How to find us
Contact information:
Experimentalphysik IV
Institut für Physik
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 1
86159 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 598 -3402 (Office)
Fax: +49 821 598 -3425
E-Mail: (Office)
Building: R

Maps and directions:
Via Public transportation:
From Munich Airport take the city train S8 or the Airport Bus to reach München Hauptbahnhof. Then take the train to Augsburg Hauptbahnhof.
From Augsburg Hauptbahnhof take the tram route 3 in direction Haunstetten West or Inningen P+R and exit the tram at the stop Universität or BBW/Institut für Physik.
Via car:
Exit A8 at Kreuz Augsburg-West and follow B17. Exit B17 at Messe/Universität and turn right into Forschungsallee directly afterwards. After around 500 m turn left into Universitätsstraße and after about another 500 m turn right into Hertha-Sponer-Weg between the buildings T and R.
Parking spaces are located along the buildings R and S.