Editors are Reiner Keller, Sybille Münch, Werner Schneider, Wolf J. Schünemann, Inga Truschkat and Willy Viehöver.


The Journal for Discourse Studies (ZfD) - is the first peer-reviewed academic journal to react to the ever rising importance of discourse research in social sciences in the German speaking countries. As an interdisciplinary forum for discourse studies, the journal includes theoretical, methodological as well as empirical articles from social sciences and neighboring disciplines.


The journal has two regular issues per year. For more information, abstracts and open access articles, please also visit our .

Editorial office

Editorial address

Universität Augsburg

Lehrstuhl für Soziologie (Prof. Dr. Keller)

Universitätsstraße 10

86159 Augsburg





Contact persons:


Research Associate
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Soziologie mit Berücksichtigung der Sozialkunde

Scientific Board of the Journal for Discourse Studies

  • Johannes Angermüller

  • Andrea D. Bührmann

  • Rainer Diaz-Bone

  • Adele Clarke

  • Franz X. Eder

  • Ekkehard Felder

  • Fabian Kessl

  • Peter A. Kraus

  • Achim Landwehr

  • Thomas Lemke

  • Frank Nullmeier

  • Rolf Parr

  • Inga Truschkat
