As a masters programme, the curriculum is very flexible and allows for individual pathways. Due to this flexibility, we can only provide a rough outline of the content. Details can be found in our module handbook (click here for the module catalogue)

Approximately 25% of the programme consists of mathematics lectures. You will take courses at Master's level with a focus on mathematics related to algorithms and applications, such as modelling, numerical methods, optimisation and statistics. But there are many more options: courses in pure mathematics are equally allowed and encouraged!
Computer Science
Another 25% of the programme is made up of computer science courses. You will take master's level courses focusing on areas of computer science that require a mathematical background, such as machine learning, quantum computing and complexity. However, there are many more options in the computer science section.
You will take two seminars (i.e. small group classes in which students work together interactively on a topic and give presentations), one in Mathematics and one in Computer Science. Seminars make up approximately 7.5% of the programme.
Mathematics and Computer Science Project
Another 10% of the programme is the individually supervised maths and computer science project. A professor of your choice will assign you a current topic motivated by industrial applications or recent research in their field. The project then involves the implementation of algorithms that make progress on this topic. Topics in mathematics can be in areas such as data science, image processing, statistics and AI in medicine, inverse problems or high performance computing, and much more. The mathematics professors and their areas of expertise can be found on this website. For the computer science professors click here.
A further 7.5% of the programme consists of courses in areas where mathematics and computing are applied, for example courses in computational methods in materials engineering. The aim is to broaden your horizons and give you an idea of possible job opportunities outside of academia.
Master's thesis
The remaining 25% of the programme is your 6-month Master's thesis, where you will be involved in cutting-edge research with individual supervision and support. Knowledge gained from seminars and the project course can form the basis of a Master's thesis, but you are not required to complete your Master's dissertation with the same supervisors.
Sample Curriculum
Sum: 32 CP
Sum: 30 CP
Sum: 28 CP
Summe: 30 CP
Helpful information
Student counselling services
Mathematik und Informatik (Studienberatung in der Mathematik)
- Phone: 0821598-3926
Application and Admission
Applications should be done through the VIBS portal, which is open between March, 15 and September, 01 for applications for the following winter semester.
Should you have any questions please contact
Please note: We strongly encourage students that are non-EU citizens to submit the application considerably earlier than the deadline in case a visa application is required. The suggested submission dates in this case are May, 1 for a start in the winter semester and November, 1 for start in summer. The admission to the programme is required for visa application and the visa acquisition process may take three months or more! If you apply for the programme by May, 1 for the winter semester, you can receive an early admission ideally during May so that you will have 3.5 months to take care of visa. For support concerning visa matters we recommend you to get in touch with the
international office via the following e-mail address:
The application must be accompanied by the following documents:
- informal letter of application (letter of motivation in German or English)
- curriculum vitae
- Bachelor's or comparable university degree certificate (if the diploma cannot be presented by the application deadline, a Transcript of Records must be submitted, certifying that the candidate has passed the exams to date)
- Documentation of qualification (please follow the instructions in the VIBS portal)
- APS certificate for certificates from China, Vietnam and India
- proof of language and specialist language skills in English at B2 level, such as TOEFL or similar. (if these documents cannot be submitted by the application deadline, language proficiency will be assessed during the process)
All these documents must, if they are not available in German or English, be translated (into German or English) and certified. Copies will only be accepted if the originals are available or if the documents are officially certified.
The admission requirements are regulated in §4 and in Annex I of the Examination Regulations (in German only).
Examination board
Prüfungsausschuss Mathematik und Informatik
- Phone: +49 821 598 - 3131