Dr. Gerhard Schellhorn

Senior Researcher
Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Phone: +49 821 598 2124
Room: 3016 (N)
Address: Universitätsstraße 6a, 86159 Augsburg


Research topics:

  • Logic Calculi, Algebraic Specification, Program Logics, Abstract State Machines
  • Modular specification of concurrent systems with temporal logic and IO-Automata
  • Interactive Verification, Proof Automation
  • Refinement: Data Refinement, ASM Refinement, Linearizability, Opacity

I am involved in the following research areas and projects:

VeriCAS (finished): Verification of lock-free algorithms




  • Software Engineering
  • Compiler Construction
  • Introduction to Robotics
  • Formal Methods in Software Engineering




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Institute for Software & Systems Engineering

The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering (ISSE), directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif, is a scientific institution within the Faculty of Applied Computer Science of the University of Augsburg. In research, the institute supports both fundamental and application-oriented research in all areas of software and systems engineering. In teaching, the institute facilitates the further development of the faculty's and university's relevant course offerings.
