Events at the CCR

Current Events

Earth for All

The Centre for Climate Resilience is delighted to invite you to the event series "Earth for all" at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg:

The events will introduce you to the groundbreaking study "Earth for all - a just world for all", which calls for five fundamental changes for a sustainable future. Augsburg scientists present the key findings of the study and discuss local opportunities for action in Augsburg. The series is organised by the Education and Sustainability Working Group in cooperation with the Technical University of Applied Sciences and the Center for Climate Resilience.

The programme will take place from April to July on seven Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm. at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg on the following dates:


Wednesday, 10.04.2024
6 pm: Introduction to the study "Earth for all - a just world for all"
Prof Dr Wolfgang Rommel, Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and Managing Director of bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH
Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Old Canteen, Building C, Brunnenlechgäßchen


Wednesday, 17.04.2024
6 pm: "Poverty reversal through changes in world trade"
Prof Dr Florian Diekert, Professor of Environmental Economics at the Institute of Economics and member of the Centre for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg
Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Alte Mensa, Building C, Brunnenlechgäßchen


Wednesday, 08.05.2024

6 pm: "A revearsal of inequality"

Prof Dr Simon Goebel, Professor of Social Work and Diversity, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Alte Mensa, Building C, Brunnenlechgäßchen


Wednesday, 15.05.2024

6 pm: "A revearsal of empowerment"

Heike Krebs, Equal Opportunities Office City of Augsburg

Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Alte Mensa, Building C, Brunnenlechgäßchen


Wednesday, 05.06.2024

6 pm: "A turnaround in nutrition"

Prof Dr Markus Keck, Professor of Urban Climate Resilience at the Institute of Geography and member of the Centre for Climate Resilience at Augsburg University

Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Alte Mensa, Building C, Brunnenlechgäßchen


Wednesday, 12.06.2024

6 pm: "Energy Transition"

Prof Dr Christine Schwaegerl, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and Chairwoman of the Climate Council of the City of Augsburg

Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Building B, Room 3.05, Brunnenlechgäßchen (opposite of Old Canteen)


Wednesday, 03.07.2024

6 pm: "Festival of Exchange and Encouragement: A Just World for All"

Location: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Park of the Silbermann Villa, Am Silbermannpark 2


We are looking forward to your participation!



Brownbag Seminar

The Centre for Climate Resilience cordially invites you to the first Brownbag seminar series:

At this informal meeting at lunchtime, ZfK members and staff will present their "work in progress" with the aim of interdisciplinary exchange, joint education and feedback from the CCR circle.


The seminar takes place on thursdays from 12:00-13:30 in the large seminar room (Geb. I.1, Raum 1201/02) on the following dates:


Thursday, 25.04.24

12:00   "Geographical perspectives on climate resilience"

            Prof Markus Keck , Chair of Environmental Economics &

            Prof Katharina Waha, Chair of Climate Resilience of Cultural Ecosystems


Thursday, 16.05.24
12:00   "From migration to mobility: Mapping the human mobility discourse in international climate politics"

            Alina Kaltenberg, Chair of Political science with a focus on climate policy

12:45   "Protection (or lack thereof) of "climate refugees" in international law"

            Jule Schröder, Chair of Public Law and Crisis Resilience


Thursday, 20.06.24  (this event takes place in the ZWW - Auditorium)
12:00   "Resilience strategies for small farmers in Latin America"

            Jakob Graf & Anna Landherr, Chair of Environmental sociology
12:45   "Resilience in Hospitals"

            Anna Heynck, Chair for Resilient Operations

Thursday, 18.07.24
12:00   "Cooperation among groups with asymmetric resource utilisation"

            Dr. Patrick Hoffmann & Anna Maier, Chair of Environmental economics
12:45   "Biodiversity Finance"

            Raphaela Schuler, Chair of Climate Finance


We are looking forward for you!

All participants are invited to bring and eat their own lunch.


Interdisciplinary lecture series

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series "Climate Resilience - Research and Transfer" in the winter term 2023/24

The Centre for Climate Resilience cordially invites you to the interdisciplinary lecture series "Climate Resilience - Research and Transfer" in the winter term 2023/24. We are pleased to be able to present the following renowned experts for our current series:




The Missing Link: The Absence of Older Adults from the Socio-Legal Discourse on Climate Change

Omer Aloni, PhD, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law

16.11.23, 16.00-17.30, onsite and live streamed via Zoom

Location: Centre for Climate Resilience, Building I.1, Room 1201/1202

Lecture language: English


The lecture on 16.11.23 unfortunately has to be cancelled due to the current situation in Israel. We wish Mr Omer Aloni all the best and hope to be able to catch up on the lecture soon!



Earth system tipping points: Evidence, Uncertainities, and potential impacts

Prof. Dr. Niklas Boers, Technical University of Munich, Chair of Earth System Modelling and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), head of the FutureLab "Artificial Intelligence in the Anthropocene"

30.11.23, 16.00-17.30 Uhr, onsite and live streamed via Zoom

Location: Centre for Climate Resilience, Building I.1, Room 1201/1202

Lecture language: English


Supply chains in the context of the climate crisis

Dr. Karin Fischer, University of Linz, head of the Department of Global Sociology and Development Research

01.02.24, 16.00-17.30, onsite and live streamed via Zoom

Location: Centre for Climate Resilience, Building I.1, Room 1201/1202

Lecture language: German




All lectures will also be livestreamed via Zoom:



Meeting-ID: 685 1482 5373
Kenncode: ht6s!h


We look forward to your participation, exciting insights and discussions!
