
Please fill out the form below. The conference fees are as follows:


Regular Conference Fee Options (June 16th until July 20th):

  • Option 7: Regular conference fee: 75 Euros.
  • Option 8: Regular conference fee + Conference Party: 85 Euros.
  • Option 9: Regular conference fee + Conference Party + Workshop (as a member of the Anglistikverband): 85 Euros.
  • Option 10: Regular conference fee  + Conference Party + Workshop (as a non-member of the Anglistikverband): 115 Euros.
  • Option 11: Regular conference fee + Workshop (as a member of the Anglistikverband): 75 Euros.
  • Option 12: Regular conference fee + Workshop (as a non-member of the Anglistikverband): 105 Euros.
Note that the workshop is free for members of the Anglistikverband. Non-members have to pay 30 euros. 
You can choose which events you want to take part in under the registration option in the registration template below.
You will receive an invoice exclusively via email (pdf) with the necessary payment information after the registration period has ended. Please leave an official email address in your registration form below to which this email will be sent. A second email address will be used for general email correspondence with the conference team. Of course, you can enter the same email address for both. Your registration data is only used to run the conference and will be deleted afterwards.
Registration closes on July 20th. 
Registration to the Anglistiktag 2024
Please note that the address details you list here will be used to create your invoice for the conference fees!
Please note that the address details you list here will be used to create your invoice for the conference fees!
Please note that the address details you list here will be used to create your invoice for the conference fees!
Please note that the address details you list here will be used to create your invoice for the conference fees!
Please note that the address details you list here will be used to create your invoice for the conference fees!
Please note that the address details you list here will be used to create your invoice for the conference fees!
Unfortunately, you cannot attend both the Water in the City and the Bertolt Brecht Tour since they take place almost at the same time.
Bitte diese Auswahlbox NICHT anhaken, falls Sie ein Mensch sind.
Um eine E-Mail-Bestätigung für die Formulareingabe zu erhalten, geben Sie bitte Ihre E-Mail-Adresse an.
Es wird eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit den Formulardaten an diese Adresse geschickt.
Unfortunately registration payments cannot be reimbursed at a later stage. 
Wir bitten zu beachten, dass getätigte Zahlungen leider nicht zu einem späteren Zeitungpunkt
erstatttet werden können.
