Green Hour: “Von Waging am See bis Harare – Lokales Engagement für Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit in interkommunaler Perspektive”

Datum: 27.06.2024, 12:00 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr 
Ort: Raum 101, innocube (Gebäude U), Universitätsstraße 1a, 86159 Augsburg
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Simone Müller (Environmental History), Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt (Human Geography), PD Dr. Kirsten Twelbeck (American Studies, WZU)
Themenbereiche: Geografie, Umwelt und Ökologie, Politik und Gesellschaft
Veranstaltungsreihe: The Green Hour - A Lunchtime Series by the Environmental Humanities
Veranstaltungsart: Diskussion
Vortragende: Dr. Nadja Hendricks

Dr. Nadja Hendricks diskutiert mit den Teilnehmenden, wie das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit Bereiche der lokalen Umweltpolitik in bayerischen Gemeinden beeinflusst hat.

"The motto “Think globally, act locally” has been a common credo since the numerous sustainability initiatives of the 1990s and emphasizes the importance of local communities for environmental and climate protection.

In this talk I will outline findings of my dissertation that focussed on how the idea of sustainability has affected areas of local environmental policy in bavarian communities.

Together we will look at how local actors defined and shaped their commitment for sustainabilty. By also looking at the twinning arrangement between the two cities of Munich and Harare we will explore the approach to sustainability by the local actors involved on both sides in a global perspective within a local framework."

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