Research stay at the Ideker Lab: Florian Auer brings exciting insights to Augsburg
Johann Frei presents GottBERT at the EMNLP 2024 in Miami
Lecture on Responsible AI in medical image analysis by Dr. Dominik Müller at Jena University Hospital
Podcast episode: Suddenly a manager - Dr. Zaynab Hammoud reports
Well-trained specialists are an important prerequisite for the success of medical informatics. To strengthen the next generation of scientists, a total of 21 junior research groups are currently being funded across Germany as part of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII). In an episode of the podcast "Digitalization of Medicine", our former colleague Dr. Zaynab Hammoud talks about her role at our chair.
Dr. Florian Auer at the Early Career Scientist Summit of the GMDS 2024
On September 7 and 8, 2024, the Early Career Scientist Summit took place at the Technical University of Dresden as part of the 69th annual conference of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS). A total of 20 young scientists came together to get to know the four central specialist areas of the GMDS - medical informatics, biometrics, epidemiology and bioinformatics - better in an intensive two-day workshop and to deepen their knowledge in practical exercises.
Johann Frei at the ACL in Bangkok
The MISIT team at the GMDS2024 in Dresden
Katharina Ott wins the GMDS2024 sponsorship award
Dr. Florian Auer at the EuroBioC2024 in Oxford
Katharina Ott nominated for the GMDS Sponsorship Award for Students
At the MIE 2024 in Athens: Our highlights
Digitale Pflege: Verbundprojekt für zeitgemäße Versorgungsstrukturen
In Bayerisch Schwaben entsteht mit dem Projekt CARE REGIO eine Leitregion für die digital unterstützte Pflege der Zukunft. Das Verbundprojekt wird vom bayerischen Gesundheitsministerium gefördert. Bei der Forschung der Universität Augsburg geht es um die Harmonisierung von Pflegedaten mittels eines data lake.