Forschung - Biologische Physik (Westerhausen)


Drug release under membrane tension
© Universität Augsburg
© Universität Augsburg
© Universität Augsburg
© Universität Augsburg
© Universität Augsburg

Cell manipulation, stimulation and sensing

• Acoustical stimulation of cell proliferation and migration
• Cell adhesion under flow
• Neural networks
• Acoustic Live Cell Sensing of wound healing, migration and adhesion

Cell Stimulation by SAW

Thermodynamics of membranes and living systems

• Sound and shear enhanced drug uptake in cells
• Nanoparticle uptake in cells and lipid vesicles
• Correlation of membrane state and function (e.g. enzyme activity or uptake)


Cell-cell interaction

• Dynamics and stability of red blood cell aggregates (rosettes)
• Cell adhesion (endothelial cells, WBC, melanoma cells)


Technology and Biomaterials

• Wear resist and antibacterial diamond-like carbon surface modifications for implants
• Fast mixing at low Reynolds numbers for creation of therapeutic nanoparticles
• Acoustophotocatalysis - Employing SAW in heterogeneous catalysis

pH dependent Zn release



>> Outreach: Within the lecture series Faszination Mathematik und Physik  we had the chance to demonstrate the faszination of our interdisciplinary research to a broad interested audience! 



>> Research: Congratulations to Nico Färber for receiving an award of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Health Research for his excellent PhD-Thesis with a connection to health research!


>> Research: Great job, Manu, Simon & Andrej! Our paper on endocytosis-like NP-uptake as function of the membrane state recently appeared in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


Key findings:

  • silica NP uptake rates in DPPC GUV strongly depend on the membrane state

  • maximal uptake at about T = Tm + 3 K
  • lokal maximum slightly above the pretransition temperature Tp
  • unlimited uptake at T = Tm where the membrane tension is low


>> Outreach: During the Long Night of Science we explained our research projects to the public. Great job of our team and overwhelming interest!

© Universität Augsburg


>> Research: Congratulations our first joint publication with the Bahnemann Group has been published! Microfluidic Transfection System and Temperature Strongly Influence the Efficiency of Transient Transfection | ACS Omega

© Universität Augsburg

>> Outreach: The winners of the Pupils Nano Contest of the Cluster of Nanotechnology have been awarded their prizes at the Institute of Theoretical Medicine! The award-winning contributions ranged from the synthesis of ferrofluids (Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium Schweinfurt) , over macroscopic models of an atomic force microscope to an extremely entertaining satirical science report 'The Stefan Brühl Show' (Stettensches Institut).

click me!
© Universität Augsburg


>> Fun: Congratulations! At the Institute of Physics we spent an exciting and exhaustive day and finally made it: Team Biophysics won the Soccer Cup of the Institute of Physics 2024! 

© Universität Augsburg


>> Research: Congratulations, Kathi`s paper "Pulsed surface acoustic waves accelerate wound healing and reveal new parameter limits for cell stimulation in vitro" will appear soon in Journal of Physics D! Kathrin and Paul here addressed the question how the amplitude limit for beneficial cell stimulation can be increased by using pulsed signals. Moreover, Michelle and Kathi developed a full automated analysis tool for wound healing assays.


© Universität Augsburg


Key findings:

  • the stimulation efficacy observed in previous studies with continuous irradiation is preserved for pulsed stimuli

  • a wider range of applicable SAW intensities up to Pin = 21 dBm  (maximum stimulation efficacy of E = 201 %) was found

  • below a distinct pulse duration limit τ = 100 ms, no direct stimulation effect was observed

  • the SegFormer-based deep learning algorithm Neural Cell Edge Detector (NeuCED) for the cell edge segmentation and image binarization is presented



>> Research: Congratulations, our recent Malaria paper "Survival of P. falciparum infected Red Blood Cell Aggregates in Elongational Shear Flow" was accepted by Lab on a Chip! Special thanks to Anna and the whole interdisciplinary team in Edinburgh, Stockholm and Augsburg, for pushing this forward.


Key findings:

  • Rosette "survival" decreases with longer exposure to elongational flow.
  • ...increases with rosette size.
  • 5%-15% higher in blood group A compared to blood group 0.


>> Research: Congratulations, Kathi won one of the poster awards at the 14th EBSA congress 2023, Stockholm, Sweden  for the presentation of her poster Identifying the intracellular response in surface acoustic wave-stimulated wound healing! Great, job!

© Universität Augsburg



>> Research: Congratulations, Simon and Nico! Our contribution "Cell Membrane State, Permeability, and Elasticity Assessment for Single Cells and Cell Ensembles" to the book cell viability assays was recently published. 


>> Outreach: Our interdisciplinary team of six research groups at the Institute for Theoretical Medicine and the Institute of Physics will offer  a 4-day lab course for  15 motivated pupils from all over Bavaria to learn about the application of fluorescence spanning from LED to retinal tissue! Details will follow soon.


>> Research: Congratulations Michelle and Manu2! Our interdisciplinary paper "NeuroCellCentreDB: Exploring a Novel Dataset for Neuron-like Cell Centre Detection with Deep Neural Networks" with the Schuller Group has been accepted for presentation at the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'23) in Sydney Australia!


Neuroblastoma Cells on a chip

Employing AI to detect the center of neuroblastoma cells migrating in an acoustic force field


>> Research: Congratulations Simon and Nico! Our method chapter "Cell membrane state, permeability and elasticity assessment for single cells and cell ensembles" as part of the book "Methods in Molecular Biology - Cell Viability Assays" will appear soon!


>> Research: Congratulations Nico, Julian and Jonas! Our paper "Transport across cell membranes is modulated by lipid order" has been accepted and will appeared soon in Advanced Biology!


Key findings:

  • The local environment modulates cell membrane phase state
  • High cell density increases cell membrane lipid order
  • Cell membrane lipid order correlates with membrane transport
  • Cells adapt membrane transport by phase state adaptation
  • Membrane transport is reduced during in vitro wound closure

>> Research: Congratulations Kathi! Our review paper "Recent Advances of Surface Acoustic Waves-based Sensors for Non-Invasive Cell Analysis" has been accepted and will appear soon in Current Opinion in Biotechnology!


You can download the paper here:



>> Outreach: Together with the didactics of physics team we spent one day in the lab with 20 motivated pupils from all over Bavaria. After learning the basics of fluorescence the pupils applied fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy to characterize cells and biological and synthetic membranes! Hope to see you again as the next generation students! 


>> Transfer: Our idea got the audience award at the 

on October 27th 2022!
Audience Award Night of Ideas 2022 © Universität Augsburg


>> Research: Congratulations! Nico got a poster prize by the DGfB for our contribution “Lipid phase transitions in cell and synthetic membranes” at the conference in Konstanz.


Posterprize DGfB 2022 © Universität Augsburg


>> Research: Together with Nico, Joshi, Sandhya and Bernhard we applied for EXIST Transfer of Research - Let`s keep our fingers crossed!


>> Funding: Great News - we got the grants for our new confocal and live cell imaging microscopes of the DFG! Billions of cells can`t wait getting into the spot light... 


>> Outreach: On June 28th at 6 pm we present our research topics at the "Lehrstuhlabend" to all interested students with talks and lab tours, starting in the physics lecture hall. We are looking forward to meeting you!



>> Research: Congratulations Nico, Jonas and Andrej! Our paper "Shear stress induced lipid order and permeability changes of giant unilamellar vesicles" has been accepted and will appear soon in BBA General Subjects!


GUV Permeability GUV Permeability © Universität Augsburg


Key findings:

  • Membrane permeability increase by transition from gel to fluid phase and vice versa
  • All-or-nothing GUV permeabilization under shear flow near the phase transition
  • Gradual GUV permeabilization under shear flow far off the phase transition
  • Phase state dependent membrane permeability increase induced by shear forces
  • Lipid membrane melting temperature shift induced by shear forces




>> Research: Congratulations Kathrin, Sebastian, Sophie and Manuel! Our paper "One-dimensional acoustic potential landscapes guide the neurite outgrowth and affect the viability of B35 neuroblastoma cells" appeared as accepted manuscript in Physical Biology


Key findings:

  • applicable SSAW power levels can be increased by employing pulsed rf signals
  • B35 neurite orientation is influenced by acoustic potential landscapes
  • proliferation in microchannels is decreased compared to standard culture
  • with increasing acoustic force the proliferation is further decreased (≈180 nN per cell => relative proliferation rate ≈ 50%)
  • mild acoustic forces up to ≈ 100 nN do not reduce or slightly improve viability, while higher forces reduce the viability (measured as relative time to apoptosis )



>> Research: Our contribution „Handy Nanoquakes“ on the facile manipulation of micrometre-sized objects and living cells appeared today in Nature Materials


>> Research: Congratulations! Our paper  “Directed invasion of cancer cell spheroids inside 3D collagen matrices oriented by microfluidic flow in experiment and simulation" in collaboration with the Engelke group (Graz) has been accepted and will appear soon in PLOS ONE.


>> Research: Congratulations! Lukas’ paper  “Reversible single cell trapping of Paramecium caudatum to correlate swimming behavior and membrane state" in collaboration with the Schneider group (TU Dortmund) has been accepted and will appear soon in Biomicrofluidics.


Correlation of membrane state and swimming behavior © Universität Augsburg


>> Research: Congratulations! Lukas’ and Kathi’s paper  “Acetylcholinesterase Activity Influenced by Lipid Membrane Area and Surface Acoustic Waves" appeared in the Special Issue „Lipid Bilayers on Chip, Volume II“ in Micromachines.


AChE Aktivität als FUnktion der Membranfläche AChE Aktivität als FUnktion der Membranfläche CC BY-NC-ND


Key points:


  • the patterning of supported lipid membranes with SAW is semi-reversible with two diffusion time scales
  • the modulation of the activity of Acetylcholinesterase bound to Lipid Membranes in standing SAW fields is low
  • the activity of AChE is modulated by the available membrane area


>> Research: Congratulations! Andrej´ s paper  “The activity of the intrinsically water-soluble enzyme ADAMTS13 correlates with the membrane state when bound to a phospholipid bilayer" is accepted and will appear in Scientific Reports soon!


Key points:


  • the temperature dependence of the activity of ADAMTS13 when bound to a lipid bilayer shows a distinct maximum close to the main phase transition temperature Tm of the membrane
  • changing the carbon chain length of the used lipid, and thus Tm, shifts the activity maximum to the new Tm
  • comparing the activity at a constant temperature for three different membranes in the gel phase, the fluid phase and at the transition underline the role of the membrane state for the enzyme activity
  • these results are perfectly in line with the concept that increased fluctuations close to a phase transition are crucial for catalysis


>> Teaching: New elective starting next summer term: „Physiology in everyday life“    your idea/research question, your implementation, your answer!     



>> Award: We got the CeNS publication award 2021 in the category „Best Junior Scientist Publication“  for our paper  Vibration enhanced cell growth induced by surface acoustic waves as in vitro wound healing model, PNAS!


>> Research: Congratulations! Anna´´ s and Simon´ s paper  “Dynamic Effective Elasticity of Melanoma Cells under Shear and Elongational Flow Confirms Estimation from Force Spectroscopy” is accepted and will appeared in Biophysica.




Key points:


  • The elasticity of A375 melanoma cells was determined by applying different methods: AFM + a cantilever with a pyramidal tip, AFM + tipless cantilevers and deformation analysis during passing a stenosis in a micro channe.l
  • We found higher and more widely distributed Young´´ s moduli E using a cantilever with a tip compared with the other methods due to local variations of E.
  • E scales with the logarithm of the loading rate.
  • The effective, overall elasticity indicates two population of the studied cell line.


>> Research: Congratulations!Nico´´ s paper  Broad lipid phase transitions in mammalian cell membranes measured by Laurdan fluorescence spectroscopy is accepted and will appear soon in BBA Biomembranes.




article (proofreading pending):


Key points:

  • Membrane embedded Laurdan displays order disorder phase transitions even in frozen water
  • Cell membranes undergo order-disorder phase transitions as lipid vesicles but over a broader temperature range
  • As known for lipid vesicles order-disorder phase transitions in cell membranes are sensitive to cholesterol content, anaesthetic and pH
  • Order-disorder phase transitions in cell membranes are influenced by cell adaption processes, morphological changes and protein content


>> Research: Congratulations! Andrej´´`s and Felix´´ s paper  “Transient permeabilization of living cells combining shear flow and acoustic trapping for facilitated uptake of molecules” is accepted and will appeared soon in the Special Issue Developing Biophysical Tools in Processes.


Key points:

  • Molecular uptake under shear force @RT is a non-linear function of shear stress with a pronounced maximum, that could be related with a phase transition of the plasma membrane.
  • Acoustic trapping under flow increases the uptake up to a factor of 18.
  • This permeabilization method works for impermeable dyes, sugars and proteins.


>> Research: Congratulations! Sixuan´´`s paper  “Surface acoustic wave enhanced water splitting reaction with methanol as sacrifice material” is accepted and will appeared soon in Catalysis Science and Technology of the RSC.!divAbstract


Key points:

  • SAW (Rayleigh waves) enhance water splitting using a Pt/TiO2 catalyst by more than +100%
  • The SAW accompanying electric field is crucial


>> Research: Our paper  “Shear-Horizontal Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor for Non-Invasive Monitoring of Dynamic Cell Spreading and Attachment in Wound Healing Assays” is accepted and will appear soon in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Vol 173 (2021) 112807).


Download for free till Januar 8th 2021:


Key points:

  • Love waves allow for non-optical sensing of wound-healing-assays
  • Changes in cell adhesion strength influence the effective permittivity
  • Monitoring of culture conditions, like changes in osmolarity, is easily possible
  • Cell detachment kinetics can be measured quantitatively without microscopy


>> Research: Congratulations to our team, especially Manu, Kathi and Sophie! Our paper  “Vibration enhanced cell growth induced by surface acoustic waves as in vitro wound healing model” will appear soon  appeared in PNAS.


Key points:

  • SAW enhanced proliferation
  • SAW enhanced migration up to +135%
  • wave type is crucial (vertical substrate deflection)
  • effect conserved for various cell lines


>> Funding: Nicolas Färber just has been awarded with a Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science 2020 of the Joachim-Herz-Stiftung! We congratulate Nico and thank the funders!



>> Research: We recently got funding for our collaboration project „Physikalische und funktionelle Mechanismen der Interaktionen an Zell- und Gefäßwänden“ (Physical and functional interaction mechanisms at cell membranes and vessel walls)



  • Dr. Stefanie Grützner (Transfusionsmedizin und Hämostaseologie)
  • Dr. Torsten Gloe (Physiologie)
  • Prof. Dr. Udo Jeschke (Interdisziplinäres onkologisches Forschungslabor)
  • Prof. Dr. Achim Wixforth (Experimentalphysik I)
  • Prof. Dr. Julia Welzel (Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie)


> Research: Anna´’s paper  “Blood group and size dependent stability of P. falciparum infected red blood cell aggregates in capillaries” appeared in Biomicrofluidics! 

   >> paper: download here


>> Research: The summary on our successful ITN SAWTrain can be found online now!


>> Research: Patta´´’s paper  “Fission of Lipid-Vesicles by Membrane Phase Transitions in Thermal Convection”  just got accepted and will appeared soon in Scientific Reports! 

  >> paper: download here (open access)


>> Research: Sascha´´’s, Andrej´’s and Sven´’s paper  “Smart antimicrobial efficacy employing pH-sensitive ZnO-doped DLC coatings”   just got accepted and will appeared soon in Scientific Reports! 

   >> press release: read more

   >> paper: download here (open access)


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Accepted and recently published





2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011


Michaela Dehne, Simon Valentin Neidinger, Michael Stark, Antonia Camilla Adamo, Xenia Kraus, Nicolas Färber, Christoph Westerhausen und Janina Bahnemann
Microfluidic transfection system and temperature strongly influence the efficiency of transient transfection

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Manuel M. Sirch, Andrej Kamenac, Simon V. Neidinger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Phase-state-dependent silica nanoparticle uptake of giant unilamellar vesicles

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Kathrin Baumgartner, Paul Täufer, Michelle Lienhart, Rainer Lienhart und Christoph Westerhausen
Pulsed surface acoustic waves accelerate wound healing and reveal new parameter limits for cell stimulation in vitro

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Anna M. Jötten, Anabelle Schepp, Adam Machon, Kirsten Moll, Mats Wahlgren, Timm Krüger und Christoph Westerhausen
Survival of P. falciparum infected red blood cell aggregates in elongational shear flow

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Nicolas Färber, Simon V. Neidinger und Christoph Westerhausen
Cell membrane state, permeability, and elasticity assessment for single cells and cell ensembles

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Kathrin Baumgartner, Paul Taeufer, Manuel Schleicher, Hanna Engelke, Manuel Brugger und Christoph Westerhausen
Identifying the intracellular response in surface acoustic wave-stimulated wound healing [Abstract]

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14th EBSA congress, July 31 – August 4, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden – abstracts

Nicolas Faerber, Sophie Mauritz, Jonas Reitler, Anna Nolde, Julian Schaefer und Christoph Westerhausen
Measuring lipid order to assess lipid nanoparticle stability, cell membrane permeability and membrane drug interaction [Abstract]

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14th EBSA congress, July 31 – August 4, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden – abstracts

Kathrin Baumgartner und Christoph Westerhausen
Recent advances of surface acoustic wave-based sensors for noninvasive cell analysis

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Simon Neidinger, Isabella Kroiss, Anna Joetten und Christoph Westerhausen
The effective dynamic elastic modulus of cancer cells as function of temperature and membrane order [Abstract]

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14th EBSA congress, July 31 – August 4, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden – abstracts

Manuel Sirch, Lara Clemen, Serap Demir und Christoph Westerhausen
The role of flow and membrane state for transport across endothelial cell membranes [Abstract]

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14th EBSA congress, July 31 – August 4, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden – abstracts

Nicolas Färber, Jonas Reitler, Julian Schäfer und Christoph Westerhausen
Transport across cell membranes is modulated by lipid order

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Lukas G. Schnitzler, Kathrin Baumgartner, Anna Kolb, Benedikt Braun und Christoph Westerhausen
Acetylcholinesterase activity influenced by lipid membrane area and surface acoustic waves

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Nicolas Färber und Christoph Westerhausen
Broad lipid phase transitions in mammalian cell membranes measured by Laurdan fluorescence spectroscopy

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Florian Geiger, Lukas G. Schnitzler, Manuel S. Brugger, Christoph Westerhausen und Hanna Engelke
Directed invasion of cancer cell spheroids inside 3D collagen matrices oriented by microfluidic flow in experiment and simulation

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Hubert J. Krenner und Christoph Westerhausen
Handy nanoquakes

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Kathrin Baumgartner, Sophie C. F. Mauritz, Sebastian Angermann, Manuel S. Brugger und Christoph Westerhausen
One-dimensional acoustic potential landscapes guide the neurite outgrowth and affect the viability of B35 neuroblastoma cells

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Lukas G. Schnitzler, Anne Paeger, Manuel S. Brugger, Matthias F. Schneider und Christoph Westerhausen
Reversible single cell trapping of Paramecium caudatum to correlate swimming behavior and membrane state

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Nicolas Färber, Jonas Reitler, Andrej Kamenac und Christoph Westerhausen
Shear stress induced lipid order and permeability changes of giant unilamellar vesicles

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Anna Martina Jötten, Simon V. Neidinger, Julia K. Tietze, Julia Welzel und Christoph Westerhausen
Dynamic effective elasticity of melanoma cells under shear and elongational flow confirms estimation from force spectroscopy

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Manuel S. Brugger, Lukas G. Schnitzler, Timo Nieberle, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave sensor for non-invasive monitoring of dynamic cell spreading and attachment in wound healing assays

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Sixuan Wang, Rudolf Herrmann, Alexander Reiner, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Surface acoustic wave enhanced water splitting reaction with methanol as a sacrificial material

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Andrej Kamenac, Tobias Obser, Achim Wixforth, Matthias F. Schneider und Christoph Westerhausen
The activity of the intrinsically water-soluble enzyme ADAMTS13 correlates with the membrane state when bound to a phospholipid bilayer

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Andrej Kamenac, Felix L. Schilberth, Ernst Wagner, Achim Wixforth, Ulrich Lächelt und Christoph Westerhausen
Transient permeabilization of living cells: combining shear flow and acoustofluidic trapping for the facilitated uptake of molecules

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Anna Martina Jötten, Kirsten Moll, Mats Wahlgren, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Blood group and size dependent stability of P. falciparum infected red blood cell aggregates in capillaries

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Lukas Bergerhausen, Julius Grosche, Juliane Meißner, Christina Hecker, Michele F. Caliandro, Christoph Westerhausen, Andrej Kamenac, Maryam Rezaei, Matthias Mörgelin, Gereon Poschmann, Dietmar Vestweber, Eva-Maria Hanschmann und Johannes A. Eble
Extracellular redox regulation of α7β integrin-mediated cell migration is signaled via a dominant thiol-switch

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U. Ratzel, O. Bayer, P. Bracht, Martin Hoffmann, Kai Jänke, Karl-Jürgen Kiesel, Clemens Mehnert, Christoph Scheck, Christoph Westerhausen, K.-G. Krapf, L. Herrmann und Janosch Blaul
Tieffrequente Geräusche und Infraschall von Windkraftanlagen und anderen Quellen: Bericht über Ergebnisse des Messprojekts 2013-2015

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Manuel S. Brugger, Kathrin Baumgartner, Sophie C. F. Mauritz, Stefan C. Gerlach, Florian Röder, Christine Schlosser, Regina Fluhrer, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Vibration enhanced cell growth induced by surface acoustic waves as in vitro wound healing model

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Anna Martina Jötten, S. Angermann, Melanie E. M. Stamp, Dominik Breyer, Florian G. Strobl, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Correlation of in vitro cell adhesion, local shear flow and cell density

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Patrick W. Kudella, Katharina Preißinger, Matthias Morasch, Christina F. Dirscherl, Dieter Braun, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Fission of lipid-vesicles by membrane phase transitions in thermal convection

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Florian G. Strobl, D. M. Czubak, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Ion controlled passive nanoparticle uptake in lipid vesicles in theory and experiment

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Lukas G. Schnitzler, Stefanie Junger, Dominik M. Loy, Ernst Wagner, Achim Wixforth, Andreas Hörner, Ulrich Lächelt und Christoph Westerhausen
Size tunable nanoparticle formation employing droplet fusion by acoustic streaming applied to polyplexes

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Sascha Buchegger, Andrej Kamenac, Sven Fuchs, Rudolf Herrmann, Pia Houdek, Christian Gorzelanny, Andreas Obermeier, Stephan Heller, Rainer Burgkart, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Smart antimicrobial efficacy employing pH-sensitive ZnO-doped diamond-like carbon coatings

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Per Delsing, Andrew N. Cleland, Martin J. A. Schuetz, Johannes Knörzer, Géza Giedke, J. Ignacio Cirac, Kartik Srinivasan, Marcelo Wu, Krishna Coimbatore Balram, Christopher Bäuerle, Tristan Meunier, Christopher J. B. Ford, Paulo V. Santos, Edgar Cerda-Méndez, Hailin Wang, Hubert J. Krenner, Emeline D. S. Nysten, Matthias Weiß, Geoff R. Nash, Laura Thevenard, Catherine Gourdon, Pauline Rovillain, Max Marangolo, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Gerhard Fischerauer, Werner Ruile, Alexander Reiner, Ben Paschke, Dmytro Denysenko, Dirk Volkmer, Achim Wixforth, Henrik Bruus, Martin Wiklund, Julien Reboud, Jonathan M. Cooper, YongQing Fu, Manuel S. Brugger, Florian Rehfeldt und Christoph Westerhausen
The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Christoph Westerhausen, Wei Tong, Steven Prawer, David J. Garrett und Achim Wixforth
Acoustic streaming driven enhanced dye-uptake in cells for fluorescence imaging

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Christoph G. Wittmann, Andrej Kamenac, Florian G. Strobl, Dietmar Czubak, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Ionic strength and the supporting material strongly influence the adhesion of silica to supported lipid bilayers

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Jochen Taiber, Sascha Buchegger, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Optimizing lateral homogeneity of ion-induced surface modifications of non-planar dielectric polyethylene components employing ion fluence simulations and optical measurements of the sp2-dependent reflectivity

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Manuel S. Brugger, Sarah Grundeen, Adele Doyle, Luke Theogarajan, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Orchestrating cells on a chip: employing surface acoustic waves towards the formation of neural networks

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Andrej Kamenac, Achim Wixforth, T. Obser, S. Reinhard, M. F. Schneider und Christoph Westerhausen
Enzyme activity at lipid membranes - correlation of activity and membrane state [Abstract]

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Mario Djukelic, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Influence of neighboring adherent cells on laminar flow induced shear stress in vitro - a systematic study

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Sascha Buchegger, Natascha Schuster, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Multilayer diamond-like amorphous carbon coatings produced by ion irradiation of polymer films

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Manuel S. Brugger, S. Grundeen, L. Theogarajan, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Orchestrating cells on a chip employing standing surface acoustic waves towards neural networks [Abstract]

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Anna Martina Jötten, T. Geislinger, K. Moll, M. Wahlgren, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Red blood cell aggregates in malaria-the role of flow [Abstract]

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Patrick W. Kudella, Kirsten Moll, Mats Wahlgren, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
ARAM: an automated image analysis software to determine rosetting parameters and parasitaemia in Plasmodium samples

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Manuel S. Brugger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Acoustotaxis – in vitro stimulation in a wound healing assay employing surface acoustic waves

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Sascha Buchegger, Caroline Vogel, Rudolf Herrmann, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Antibacterial metal ion release from diamond-like carbon modified surfaces for novel multifunctional implant materials

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Christoph Westerhausen, Lukas G. Schnitzler, Dominik Wendel, Rafał Krzysztoń, Ulrich Lächelt, Ernst Wagner, Joachim O. Rädler und Achim Wixforth
Controllable acoustic mixing of fluids in microchannels for the fabrication of therapeutic nanoparticles

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Anna Martina Jötten, Patrick W. Kudella, Dominik Breyer, Florian G. Strobl, Thomas M. Geislinger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Exploring the limits of cell adhesion under shear stress within physiological conditions and beyond on a chip

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Manuel S. Brugger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Manipulation of cell proliferation and migration employing surface acoustic waves and hydrophobic/hydrophilic structured substrates [Abstract]

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U. Ratzel, L. Herrmann, Christoph Westerhausen, O. Bayer, K.-G. Krapf, M. Hoffmann, J. Blaul und C. Mehnert
Tieffrequente Geräusche (inkl. Infraschall) von Windkraftanlagen und anderen Quellen

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Anna Martina Jötten, Dominik Breyer, Mario Djukelic, Florian G. Strobl, Patrick W. Kudella, A. Hartmann, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
A novel tool for in vitro correlation of cell adhesion behavior and local shear flow [Abstract]

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Manuel S. Brugger, M. M. Stamp, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Acoustotaxis - manipulation of cell proliferation and migration using surface acoustic waves [Abstract]

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Florian G. Strobl, Florian Seitz, Christoph Westerhausen, Armin Reller, Adriano A. Torrano, Christoph Bräuchle, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Intake of silica nanoparticles by giant lipid vesicles: influence of particle size and thermodynamic membrane state

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Christoph Westerhausen, Florian G. Strobl, Rudolf Herrmann, A. T. Bauer, S. W. Schneider, Armin Reller, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Chemical and mechanical impact of silica nanoparticles on the phase transition behavior of phospholipid membranes in theory and experiment

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Christoph Westerhausen
On the role of soft interfaces for the understanding of blood clotting

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Stephan Niland, Christoph Westerhausen, Stefan W. Schneider, Beate Eckes, Matthias F. Schneider und Johannes A. Eble
Biofunctionalization of a generic collagenous triple helix with the α2β1 integrin binding site allows molecular force measurements

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Alexander T. Bauer, Elwira A. Strozyk, Christian Gorzelanny, Christoph Westerhausen, Anna Desch, Matthias F. Schneider und Stefan W. Schneider
Cytotoxicity of silica nanoparticles through exocytosis of von Willebrand factor and necrotic cell death in primary human endothelial cells

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A. Bauer, E. Strozyk, C. Gorzelanny, Christoph Westerhausen, A. Desch, M. F. Schneider und S. W. Schneider
Silica nanoparticles-induced necrosis and exocytosis of von Willebrand factor in primary human endothelial cells is surface area-dependent [Abstract]

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