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March 3, 2025

“Wetlands in History” receives support from SEED funding from the University of Augsburg

The working group “Wetlands in History: Histories from the quaking zone, 1630-1997” receives support from SEED funding from the University of Augsburg and can thus continue and expand its work.
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Feb. 27, 2025

Poem from Anne-Sophie Balzer about the Schneefernerhaus published at webpage from Elitenetzwerk Bayern

Here you can find the author's personal impressions of the Schneefernerhaus: "In the con­text of the mas­ter's semi­nar “Is Win­ter still Com­ing?”, I had the op­por­tunity to talk about glaci­er poetry with the stu­dents on site and then stay a little longer on my own. The poem was writ­ten dur­ing a two-day stay in Janu­ary 2025."
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Feb. 25, 2025

Prof. Dr. Simone Müller receives the Harold & Margaret Sprout Award of the International Studies Association for “The Toxic Ship”

The Toxic Ship by environmental historian Simone Müller receives the Harold & Margaret Sprout Award. Since 1972, the award has been given annually to the best book in the field of international environmental problems -- a book that contributes to theory and interdisciplinarity, demonstrates accuracy and coherence in research and writing, and offers accessibility and practical relevance.
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Toxic Ship Cover
Jan. 22, 2025

Research from Augsburg in „The Guardian”

The USA is increasingly shipping toxic waste to Mexico.


The British newspaper The Guardian quoted Simone M. Müller in one of its most recent articles. It sums up the problem the USA causes by shipping off their toxic waste to Mexico – “out of sight, out of mind” like Simone M. Müller accurately describes it.

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Dec. 10, 2024

New book "Ecological Ambivalence, Complexity, and Change" has been published

Simone M. Müller, Matthias Schmidt and Kirsten Twelbeck have published a new book together. Many scientists have come together to offer a systematic, interdisciplinary analysis of today's ecological changes.
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Ecological Ambivalence Buchcover
Sept. 19, 2024

Workshop Matter and Meaning: New Material Ecologies in Culture and History

The workshop “Matter and Meaning” investigates both material histories and the intricate relationships that exist between societies and their material and ecological environment. It is informed and yet seeks to move beyond the ‘constructivist- essentialist impasse’ that has long dominated environmental history, for instance.



This is the second workshop in a series of three, in a collaborative sequence between the Universities of Augsburg, Konstanz, Tübingen, Basel and ETH Zürich, and takes place on September 30 and October 1, 2024 at the Environmental Science Centre (WZU), Room 101



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Humustoilette Skizze F. Hundertwasser
July 18, 2024

ATLANTIC APPETITES - culinary talks with Dr. Sasha Gora & Rafram Chaddad

At the Water & Sound Festival organized by the City of Augsburg, Dr. Sasha Gora speaks at the Panel "Atlantic Appetites + The Nigerdelta Experience".


How do fish, the culture of their catch and their preparation create and change the Atlantic and Mediterranean world? Cultural historian L. Sasha Gora and artist Rafram Chaddad share research, stories and snacks about Atlantic cod in a mixture of conversation and culinary presentation: “the fish that changed the world”. Their conversation weaves together stories about cod, movement and migration, cuisine and belonging, and ends with a tasting, both with and without fish.


The event will be held partly in English. Admission is free. Seat reservations are recommended at: info@waterandsound.de


August 02, 7.30 p.m. - Augsburg Environmental Education Center


Find out more here: WaterandSound

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Kabeljau Fisch
April 26, 2024

Is Winter Still Coming? The Arctic Humanities in Times of Climate Change - Roundtable Discussion of the International Doctorate Program "Rethinking Environment"

How has human-made climate change changed the Arctic Humanities, as an interdisciplinary field of research? What can the topics, research questions, and methods that emerge in this context contribute to the common perception of and the scientific debates about the Arctic? What is the role of the humanities in dealing with the socio-ecological transformation processes taking place in the Arctic? To what extent do the disciplines involved challenge the stereotypical concept of the Arctic as a static and extra-societal region that exists outside of history?


Based on their own work in the field, Prof. Dr. Sverker Sörlin (Environmental History), Dr. Juliane Egerer (Scandinavian Studies), Anne-Sophie Balzer (Literary Studies) and Floris Winckel (History of Technology) will discuss these and other questions during our roundtable discussion on April 30 from 10:00 to 12:00 in Building D, Room 4056.


The event is open to the public.

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Poster Arctic Humanities Roundtable
Feb. 13, 2024

Podcast "Waste Trade or Waste Colonialism: A Conversation with Simone Müller"

The interview with Paul Sutter in "Edge Effects" is online as of February 15. The digital magazine focuses on environmental issues and is produced by students at the Center for Culture, History and the Environment (CHE), a research center of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


You can stream or download the episode here:



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Feb. 7, 2024

Workshop with Maya Hey on 29 February 2024

Dr. des. L. Sasha Gora, project director of the international research group “Off the Menu: Appetites, Culture, and Environment” is delighted to invite its first guest researcher to the University of Augsburg: Maya Hey. As part of her visit to Bavaria, Maya Hey will present a public lecture at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich on Wednesday 28 February 2024 (at 16:30), organized together with the RCC Fermentation Group, and a workshop at the WZU at the University of Augsburg on Thursday 29 February 2024 (from 10:00 to 17:30).


Maya Hey is an expert on human-microbe relations in food settings, with degrees in dietetics, food studies, and communications. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher with the Centre for the Social Study of Microbes at the University of Helsinki.

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Sensoriography - MayaHey
Aug. 24, 2023

Podcast on Simone M. Müllers newly released book "The Toxic Ship"

Brian Hamilton, chair of the Department of History and Social Sciences at Deerfield Academy, talks with Simone M. Müller about her new book on his New Books Network - Environmental Studies podcast.


In "The Toxic Ship: The Voyage of the Khian Sea and the Global Waste Trade" (University of Washington Press, 2023), Simone M. Müller uses the voyage of the ship as a lens to illuminate the global trade in hazardous waste - the transport of materials ranging from obsolete consumer goods and pesticides to barges carrying all kinds of toxic waste - from the 1970s to the present.



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Buchtitel The Toxic Ship
May 4, 2023

New DFG Heisenberg Professor at the University of Augsburg

The University of Augsburg has appointed historian Prof. Dr Simone Müller, an expert on global environmental history and environmental humanities, as new DFG Heisenberg Professor. The sought-after historian, who works in an advisory capacity for the Polish National Science Council, the Academy of Finland, and the Swedish Research Council, researches globalisation processes and the relationship between ecology and economy. In 2017, she was nominated by the German Research Foundation as a leading researcher in her field (Academia.net).

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Prof. Dr. Simone Müller
