Laura Spang

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (since 01.06.2024 at the DigiLLab)
Educational psychology
Room: 4024 (Sigma-Technopark Gebäude 10)
Open hours: Please make an appointment by E-Mail
Address: Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 6 (Sigma Technopark), 86159 Augsburg


Since April 2023

  • Research assistant and instructional designer in the project „Strengthening Competence Development through Digital, Authentic, and Feedback-Based Teaching-Learning Scenarios (KodiLL) “at the Center for Digital Teaching and Learning (DigiLLab).


  • Research assistant at the Department of Educational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Kollar)


  • Student assistant at the Department of Educational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Kollar)


  • Research internship at the Chair of Pedagogy at the University of Augsburg, as part of the LeHet-project


  • Master’s degree of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research on Teaching and Learning at University of Augsburg


  • Research assistant at the The German Youth Institute (DJI), Munich

Research foci




Article | Part of a Book | Conference Proceeding


Greisel, Martin, Spang, Laura, Fett, Kerstin, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Problem perception and problem regulation during online collaborative learning: what is important for successful collaboration?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Part of a Book

Kollar, Ingo, Greisel, Martin, Özbek, Tugce, Spang, Laura, & Vogel, Freydis (2025). Computer-supported collaborative learning.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Conference Proceeding

Spang, Laura, Greisel, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Perceptions predict problem regulation? The role of homogeneous problem perception for successful regulation in collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Spang, Laura, Keller, Melanie, Özsoy, Melissa, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Successful problem regulation in collaborative learning: how important is a homogenous problem perception? [Abstract].
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Greisel, Martin, Spang, Laura, Fett, Kerstin, Melzner, Nadine, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). "Houston, we have a problem!" Homogeneous problem perception, and immediacy and intensity of strategy use in online collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
