Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Thomas M.J. Möllers
Chair for Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law, International Private Law and Comparative Law
Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Thomas M.J. Möllers
Further information on the curriculum vitae, publications, lectures and third-party funded projects of Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Thomas M.J. Möllers.

The Chair Team
Contact information of the secretary`s office, research assistants and student assistants as well as lecturers and honorary professors.

Education and Studies
All information regarding the courses and the main research interest of the chair as well as the doctorate.

Science and research news
Published: Möllers, BKR 2025, 97-108
In the current issue of the Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Professor Möllers has published the article “Der Anwendungsbereich des KapMuG - vor und nach dem Zweiten Gesetz zur Reform des KapMuG”.
On the occasion of the latest reform of the KapMuG 2024 and two upcoming court decisions in the proceedings against Ernst & Young, the article again asks whether the auditor's opinion constitutes public capital market information within the meaning of section 1 (2) KapMuG. For old proceedings, the result already found by Möllers, BKR 2022, 339 remains the same: The auditor's report does not fall within the scope of application of the KapMuG and the actions in the Wirecard complex are therefore not eligible for model proceedings.

Published: Möllers/Merwald, The Role of National Law in the Regulation of PRIIPs, in: Annunziata, F., Siri, M. (eds) EU Banking and Capital Markets Regulation
In January 2025, the international book “EU Banking and Capital Markets Regulation - Open Issues of Vertical Interplay with National Law” was published by Springer. The work, edited by Filippo Annunziata and Michele Siri, deals with issues of interaction between national law and EU law. Professor Dr. Prof. h.c. Thomas M.J. Möllers and Akad. Rat a.Z. Dr. Maximilian Merwald have written about the role of national law in the regulation of key information documents (PRIIPs) on pages 243 - 289. The authors address many methodological issues and explain the open flanks of the interaction between national law and EU law in this context.
Möllers, T.M.J., Merwald, M. (2025). The Role of National Law in the Regulation of PRIIPs. In: Annunziata, F., Siri, M. (eds) EU Banking and Capital Markets Regulation. EBI Studies in Banking and Capital Markets Law. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Sixth edition of the “Juristische Methodenlehre”
The work “Juristische Methodenlehre” by Professor Möllers has fortunately already gone through five editions since 2017 and was quickly sold out each time. It has received numerous reviews in Germany and abroad and is cited in case law and legal literature. An English-language version was published in 2020 and an edition in Chinese followed with the 4th edition in 2021. Fortunately, it is now used at many universities to prepare for the First State Examination and in the legal clerkship for the Second State Examination. (...)

Main research interests
- German and European Capital Markets law
- German and European Company Law
- Legal methods
- Comparative Law
- European Union Law
- Competition Law
Institutes and research centres
Professor Thomas M.J. Möllers is in charge of
a number of institutes and research centres in different legal systems.

Professor Dr. Prof. h.c. Thomas M.J. Möllers
- Phone: +49 (0)821 598-4515
Secretary's office
Phone: +49 (0)821 598-4516
Room: 1026 (H)
Office hours: upon consultation
Universitätsstraße 24,
86159 Augsburg