Prof. Dr. Felix Büttner

Experimental Physics V
Phone: +49 821 598 - 3751
Room: 487 (S)
Address: Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg




· Diploma of physics, University of Göttingen, 2010.

· PhD in physics, University of Mainz, 2013.

· Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leader, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and University of Potsdam, 2020-2022.





2022−            Professor (W2) – Experimental Physics V, University of Augsburg

2022−            Joint Research Group Leader, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

2020−2022    Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leader, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and University of Potsdam

2015−2020    Postdoctoral researcher − Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2014−2015    IT engineer − Daimler AG, Stuttgart





Magnetism and Coherent X-Ray Imaging: 

- Methods for ultrahigh resolution (spatial and temporal) coherent x-ray imaging, especially of magnetic systems under operando conditions

- Physics of topological magnetic states (stability and dynamics)

- Chiral magnetic materials (thin film heterostructures)

- Spin-orbit torques

- Micromagnetic modeling

- Device integration and technology transfer

No courses available.

2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011


D. V. Christensen, U. Staub, T. R. Devidas, B. Kalisky, K. C. Nowack, J. L. Webb, U. L. Andersen, A. Huck, D. A. Broadway, K. Wagner, P. Maletinsky, T. van der Sar, C. R. Du, A. Yacoby, D. Collomb, S. Bending, A. Oral, H. J. Hug, A.-O. Mandru, V. Neu, H. W. Schumacher, S. Sievers, H. Saito, A. A. Khajetoorians, N. Hauptmann, S. Baumann, A. Eichler, C. L. Degen, J. McCord, M. Vogel, M. Fiebig, P. Fischer, A. Hierro-Rodriguez, S. Finizio, S. S. Dhesi, C. Donnelly, Felix Büttner, O. Kfir, W. Hu, S. Zayko, S. Eisebitt, B. Pfau, R. Frömter, M. Kläui, F. S. Yasin, B. J. McMorran, S. Seki, X. Yu, A. Lubk, D. Wolf, N. Pryds, D. Makarov und M. Poggio
2024 roadmap on magnetic microscopy techniques and their applications in materials science

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Riccardo Battistelli, Daniel Metternich, Michael Schneider, Lisa-Marie Kern, Kai Litzius, Josefin Fuchs, Christopher Klose, Kathinka Gerlinger, Kai Bagschik, Christian M. Günther, Dieter Engel, Claus Ropers, Stefan Eisebitt, Bastian Pfau, Felix Büttner und Sergey Zayko
Coherent x-ray magnetic imaging with 5 nm resolution

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Lisa-Marie Kern, Bastian Pfau, Victor Deinhart, Michael Schneider, Christopher Klose, Kathinka Gerlinger, Steffen Wittrock, Dieter Engel, Ingo Will, Christian M. Günther, Rein Liefferink, Johan H. Mentink, Sebastian Wintz, Markus Weigand, Meng-Jie Huang, Riccardo Battistelli, Daniel Metternich, Felix Büttner, Katja Höflich und Stefan Eisebitt
Deterministic generation and guided motion of magnetic skyrmions by focused He+-ion irradiation

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Christopher Klose, Felix Büttner, Wen Hu, Claudio Mazzoli, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Stefan Eisebitt und Bastian Pfau
Photon correlation spectroscopy with heterodyne mixing based on soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

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L.-M. Kern, B. Pfau, M. Schneider, K. Gerlinger, V. Deinhart, S. Wittrock, T. Sidiropoulos, D. Engel, I. Will, C. M. Günther, K. Litzius, S. Wintz, M. Weigand, Felix Büttner und S. Eisebitt
Tailoring optical excitation to control magnetic skyrmion nucleation

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Tony X. Zhou, Joris J. Carmiggelt, Lisa M. Gächter, Ilya Esterlis, Dries Sels, Rainer J. Stöhr, Chunhui Du, Daniel Fernandez, Joaquin F. Rodriguez-Nieva, Felix Büttner, Eugene Demler und Amir Yacoby
A magnon scattering platform

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D. M. J. van Elst, M. R. A. Peters, Felix Büttner, A. Wittmann, E. A. Tremsina, C. O. Avci, R. Lavrijsen, H. J. M. Swagten und G. S. D. Beach
Accurate extraction of anisotropic spin–orbit torques from harmonic measurements

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Kathinka Gerlinger, Bastian Pfau, Felix Büttner, Michael Schneider, Lisa-Marie Kern, Josefin Fuchs, Dieter Engel, Christian M. Günther, Mantao Huang, Ivan Lemesh, Lucas Caretta, Alexandra Churikova, Piet Hessing, Christopher Klose, Christian Strüber, Clemens von Korff Schmising, Siying Huang, Angela Wittmann, Kai Litzius, Daniel Metternich, Riccardo Battistelli, Kai Bagschik, Alexandr Sadovnikov, Geoffrey S. D. Beach und Stefan Eisebitt
Application concepts for ultrafast laser-induced skyrmion creation and annihilation

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Bastian Pfau und Felix Büttner
Ultraschnelle Erzeugung von Skyrmionen: Magnetismus

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Mantao Huang, Muhammad Usama Hasan, Konstantin Klyukin, Delin Zhang, Deyuan Lyu, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Sara Sheffels, Alexandra Churikova, Felix Büttner, Jonas Zehner, Lucas Caretta, Ki-Young Lee, Joonyeon Chang, Jian-Ping Wang, Karin Leistner, Bilge Yildiz und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Voltage control of ferrimagnetic order and voltage-assisted writing of ferrimagnetic spin textures

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Lucas Caretta, Ethan Rosenberg, Felix Büttner, Takian Fakhrul, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Zhen Chen, Pooja Reddy, David A. Muller, Caroline A. Ross und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction arising from rare-earth orbital magnetism in insulating magnetic oxides

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Felix Büttner, Bastian Pfau, Marie Böttcher, Michael Schneider, Giuseppe Mercurio, Christian M. Günther, Piet Hessing, Christopher Klose, Angela Wittmann, Kathinka Gerlinger, Lisa-Marie Kern, Christian Strüber, Clemens von Korff Schmising, Josefin Fuchs, Dieter Engel, Alexandra Churikova, Siying Huang, Daniel Suzuki, Ivan Lemesh, Mantao Huang, Lucas Caretta, David Weder, John H. Gaida, Marcel Möller, Tyler R. Harvey, Sergey Zayko, Kai Bagschik, Robert Carley, Laurent Mercadier, Justine Schlappa, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Loïc Le Guyarder, Natalia Gerasimova, Andreas Scherz, Carsten Deiter, Rafael Gort, David Hickin, Jun Zhu, Monica Turcato, David Lomidze, Florian Erdinger, Andrea Castoldi, Stefano Maffessanti, Matteo Porro, Andrey Samartsev, Jairo Sinova, Claus Ropers, Johan H. Mentink, Bertrand Dupé, Geoffrey S. D. Beach und Stefan Eisebitt
Observation of fluctuation-mediated picosecond nucleation of a topological phase

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Felix Büttner, Mohamad A. Mawass, Jackson Bauer, Ethan Rosenberg, Lucas Caretta, Can Onur Avci, Joachim Gräfe, Simone Finizio, C. A. F. Vaz, Nina Novakovic, Markus Weigand, Kai Litzius, Johannes Förster, Nick Träger, Felix Groß, Daniel Suzuki, Mantao Huang, Jason Bartell, Florian Kronast, Jörg Raabe, Gisela Schütz, Caroline A. Ross und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Thermal nucleation and high-resolution imaging of submicrometer magnetic bubbles in thin thulium iron garnet films with perpendicular anisotropy

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Noah Kent, Robert Streubel, Charles-Henri Lambert, Alejandro Ceballos, Soong-Gun Je, Scott Dhuey, Mi-Young Im, Felix Büttner, Frances Hellman, Sayeef Salahuddin und Peter Fischer
Generation and stability of structurally imprinted target skyrmions in magnetic multilayers

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Aik Jun Tan, Mantao Huang, Sara Sheffels, Felix Büttner, Sunho Kim, Adrian H. Hunt, Iradwikanari Waluyo, Harry L. Tuller und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Hydration of gadolinium oxide (GdOx) and its effect on voltage-induced Co oxidation in a Pt/Co/GdOx/Au heterostructure

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Can Onur Avci, Ethan Rosenberg, Lucas Caretta, Felix Büttner, Maxwell Mann, Colin Marcus, David Bono, Caroline A. Ross und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Interface-driven chiral magnetism and current-driven domain walls in insulating magnetic garnets

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Parnika Agrawal, Felix Büttner, Ivan Lemesh, Sarah Schlotter und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Measurement of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from static domain imaging

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Mantao Huang, Aik Jun Tan, Felix Büttner, Hailong Liu, Qifeng Ruan, Wen Hu, Claudio Mazzoli, Stuart Wilkins, Chuanhua Duan, Joel K. W. Yang und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Voltage-gated optics and plasmonics enabled by solid-state proton pumping

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Ivan Lemesh, Kai Litzius, Marie Böttcher, Pedram Bassirian, Nico Kerber, Daniel Heinze, Jakub Zázvorka, Felix Büttner, Lucas Caretta, Maxwell Mann, Markus Weigand, Simone Finizio, Jörg Raabe, Mi‐Young Im, Hermann Stoll, Gisela Schütz, Bertrand Dupé, Mathias Kläui und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Current‐induced skyrmion generation through morphological thermal transitions in chiral ferromagnetic heterostructures

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Lucas Caretta, Maxwell Mann, Felix Büttner, Kohei Ueda, Bastian Pfau, Christian M. Günther, Piet Hessing, Alexandra Churikova, Christopher Klose, Michael Schneider, Dieter Engel, Colin Marcus, David Bono, Kai Bagschik, Stefan Eisebitt und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Fast current-driven domain walls and small skyrmions in a compensated ferrimagnet

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Aik Jun Tan, Mantao Huang, Can Onur Avci, Felix Büttner, Maxwell Mann, Wen Hu, Claudio Mazzoli, Stuart Wilkins, Harry L. Tuller und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Magneto-ionic control of magnetism using a solid-state proton pump

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Y. Dovzhenko, F. Casola, S. Schlotter, T. X. Zhou, Felix Büttner, R. L. Walsworth, G. S. D. Beach und A. Yacoby
Magnetostatic twists in room-temperature skyrmions explored by nitrogen-vacancy center spin texture reconstruction

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Felix Büttner, Ivan Lemesh und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Theory of isolated magnetic skyrmions: from fundamentals to room temperature applications

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Ivan Lemesh, Felix Büttner und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Accurate model of the stripe domain phase of perpendicularly magnetized multilayers

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Felix Büttner, Ivan Lemesh, Michael Schneider, Bastian Pfau, Christian M. Günther, Piet Hessing, Jan Geilhufe, Lucas Caretta, Dieter Engel, Benjamin Krüger, Jens Viefhaus, Stefan Eisebitt und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Field-free deterministic ultrafast creation of magnetic skyrmions by spin–orbit torques

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S. Jaiswal, K. Litzius, I. Lemesh, Felix Büttner, S. Finizio, J. Raabe, M. Weigand, K. Lee, J. Langer, B. Ocker, G. Jakob, G. S. D. Beach und M. Kläui
Investigation of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and room temperature skyrmions in W/CoFeB/MgO thin films and microwires

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Giovanni Finocchio, Felix Büttner, Riccardo Tomasello, Mario Carpentieri und Mathias Kläui
Magnetic skyrmions: from fundamental to applications

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Alexander Tkach, Andreas Kehlberger, Felix Büttner, Gerhard Jakob, Stefan Eisebitt und Mathias Kläui
Modification of magnetic anisotropy in Ni thin films by poling of (011) PMN-PT piezosubstrates

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Alexander Tkach, Andreas Kehlberger, Felix Büttner, Gerhard Jakob, Stefan Eisebitt und Mathias Kläui
Quantitative analysis of magnetization reversal in Ni thin films on unpoled and poled (0 1 1)[PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3] 0.68-[PbTiO3]0.32 piezoelectric substrates

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Kai Litzius, Ivan Lemesh, Benjamin Krüger, Pedram Bassirian, Lucas Caretta, Kornel Richter, Felix Büttner, Koji Sato, Oleg A. Tretiakov, Johannes Förster, Robert M. Reeve, Markus Weigand, Iuliia Bykova, Hermann Stoll, Gisela Schütz, Geoffrey S. D. Beach und Mathias Kläui
Skyrmion Hall effect revealed by direct time-resolved X-ray microscopy

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Felix Büttner und Mathias Kläui
Skyrmionen - magnetische Wirbel als Datenspeicher

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Felix Büttner, Benjamin Krüger, Stefan Eisebitt und Mathias Kläui
Accurate calculation of the transverse anisotropy of a magnetic domain wall in perpendicularly magnetized multilayers

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Felix Büttner, C. Moutafis, M. Schneider, B. Krüger, C. M. Günther, J. Geilhufe, C. v. Korff Schmising, J. Mohanty, B. Pfau, S. Schaffert, A. Bisig, M. Foerster, T. Schulz, C. A. F. Vaz, J. H. Franken, H. J. M. Swagten, M. Kläui und S. Eisebitt
Dynamics and inertia of skyrmionic spin structures

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Alexander Tkach, Andreas Kehlberger, Felix Büttner, Gerhard Jakob, Stefan Eisebitt und Mathias Kläui
Electric field modification of magnetotransport in Ni thin films on (011) PMN-PT piezosubstrates

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Alexander Tkach, Mehrdad Baghaie Yazdi, Michael Foerster, Felix Büttner, Mehran Vafaee, Maximilian Fries und Mathias Kläui
Magnetoelectric properties of epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films on (011) PMN-PT piezosubstrates

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S. Finizio, M. Foerster, B. Krüger, C. A. F. Vaz, T. Miyawaki, M. A. Mawass, L. Peña, L. Méchin, S. Hühn, V. Moshnyaga, Felix Büttner, A. Bisig, L. Le. Guyader, S. El Moussaoui, S. Valencia, F. Kronast, S. Eisebitt und M. Kläui
Domain wall transformations and hopping in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanostructures imaged with high resolution x-ray magnetic microscopy

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Michael Foerster, Luis Peña, C. A. F. Vaz, Jan Heinen, Simone Finizio, Tomek Schulz, André Bisig, Felix Büttner, Stefan Eisebitt, Laurence Méchin, Sebastian Hühn, Vasily Moshnyaga und Mathias Kläui
Efficient spin transfer torque in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 nanostructures

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J. Geilhufe, B. Pfau, M. Schneider, Felix Büttner, C. M. Günther, S. Werner, S. Schaffert, E. Guehrs, S. Frömmel, M. Kläui und S. Eisebitt
Monolithic focused reference beam x-ray holography

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June-Seo Kim, Mohamad-Assaad Mawass, André Bisig, Benjamin Krüger, Robert M. Reeve, Tomek Schulz, Felix Büttner, Jungbum Yoon, Chun-Yeol You, Markus Weigand, Hermann Stoll, Gisela Schütz, Henk J. M. Swagten, Bert Koopmans, Stefan Eisebitt und Mathias Kläui
Synchronous precessional motion of multiple domain walls in a ferromagnetic nanowire by perpendicular field pulses

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Felix Büttner, Michael Schneider, Christian M. Günther, C. A. F. Vaz, Bert Lägel, Dirk Berger, Sören Selve, Mathias Kläui und Stefan Eisebitt
Automatable sample fabrication process for pump-probe x-ray holographic imaging

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L. Müller, C. Gutt, B. Pfau, S. Schaffert, J. Geilhufe, Felix Büttner, J. Mohanty, S. Flewett, R. Treusch, S. Düsterer, H. Redlin, A. Al-Shemmary, M. Hille, A. Kobs, R. Frömter, H. P. Oepen, B. Ziaja, N. Medvedev, S.-K. Son, R. Thiele, R. Santra, B. Vodungbo, J. Lüning, S. Eisebitt und G. Grübel
Breakdown of the x-ray resonant magnetic scattering signal during intense pulses of extreme ultraviolet free-electron-laser radiation

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André Bisig, Martin Stärk, Mohamad-Assaad Mawass, Christoforos Moutafis, Jan Rhensius, Jakoba Heidler, Felix Büttner, Matthias Noske, Markus Weigand, Stefan Eisebitt, Tolek Tyliszczak, Bartel Van Waeyenberge, Hermann Stoll, Gisela Schütz und Mathias Kläui
Correlation between spin structure oscillations and domain wall velocities

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L. Müller, C. Gutt, S. Streit-Nierobisch, M. Walther, S. Schaffert, B. Pfau, J. Geilhufe, Felix Büttner, S. Flewett, C. M. Günther, S. Eisebitt, A. Kobs, M. Hille, D. Stickler, R. Frömter, H. P. Oepen, J. Lüning und G. Grübel
Endstation for ultrafast magnetic scattering experiments at the free-electron laser in Hamburg

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Felix Büttner, C. Moutafis, A. Bisig, P. Wohlhüter, C. M. Günther, J. Mohanty, J. Geilhufe, M. Schneider, C. v. Korff Schmising, S. Schaffert, B. Pfau, M. Hantschmann, M. Riemeier, M. Emmel, S. Finizio, G. Jakob, M. Weigand, J. Rhensius, J. H. Franken, R. Lavrijsen, H. J. M. Swagten, H. Stoll, S. Eisebitt und M. Kläui
Magnetic states in low-pinning high-anisotropy material nanostructures suitable for dynamic imaging

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L. Müller, S. Schleitzer, C. Gutt, B. Pfau, S. Schaffert, J. Geilhufe, C. von Korff Schmising, M. Schneider, C. M. Günther, Felix Büttner, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, S. Düsterer, H. Redlin, A. Al-Shemmary, R. Treusch, J. Bach, R. Frömter, B. Vodungbo, J. Gautier, P. Zeitoun, H. Popescu, V. Lopez-Flores, N. Beaulieu, F. Sirotti, N. Jaouen, G. Malinowski, B. Tudu, K. Li, J. Lüning, H. P. Oepen, M. Kiskinova, S. Eisebitt und G. Grübel
Ultrafast dynamics of magnetic domain structures probed by coherent free-electron laser light

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S. Flewett, C. M. Günther, C. von Korff Schmising, B. Pfau, J. Mohanty, Felix Büttner, M. Riemeier, M. Hantschmann, M. Kläui und S. Eisebitt
Holographically aided iterative phase retrieval

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B. Pfau, S. Schaffert, L. Müller, C. Gutt, A. Al-Shemmary, Felix Büttner, R. Delaunay, S. Düsterer, S. Flewett, R. Frömter, J. Geilhufe, E. Guehrs, C.M. Günther, R. Hawaldar, M. Hille, N. Jaouen, A. Kobs, K. Li, J. Mohanty, H. Redlin, W.F. Schlotter, D. Stickler, R. Treusch, B. Vodungbo, M. Kläui, H.P. Oepen, J. Lüning, G. Grübel und S. Eisebitt
Ultrafast optical demagnetization manipulates nanoscale spin structure in domain walls

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C. Moutafis, J. Rhensius, A. Bisig, Felix Büttner, C. Barton, C. Morrison, T. Thomson, C. Tieg, S. Schaffert, B. Pfau, C. M. Gunther, S. Eisebitt und M. Kläui
Skyrmions in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy dots: imaging and simulations

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Felix Büttner, Kun Zhang, Susanne Seyffarth, Tobias Liese, Hans-Ulrich Krebs, C. A. F. Vaz und Hans Hofsäss
Thickness dependence of the magnetic properties of ripple-patterned Fe/MgO(001) films

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