Tanja Habermeyer

Researcher and PhD Candidate
Media Effects and Processes
Phone: +49 821 598 5634
Room: 5047 (D)
Address: Universitätsstraße 10, 86159 Augsburg

Main research

  • Processes of Media Reception and Effects of Media Content
  • Environmental Communication, Health Communication
  • Strategic Communication
  • Design of Learning Media



Habermeyer, Tanja, Blessing, Janine N., Bilandzic, Helena, & Baur, Anna-Maria (2023). Die Wirkung von egoistischem, altruistischem und biosphärischem Framing der Plastikverschmutzung in der Umweltkommunikation. https://doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.89496
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Habermeyer, Tanja, Blessing, Janine Nadine, Bilandzic, Helena, & Reinichs, Julian (2023). Werteorientiertes Framing der Konsequenzen klimarelevanter Verhaltensweisen in der journalistischen Berichterstattung. https://doi.org/10.22032/dbt.55228
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kalch, Anja & Habermeyer, Tanja (2022). #Plastikverschmutzung – ist Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation auf Instagram eine Frage von Nähe und Distanz?. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748926436-63
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Habermeyer, Tanja, Blessing, Janine Nadine, & Hellmeier, Rebecca (2022). Extreme Botschaften und die Rolle von Empathie - Analyse der Effektivität einer Kommunikation von Tierschutzorganisationen mit extremen furchtinduzierenden Botschaften und Personifizierung. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748926436-107
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Habermeyer, Tanja & Sandmann, Marina (2021). Fear and guilt: the role of emotions in advocacy campaigns for sustainable clothing consumption (UN Sustainable Development Goal 12).
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Habermeyer, Tanja, Blessing, Janine Nadine, & Schubert, Lea (2021). Local or global climate consequences: the role of communication on sustainable consumption regarding environmentally-relevant nutrition.
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Blessing, Janine Nadine, Habermeyer, Tanja, & Claus, Verena (2021). Natürlich, motivierend, ohne Filter? Eine qualitative Befragung zu der Nutzung des Hashtags 'Fitspiration' auf Instagram und der Körperwahrnehmung junger Männer. https://doi.org/10.25598/JKM/2021-13.5
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Schneider, Sascha, Häßler, Alexandra, Habermeyer, Tanja, Beege, Maik, & Rey, Günter Daniel (2019). The more human, the higher the performance? Examining the effects of anthropomorphism on learning with media. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000273
BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Scientific Presentations on Research Results at Conferences


Blessing, J. N., Kalch, A., & Habermeyer, T. (Augsburg, 2023). „Wir können den Klimawandel stoppen“ - Positive Klimakommunikation im Rahmen von ASMR-Videos und ihr Einfluss auf Rezipierende. Presentation at the annual conference of the division Research on Media Reception and Effects of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Augsburg, Germany, 19th – 21st of January.



Blessing, J. N., Habermeyer, T., Bilandzic, H., & Kullnig, C. (Bielefeld, 2022). Je unsicherer, desto wirksamer? Der Einfluss der Wirksamkeit im Rahmen von Furchtappellen auf Instagram. Poster Presentation at the annual conference of the division Health Communication of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Bielefeld, Germany, 16th – 18th of November.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., Bilandzic, H., & Reinichs, J. (Aarhus, 2022). Rethinking climate impact regarding self-enhancement and self-transcendence values – Analyzing the effects of framing in science communication regarding climate consequences. Presentation at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Aarhus, Denmark, 19th – 22nd of October. 


Blessing, J. N., Habermeyer, T., Bilandzic, H., & Kießlich, K. (Aarhus, 2022). Climate change as a health threat or an environmental hazard happening locally or globally? - Analyzing the effects of consequence framing and local framing in newspaper articles. Poster Presentation at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Aarhus, Denmark, 19th – 22nd of October. 


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., Bilandzic, H., & Baur, A.-M. (Paris, 2022). Egoistic, Altruistic or Biospheric? – Value-Based Framing to Address Recipients in Science Communication regarding Plastic Pollution. Presentation at the Pre-Conference ‘The Science of Science Communication: Mapping the Field’ of the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France, 25th of May.


Habermeyer, T. (Bremen, 2022). Virtual presentation in the context of the Fermentation Workshop "Nachhaltigkeit und Klima(wandel) in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft". Annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Bremen, Deutschland, 22nd – 24th of February.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., Bilandzic, H., & Reinichs, J. (Ilmenau, 2022). Wertrelevantes Framing und Gain-Loss Framing der Konsequenzen umweltrelevanter Verhaltensweisen in journalistischer Berichterstattung. Virtual presentation at the annual conference of the division Science Communication of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Ilmenau, Germany, 10th – 11th of February.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., Bilandzic, H., & Baur, A.-M. (Düsseldorf, 2022). Die Wirkung von egoistischem, altruistischem und biosphärischem Framing der Konsequenzen der Plastikverschmutzung in der Umweltkommunikation. Presentation at the annual conference of the division Research on Media Reception and Effects of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Düsseldorf, Germany, 26th – 28th of January, conference postponed due to Covid-restrictions to 7th – 9th of June.




Blessing, J. N., Habermeyer, T., Bilandzic, H., & Heilmaier, K. (Louvain-La-Neuve, 2021). Severity in Fear Appeals and Local Framing as Communication Strategies for a Transition Towards an Environmentally Friendly World. Presentation at the Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche. Communication, Environnement, Sciences et Société (GER-CESS-2021): ‘Transitions in tension. Controversies and tensions around ecological transitions’. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 16th – 17th of December.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., & Schubert, L. (Metz, 2021). Climate Consequences in Narrated Scenarios or Number Projections? – Analyzing the Effects of Portraying Science Communication on Instagram. Presentation at Science & You 2021: ‘Create The Future’. Metz, France, 16th – 19th of November.


Habermeyer, T., & Sandmann, M. (Sundsvall, 2021). Fear and Guilt – The Role of Emotions in Advocacy Campaigns for Sustainable Clothing Consumption (UN Sustainable Development Goal 12). Virtual Presentation at the annual conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS): ‘Accelerating the Progress Towards the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Times of Crisis’. Sundsvall, Sweden, 12th – 15th of July.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., & Schubert, L. (Sundsvall, 2021). Local or Global Climate Consequences - The Role of Communication on Sustainable Consumption Regarding Environmentally-Relevant Nutrition. Virtual Presentation at the annual conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS): ‘Accelerating the Progress Towards the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Times of Crisis’. Sundsvall, Sweden, 12th – 15th of July.


Blessing, J. N., Habermeyer, T., & Kullnig, C. (Nairobi, 2021). Mobilizing for a Healthy Lifestyle on Instagram - The Effects of Fear and Efficacy in Influencer Health Communication. Virtual Presentation at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Nairobi, Kenia, 11th – 15th of July.


Habermeyer, T., & Sandmann, M. (Hobart, 2021). Re-MEDIAting Clothing Consumption – Comparing the Role of Fear and Guilt in their Effectiveness to Contribute to Sustainable Consumption Choices. Virtual Presentation at the annual conference International Environmental Communication Association (IECA): Conference on Communication and Environment (COCE). Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 21st – 24th of June.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., & Schubert, L. (Denver, 2021). Future Scenarios or Facts? – Analyzing Effective Communication Strategies for Sustainable Nutrition on Instagram. Virtual Presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Denver, Colorado, USA, 27th – 31st of May.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., & Hellmeier, R. (Denver, 2021). Fear Appeals and Anthropomorphism? –  The Effects of Visual and Textual Activist Communication Strategies for Sustainability and Justice in Food Systems. Virtual Presentation at the Pre-Conference ‘Visions of Change: Communication for Social and Environmental Justice’ of the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Denver, Colorado, USA, 27th of May.


Habermeyer, T., & Sandmann, M. (Leeds, 2021). Emotions as Frames to Mobilize Recipients in a Crisis? – Analyzing Communication Strategies Dealing with Clothing Mass-Production  . Virtual Presentation at the ‘CRISIS2021’ Conference of the division Risk & Crisis Communication of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Leeds, United Kingdom, 9th of April.


Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., & Hellmeier, R. (Leeds, 2021). Combating the Meat Consumption Crisis – Effects of Activists’ Communication Strategies for a More Sustainable Nutrition. Virtual Presentation at the ‘CRISIS2021’ Conference of the division Risk & Crisis Communication of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Leeds, United Kingdom, 9th of April.  


Kalch, A., & Habermeyer, T. (Munich, 2021). #Plastikverschmutzung – Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation auf Instagram als eine Frage von Verantwortung, Normen und wirksamen Handlungsvorbildern? Virtual Presentation at the annual conference of the division Research on Media Reception and Effects of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Munich, Germany, 27th – 29th of January.




Habermeyer, T., Blessing, J. N., & Dippl, L. (Aix-en-Provence, 2020). Strategic Gain-Loss Framing for Plastic Reduction – Emotions induced by a Spokesperson as a Representative of an Institution. Virtual Presentation at the Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche. Communication, Environnement, Sciences et Société (GER-CESS-2020): ‘How to Talk About the Environment? Heroes/Heralds and Environmental Communication’. Aix-en-Provence, France, 9th – 11th of December.


Habermeyer, T., & Hellmeier, R. (Omaha, 2020). Human-Like Animals? The Effects of the Animal Rights Organizations’ Approach to Communicate for Reducing Animal-Based Nutrition. Virtual Presentation at the ‘Communicating for Food Sustainability’ Conference of the International Environmental Communication Association (IECA), appertaining to the International Communication Association (ICA). Omaha, Nebraska, USA, 12th – 13th of November  .


Blessing, J. N., & Habermeyer, T., & Kullnig, C. (Braga, 2020). #Instahealth – Varying the Degree of Fear and Efficacy in Instagram Posts. Virtual Presentation at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC) of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Braga, Portugal, 2nd of October.


Blessing, J. N., & Habermeyer, T., & Claus, V. (Gold Coast, 2020). Being Fit or Looking Fit – Visual Representation of Extreme Body Images on Instagram and its Negative Influence on Health and Identity. Virtual Presentation at the Pre-Conference ‘Visual Representation and Marginality: Opening New Conversations’ of the yearly conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Gold Coast, Australia, 21st of May.


Habermeyer, T., Schneider, S., Rey, G. D., & Bilandzic, H. (Gold Coast, 2020). Instructional Communication in a Quiz Environment. The Effect of Conversational Style on Learning, Retrieval, and Motivation. Virtual Presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Gold Coast, Australia, 20th – 27th of May. 



Summer Semester 2023:

  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: "Wir schützen Insekten" - Die Kommunikation von Regierungsinstitutionen für effektive Umweltkampagnen (6 ECTS)

Winter Semester 2022/2023:

  • Foundational Seminar: Einführung in das Mediensystem + Vertiefung internationales Mediensystem (8 ECTS)

Summer Semester 2022:

  • Methods Seminar Quantitative Experiment: Überzeugen WWF, Greenpeace und PETA über Emotionen? – Entwicklung eines Online-Experiments im Kontext der Kommunikationsstrategien von Umwelt- und Naturschutzorganisationen (12 ECTS)

Winter Semester 2021/2022:

  • Foundational Seminar: Einführung in das Mediensystem + Vertiefung internationales Mediensystem (8 ECTS)
  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: Persönlich angesprochen für nachhaltige Verhaltensweisen – Wie setzen Umweltkampagnen an umweltbewusstem Verhalten an? (6 ECTS)

Summer Semester 2021:

  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: "Filme for Future" – Nachhaltigkeit in Filmen und ihre Wirkung auf Rezipierende (6 ECTS)
  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: Klimawandel-Leugner*innen im Fokus – Kommunikation bei potenziell defensiven Reaktionen (6 ECTS)

Winter Semester 2020/2021:

  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: Wie sag ich’s für welche Zielgruppe? Zielgruppen-Kommunikation im Phasenmodell der Entscheidungsbildung (6 ECTS)
  • Thematic Seminar Media Reality: Lernen in digitalen Games und Apps – Die Rolle von Lernprozessen in der Medienrealität (6 ECTS)

Summer Semester 2020:

  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: Plakate und Werbeanzeigen von Umweltorganisationen – Aufsetzen einer Klimakampagne (6 ECTS)      
  • Methods Seminar Data Analysis: Einführung in die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Datenauswertung (SPSS) (4 ECTS)
  • Methods Seminar Data Analysis: Einführung in die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Datenauswertung (SPSS) (4 ECTS)

Winter Semester 2019/2020:

  • Methods Seminar Quantitative Experiment: Der Beitrag von Klimakampagnen zu einem umweltbewussteren Handeln bei Rezipient_innen (Quantitatives Experiment) (12 ECTS)
  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: Strategische Kommunikation: Theorien und Modelle der Persuasionskommunikation (6 ECTS)

Summer Semester 2019:

  • Thematic Seminar Media Reception and Effects: Umweltkommunikation mit Schüler*innen: Entwicklung eines Lernquiz Umwelt (6 ECTS)
  • Methods Seminar Data Analysis: Einführung in die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Datenauswertung (SPSS) (4 ECTS)


Scientific activities and roles


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)
  • International Communication Association (ICA)
  • International Environmental Communication Association (IECA)
  • International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
  • European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
  • European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2019

Research Assistant at the Department of Media, Knowledge and Communication at University of Augsburg



Master of Science in Media Psychology and Instructional Psychology at the Technical University of Chemnitz

- Summer Semester 2018: Full Scholarship of the Ranke-Heinemann Stiftung for Extraordinary Achievements for a Semester Abroad at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia

- Summer Semester 2017: Semester Abroad at the Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain



Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication at University of Augsburg

- Winter Semester 2014/15: Semester Abroad at the University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
