Dear students, dear colleagues,


The Commissioner for International Affairs is responsible for the coordination of the international matters of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering. He/She will help you with all questions that may arise in this context. Of course, the Commissioner of International Affairs closely cooperates with the University's International Office and the Vice President in charge of international relations; he/she substitutes for the Dean in the Steering Committee for Internationalization of the University.


For specific question with respect to student exchange in the context of the ERASMUS program, please contact primarily the following colleagues:



The staff of the International Office (IO) will help you with more general questions. Also the extensive information available on the IO's webpage is highly recommended.


For all questions related to the International Master 'Materials Science', please write to the following address:


With kind regards
Suelen Barg, Commissioner for International Affairs

Olaf Krey, Vice Commissioner for International Affairs

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Contact Persons

Processing of Complex Structured Materials for Demanding Environments



Professor for Physics (and Chemistry) Education <br> ERASMUS coordinator of the physics institute <br> study guidance for physics teacher students
Didactics of Physics



Erasmusbeauftragter am Institut der Mathematik
Differential Geometry


