Courses / Teaching
- Contact person and coordinator of the Center for International Relations (CIR)
- Contact person and coordinator of the bachelor and master degree program "German-French Management (Bachelor)"
- Contact person and coordinator of the bachelor and master degree program "German-French Management (Master)“
Contact person for the lecture Business simulation
Contact person for the lecture Economics and Regulation of Digital Markets
- Contact person for the lecture Financial Accounting I
- Contact person for the lecture Financial Accounting III
Contact person for the lecture French Financial Accounting
- Contact person for the lecture French-German intercultural management
Contact person for the lecture Intercultural Management
- Contact person for the lecttue International Accounting Seminar (KPMG)
- Contact person for the lecture Leadership ethics - a German-French comparison
- Coordinator of the study program International Business & Economics (IBE)
name | semester | type |
Bilanzierung I (Vorlesung) | winter semester 2024/25 | Vorlesung |
Bilanzierung I (Vorlesung GBM + ReWi) | winter semester 2024/25 | Vorlesung |
Bilanzierung I (Übung) | winter semester 2024/25 | Übung |
Deutsch-Französisches interkulturelles Management | winter semester 2024/25 | Vorlesung |
Bilanzierung I (Übung GBM + ReWi) | winter semester 2024/25 | Übung |
Bachelorseminar Accounting (Seminar) | winter semester 2024/25 | Seminar |
Intercultural Management | winter semester 2024/25 | Vorlesung |
Research Focus
- Research and Development Capitalization
- Research and Development Disclosures
- Empirical capital market research
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Issues
Curriculum vitae
12/2024 Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Chair of Auditing and Controlling, Prof. Dr. W. Schultze, University of Augsburg
Since 10/2018 Lecturer and researcher at the Chair of Accounting & Controlling, Prof. Dr. W. Schultze, University of Augsburg
05/2017-06/2017 Internship in Risk Management, at BayernLB in New York, USA
07/2016-09/2016 Internship in Business Development at BayernLB in Munich, Germany
11/2015-10/2018 Student Assistant at the Chair of Accounting & Controlling, Prof. Dr. W. Schultze, University of Augsburg
10/2015-09/2018 Master's degree in Finance and Information Management at the Technical University of Munich, the University of Augsburg and the University of Bayreuth, Germany
04/2015-09/2015 Internship in Corporate Finance and Treasury at Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche AG in Stuttgart, Germany
09/2013-01/2014 Semester abroad at the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan
03/2013-04/2013 Internship in the HR department, at VR Bank Würzburg
08/2012-11/2012 Internship at Capital Markets, at Helaba in Paris, France
03/2012-04/2012 Internship in Corporate and Investment Banking at UniCredit Bank AG in Würzburg, Germany
10/2011-03/2015 Bachelor studies Global Business Management at the University of Augsburg
07/2011 High School diploma
2024 |
Adolf G. Coenenberg, Axel Haller, Gerhard Mattner and Wolfgang Schultze
Adolf G. Coenenberg, Axel Haller and Wolfgang Schultze
Adolf G. Coenenberg, Axel Haller and Wolfgang Schultze
Nadine Zbiegly
2021 |
Adolf Gerhard Coenenberg, Axel Haller, Gerhard R. Mattner and Wolfgang Schultze
Adolf Gerhard Coenenberg, Axel Haller and Wolfgang Schultze
Adolf Gerhard Coenenberg, Axel Haller and Wolfgang Schultze
2020 |
Tam P. Dinh Thi', Wolfgang Schultze, Thomas List and Nadine Zbiegly