Final theses

Open theses


Are you interested in writing a thesis within our research fields? To discuss possible topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Vollprecht directly.

Ongoing theses

Bachelor theses:
  • Substitute raw materials and additives of secondary origin for the cement industry
  • Engineered Artificial Minerals (EnAM) - A Review
  • Recovery of copper from waste incineration grate ash by means of flotation
  • Recovery of Li from battery recycling slags by means of flotation
  • Use of NIR measurement for the optimization of processes for protein enrichment from legumes
Master theses:
  • Raw material potential of industrial waste water with regard to critical metals
  • Sustitution of PTFE and FKM in membranes and hoses in exhaust systems
  • Overall evaluation of a TPE recycling system
  • Development of an Excel tool for the ecological and economic evaluation and optimization of disposal and recycling routes for foundry dust

Thesis registration:
  1. Fill in the first paragraph (I.) of the corresponding registration form
  2. Forward the form to the examiner
  3. Examiner fills in the second section (II.) and forwards the form to the chair of the examination board
  4. Chairman of the examination board signs and sends the form to the examination office

Completed theses

Bachelor theses:
  • State of the art survey and market analysis for the recycling of plastic packaging - From bale to regranulate
  • Degradation of poly- and perfluorinated alkaline substances (PFAS) by in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and in-situ chemical reduction (ISCR)
  • Hydrogeochemical modeling of the leachability of MSWI bottom ash
  • Hydrogeochemical modeling of the leachability of construction waste
  • Immobilization of heavy metals in foundry residues by mixing with additives
  • Immobilization of heavy metals in waste incineration plant bottom ash by mixing with additives
  • Waste management evaluation of recycling and recyclate utilization rates 
  • Recovery of metals and metal compounds as well as graphite from fine-grained waste streams using flotation
  • Influence of mineral additives on coating reactions and ash quality 
  • Use of alternative carbon carriers in the electric arc process to reduce the “Product Carbon Footprint PCF”
  • Characterization of alkali-activated binders for the agglomeration of foundry dusts 
  • Characterization of active material from lithium-ion batteries by XRD and SEM
  • Use of waste incineration bottom ash in the cement industry I: Characterization and processing of waste incineration bottom ash
  • Comparison of quality labels for sustainable laboratories at universities in the field of materials science
Master theses:
  • Waste law analysis of the country-specific implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive in the EU
  • Removal of silanes as hydrophobing agents from gypsum waste to enable gypsum recycling
  • Mineralogy and leachability of inorganic environmental pollutants from mineral fractions of bottom ash from waste incineration plants
  • Comparative study of life cycle analyses on CO2 capture, storage and utilization
  • Removal of silanes as hydrophobing agents from gypsum waste to enable gypsum recycling
  • Researching and securing a suitable process for characterizing bottom ash with SEM/EDX
  • Quantification of waste prevention
  • Inventory and substitution of PFAS in industrial robots using KUKA as a case study
  • Optimization of silicon carbide moldings for the foundry process
  • Synthesis and solubility product determination of fluorine-containing Cr-spinels

Collaboration as a student/scientific assistant

Are you interested in joining our team as a student or research assistant? Please contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Vollprechtdirectly.
Furthermore, the Bavarian State Office for the Environment offers short-term employment as a student assistant (without/with a Bachelor's degree) for simple activities in the field of organic analysis .
