Invitation: "Responsible Research" event for next generation researchers on 25 July, 2024

Responsible Research 2024
An open event for next-generation researchers in the Munich community and beyond
All researchers are obliged to conform to rules and principles of Good Scientific Practice, as dictated by institutional regulations and in Germany by the DFG Code of Conduct. As technologies and research fields evolve, it is important not only to educate and raise awareness about principles of research integrity but also to discuss how lege artis may be changing and evolving – and to reinforce the idea that good scientific practice lies in our own hands. We are all responsible!
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024
Time: 12 pm to 6 pm
Venue: Biomedical Center LMU (BMC) and Biocenter LMU, Campus Martinsried, Großhaderner Str.2-9, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried
3 Keynote Lectures (live streaming) and 5 Breakout Sessions - Co-hosted by the GraduateCenterLMU and the Life Science Munich Network of graduate programs
Our collaborative initiative marks its 10th year with a fourth Responsible Research event, addressing acutely relevant topics:
  • Unconscious bias in academia
  • Supervision standards
  • Emerging tools and issues with artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Authorship and Plagiarism
  • Predatory Publishing and Bibliometrics
  • Science Communication
