The WZU („Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt“) is a central scientific institution at Augsburg University that promotes interdisciplinary research and teaching. The focal points of our research activities are the Environmental Humanities, Environmental Health Sciences, Ressource Strategies, Narratives of Substances („Stoffgeschichten“), and science communication.

We also conduct practical (research) projects in local environments and develop solutions, together with partners from business and industry, the public and administrative sectors, and  from extra-university research institutions.

We have set standards in the inter- and transdisciplinary Environmental Sciences and work as an interface between the research conducted at Augsburg University, various partners in industry, and local authorities / NGOs active in the environmental sector.


Nov. 15, 2024

The international doctoral programme “Rethinking Environment” receives second round of funding

Following successful evaluation by an international expert committee, twelve new graduate positions have been funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, with the call for applications already advertised. Twenty-one professors researching and teaching in the environmental humanities at the University of Augsburg and LMU in Munich are looking forward to receiving applications.
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Researchers at the Zugspitze
July 17, 2023

Who’s (not) mowing?

In the summer time in particular, vegetation grows and thrives everywhere on the university campus. But how can the abundance of greenery be managed sustainably and still be used with added value for students and employees? The Environmental Science Centre (WZU) and the university's gardeners provide an insight into their commitment to biodiversity on campus.

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Schafe weiden an der Uni
Feb. 21, 2020

ForCYCLE II: effiziente Nutzung von Stäuben aus Gießereien

Beim Gießen von Eisen entstehen teilweise stark schadstoffbelastete Stäube, welche die Industrie vor besondere Herausforderungen bei der Entsorgung stellen. Ein Workshop im Rahmen des ForCYCLE II-Projekts brachte Vertreter aus Industrie und Wirtschaft zusammen, um nachaltige Lösungswege zu finden.

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Porträt der bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH



All News

Periodic Table of Daily Life

Folge 1: Die einfachste Nebelkammer der Welt
Folge 2: Ruß macht sichtbar
Folge 3: Tinte aus dem Wald
Alle 9 Folgen Periodensystem des Alltags mit zusätzlichen Informationen

Contact Partners

Environmental Science Center



Akademischer Oberrat
Environmental Science Center



Koordinatorin Environmental Humanities
Environmental Science Center



Teamassistenz Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt
Environmental Science Center



Contact and Directions:

Universität Augsburg
Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt
Universitätsstr. 1a
86159 Augsburg

phone: +49 821 598 -3561 

fax: +49 821 598 -3559



Building: U


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