UniGradZ Akademische Brotzeit: Lunch conversations on the successful acquisition of third-party funding

UniGradZ Akademische Brotzeit: Lunch conversations on the

successful acquisition of third-party funding

The conversation series organized by the Graduate Centre introduces researchers at the University of Augsburg who have successfully acquired third-party funding. The hourlong informal exchange offers PhD candidates and postodocs personal insights into different federal and state funding programmes and conveys individual experiences with the application process and the practical implementation of the research projects. The interactive format offers room for questions and discussion. You are most welcome to bring your lunch to the Akademische Brotzeit!

*Upcoming event*

Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 12.30 pm - 13:30 pm: PhD L. Sasha Gora,

Project leader of the Elite Network of Bavaria-funded Junior Research Group "Off the Menu: Appetites, Culture, and Environment“, Global Environmental History and Environmental Humanities.

Presentation in English

Location: Management-Center des ZWW, Gebäude I, Auditorium

Kindly register via e-mail: susanne.wiedemann@praesidium.uni-augsburg.de
