist. 1999. Rocco: a RoboCup Soccer Commentator System. In Minoru Asada and Hiroaki Kitano (Ed.). RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 1604), 50-60. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-48422-1_4 |
Elisabeth André. 1999. Towards personalized multimedia presentation systems for all. In Hans-Jörg Bullinger and Jürgen Ziegler (Ed.). Human-Computer Interaction: Communication, Cooperation, and Application Design; Proceedings of HCI International '99 (the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Munich, Germany, August 22-26, 1999. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 873-877. |
1998 |
Gerd Herzog, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes and Thomas Rist. 1998. Combining alternatives in the multimedia presentation of decision support information for real-time control. In Alistair Sutcliffe, Jürgen Ziegler and Peter Johnson (Ed.). Designing effective and usable multimedia systems: Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 13.2 Conference on Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, September 1998. Chapman & Hall, Boston, 143-158. |
Elisabeth André, Gerd Herzog and Thomas Rist. 1998. Generating multimedia presentations for RoboCup soccer games. In Hiroaki Kitano (Ed.). RoboCup-97: Robot Soccer World Cup I. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 1395), 200-215. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-64473-3_61 |
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist and Jochen Müller. 1998. Guiding the user through dynamically generated hypermedia presentations with a life-like character. In Loren G. Terveen, Peter Johnson and Joe Mark (Ed.). Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '98, San Francisco, California, USA, January 06 - 09, 1998. ACM Press, New York, NY, 21-28. DOI: 10.1145/268389.268394 |
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist and Jochen Müller. 1998. Integrating reactive and scripted behaviors in a life-like presentation agent. In Katia P. Sycara and Michael Wooldridge (Ed.). Proceedings of the second international conference on Autonomous agents - AGENTS '98, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, May 10 - 13, 1998. ACM Press, New York, NY, 261-268. DOI: 10.1145/280765.280842 |
Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Wahlster, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich and Thomas Rist. 1998. Plan-based integration of natural language and graphics generation. In Mark T. Maybury and Wolfgang Wahlster (Ed.). Readings in intelligent user interfaces. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 109-130. |
Susanne van Mulken, Elisabeth André and Jochen Müller. 1998. The Persona Effect: How Substantial Is It?. In Hilary Johnson, Lawrence Nigay and Christopher Roast (Ed.). People and Computers XIII: Proceedings of HCI ’98. Springer, London [u.a.], 53-66. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-3605-7_4 |
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist and Jochen Müller. 1998. WebPersona: a lifelike presentation agent for the World-Wide Web. Knowledge-Based Systems 11, 1, 25-36. DOI: 10.1016/s0950-7051(98)00057-4 |
Gerd Herzog, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes and Thomas Rist. 1998. Zur multimedialen Präsentation von Handlungsalternativen in Verkehrsmanagement- und Verkehrsimulationsystemen. In Peter Lorenz and Bernhard Preim (Ed.). Simulation und Visualisierung '98: proceedings der Tagung Simulation und Visualisierung '98 der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Simulation und Graphik; 5. - 6. März 199. SCS / IGI Magdeburg, Delft / Magdeburg, 235-248. |
1997 |
Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André and Jochen Müller. 1997. Adding animated presentation agents to the interface. In Johanna Moore, Ernest Edmonds and Angel Puerta (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '97, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 06 - 09, 1997. ACM Press, New York, NY, 79-86. DOI: 10.1145/238218.238298 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1997. Planning referential acts for animated presentation agents. In Elisabeth André, Laurent Romary, Thomas Rist (Eds.). ReferringPhenomena '97: Referring Phenomena in a Multimedia Context and their Computational Treatment; Madrid, Spain, July 11, 1997. Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, 67-72 |
Elisabeth André, Jochen Müller and Thomas Rist. 1997. WIP/PPP: automatic generation of personalized multimedia presentations. In Philippe Aigrain, Wendy Hall, Thomas D. C. Little and V. Michael Bove Jr. (Ed.). Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia - MULTIMEDIA '96, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 18 - 22, 1996. ACM Press, New York, NY, 407-408. DOI: 10.1145/244130.244437 |
1996 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1996. Coping with temporal constraints in multimedia presentation planning. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Eighth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, August 4 - 8, 1996, Portland, Oregon, USA. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 142-147. |
Elisabeth André, Jochen Müller and Thomas Rist. 1996. The PPP persona: a multipurpose animated presentation agent. In Tiziana Catarci, Maria F. Costabile, Stefano Levialdi and Giuseppe Santucci (Ed.). Proceedings of the workshop on Advanced visual interfaces - AVI '96, Gubbio, Italy, May 27 - 29, 1996. ACM Press, New York, NY, 245-247. DOI: 10.1145/948449.948486 |
1995 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1995. Generating Coherent Presentations Employing Textual and Visual Material. In Paul McKevitt (Ed.). Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing: (Volume II) Intelligent Multimedia. Springer, Dordrecht [u.a.], 75-93. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-0445-6_8 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1995. Generating coherent presentations employing textual and visual material. Artificial Intelligence Review 9, 2-3, 147-165. DOI: 10.1007/bf00849177 |
Elisabeth André. 1995. Intellimedia: making multimedia usable by exploiting AI methods. ACM Computing Surveys 27, 4, 560-563. DOI: 10.1145/234782.234790 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1995. Research in Multimedia Systems at DFKI. In Paul McKevitt (Ed.). Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing: (Volume II) Intelligent Multimedia. Springer, Dordrecht [u.a.], 9-12. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-0445-6_2 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1995. Research in multimedia systems at DFKI. Artificial Intelligence Review 9, 2-3, 81-84. DOI: 10.1007/bf00849171 |
Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Karin Harbusch, Jochen Heinsohn, Anne Kilger, Bernhard Nebel, Hans-Jiirgen Profitlich, Thomas Rist, Wolfgang Wahlster, Andreas Butz and Anthony Jameson. 1995. WIP: from multimedia to intellimedia. In Christopher S. Mellish (Ed.). Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Montréal, Québec, Canada, August 20 - 25, 1995. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 2053-2054. |
1994 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1994. Referring to world objects with text and pictures. In Makoto Nagao and Yorick Wilks (Ed.). Proceedings of the 15th conference on Computational linguistics, Kyoto, Japan, August 5-9, 1994. Association for Computational Linguistics, Morristown, NJ, USA, 530-534. DOI: 10.3115/991886.991978 |
1993 |
Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich and Thomas Rist. 1993. Plan-based integration of natural language and graphics generation. Artificial Intelligence 63, 1-2, 387-427. DOI: 10.1016/0004-3702(93)90022-4 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1993. The design of illustrated documents as a planning task. In Mark T. Maybury (Ed.). Intelligent multimedia interfaces: IMI'91 Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 94-116. DOI: 10.5555/162477.162490 |
Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Thomas Rist, Anne Schauder and Wolfgang Wahlster. 1993. WIP: the automatic synthesis of multimodal presentations. In Mark T. Maybury (Ed.). Intelligent multimedia interfaces: IMI'91 Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 75-93. DOI: 10.5555/162477.162488 |
1992 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1992. From presentation tasks to pictures: towards a computational approach to graphics design. In Bernd Neumann (Ed.). ECAI '92: 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 3 - 7, 1992, Vienna, Austria; proceedings. Wiley, Chichester [u.a.], 754-768. |
Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich, Thomas Rist and Anne Schauder. 1992. WIP: integrating text and graphics design for adaptive information presentation. In R. Dale, E. Hovy, D. Rösner and O. Stock (Ed.). Aspects of automated natural language generation: 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation Trente, Italy, April 5–7 1992. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 587), 290-292. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-55399-1_23 |
Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Som Bandyopadhyay, Winfried Graf and Thomas Rist. 1992. WIP: the coordinated generation of multimodal presentations from a common representation. In Andrew Ortony, Jon Slack and Oliviero Stock (Ed.). Communication from an artificial intelligence perspective: theoretical and applied issues. Springer, Berlin (NATO ASI Series ; 100), 121-143. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-58146-5_7 |
1991 |
Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf and Thomas Rist. 1991. Designing illustrated texts: how language production is influenced by graphics generation. In Jürgen Kunze and Dorothee Reimann (Ed.). Proceedings of the fifth conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Berlin, Germany, April 09 - 11, 1991. Association for Computational Linguistics, Morristown, NJ, USA, 8-14. DOI: 10.3115/977180.977183 |
Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Som Bandyopadhyay, Winfried Graf and Thomas Rist. 1991. Knowledge-based Generation of Illustrated Documents. In Hermann Kaindl (Ed.). 7. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung / Seventh Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Wien, Austria, 24.–27. September 1991; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 287), 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-46752-3_1 |
Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf and Thomas Rist. 1991. Knowledge-based media coordination in intelligent user interfaces. In Edoardo Ardizzone, Salvatore Gaglio and Filippo Sorbello (Ed.). Trends in artificial intelligence: 2nd Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AI*IA Palermo, Italy, October, 29–31, 1991. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 549), 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-54712-6_213 |
1990 |
Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist. 1990. Ein planbasierter Ansatz zur Synthese illustrierter Dokumente. In Klaus Kansy and Peter Wißkirchen (Ed.). Graphik und KI: GI-Fachgespräch Königswinter, 3./4. April 1990; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 239), 35-47. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-75653-5_4 |
Gerd Herzog, Thomas Rist and Elisabeth André. 1990. Sprache und Raum: Natürlichsprachlicher Zugang zu Visuellen Daten. In Christian Freksa and Christopher Habel (Ed.). Repräsentation und Verarbeitung räumlichen Wissens. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 245), 207-220. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-84235-1_15 |
Thomas Rist and Elisabeth André. 1990. Wissensbasierte Perspektivenwahl für die automatische Erzeugung von 3D-Objektdarstellungen. In Klaus Kansy and Peter Wißkirchen (Ed.). Graphik und KI: GI-Fachgespräch Königswinter, 3./4. April 1990; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 239), 48-57. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-75653-5_5 |
1989 |
G. Herzog, C.-K. Sung, Elisabeth André, W. Enkelmann, H.-H. Nagel, T. Rist, W. Wahlster and G. Zimmermann. 1989. Incremental natural language description of dynamic imagery. In W. Brauer and C. Freksa (Ed.). Wissensbasierte Systeme: 3. Internationaler GI-Kongreß München, 16.–17. Oktober 1989; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 227), 153-162. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-75182-0_15 |
1987 |
Thomas Rist, Gerd Herzog and Elisabeth André. 1987. Ereignismodellierung zur Inkrementellen High-Level Bildfolgenanalyse. In Ernst Buchberger and Johannes Retti (Ed.). 3. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung: Wien, 22–25. September 1987. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 151), 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-46620-5_1 |
Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist and Gerd Herzog. 1987. Generierung natürlichsprachlicher Äußerungen zur simultanen Beschreibung von zeitveränderlichen Szenen. In Katharina Morik (Ed.). GWAI-87 11th German Workshop on Artifical Intelligence: Geseke, September 28 – October 2, 1987; Proceedings. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (Informatik-Fachberichte ; 152), 330-338. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-73005-4_35 |