winter term '17/'18
- Lecture: experimental solid state physics (master) (together with A. Tsirlin)
summer term '17
- Methods course: magnetic and superconducting materials
- Recitation/Lecture: magnetism (together with H. A. Krug von Nidda)
winter term '16/'17
- Lecture: experimental solid state shysics (master) (together with A. Tsirlin)
summer term '16
- Recitation: calculus for prospective Teachers (experimental physics)
- Methods course: magnetic and superconducting materials
- Recitation/Lecture: magnetism (together with H. A. Krug von Nidda)
winter term '15/'16
- Recitation: calculus for prospective Teachers
(experimental physics)
summer term '15
- Recitation: calculus for prospective Teachers (experimental physics)
- Methods course: magnetic and superconducting materials
winter term '14/'15
- Recitation: calculus for prospective Teachers (experimental physics)