D-Con 2025
The D-Con was founded as a forum of German researchers on Concurrency Theory to meet, collaborate, and exchange ideas. One of its main tasks is to connect the younger researchers in the field. Therefore, the meeting consists of several talks mostly from younger scientists that can talk about their research agenda, new ideas on ongoing work, or recent research results. The programme is enhanced with talks and tutorials from experienced researchers as well as invited talks.
D-Con 2025 will take place March 06 and 07 at University of Augsburg (with the usual in-official dinner March 05).
To register please send an email to lukas.bartl@uni-a.de with name, address (we need a complete postal address for the invoice), e-mail-address, and affiliation for each participant. Please also tell us for each participant whether you want to attend the dinner on Wednesday March 05 and/or Thursday March 06. We will charge a fee of 50€ per participant to provide a snack during breaks. As ususal the two dinner are organised by us but have to be paid by yourself.
We welcome proposals for talks. We favour standard student talks (20min + questions and answers) but are open to other formats (talks by groups, tutorials, etc.). To propose a talk please send an email to lukas.bartl@uni-a.de.
Please send us your registration as well as talk proposals no later than February 07 2025.
Thursday, March 06
09:00 | Invited Talk by Jorge A. Perez from the University of Groningen (https://www.jperez.nl/)
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | Talk by Benjamin Bisping from TU Berlin
11:00 | Talk by Jens Gutsfeld from TU Braunschweig |
11:30 | Talk by Roman Lakenbrink from Universität Münster
12:00 | Talk by Lara Bargmann from Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
12:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | Talk by Lukas Bartl from Universität Augsburg
14:00 | Talk by Felix Stutz from the University of Luxembourg
14:30 | Talk by Sören van der Wall from TU Braunschweig
15:00 | Talk by Emanuele D'Osualdo from Universität Konstanz
15:30 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Talk by Karla Messing from Universität Duisburg-Essen
16:30 | Tutorial by Nadine Karsten from TU Berlin
19:00 | Dinner |
Friday, March 07
09:00 | Talk by Caroline Lemke from Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
09:30 | Talk by Jan Grünke from TU Braunschweig
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | Talk by Lara Stoltenow from Universität Duisburg-Essen
11:00 | Business Meeting and Lunch |
We organise D-Con 2025 at the University of Augsburg in the building N (Universitätsstraße 6a, Campus location). Leave tram 3 at the station 'Universität'. Leaving the tram you are facing the building M (Mensa). Building N is next to M on the left of M. Turn left and walk until the path splits. Turn right and follow the path that goes between the buildings M and N. The buildings M and N are connected by a bridge on the first upper floor. The path brings you to a door into building N right under this bridge. In the building N turn right and go to the end of the building. The workshop is in the room 1058 N; registration and breaks are in room 1057 N.
Dinner March 05 will be indian food at Sangam at 19:00. The Sangam is in the city center; 15 min walking from the central station. Alternatively, you can take the tram (for free) from the central station to Königsplatz, then from Königsplatz to Moritzplatz and then walk the rest. In both cases you will pass by the Moritzplatz. There you will have to look straight ahead for stairs leading downwards between two buildings. Left of the stairs is a Stadtsparkasse and on the right is a large light green building hosting a restaurant called "Der König von Flandern im Kapitol". At the bottom of the stairs go to the next crossing and turn right. The restaurant is situated in the building on the right hand side of the street. The restaurant has vegan and gluten-free options. Reservation is on the name Peters.
Dinner March 06 will be local (Swabian and Bavarian) food at the "König of Flandern" at 19:00. The restaurant is at Moritzplatz (in a light green building see description above). The restaurant has vegan and gluten-free options. Reservation is on the name Peters.
There are a lot of hotels e.g. around the central station. In particular we can recommend the ibis Hotel Augsburg Hauptbahnhof at Halderstraße 25.
Travel Information
The tram line 3 goes from the central station of Augsburg via the Königsplatz to the University of Augsburg. The Königsplatz offers many conections to other trams and busses and marks the starting point of the pedestrian area into the city center.
Without the 'Deutschlandticket' the cheapest way to use the trams during D-Con is most likely the so-called AVV-Hotelticket Innenraum. This ticket is valid for 2 days (take Thursday and Friday) and allows you arbitrary many rides on busses and trams in the Zones 10 and 20, i.e., the inner part of Augsburg including the University. You can order the ticket at your hotel's reception desk.
Moreover, the trams in the city center are free of charge ( City-Zone). You can use this e.g. to get from the central station to the city center for the first dinner on Wednesday March 05.
- Phone: +49 821 598 - 2121
Email: lukas.bartl@uni-auni-a.de ()
- Phone: +49 821 598 - 2120
Email: kirstin.peters@uni-auni-a.de ()