Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit: Information Systems and Management
Welcome to the Website of the Chair of Information Systems and Management
The research group at the chair investigates the transformative impact of information technology in economy and society. In this context, both the individual level, such as customers, users and citizens, and the organizational level, such as companies and public institutions, are considered.

Call for Papers on "Sustainability and Digitalization: Forging Impactful Pathways for Future Generations"
The journal Electronic Markets invites submissions for a special issue exploring the interplay between sustainability and digitalization.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business Economics
Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit was appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business Economics in August 2024.

Dr. Lars Andraschko accepts offer at ESSEC Business School in Paris Cergy
After recently successfully defending his Doctoral Thesis at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Augsburg (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit) Dr. Lars Andraschko received an offer of employment as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) from ESSEC Business School in Paris which he accepted.

Dr. Moritz Bruckner appointed to the Editorial Board of the Electronic Markets Journal
After serving as a reviewer and receiving the Outstanding Reviewer Award 2023, Dr. Moritz Bruckner has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the Electronic Markets Journal.

Dr. Moritz Bruckner appointed to the Editorial Review Board of the Information Systems Journal
Dr. Moritz Bruckner was appointed to the Editorial Review Board of the Information Systems Journal in March 2024.

Dr. Moritz Bruckner honored with the Electronic Markets Outstanding Reviewer 2023 Award
Dr. Moritz Bruckner is honored by the Editorial Board with the Outstanding Reviewer Award 2023 of the Electronic Markets Journal.

"PriBizz" Project
The Chair of Information Systems and Management is working together with the University of Tübingen, the company Privadsy UG, and a partner from the Department of Law on the project "PriBizz - Web Analytics Business Models for Privacy-by-Design and the Support of Informational Self-Determination of Citizens".

Professor Dr. Daniel Veit has been appointed as a Visiting Professor at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM), Sweden
Effective 1st of September 2023 Professor Veit was appointed Visiting Professor at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM), Sweden. LUSEM is a Triple Crown institution accredited by AACSB, EFMD, and AMBA.

Digitalization and Sustainability
The authors Christina Wagner, Verena Kessler-Verzar, Rainer Bernnat and Daniel Veit contribute a chapter titled "Digital Maturity Models" to the book Digitalization and Sustainability. The book's editors are Kathryn Brohman, Gregory S. Dawson, and Kevin C. Desouza.

Research Handbook on Information Systems and the Environment
The authors Philipp Wunderlich and Daniel Veit contribute a chapter titled "The role of smart home technology in the sustainable transformation" to the book Research Handbook on Information Systems and the Environment. The book's editors are Vanessa A. Cooper, Johann J. Kranz, Saji K. Mathew, and Richard T. Watson.
The chair's research focuses on sustainability and Green IS, digital business models and IT entrepreneurship, information privacy, pricing or price differentiation on the Internet, crowdfunding and crowdlending and sharing economy.

Visiting Speaker Seminar Series
The Visiting Speaker Seminar Series serves to exchange current research topics and results in the field of Information Systems and Management. The series focuses on invited lectures by international guest speakers who present thematicly and methodologically new research approaches, put them up for discussion and thus provide impulses at the University of Augsburg.

Cluster Strategy, Marketing & Management
The Cluster Strategy, Marketing & Management focuses on people and their decisions as success factors for companies in teaching and research. You can find more information on the cluster here.

Application periods and dates for the winter term 2024/2025
Dear Students,
please note our dates and application periods for the courses.
PLUS: The lists of topics for seminar papers and final theses are now available for download.
Post-Exam Review Summer Term 2024
Dear Students,
please note our dates and application periods for the post-exam review.
Note on preliminary corrections and correction deadlines
Dear Students,
please note that the Chair of Information Systems and Management does not offer pre-corrections. Grades will be forwarded to the Examinations Office by the deadlines set by the faculty and will appear in Studis.
General contact information:
Professor Dr. Daniel J. Veit
Chair of Business Administration, especially Information Systems and Management
- Short title: Chair of Information Systems and Management -
Address for visitors:
University of Augsburg
Faculty of Business and Economics
Building J
Room J 1410
Universitaetsstrasse 16
86159 Augsburg
Postal Address:
Chair of Information Systems and Management
Professor Dr. Daniel Veit
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Augsburg
Universitaetsstrasse 16
86135 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 598-4431
Fax: +49 821 598-4432

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