Prof. Dr. Anita Fetzer


Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls von 2012 bis 2024



research interests


• Theories of context
• Rejection, denial and other non-acceptances
• Evidentiality
• Quotation
• Pragmatic markers

Discourse grammar

• Thematic structure
• Discourse relations
• Discursive glue

Discourse analysis

• Political discourse
• Intercultural discourse
• Media discourse


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994


Fetzer, Anita (2024). "It's a very good thing to bring democracy erm directly to everybody at home": participation and discursive action in mediated political discourse.
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Berthe, Florine, Fetzer, Anita, & Gaudy-Campbell, Isabelle (2024). 'What we found is': pseudo-clefts, cataphora, projection and cohesive chains.
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Fetzer, Anita (in press). Being sensible is now a radical concept I LOVE that quote haha: quotations in political speeches and user comments.
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Fetzer, Anita (2024). Book Review: Marina Sbisà: Essays on speech acts and other topics in pragmatics.
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Fetzer, Anita (in press). Quotation headlines in the printed British quality press: (re-)contextualisation meets entextualisation.
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Fetzer, Anita (2023). Context: theoretical analysis and its implications for political discourse analysis.
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Klumm, Matthias, Fetzer, Anita, & Keizer, Evelien (2023). Continuative and contrastive discourse relations across discourse domains: cognitive and cross-linguistic approaches.
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Fetzer, Anita & Klumm, Matthias (2023). The linguistic realization of continuative discourse relations in English discourse: a context-based analysis across narrative and argumentative genres.
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Fetzer, Anita (2022). Doing things with discourse in the mediated political arena: participation and pluralism of discursive action.
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Meer, Dorothee & Fetzer, Anita (2022). Gesprächsanalyse: Methoden und Verfahren zur Analyse authentischer Gespräche.
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Klumm, Matthias, Jilka, Matthias, & Fetzer, Anita (2022). Multilingualism and language acquisition with a focus on EFL: the theory and practice of cognitive linguistic perspectives.
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Fetzer, Anita (2022). Role of context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2022). Small stories and accountability of discursive action in mediated political discourse: contextualisation and recontextualisation of ordinary and not-so-ordinary participants.
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Metzeltin, Michael, Fetzer, Anita, Loureda, Óscar, & López Serena, Araceli (2022). Texte und Textsorten.
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Finkbeiner, Rita & Fetzer, Anita (2022). Wh-Überschriften im Deutschen und Englischen: eine explorative kontrastive Studie zu ihrer Form und textstrukturierenden Funktion in Pressetexten.
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Fetzer, Anita (2022). ‘For (…) a leader like this Prime Minister to talk about morals and morality is a disgrace’: offensive action, uptake and moral implications in the context of parliamentary debates.
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Fetzer, Anita & Witczak-Plisiecka, Iwona (2021). Argumentative, political and legal discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2021). Computer-mediated discourse in context: pluralism of communicative action and discourse common ground.
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Fetzer, Anita (2021). Quotation, meta-data and transparency of sources in mediated political discourse.
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Weizman, Elda & Fetzer, Anita (2021). The discursive construction of accountability for communicative action to citizens: a contrastive analysis across Israeli and British media discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2020). "And I quote": forms and functions of quotations in Prime Minister's questions.
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Fetzer, Anita (2020). "The hon. Gentleman says this is rubbish; it is absolutely true": the strategic use of references to truth in Prime Minister’s Questions.
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Bull, Peter, Fetzer, Anita, & Kádár, Dániel Z. (2020). Calling Mr Speaker 'Mr Speaker': the strategic use of ritual references to the Speaker of the UK House of Commons.
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Fetzer, Anita & Weiss, Daniel (2020). Doing things with quotes: introduction.
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Parini, Alejandro & Fetzer, Anita (2019). Evidentiality and stance in YouTube comments on smartphone reviews.
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Weizman, Elda & Fetzer, Anita (2019). Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita & Bull, Peter (2019). Quoting ordinary people in Prime Minister’s Questions.
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Fetzer, Anita (2019). Some food for thought on the theory and practice of internet pragmatics.
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Fetzer, Anita & Weizman, Elda (Eds.). (2019). The construction of 'ordinariness' across media genres.
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Weizman, Elda & Fetzer, Anita (2018). Constructing ordinariness in online journals: a corpus-based study in the Israeli context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). Discourse analysis.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). Discourse pragmatics: communicative action meets discourse analysis.
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Fetzer, Anita & Speyer, Augustin (2018). Discourse relations across genres and contexts: a contrastive analysis of English and German discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). Speech acts in discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). The encoding and signalling of discourse relations in argumentative discourse: evidence across production formats.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). The linguistic realization of contrastive discourse relations in context: contextualization and discourse common ground.
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Fetzer, Anita & Weizman, Elda (2018). ‘What I would say to John and everyone like John is ...’: the construction of ordinariness through quotations in mediated political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). “And you know, Jeremy, my father came from a very poor background indeed”: collective identities and the private-public interface in political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2018). “Our Chief Political Editor reads between the lines of the Chancellor’s Budget speech”: the strategic exploitation of conversational implicature in mediated political discourse.
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Speyer, Augustin & Fetzer, Anita (2018). “Well would you believe it, I have failed the exam again”: discourse relations in English and German personal narratives.
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Fetzer, Anita (2017). Appropriateness, communicative activity and context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2017). Context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2017). Contextualising Contrastive Discourse Relations: Evidence from Single-Authored and Co-constructed Texts.
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Fetzer, Anita (2017). Contrastive discourse relations in context: Evidence from monologic and dialogic editing tasks.
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Hofmockel, Carolin, Fetzer, Anita, & Maier, Robert M. (2017). Discourse relations: Genre-specific degrees of overtness in argumentative and narrative discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2017). The dynamics of discourse: quantity meets quality.
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Oishi, Etsuko & Fetzer, Anita (2016). Expositives in discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2016). Political interviews and responsibility: a case study of its interactional organization.
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Fetzer, Anita (2016). Pragmemes in discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2016). Small Stories: theories and applications.
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Maier, Robert M., Hofmockel, Carolin, & Fetzer, Anita (2016). The negotiation of discourse relations in context: co-constructing degrees of overtness.
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Fetzer, Anita (2015). Appropriateness in context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2015). Appropriateness in context.
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Weizman, Elda & Fetzer, Anita (Eds.). (2015). Follow-ups in political discourse: explorations across contexts and discourse domains.
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Fetzer, Anita & Weizman, Elda (2015). Following up across contexts and discourse domains: Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita, Weizman, Elda, & Berlin, Lawrence N. (2015). Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita & Reber, Elisabeth (2015). Quoting in Political Discourse: Professional Talk Meets Ordinary Postings.
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Fetzer, Anita (2015). Sort of and kind of in political discourse: Hedge, head of NP or contextualization cue?.
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Fetzer, Anita, Weizman, Elda, & Berlin, Lawrence N. (Eds.). (2015). The dynamics of political discourse: forms and functions of follow-ups.
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Fetzer, Anita (2015). ‘When you came into office you said that your government would be different’: forms and functions of quotations in mediated political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). Conceptualising discourse.
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Aijmer, Karin & Fetzer, Anita (2014). Discourse linguistics: theory and practice.
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Fetzer, Anita & Oishi, Etsuko (2014). Evidentiality in discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). Foregrounding evidentiality in (English) academic discourse: patterned co-occurrences of the sensory perception verbs seem and appear.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). Hedges in Context: Form and Function of Sort of and Kind of.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). I think, I mean and I believe in political discourse: collocates, functions and distribution.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). Istvan Kecskes: Intercultural Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, Vii, 277 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). Media discourse in context.
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Speyer, Augustin & Fetzer, Anita (2014). The coding of discourse relations in English and German argumentative discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). We and I, and you and them: people, power and solidarity.
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Fetzer, Anita (2014). “Judge us on what we do”: the strategic use of collective we in political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2013). Grammar in political debate.
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Fetzer, Anita (2013). Michael Meeuwis and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.): Pragmaticizing understanding. Studies for Jef Verschueren. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2012, vii, 230 pp., ISBN: 978 90 272 11910.
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Fetzer, Anita & Bull, Peter (2013). Political interviews in context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2013). Structuring of discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2013). The multilayered and multifaceted nature of political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2013). The pragmatics of discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (Ed.). (2013). The pragmatics of political discourse: explorations across cultures.
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Fetzer, Anita (2012). Contexts in interaction: relating pragmatic wastebaskets.
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Berlin, Lawrence N. & Fetzer, Anita (Eds.). (2012). Dialogue in Politics.
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Berlin, Lawrence N. & Fetzer, Anita (2012). Dialogue in politics: Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita & Speyer, Augustin (2012). Discourse relations in English and German discourse: local and not-so-local constraints.
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Fetzer, Anita & Bull, Peter (2012). Face, facework and political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita, Weizman, Elda, & Reber, Elisabeth (2012). Introduction.
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(2012). Proceedings of the ESF Strategic Workshop on Follow-ups Across Discourse Domains: "A cross-cultural exploration of their forms and functions", Würzburg (Germany), 31 May – 2 June 2012.
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Fetzer, Anita (2012). Quotations in monologic and dialogic political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2012). Responsibility as a dialogic concept: a case study of political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2012). Textual coherence as a pragmatic phenomenon.
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Fetzer, Anita (2011). 'Here is the difference, here is the passion, here is the chance to be part of a great change’: strategic context importation in political discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita & Oishi, Etsuko (Eds.). (2011). Context and contexts: parts meet whole?.
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Weizman, Elda & Fetzer, Anita (2011). Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita & Oishi, Etsuko (2011). Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita (2011). Pragmatics as a linguistic concept.
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Fetzer, Anita (2011). Validity Claims in Context: Monologue Meets Dialogue.
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Fetzer, Anita (2011). “I think this is I mean perhaps this is too erm too tough a view of the world but I often think …”: redundancy as a contextualization device.
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Fetzer, Anita (2011). “So let us say here today confidently that for Britain the best is yet to come”: strategic use of deixis in discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita & Johansson, Marjut (2010). Cognitive verbs in context: a contrastive analysis of English and French argumentative discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2010). Contexts in context: micro meets macro.
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Fetzer, Anita & Bull, Peter (2010). Doing leadership in political speech: semantic processes and pragmatic inferences.
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Fetzer, Anita (2010). Small stories in political discourse: the public self goes private.
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Fetzer, Anita (2009). "I don’t think it’s a question of that at all." Cognitive verbs in context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2009). Challenges in contrast: a function-to-form approach.
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Fetzer, Anita (2009). Political interviews in the media: the private-public interface.
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Fetzer, Anita & Bull, Peter (2008). 'Well, I answer it by simply inviting you to look at the evidence': The strategic use of pronouns in political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2008). Cognitive verbs in discourse: subjectivity meets intersubjectivity.
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Fetzer, Anita & Johansson, Marjut (2008). Hybridities in political media discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita & Aijmer, Karin (2008). Pragmatic and discourse-analytic approaches to present-day English.
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Bull, Peter, Fetzer, Anita, & Johansson, Marjut (2008). Prologue: Analyzing the Fine Details of Political Commitment.
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Fetzer, Anita (2008). The expression of non-alignment in British and German political interviews: preferred and dispreferred variants.
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Fetzer, Anita (2008). Theme zones in English media discourse: Forms and functions.
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Fetzer, Anita (2008). Theme zones in contrast: an analysis of their linguistic realization in the communicative act of a non-acceptance.
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Fetzer, Anita (2008). “And I Think That Is a Very Straightforward Way of Dealing With It”: The Communicative Function of Cognitive Verbs in Political Discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Challenges in political interviews: an intercultural analysis.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Challenges in political interviews: an intercultural analysis.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Communicative Contributions and Communicative Genres: Language Production and Language Understanding in Context.
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Fetzer, Anita (Ed.). (2007). Context and appropriateness: micro meets macro.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Context, contexts and appropriateness.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). If I may say so: indexing appropriateness in dialogue.
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Fetzer, Anita & Lauerbach, Gerda (2007). Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita & Fischer, Kerstin (2007). Introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita & Fischer, Kerstin (Eds.). (2007). Lexical markers of common grounds.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Non-acceptances in context.
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Fetzer, Anita & Lauerbach, Gerda (Eds.). (2007). Political discourse in the media: cross-cultural perspectives.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Reformulation and common grounds.
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Fetzer, Anita (2007). Well if that had been true, that would have been perfectly reasonable.
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Fetzer, Anita & Johansson, Marjut (2007). ‘I’ll tell you what the truth is’: the interactional organization of confiding in political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2006). "But I notice and so will the viewers notice ...": the mediated status of political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2006). Blackledge, A. Discourse and power in a multilingual world. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005, 254 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (2006). Negative Theme Zones in political interviews: a contrastive analysis of German and English turn-initial positions.
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Fetzer, Anita & Weizman, Elda (2006). Political discourse as mediated and public discourse.
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Fetzer, Anita & Walsh, Gary (2006). Sprachbewusstheit und LehrerInnenausbildung.
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Fetzer, Anita & Bull, Peter (2006). Who are we and who are you? The strategic use of forms of address in political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2006). “Minister, we will see how the public judges you.”.
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Fetzer, Anita (2005). Communication Under the Microscope: The Theory and Practice ofMicroanalysis. Peter Bull. New York/Hove: Routledge, 2002. viii + 184pp. ISBN 0-4150-4688-2.
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Fetzer, Anita (2005). Hypertexts in context: micro meets macro.
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Fetzer, Anita (2005). Negative theme zones in political interviews: a contrastive analysis of German and English turn-initial positions.
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Fetzer, Anita (2005). Non-acceptances in political interviews: British styles and German styles in conflict?.
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Fetzer, Anita (2004). Infelicitous communication or degrees of misunderstanding?.
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Fetzer, Anita (2004). Kontextualisierungshinweise: mehr/weniger-fuzzy Hedges, Diskursmarker und Interpersonalitätsmarker.
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Fetzer, Anita (2004). Legutke, M. and Rösler, D. ed. Fremdsprachenlernen mit digitalen Medien. Tübingen: Narr. 2003.
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Fetzer, Anita (2004). Recontextualizing context: grammaticality meets appropriateness.
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Fetzer, Anita (2003). 'No Thanks': a Socio-Semiotic Approach.
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Fetzer, Anita (2002). Communicative intentions in context.
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Davies, Winifred & Fetzer, Anita (2002). Conflict Talk: Theorie und Praxis.
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Conflict Talk: theory and practice: S. 69-87
Fetzer, Anita & Akman, Varol (2002). Contexts of social action: guest editors’ introduction.
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Fetzer, Anita (2002). Différance und Différence: Sprache und Sprechen in Kontexten.
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Fetzer, Anita (2002). Fachwissenschaftliche Begleitung zum Thema: Sprachreflexion.
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Fetzer, Anita & Meierkord, Christiane (2002). Introduction: sequence, sequencing, sequential organization and sequentiality.
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Fetzer, Anita (2002). Micro situations and macro structures: natural-language communication and context.
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Fetzer, Anita (2002). Negotiating rejections: a sociocultural analysis.
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Fetzer, Anita & Davies, Winifred (2002). Non-acceptances in context: LAUD papers 2006; 653. 8. Conflict Talk: Theorie und Praxis.
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Englische Version: S. 69-87
Fetzer, Anita & Meierkord, Christiane (Eds.). (2002). Rethinking sequentiality: linguistics meets conversational interaction.
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Fetzer, Anita (2002). ‘Put bluntly, you have something of a credibility problem’: Sincerity and credibility in political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2001). Context in natural-language communication: presupposed or co-supposed?.
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Fetzer, Anita (2001). Kontextualisierung im nicht-präferierten Format.
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Fetzer, Anita (2001). Konversationsunterricht: eine kommunikative Einbahnstrasse?.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). "Vordergründig war ich für die gar nicht frau": Zur sprachlichen Repräsentation von Geschlecht.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). "Was muss ich machen, wenn ich will, dass der das da macht?" Eine interpersonal orientierte Gesprächsanalyse von ExpertInnen/Laien-Kommunikation.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). Höflichkeit und Sprachreflexion.
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Englische Version: Politeness and language awareness. S. 84-92
Fetzer, Anita (2000). Language awareness and politeness.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). Negotiating validity claims in political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). Polite rejections: teaching interpersonal communication skills.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). Politeness and language awareness.
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Fetzer, Anita (2000). Sprachreflexion und Höflichkeit.
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Englische Version: Language awareness and politeness. S. 5-8


Fetzer, Anita (1999). Challenging the unspoken: exploiting the ideology in and of political interviews.
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Fetzer, Anita (1999). Hinnenkamp, Volker: Mißverständnisse in Gesprächen. Eine empirische Untersu-chung im Rahmen der interpretativen Soziolinguistik, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1998.
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Fetzer, Anita (1999). Non-acceptances: re- or un-creating context?.
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Fetzer, Anita, Glöckner-Rist, Angelika, & Mischau, Anina (1999). Soziale Identitäten versus Geschlechtsidentitäten.
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Fetzer, Anita (1999). Srikant Sarangi and Stefaan Slembrouck: Language, Bureaucracy &Social Control, London, New York: Longman, 1996, xvi + 242 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1999). Validity claims: assigning contextual information.
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Fetzer, Anita (1998). Contextualization in a German-English context: face-wants / needs and information-wants / needs.
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Fetzer, Anita (1998). Hannes Kniffka (ed.): Recent Developments in Forensic Linguistics, Frankfurt am Main,Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang, 1996, xix + 406 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1998). Mehr-sprachliches-Material versus weniger-sprachliches-Material: zur Kontextualisierungspotenz für Zurückweisungen.
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Fetzer, Anita (1998). NEIN-SAGEN.
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Fetzer, Anita (1998). Ruth Wodak: Disorders of Discourse, Harlow: Longman, 1996; ix + 200 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1997). Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Malcom Coulthard, (eds.): Texts and Practices.Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis, London, New York: Routledge, 1996, xii +294 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1997). Konversationsanalyse und Konversationsunterricht: zur Theorie und Praxis im universitären Kontext.
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Fetzer, Anita (1997). Lynn Eubank, Larry Selinker, Michael Sharwood Smith(eds.): The Current State of Interlanguage. Studies in Honor of William E. Rutherford, Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995, vii + 293 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1997). Negative contextualization: a socio-semiotic approach to language teaching.
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Fetzer, Anita (1996). Hartmut Schröder (Hrsg.), Fachtextpragmatik, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1993, xiii + 430pp.
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Fetzer, Anita (1996). Peter Grundy, Doing pragmatics, London: Edward Arnold, 1995, vii + 216 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1996). Preference organization and interactive language teaching: communicative strategies in a German-English context.
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Fetzer, Anita (1996). Preference organization und Sprechfertigkeit im englisch-deutschen Kontext: vom propositionalen Schlagabtausch zur interkulturellen Kompetenz.
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Fetzer, Anita (1995). Michael McCarthy/Ronald Carter: Language as Discourse. Perspectives for LanguageTeaching, Harlow: Longman, 1994, xv + 230 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1995). Michael Sharwood Smith: Second Language Learning. Theoretical Foundations, Harlow: Longman, 1994, xxi + 235 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1995). Priska Pschaid: Language and Power in the Office, Tübingen: Narr, 1993, viii + 218 pp..
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Fetzer, Anita (1994). Negative Interaktionen: kommunikative Strategien im britischen Englisch und interkulturelle Inferenzen.
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Fetzer, Anita (1994). Richard J. Watts, Sachiko Ide, Konrad Ehlich,(eds.): Politeness in Language. Studies in its History, Theory and Practice, Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992, viii + 381 pp..
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